Imaginez découvrir un trésor caché sous les vagues—eh bien, c'est exactement ce que les archéologues viennent de faire ! Ils ont trouvé 250 navires échoués, remplis d'or, d'argent, et d'autres objets de valeur, perdus depuis des siècles sous la mer. Ces navires appartenaient à des commerçants, des explorateurs et peut-être même des pirates, chacun transportant une cargaison inestimable avant de rencontrer leur destin aquatique. Une partie de l'or est si bien conservée qu'elle brille encore, intacte par le temps ! Les experts étudient maintenant minutieusement ces épaves pour découvrir leurs histoires—d'où elles venaient, qui les possédait, et comment elles ont coulé. Cette découverte incroyable pourrait réécrire l'histoire et ramener des trésors perdus depuis longtemps à la surface ! Animation créée par Sympa.
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00:00A Portuguese archaeologist has just unearthed several gold-laden wreckages,
00:06including a Spanish galleon carrying 22 tons of gold and silver.
00:11This treasure alone is estimated to be worth around $2 billion today.
00:17Archaeologist Alexandre Monteiro made this discovery almost by chance.
00:22While he was examining the archives,
00:24he came across information about a ship that disappeared in 1615.
00:29Intrigued, he decided to go looking for it.
00:32After many years of work, Alexandre not only found this particular ship,
00:37he actually found 8,620 wreckages in the Portuguese waters alone.
00:44Among them, 250 gold-laden transporters,
00:47a discovery that would make Jack Sparrow's desire for gold disappear.
00:52If most of these ships sank for trivial reasons, like storms,
00:57some of them perished in battle, sometimes spectacularly.
01:02They sailed to Europe from the New World,
01:07striking all convoys.
01:09For three decades, Alexandre Monteiro has studied historical wreckages
01:14and thus identified several shipwrecks that occurred in remarkable circumstances.
01:19In 1816, for example, a ship belonging to one of Portugal's richest men
01:25sank off the coast of Australia with no less than 6,000 silver coins.
01:30It was the first Portuguese ship to have sunk in these waters.
01:35Unfortunately, these engulfed, treasure-rich and fascinating remains
01:40are far from being easily accessible.
01:42They rest at abyssal depths and are buried under the sand.
01:46Attempting to seize them would be a patrimonial looting,
01:49and no one would want to bear such a responsibility, would they?
01:53It goes without saying that Portugal was not the only country to sink the seas at that time.
01:58The European coasts were full of wreckage containing gold deposits.
02:02It is estimated that about a million historic ships are currently resting under the waters,
02:08and the value of these lost treasures could be close to 60 billion dollars.
02:13This sum is dizzying, but don't be fooled.
02:16These gold-encompassing wreckages do not justify the risks involved.
02:21The maritime history is full of examples where the discovery of a treasure
02:25resulted in endless trials, and even heavy prison sentences.
02:30One of these stories dates back to 1746,
02:33when a violent storm sank the Prince of Conti off the coast of Britain.
02:39This ship was carrying tea, ceramics, and a hundred gold ingots.
02:44The owners obviously tried to recover their precious cargo,
02:47but if the operation is to be considered complex today, imagine the difficulties in the 18th century.
02:53It took more than two centuries to locate the wreckage.
02:56It was only in 1975 that a group of Frenchmen set it afloat,
03:01immediately taking hold of everything that had the slightest value.
03:05However, there is a good reason why the game is not worth the candle.
03:09In France, any discovery of historical potential must be reported to the authorities within a period of 48 hours.
03:17Not respecting this obligation is purely and simply committing a crime.
03:23Of course, the discoverers did declare their discovery,
03:26but only the rusty guns of the ship.
03:29As for the gold ingots, they were found on the market,
03:33and of course, each bar was worth between 1,000-2,000, or 5,000-2,300 euros.
03:38It took nearly half a century for the French authorities to get their hands on some of the stolen gold,
03:44without being able to recover it in its entirety.
03:47A fraction of the treasure was acquired by an elderly couple living in Florida,
03:52which gave them chase for money laundering, organized crime and cultural goods trafficking.
03:58Other ingots were found, as for them, in the British Museum's collection.
04:04Let us now return to the 1850s,
04:07a time when the SS Central America steamer made the connection between Panama and California.
04:14It was the height of the gold rush,
04:16a period when 3,000 people floated in California in the hope of making a fortune.
04:21The journey being far from being a ciné-cure,
04:23travelers had no choice but to transport their gold aboard large ships.
04:28This is how the SS Central America entered the scene.
04:31In 1857, it carried 578 passengers, as well as a load of about 10 tons of gold.
04:38Very few survived the shipwreck, and between 100 and 150 million dollars in gold sank with it.
04:46It was precisely this gluttonous fortune that prompted, in 1988,
04:50a group of Colombian investors to fund research to locate the wreck.
04:55The operation was led by a certain Tommy Thompson,
04:59a man obsessed with the idea of finding this lost treasure.
05:03It took him years to determine the exact location of the SS Central America,
05:08especially since the ship sailed at 2,300 meters deep in the Atlantic,
05:13making any recovery extremely complex and requiring cutting-edge technology.
05:19This project was funded by 100 such investors,
05:23who, of course, did not do it for pure philanthropy.
05:27They had injected 12.5 million dollars into this company,
05:32hoping to get at least ten times as much.
05:35But as everything did not always go as planned,
05:37as soon as the gold was brought back to the surface,
05:40the research team was sued by 39 insurance companies.
05:44At the time, when the SS Central America was still sailing,
05:48these companies had covered the load,
05:50and despite the passing of the century, they demanded to be compensated when the treasure was recovered.
05:55They claimed that it did not belong to them to recover the load,
05:59which did not mean, however, that they had made a cross on it.
06:03This argument weighed heavily,
06:05and 92% of the gold was finally attributed to the research team.
06:09But history took a more rock'n'roll turn
06:12when Tommy Thompson swindled his investors before disappearing
06:16with 4.16 million dollars and 500 gold coins,
06:20of which he stubbornly refused to reveal the hiding place.
06:22This case illustrates perfectly why most countries have established laws
06:27aimed at protecting cultural assets.
06:30Because, yes, the losses can be considered as such.
06:33That said, all maritime discoveries do not involve infraction.
06:37Let's take the example of the SS City of Cairo,
06:40a steamboat that sank in 1929
06:43with 2,000 silver coins on board for a total of 122 tons of precious metal.
06:48A company called Deep Ocean Search
06:50managed to recover these coins
06:53at a depth of 5,200 meters,
06:56or 1,400 meters more than the Titanic wreck.
06:5934 million pounds of sterling were returned to the British treasury,
07:03while Deep Ocean Search also obtained its share of the loot.
07:07The good news is that some of these coins are legally accessible to collectors.
07:12Acquiring such a treasure is undoubtedly the simplest way
07:16to approach an underwater archaeological discovery.
07:19I know, I have just reduced your dreams of piracy to nothing.
07:23But even if looting gold-filled wreckages constitutes a crime in most countries,
07:28or simply an out-of-reach financial enterprise for the common man,
07:32there is still hope.
07:34It is estimated that about $ 707,000 billion in gold
07:38rests at the bottom of the seas, without an owner.
07:41It is a real underwater gold mine.
07:44Except that the gold is dissolved in the water.
07:46Do you know how salty the sea water is?
07:48Well, it is because it is loaded with minerals, including gold.
07:52Alas, this means that you will never fall on a nugget
07:56while strolling on the beach.
07:58Each liter of sea water contains about 13 billion grams of gold,
08:02an infinitesimal amount, making its extraction complex.
08:07But this did not prevent some from trying,
08:10and of course, a scam was born.
08:13In the 1890s, a man claimed to have developed
08:16a device capable of extracting gold from sea water.
08:20Once the funds were raised, it was discreetly merged with the cash register.
08:25If you are really determined to find gold,
08:28why not go directly to the Earth's core,
08:31which would contain about 1.6 billion tons of gold,
08:3516 times more than all that humanity has extracted since its inception?
08:39No risk of piracy here,
08:41since no one has yet had the audacity to try the expedition.
08:44With all these gold-filled wrecks that archaeologists exhume from all over the globe,
08:48who knows,
08:50maybe one day we will be able to make our own discoveries,
08:53or save enough to offer ourselves some silver coins.