'I didn't even know people could die from asthma in this day and age'

  • 4 months ago
Karen and Robert Bush talk about their son, Gary, who died aged 35 after having an asthma attack
00:00 on the Monday obviously you just hope everything's going to be all right, you just carry on and you
00:06 think everything's going to be all right. We obviously all the family came in, we were all
00:16 there and literally it wasn't until the Thursday that they said they had to do some tests on him.
00:27 That's when they come and told us that he was basically brain dead and there wasn't anything
00:39 they could do. Well obviously he's our son and but he was kind, very very caring. He was a
00:51 compassionate type like. Yeah he was very very caring to us and you know my mum and dad wasn't
01:00 he, do anything for him. To be quite honest we never actually heard of MASH and if I'd have known
01:08 it to been there I would have took Gary there a long time before you know as a child.
01:17 Because we've put people onto them, you know my son's the manager of a football team and he's
01:22 got a little boy there, reminds us of Gary, he's got asthma and he's been to see the asthma nurse
01:29 who's there and she's very good. It helps people with asthma you know if it can help people that's
01:41 what we wanted to do because although I didn't personally believe that in this day and age you
01:50 could die from asthma.
