Heathcliff (S02E13) - Spike's Coach HD

  • il y a 5 mois


00:00 *musique*
00:02 *musique*
00:04 ♪ No one should ♪
00:05 ♪ Terrify their neighborhood ♪
00:07 ♪ But Heathcliff just won't be undone ♪
00:10 ♪ Playing pranks on everyone ♪
00:13 ♪ Oh-oh-oh ♪
00:14 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:18 ♪ There's a race to be on top ♪
00:20 ♪ The competition doesn't stop ♪
00:23 ♪ It's mixing with the ladies smell ♪
00:25 ♪ Being charming never an end ♪
00:28 ♪ The game will reign supreme ♪
00:30 ♪ And no one can deny-y-y-y ♪
00:33 ♪ There'll make 'em kiss the ring ♪
00:35 ♪ And always have an alibi ♪
00:38 ♪ So join in the jubilee ♪
00:41 ♪ The cats are great, they'll all agree ♪
00:43 ♪ Finding each calamity ♪
00:46 ♪ The cats are very R.I.P. ♪
00:48 ♪ Oh-oh-oh ♪
00:50 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:59 ♪ Heathcliff, Heathcliff ♪
01:00 ♪ No one should ♪
01:01 ♪ Terrify their neighborhood ♪
01:04 ♪ But Heathcliff just won't be undone ♪
01:06 ♪ You should realize he can win with you ♪
01:10 ♪ ♪ ♪
01:11 ♪ ♪ ♪
01:19 (sifflement)
01:26 - Oh, no!
01:27 (crashing)
01:29 ♪ ♪ ♪
01:34 (soupir)
01:35 - I'd better get out of here.
01:36 If Heathcliff sees me, I know he's gonna wanna fight.
01:39 (panting)
01:42 (panting)
01:47 Oh!
01:48 (panting)
01:50 (panting)
01:51 (panting)
01:52 (panting)
01:53 Aaaaah!
01:54 (panting)
01:55 (panting)
01:56 (panting)
01:57 (crashing)
01:58 ♪ ♪ ♪
01:59 (soupir)
02:05 Oh, boy.
02:06 That was a close one.
02:08 What am I doing?
02:11 I'm always running away from Heathcliff.
02:14 (soupir)
02:15 ♪ ♪ ♪
02:17 (soupir)
02:18 This is ridiculous.
02:19 No more running away.
02:21 It's time to take the bull by the horns.
02:23 This time, I'll start the fight.
02:26 (grognement)
02:28 (grognement)
02:30 (grognement)
02:31 (grognement)
02:32 (grognement)
02:33 (grognement)
02:34 (grognement)
02:35 (grognement)
02:36 (grognement)
02:37 (grognement)
02:38 (grognement)
02:39 (grognement)
02:40 (grognement)
02:41 (grognement)
02:42 (grognement)
02:43 (grognement)
02:44 (grognement)
02:45 (grognement)
02:46 (grognement)
02:47 Take that, Heathcliff.
02:48 Huh?
02:49 Oh!
02:50 Hey!
02:51 Get off my back!
02:53 (grognement)
02:54 (grognement)
02:56 (grognement)
02:57 (grognement)
02:58 (grognement)
02:59 (grognement)
03:00 Right on, Heathcliff!
03:02 (grognement)
03:03 (grognement)
03:04 (grognement)
03:05 (grognement)
03:06 (grognement)
03:07 (grognement)
03:08 (grognement)
03:09 (grognement)
03:10 (grognement)
03:11 (grognement)
03:12 (grognement)
03:13 (grognement)
03:14 (grognement)
03:15 (grognement)
03:16 I love playing rodeo.
03:18 Aw, come on, Heathcliff.
03:20 Don't leave me here.
03:22 You are pitiful.
03:23 Where's your canine pride?
03:25 Who are you?
03:27 The name is Albert.
03:29 Well, Albert, that was no ordinary cat.
03:32 That was Heathcliff.
03:34 So that was Heathcliff.
03:36 I've heard of him.
03:37 He loves beating up dogs, doesn't he?
03:40 Well, it's about time someone taught him a lesson.
03:43 What you need is a plan, and I'm just the one to help you.
03:46 With my brains and your brawn, we can take care of that cat once and for all.
03:50 Huh?
03:51 I don't know.
03:52 Heathcliff is pretty tough.
03:54 But we're dogs.
03:56 Cats aren't supposed to push dogs around.
03:58 What do you say? Let's get Heathcliff.
04:00 Get Heathcliff?
04:02 What's the plan?
04:04 Meet me here in the morning, and I'll tell you.
04:06 Oh, boy, I'm finally gonna get Heathcliff.
04:10 Hey, where'd he go?
04:12 (grognement)
04:13 (barking)
04:15 (musique)
04:25 Good morning, Albert.
04:27 You're late. We've got a lot to do.
04:29 Now carry that box over by the trees.
04:31 (musique)
04:34 (panting)
04:42 I wonder how we got in here.
04:45 (grognement)
04:50 Now put it here and unload it.
04:52 (grognement)
04:53 (boum)
04:55 (boum)
04:56 (boum)
04:57 (boum)
04:58 (pant)
05:01 What are you gonna do with all this stuff?
05:03 We are going to get Heathcliff.
05:05 Now here's the plan.
05:07 (musique)
05:09 (musique)
05:13 (paroles en anglais)
05:25 You're gonna get it now, Heathcliff.
05:28 (musique)
05:31 Hey, fuzzball.
05:33 Heathcliff.
05:35 (musique)
05:36 Sounds like Spike.
05:37 (boum)
05:39 Banana cream.
05:40 (boum)
05:41 (rire)
05:45 He never lies, does he?
05:47 (boum)
05:52 I hope I made it.
05:54 You're gonna get it now, Heathcliff.
05:56 (grognement)
05:58 (boum)
05:59 (grognement)
06:00 (grognement)
06:01 (grognement)
06:02 (grognement)
06:08 Ta-da!
06:09 (clic)
06:10 (boum)
06:11 By the way, Spike, I prefer apple pie.
06:14 (rire)
06:16 (rire)
06:17 (musique)
06:19 (boum)
06:20 Huh?
06:21 Hey! Come back here!
06:23 (boum)
06:24 (musique)
06:26 This thing doesn't work!
06:28 (musique)
06:33 (boum)
06:34 (boum)
06:35 (cris de douleur)
06:37 (boum)
06:38 (sirène)
06:40 It looks like it works fine to me.
06:42 (grognement)
06:44 Relax. I have another idea,
06:46 and this one's even better than the last one.
06:48 I hope so.
06:50 (musique)
06:57 - Ok, now just throw it over that branch.
07:00 - Why did I have to climb up here?
07:02 - Just throw the rope over the branch.
07:06 - Whoa!
07:07 Whoa!
07:08 Ah!
07:10 - Good work, Spike.
07:14 - Grrrr!
07:17 - Now, this time, I'll get Heathcliff.
07:20 When I bring him back here,
07:22 I'll get him to stand inside the rope.
07:24 Then you pull on this end of it,
07:27 and he'll be hanging by his foot from that tree.
07:30 - Hehehe! My own Heathcliff punching bag!
07:35 Oof! Ah! Oof! Ah!
07:38 Ouch!
07:40 - It's just that this experiment requires
07:50 an extremely intelligent cat.
07:52 - Well, you've come to the right place.
07:55 - Perfect. Let's begin the experiment.
08:02 - Grrrr!
08:05 - Let's begin the experiment.
08:09 - Grrrr!
08:11 - I said, let's begin the experiment.
08:15 - Grrrr!
08:18 - Excuse me for one moment, please.
08:22 - Why do I get involved with dogs?
08:25 - What's the problem?
08:27 - The rope won't move.
08:30 - I can't wait around here all day.
08:33 - Okay, you go out there and stay with Heathcliff.
08:35 I'll see if I can fix the rope.
08:37 - Wait a minute, Heathcliff! Come back!
08:40 - Ah!
08:42 - Okay, Spike, I think I fixed it.
08:44 - Grrrr!
08:46 - But it's too heavy. I can't hold it.
08:49 - Ah!
08:51 - Grrrr!
08:54 - Now I'll take this cage up to the roof of the fish market.
08:58 All you do is get Heathcliff to stand here,
09:01 and I'll drop the cage on him.
09:03 Then we throw the cage on a truck that's leaving town,
09:06 and we'll be rid of Heathcliff for good.
09:09 - This better work, Albert.
09:13 I'm taking our worst beating from you and from Heathcliff.
09:16 - Don't worry about it. This plan can't fail.
09:19 - Can't fail? Yeah.
09:21 Just like all the other plans.
09:23 Uh-oh! Here comes Heathcliff.
09:26 Albert, you ready? He's coming.
09:29 - Already up here.
09:31 - Hi, Heathcliff.
09:35 - Wish he'd hold still.
09:42 Haven't you had enough, Spike?
09:48 - No, no, no. I don't want to fight.
09:51 I just want to ask you something.
09:54 - Well, make it quick.
09:56 I have something to pick up at the fish market.
09:58 - Hee-hee-hee!
10:00 - Oh, this won't take long.
10:03 - We got you now, Heathcliff.
10:05 - Oh!
10:07 - Yaaah!
10:09 - If you're going to ask me about your new hat, Spike,
10:11 I don't like it.
10:13 Hee-hee-hee!
10:15 - That little dog has had it!
10:18 - Did we get him?
10:20 Where is he?
10:22 Oh...
10:24 (yelping)
10:26 (all groaning)
10:42 - That's what I get for trying to help.
10:45 - Gee, that looks like Spike's hat on that truck.
10:48 Hee-hee-hee!
10:50 (laughing)
10:52 - This is my little niece, Spikette.
11:04 Cute little pup, ain't she?
11:09 Like all puppies, Spikette loves to eat.
11:12 But one thing I need to teach her...
11:15 (laughing)
11:17 ...is to never take food from a stranger.
11:23 It may seem mean,
11:25 but it protects your pet from danger.
11:28 ♪ Heathcliff, Heathcliff, no one should ♪
11:36 ♪ Terrify their neighborhood ♪
11:38 ♪ Where Heathcliff just won't be undone ♪
11:41 ♪ Playing pranks on everyone ♪
11:44 ♪ The game will reign supreme ♪
11:51 ♪ And no one can deny ♪
11:53 ♪ And they'll make up history ♪
11:56 ♪ And always have an outlook by ♪
11:58 ♪ So join in the jubilee ♪
12:01 ♪ The cats are great, they're all agree ♪
12:04 ♪ Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh ♪
12:09 ♪ But Heathcliff just won't be undone ♪
12:12 ♪ You should realize he can win with you ♪
12:15 ♪ ♪ ♪
12:18 ♪ ♪ ♪
12:21 Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada
12:24 Merci à tous !