Si vous détectez ce parfum étrange : Agissez vite et partez immédiatement !

  • 3 months ago
Y a-t-il une odeur inhabituelle chez vous? Ne l'ignorez pas! Consultez notre dernière vidéo dans laquelle nous expliquons les dangers potentiels de scents étranges et pourquoi une action rapide est cruciale. Apprenez les signes à surveiller et les mesures à prendre si vous rencontrez jamais une odeur de poisson à la maison. Votre sécurité compte! Cliquez pour regarder maintenant et restez informé! Animation créée par Sympa.
Musique par Epidemic Sound

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00:00When you smell an unpleasant smell of fish at home,
00:03not that of a good salmon steak of course,
00:05this does not mean that you have forgotten to throw away the waste
00:08with the fish stock from the dinner the day before.
00:11No, such an unpleasant smell
00:13means that you should perhaps check the electrical appliances at home.
00:17Worn wires, defective disjunctors, overheated electrical systems
00:22and overloaded circuits can indeed give off a nauseating smell of fish.
00:27The reason?
00:28All these wires are covered in a plastic that releases this smell
00:31when they heat up strongly.
00:33If you smell rotten eggs in your house,
00:35immediately call the plumber.
00:37The most obvious reason is related to the problem of taste and sewage.
00:41But such a smell can also come off if the heater has problems.
00:46Another possible cause can be a gas leak.
00:48Manufacturers add a chemical product to natural gas that smells bad,
00:53so that people can easily notice the slightest leak on the field.
00:57Some think that you can smell carbon monoxide thanks to its additives,
01:01but unfortunately it does not work that way.
01:04This gas is a dangerous by-product of combustion
01:07and cannot be stored anywhere, unlike natural gas,
01:11so that no smell can be added to it.
01:13So be really careful.
01:16Like many other unpleasant things,
01:18mold actually gives off a smell,
01:21and this one is quite distinct.
01:23It has a smell of dirt and mold.
01:25It is not uncommon to find it everywhere where there is water and where it is trapped,
01:29like an undetected leak in the walls.
01:32Mold spores can develop as a result of this wet stain
01:35and can cause serious health problems.
01:38The bathroom can also have a strange smell
01:41due to stagnant water or certain residues in the sewers.
01:45If you have already called the plumber,
01:47but he can only come the next day,
01:49there is a practical thing to do to hide the smell.
01:51Add a few drops of essential oil of your choice to the toilet paper roll.
01:56Yes, the problem is still there,
01:58but at least you do not suffocate with this unpleasant sensation.
02:02If you think that your toothbrush is the cause of the smell in your bathroom,
02:06spray the support with a scented detergent.
02:08You can also make your own perfume by mixing a glass of distilled water,
02:12a tablespoon of your favorite essential oil
02:15and a tablespoon of frictional alcohol.
02:17The latter will be responsible for dealing with bacteria
02:20and the essential oil will conceal bad smells.
02:23In addition, it does not risk causing allergic reactions.
02:26The dishwasher is supposed to be impeccably clean,
02:29but in fact the smell of mold in your kitchen can also come from there.
02:34A warm and humid environment is perfect for mold spores,
02:37and if there are food residues,
02:39it is a real paradise for them to develop.
02:43To get rid of it,
02:44simply run a dry heating cycle without a dishwasher.
02:47Make sure to rinse all the interiors, including filters and panels.
02:51Sometimes, covered baskets can also be very moldy.
02:55Remove them and soak them in a diluted antibacterial detergent
02:59for about an hour.
03:00Rinse them carefully before using them.
03:03If you are allergic to mold,
03:05be prepared to feel all kinds of unpleasant symptoms
03:08such as coughing, sneezing, nausea, etc.
03:12Sometimes, people live with these chronic problems
03:14and have no idea that it is just because mold develops in their homes,
03:19in places where they cannot see with their own eyes.
03:22If, however, you find mold in your house,
03:24for example in the bathroom which is often wet,
03:27you can use an ammonia-free cleaner
03:30or dish soap to eliminate it.
03:32Make sure to protect your skin with gloves
03:35and wear long sleeves and a mask to prevent you from breathing the spores.
03:39If the area of mold is particularly extensive,
03:42it is preferable to call a professional
03:45who will come and treat the problem in the safest way possible.
03:49It is also possible that your towel smells moldy.
03:51Do not use the same towel more than three times in a row
03:54because it accumulates bacteria.
03:55In addition, a wet and dirty towel can feel very bad.
04:00A few extra pinches of baking soda
04:02from time to time in your washing cycle
04:04will help you get rid of all the bacteria.
04:07If your room smells bad,
04:09the problem could be related to your mattress.
04:11Recent tests carried out on 7-year-old mattresses
04:14have shown the presence of more than 15 million units of bacteria
04:18forming colonies per square inch,
04:20like an entire universe in your bed.
04:24There is all kinds of dirt,
04:27and even staphylococcal bacteria.
04:31Baking soda can help you again
04:33by sifting a little on the mattress
04:35and letting it rest for half an hour.
04:38Then, pass the vacuum cleaner,
04:40preferably with a brush at the end.
04:42Also beware of the strange noises that occur in your home.
04:45The clicks and bangs in winter or autumn
04:48are of course explained by the first start of heating
04:51during the cold season.
04:52Sometimes, the problem comes from the radiators
04:54and the condensed steam stuck in the system.
04:57It is the air that expands and contracts in the radiators
05:01due to temperature changes.
05:03To solve this problem,
05:04you could try to evacuate the pressure in the conduits.
05:07If the air conditioning filter is dirty,
05:10it can produce a rather strange noise
05:12that makes you feel cold in the back.
05:13A dirty filter means that the ventilation system
05:16cannot breathe in the air freely.
05:18It must therefore look for it around the filter.
05:21It may not be so obvious during the day,
05:23but it will drive you crazy at night.
05:25Well, all you have to do is change the filter
05:27and make your best dreams come true.
05:29If you plan to move into a new house,
05:31check the walls before making your choice.
05:34Surprisingly, walls covered with 20 coats of paint
05:37are a good reason to worry.
05:39Unlike old cracked walls,
05:41fresh paint is a revealing sign.
05:43There is probably something to hide.
05:46Ask the owner why these walls had to be covered urgently.
05:50Now, examine the ceiling.
05:52Once you know the dangers of popcorn-textured ceilings,
05:55you will never want to see a planet above your head again.
05:59It is because not only do they accumulate dust
06:01and are very ugly,
06:03but they can also contain a toxic substance called amiant.
06:06You hear this horror movie music.
06:09Amiant is made up of a whole battery of natural crystal fibers
06:12and is difficult to pronounce.
06:14What makes amiant a sought-after building material
06:17is its formidable resistance
06:19and its ability to withstand high temperatures.
06:22It can also be resistant to chemicals
06:24and even electricity.
06:26The roofs of some old houses
06:28may have more than one layer,
06:30and sometimes they can contain amiant.
06:33The presence of too many trees in the front yard
06:36is also a certain danger.
06:38They can fall during a storm
06:40or even catch fire because of the lightning.
06:43Don't forget that it can be expensive to cut down trees.
06:46In addition, various shrubs can hide thousands of insects
06:49that you would certainly not want to have in your house.
06:52Naturally, when nasty cockroaches and ants
06:55invade your sweet home,
06:57you choose a really toxic product.
06:59Alas, the pesticides you use to kill them
07:02are also harmful to you.
07:03To prevent this from happening,
07:05you must always clean the insects you use in your house
07:09after they have done their job.
07:11And make sure to keep the pesticides away from food
07:14or anything that touches your skin,
07:16usually under a sink or in a garage, for example.
07:20Cockroaches may seem quite harmless,
07:22but they emit potentially dangerous chemical substances
07:25known as volatile organic compounds,
07:29which come from the glue and dyes they contain.
07:32Don't forget that your new carpet
07:33can release various chemical substances
07:35in the first few days.
07:37You also have to take into account
07:38that this carpet can imprison pollutants,
07:41such as acarians, animal squam,
07:43mold, dirt, etc.,
07:45which can have harmful effects
07:47on people suffering from respiratory problems.
07:49To prevent potential risks,
07:51leave the windows open for the first few days
07:53following the installation of the new carpet
07:56so that the COV can escape
07:58and regularly vacuum the floor
08:01to get rid of the potential pollutants.
08:04Wow, I think I'm going to move into a cave.
08:07It's safer that way.
08:09Hmm, is that a bear?
08:13In the unfortunate situation
08:14where you should run away from a dangerous animal,
08:18the worst scenario would be not to see it in time.
08:21Let's take a look at some of these predators
08:24with a piercing mind
08:25who are masters in the art of camouflage.
08:28Do you know what is one of the piercing anagrams?
08:30What do you say about snakes?
08:31OK, it's not exactly an anagram,
08:33but snakes have a truly sickening perspicacity
08:36when it comes to biting you
08:38before you even know that there is one nearby.
08:40And they love to bite us.
08:42It is estimated that 4.5 million people
08:45are bitten by these reptiles every year.
08:47Unfortunately for humans,
08:48the snake with the highest venous yield,
08:51i.e. the amount of venom contained in the venous glands at some point,
08:55is also an expert in discretion.
08:57Here is the Gabon viper.
08:58No, no, don't get too close.
09:00This species of snake is found in subtropical forests
09:03and savannas in West Africa,
09:05especially in Ivory Coast,
09:06Ghana, Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone and Togo.
09:11It usually reaches a length of about 1 to 2 meters
09:14and can weigh from 9 to 11 kilos,
09:16making it one of the largest and heaviest vipers in the world.
09:20And without trying to force the trait,
09:23this species also has the largest claws of all venomous snakes.
09:27They measure at least 5 centimeters long
09:29and fold back against the palate of the snake
09:31when they are not used.
09:33If you are not yet terrified by this creature,
09:36it may be time to tell you
09:38that it has enlarged scales on its nose
09:40that look like a pair of horns,
09:42perfect to complete its wide triangular head
09:45and its vertical slit pupils.
09:47As an animal that practices ambuscade,
09:49this creature likes to take advantage of its marbled scales
09:53of a brownish gray.
09:54The bitis gabonica,
09:55of its scientific name,
09:57is a nocturnal hunter
09:58that can remain perfectly still
10:00under the leaves and plants of forest soils
10:03and patiently wait for its prey to pass before striking.
10:06This snake is carnivorous.
10:08Its diet mainly includes rodents,
10:11birds, frogs and lizards.
10:14Its hunting ability is largely due to its ability
10:17to melt in its environment.
10:19It even makes the viper capable of killing larger animals
10:22like mongooses and lizards.
10:24Needless to say that if you manage to spot a Gabon viper
10:28while walking in West Africa,
10:30there are only two things to think about.
10:33First, don't pet it.
10:34Besides, the best thing to do is to immediately flee.
10:38Although rather slow and lethargic in nature,
10:40these snakes have one of the fastest bites ever.
10:43Their head can move between 280 and 320 km per hour
10:47during an attack.
10:48And secondly,
10:49you might have to ask someone to walk in front of you,
10:52just in case.
10:53Fortunately, the bites of these creatures are very rare
10:56because the Gabon viper is much more peaceful
10:59than other dangerous snakes
11:00like the spicy viper or the black mamba.
11:03That doesn't mean you shouldn't be careful.
11:05When bites occur,
11:07it is often when a human foot accidentally walks on the creature
11:10because, as we now know,
11:12they are not always easy to spot.
11:14For the unlucky ones who get bitten,
11:16the wound is really serious.
11:18The venom of the Gabon viper is extremely dangerous
11:21if it is not countered by an antidote within 2 to 4 hours.
11:24Well, it's not a scoop
11:26that many snakes use camouflage art to their advantage
11:30since they are close to the ground and not especially large or big.
11:33But why not take a look at a larger creature
11:36that you probably imagine having no trouble spotting?
11:39Let's take, for example, a leopard.
11:41Leopards can be found in many regions of the world,
11:44such as Africa, in some parts of the Middle East,
11:46in Asia, especially in China,
11:48but also in India or even in eastern Russia.
11:51On average, they can weigh between 50 and 90 kilos
11:55and measure up to 2 meters,
11:57not counting their tail of 1 meter.
11:59Generally yellow on top and white on the bottom,
12:03leopards have dark spots arranged in rosettes all over their body.
12:07The different patterns of these spots
12:09have confirmed the existence of several breeds of leopards.
12:13Black leopards are perfectly equipped
12:15to track other animals during the night
12:17by hiding in the shade,
12:19thanks to their completely dark fur.
12:22And if you think that the spotted fur of other leopards
12:24makes them quite easy to notice,
12:26it is not the case.
12:28In environments where there are a lot of light and dark spots
12:31of different sizes and shades,
12:33it is useful to have many spots or stripes.
12:36Just think of the sun-spotted areas of the African brush
12:40and how the animal can use them to its advantage.
12:43And as if this was not enough to behave stealthily,
12:47leopards can also climb trees very well.
12:50In other words, they can also track you from above.
12:53What are the animals that are trapped
12:55by the leopard's camouflage abilities?
12:57Well, everything it can dominate,
12:59from small rodents to large antelopes.
13:01But leopards generally hunt small and medium-sized prey,
13:05such as bees and antelopes.
13:06Fortunately, of all the species of large felines
13:09that you can meet during a safari in Africa,
13:11leopards are considered the least likely to attack a human.
13:15Most cases of dangerous encounters between leopards and humans
13:19occur when the animal is weakened and unable to hunt.
13:22In this case, everything is good to take.
13:24Even if these encounters are rare,
13:26this does not mean that you should not keep your eyes wide open
13:29and give yourself their ability to hide,
13:31especially if you are on their territory.
13:33In fact, it is useless to try to escape this animal,
13:35which can reach a speed of 56 km per hour.
13:38It is interesting to note that this speed is in fact slower
13:41than the maximum speed of most of the animals it hunts,
13:44which once again testifies to the leopard's ability
13:47to hide to surprise them.
13:49There are many environments in which the leopard's pelage
13:52is at its advantage from the point of view of camouflage.
13:54But do you know in which case it could not be very effective?
13:57What do you think of the Arctic?
13:59There, it may be that you do not notice a certain pair of eyes,
14:02noses and elbows coming towards you,
14:04because the rest of its owner's body
14:06blends perfectly into the environment.
14:08The owner in question is the polar bear.
14:10If it can camouflage itself so well in its environment,
14:13it is because it can be seen as a conger.
14:15But what is surprising
14:16is that the animal's pelage is not even white.
14:19The fur of the polar bear is yellow, and its skin is black.
14:23Polar bears use their camouflage to their advantage,
14:26not only for hunting, but also for their own protection.
14:29Which is quite strange
14:31when we know that polar bears
14:32are the largest species of bears and terrestrial carnivores in the world.
14:35They can weigh up to 600 kg
14:37and measure up to 1.5 m at 4 legs,
14:40that is, almost 3 m tall.
14:43Although it is difficult to spot because of its fur,
14:46it is the art of patience
14:47that the polar bear prefers to use to look for its food.
14:50A common hunting method
14:52consists of staying perfectly still
14:54near the breathing hole of a seal.
14:56And not just for hours,
14:58but for days.
14:59Sometimes, this patience does not pay off.
15:02And even when a seal goes up to breathe,
15:05its slippery body means that on average,
15:07polar bears catch only one seal out of five.
15:10Polar bears are very good swimmers
15:13and can also hunt in the water.
15:16They can reach a speed of 10 km per hour
15:19by struggling with their front legs
15:21and by keeping their back legs flat like a gooseneck.
15:24Their legs are slightly palm-shaped to help them swim.
15:28They are generally able to hold their breath under water
15:31for 30 seconds.
15:32Fortunately, interactions between polar bears
15:35and humans are very rare.
15:37Between 1870 and 2014,
15:40there were only 73 dangerous encounters
15:42documented between the two species.
15:44As for the leopards and vipers of Gabon,
15:47you really have to look for the bear.
15:49The problem is that there is a good chance
15:51that it will find you first if you have fun doing it.
15:53Sometimes, creatures don't even use the art of camouflage.
15:57They are simply so small that you can't see them.
16:00This is the case of a species of jellyfish
16:01known as Malokingi.
16:04This creature is generally not larger than 3 cm,
16:08which is the equivalent of a human thumb.
16:10Imagine that you are under the ocean
16:12and that you are trying to spot something as small as this.
16:15The Malokingi has four tentacles
16:18surrounded by tissue that looks like a halo.
16:20You can find this jellyfish mainly in the Australian waters.
16:24This creature is nicknamed Robert King
16:27because of an unfortunate encounter
16:28with an American tourist of the same name
16:31who visited Australia,
16:32bathed and succumbed to its bites.
16:35You may think that jellyfish
16:36float aimlessly in the ocean all day,
16:39but most of them are actually active hunters,
16:42and the Malokingi is no exception.
16:44This creature even has eyes equipped with lenses,
16:47cornea and retina.
16:49They allow it to see real images
16:51rather than simply make the difference
16:53between light and dark areas.
16:55Despite its small size,
16:57the Malokingi is extremely venomous,
16:59as discovered by the poor Mr. King.
17:01When in contact with it,
17:02it projects a venom in the blood of other animals
17:05thanks to its tickling cells in the form of arrows
17:08located inside the tentacles.
17:10Fortunately, it does not try to interact with people.
17:14it is estimated that 150 million people
17:17are bitten by all kinds of jellyfish every year.
17:20It is therefore always preferable to be on the lookout
17:22when you are under water.
17:25A purple sunset.
17:27You must have seen at least one in your life.
17:30Normally, it is not disturbing,
17:32and it is linked to the way in which light spreads.
17:35The light produced by the sun is white.
17:38When it crosses a prism,
17:40we observe luminous waves of different colors,
17:43from red to orange,
17:44passing through blue, green and indigo.
17:47The light normally moves in a straight line,
17:50if there are no obstacles.
17:52The shortest luminous waves,
17:53in particular blue and purple,
17:55are more easily dispersed
17:57when they meet these obstacles,
17:59such as molecules and aerosols
18:01present in the atmosphere.
18:02As the sun is low on the horizon
18:04at sunset and sunrise,
18:06its light must pass through more molecules
18:09which disperse the purple and blue light.
18:12The colors that your eyes perceive then
18:14are yellow, orange and red.
18:17But in good conditions,
18:18you can see a magnificent purple sky.
18:21Sometimes, a purple sky
18:23appears for much more harmful reasons.
18:25It can be caused by hurricanes,
18:27forest fires or dust storms.
18:30The concentration of steam in the air increases
18:32and the light disperses more than usual.
18:35Dust, the sunset and low clouds
18:38also contribute to this natural spectacle.
18:41The sky becomes orange and red at dusk
18:44if there is still enough light.
18:46Then it emits pink shades
18:48that mix with the dark blue of the sky.
18:50Do you remember what happens
18:51when you mix pink with blue?
18:53You get purple.
18:55All hurricanes don't make the sky turn purple
18:58and trying to predict if this will happen
19:00is like trying to predict a rainbow.
19:03However, people have reported
19:04that several major hurricanes
19:06had the sky so close.
19:08A green sky can seem just as spectacular
19:11as purple,
19:12but it is also synonymous with danger.
19:14It usually indicates that a storm,
19:16a hail storm or a tornado
19:18is nearby.
19:20This unique colour
19:21results from the mixture of yellow rays from the sun
19:24and the blue light of storm clouds.
19:26You enjoy a beautiful day by the sea
19:28with a cool breeze in your hair
19:30when suddenly you notice that the water
19:33starts to withdraw from the beach at full speed.
19:36This is the forerunner sign
19:37that you must flee as quickly and as far as possible
19:40from the beach
19:41because this probably means
19:43that a tsunami is approaching.
19:45A quick reaction
19:47maximises your chances of survival.
19:49If you notice that the sea level is rising,
19:51but without it seeming too extreme,
19:53it may be another sign
19:55of the approach of a tsunami.
19:56This happens in 40% of cases
19:59and this flood
20:00is only the first wave of this tidal wave.
20:02The next one,
20:03much more significant and dangerous,
20:05usually follows in the next 10 minutes.
20:08Another characteristic of tsunamis
20:10is that they are accompanied by a powerful rumble.
20:12People have compared it to thunder,
20:14the sound of a locomotive,
20:15a helicopter
20:16or simply to a powerful eruption.
20:20You see a channel of agitated water on the beach.
20:22It is in your best interest
20:23not to approach the water.
20:25There may be a tearing current
20:27under the surface
20:28that can be extremely dangerous.
20:30Sometimes the waves hit the shore
20:33in an unusual way,
20:34which forms tearing currents.
20:36You can then observe a strange rupture
20:38in the waves
20:39or an area whose colour is different
20:41from that of the rest of the water.
20:43Pieces of algae that go in all directions
20:45are another characteristic sign
20:47of these recurring currents.
20:49If you are caught in such a phenomenon,
20:51try to keep floating
20:53but do not try to go against the current.
20:56You would only waste precious energy.
20:59Call for help
21:00and try to float along the shore.
21:02Once you have come out of the current,
21:03swim diagonally towards the beach.
21:07The next time you see
21:08conical-shaped clouds in the sky,
21:10remember that this is the right time
21:12to start looking for shelter.
21:14If they appear like this,
21:15it means that a violent storm is on its way.
21:18But if a cloud of this shape
21:19begins to spin on itself,
21:21it means that it is about to turn into a tornado.
21:25If bees are nearby,
21:27they can alert you to such a cataclysm.
21:29These little working animals
21:31become more active than usual
21:33when they feel that a storm is approaching.
21:36They accelerate to collect more nectar
21:39before the storm arrives.
21:40And once they have finished,
21:42they always come back to the shore
21:4410 to 15 minutes before a heavy rain.
21:47And this even if there are no obvious signs of its arrival.
21:51Their secret?
21:52Super sensitive hairs on their backs
21:54that can detect the electrostatic accumulations
21:57of storm clouds.
21:59For centuries and centuries,
22:00people have noticed that animals
22:02behaved strangely a few days
22:04before a major earthquake.
22:06Dogs keep barking,
22:08cows stop producing milk,
22:10and toads, rats and snakes
22:12desert their habitats.
22:14It seems that animals can feel
22:16the first shock waves
22:17weaker than humans do not even notice.
22:20Scientists have tried to find
22:21a logical explanation for this phenomenon
22:24and have conducted countless experiments.
22:26Until now,
22:27they have not yet managed
22:29to fully explain this mystery.
22:32Can you smell ozone in the air?
22:33When a storm is preparing,
22:35it is the most distinct smell
22:37that can be perceived.
22:38It is the electric charge of the lightning
22:40that releases it at an altitude.
22:42The other smell of the rain,
22:43more pleasant,
22:44is petrichor.
22:45Rainwater exalts the molecules
22:47of plants, trees,
22:49concrete and asphalt.
22:51Their aroma spreads everywhere
22:53and you can even smell this smell
22:54in your mouth.
22:55All the positive ions present in the air
22:57and released by lightning
22:59mix with ozone and saliva.
23:01This is how you get this metallic taste.
23:04When lightning is about to strike,
23:07you can hear cracks,
23:08rumbles or strange vibrations
23:11coming from metal objects
23:12located nearby.
23:14Your hands can start to sweat
23:16and finally,
23:17you can feel your hair
23:18standing on your head.
23:20It is a very clear signal
23:21that it is time to react
23:23and this consists of fleeing
23:24to save your life.
23:26Positive charges
23:27then cross your body,
23:28trying to reach the part
23:29negatively charged by the storm.
23:31And believe me,
23:33you really don't want
23:34these charges to meet.
23:36If you don't see any shelter
23:37that you can reach quickly,
23:39try to make yourself smaller
23:40than the objects around you.
23:42Lower your umbrella
23:43and stay away from the iron wire fences,
23:46pipes, rails
23:47and any other metallic object.
23:49Don't lie on the ground, however.
23:52It is probably wet,
23:53which means it is an excellent
23:55electricity conductor.
23:57If you suddenly notice crevasses
23:59in the asphalt next to your house,
24:01it could be a forerunner
24:03of a landslide.
24:04Inspect your house from the inside.
24:06Does the door start to get stuck
24:08or maybe there is a space
24:10between the walls and the ceiling?
24:12Illegal cupboards and drawers,
24:14inclined floors,
24:15stairs that start to tilt,
24:17infiltrations after each rain
24:19and moldings that move
24:21are all signs that a valley
24:23is about to open.
24:25To know if it is really a landslide
24:27and what is its degree of danger,
24:29you have to call a geotechnical engineering
24:31research office.
24:33If you come across a pre-existing valley,
24:35you have to stay away from the area.
24:37Install a fence or a rope
24:39to make it less dangerous for passers-by.
24:41Finally, you will need the help
24:43of a professional to fill it.
24:45Some volcanoes scream
24:47when they are about to erupt.
24:49The small tremors
24:51that often occur in advance
24:53generate a rumbling.
24:55It is generally inaudible to the human ear,
24:57but it sometimes reaches a frequency
24:59that allows you to hear this strange
25:01rumbling coming from the ground.
25:03This noise is known as harmonic tremor.
25:05In the case of some volcanoes,
25:07it is the sound of magma bubbles
25:09vibrating when they cross
25:11the cracks in the earth's crust,
25:13but this is not always the case.
25:15If scientists were able to understand
25:17the exact cause of these volcanic screams,
25:19they could create a limited system
25:21of pre-emergency alerts for eruptions.
25:23If you are in nature,
25:25pay attention to the water of streams,
25:27rivers and rivers.
25:29If their levels drop rapidly
25:31while it is raining,
25:33it may be a sign of an imminent landslide.
25:35And if you hear a slight rumbling
25:37or unusual noises,
25:39such as rocks colliding,
25:41it can mean that debris
25:43is already on its way to you.
25:45This is obviously a sign
25:47that you need to take immediate precautions.
