The Billionaire's Accidental Bride Ep 182

  • 5 months ago
The Billionaire's Accidental Bride

Ep 182
00:00Episode 182 Fresh Sashimi
00:11After everything that had happened, Charlotte realized the potential Emma had.
00:16So she decided to find a secret of Emma's to hold onto in the hope that someday it would
00:22help her control Emma.
00:24The day before their trip to London, Lisa was a bit distressed.
00:29She told Emma, I've noticed recently that someone's been stalking me.
00:35Emma furrowed her eyebrows.
00:37She had a feeling she knew why Lisa was being stalked.
00:43Charlotte must suspect that Lisa and Luke's relationship is fake, she thought.
00:48It's been quite a few days since the incident happened, she replied.
00:53Have you not seen Luke even once?
00:56Well, Lisa said, the day I brought Grandfather home, Luke was waiting in the cold outside
01:03of my house out of kindness.
01:05He simply wanted to see if we were safe.
01:08But Grandfather believed what Charlotte and that jerk told him.
01:12They said I was Luke's mistress.
01:15Now Grandfather refuses to leave New York and insists on keeping his eye on me.
01:22Lisa, we got Luke to announce that he was your fiancé, not only to cover for Eric and
01:28me, but also to protect you, Emma said.
01:33If you feel bothered by it, no, I'm not bothered at all, she said, waving her hand.
01:40In fact, I feel like Luke has suffered a loss from this entire situation.
01:46Then what if we pretend that you two are living together, Emma said.
01:51Lisa's eyes widened.
01:54It's just pretend, Emma said.
01:58In truth, she had already sensed that Lisa had an inkling of interest in Luke, so she
02:04wanted to take advantage of the situation to create an opportunity for them to get together.
02:11I am afraid it isn't such a good idea, Lisa said as her cheeks flushed red.
02:18You're an engaged couple, Emma said.
02:21It's official.
02:23Lisa was stunned and began waving her hands vigorously.
02:27Emma, don't do this.
02:30Otherwise, things will be even more awkward between Luke and me.
02:34I truly do think of Luke as a friend.
02:37If you want me to play along with your act, I'm happy to do so, but asking me to pretend
02:43to live with him is too much.
02:46Emma turned to her suitcase and continued packing as Lisa spoke.
02:51Then she nodded her head and said,
02:53Just don't say I didn't give you a chance.
02:57What are you talking about?
02:59Luke is younger than me anyway, Lisa said incredulously.
03:04But the more flustered she became, the more obvious it was that she was hoping something
03:10would happen.
03:12The only problem was that she felt she didn't compare to him, so she was feeling inferior.
03:19When I come back, I'll ask Luke what type of girl he's interested in, Emma said.
03:25Uh, isn't Mr. Roberts accompanying you?
03:29Lisa replied, trying to change the subject.
03:32Emma thought about all the invitations and appointments sitting on Eric's desk and shook
03:37her head.
03:39It's almost the end of the year, and events are coming up quickly, she said.
03:44I don't want him to be tired.
03:46Plus, to stop him from following me, I've moved up my flight a little.
03:52Don't forget.
03:53Don't worry, I already packed everything, said Lisa.
03:57She felt like she could finally relax now that Emma was no longer talking about her
04:02and Luke.
04:04Lisa was almost 30, and was not well-educated or high-achieving.
04:09She also enjoyed eating a little too much.
04:12She felt it would be impossible for an upper-class man like Luke to be interested in her.
04:19Sometimes she felt the impulse to chase after something special.
04:23But she felt she was past the age when she could throw herself into a situation in which
04:29she knew she couldn't succeed.
04:32Not long after Lisa left Tribeca, Luke appeared with a plate of fresh sashimi that had been
04:38flown in straight from Japan.
04:41Seeing Emma all alone in the living room, his expression was dulled.
04:46Wasn't Lisa here just a moment ago? he asked.
04:50Where'd she go?
04:51Emma looked at the sashimi.
04:53With the diet plan she was on, there was no way she could eat it.
04:58She smiled at him and said, she'd just left for home.
05:02How about you chase after her?
05:04Ugh, forget about it then, he replied.
05:07Luke, can you be honest with me?
05:11Emma asked.
05:12You and Lisa.
05:14Before she could finish, Luke awkwardly cut in.
05:17Oh, that.
05:20He looked down at his well-polished leather shoes for a moment, and then said,
05:25After seeing her get bullied, I was just feeling a bit of sympathy towards her.
05:31Just sympathy?
05:32Emma said.
05:34What else could there be? he asked.
05:37She lowered her head helplessly.
05:39She had realized a long time ago that Luke wasn't very in tune with his emotions, but
05:46this was ridiculous.
05:49It's nothing, she said sighing.
05:52I can't eat any of this.
05:54Go and give it to Lisa.
05:57What if her grandfather misunderstands? he said.
06:00I don't think I should.
06:02He set the plate down on the table and walked out the door.
06:06Emma was left staring blankly at the plate of fresh sashimi.
06:11At that moment, Eric came out of the study after finishing his work.
06:16Seeing Emma looking helpless, he came up to her from behind and gave her a hug.
06:22What's wrong? he asked.
06:25You don't like to eat this either, right? she replied.
06:28He shook his head as she pulled out her phone and called Lisa.
06:33Luke just delivered a whole plate of fresh sashimi for you, she said.
06:38Do you want to take it home and enjoy it?
06:41Lisa had just gotten home.
06:43She found herself focusing not on the sashimi, but on Luke.
06:48She realized that she felt a little restless when she thought of him, but after considering
06:54her feelings for a moment, she still felt things weren't right.
06:59I'll have to pass, she said.
07:01I'm already home.
07:03I can't eat it and Eric doesn't like it, Emma said.
07:07If you don't take it, I'll have to throw it out.
07:10No, don't throw it out.
07:13I'll come right away, Lisa said.
07:16She quickly changed her clothes and returned to Tribeca.
07:19Then she wrapped up the sashimi and took it home.
07:23But when she got there, she did not eat any of it.
07:27Instead, she lovingly placed it in the freezer.
07:31When someone has feelings for another person, they cherish anything that person gives to
07:38Even if Luke had only given her a tissue to wipe away her sweat, she would still have
07:43let it dry and kept it as a memory.
07:47After taking a shower, Emma lay on the bed and thought about the situation between Lisa
07:52and Luke.
07:54Suddenly, she felt a chill sweep past her chest.
07:58Eric had removed her robe without her even noticing.
08:02His warm hands ran down her body before pulling her into his embrace.
08:07She looked at him.
08:09His eyes seemed a little hazy and a little agitated.
08:14Of course, they also contained a trace of anticipation.
08:19So you have to go away for so long.
08:22Should you make up for it in advance?
08:25He asked.
08:26He didn't need to ask her, though.
08:29Her desire for him was just as strong.
08:32When two people truly love each other, even a simple glance is enough to stir up a tsunami
08:39of emotions.
08:41In an instant, both of their robes were strewn across the pure white bed.
08:47In the darkness, their bodies pressed firmly against each other, their sweat mingled, and
08:53their fingers intertwined.
08:55He had become accustomed to her soft moans and pants.
08:59When she climaxed, she would unconsciously bite his shoulder, making him love her from
09:05head to toe all over again.
09:08He wanted to be like this with her until the end of time.
09:13As for Emma, the thing that moved her the most was that no matter what Eric desired,
09:19no matter how vulnerable they both felt, once they were finished, he would still pull her
09:25sweaty body into his embrace.
