The Billionaire Accidental Bride Ep 212-215

  • 5 months ago
The Billionaire's Accidental Bride
Episode 212-215
00:00 the best to be worthy of all the praise.
00:03 Episode 212, "Personal Trainer"
00:07 All the artists who belong to Kaleidoscope,
00:10 whether they attended events or not,
00:12 ended up being harassed by reporters.
00:16 Apart from a few artists who were too busy to respond straight away,
00:20 everyone expressed complete trust in their agency
00:24 and anticipation toward Emma joining.
00:27 They showed the demeanor of the company in a positive light.
00:31 It also proved that, in the industry,
00:34 Eric was in a position of absolute dominance.
00:38 Late at night, after a long day of work,
00:41 Eric finally returned home.
00:44 As he walked through the front door,
00:46 he discovered Emma wearing a thin layer of training gear
00:49 as she worked out in the gym.
00:52 He was silent for a few moments.
00:54 At first, he was afraid that she would be cold,
00:57 but, on second thought,
00:59 he decided to grab a black training shirt and pants to join her.
01:04 Emma was already 26 years old.
01:07 If she was to maintain her fit and healthy figure,
01:10 she would need to put in a lot more effort
01:13 than those who were younger than her.
01:16 Seeing her drip with sweat,
01:18 Eric couldn't help but feel his heart ache a little.
01:21 He approached her from behind, leaned over,
01:24 and helped her lift the dumbbell in her hands
01:27 as she leaned back against his chest.
01:30 "It's okay to have high expectations for yourself,
01:34 but you shouldn't push yourself too hard."
01:37 "I have no choice. I don't have a trainer," she sighed.
01:42 "But you're right.
01:44 When I follow the same routine as before,
01:47 I do feel my body can't handle it as well."
01:50 Eric nudged her forward and placed the dumbbell back on the floor.
01:55 He then grabbed a towel and gently wiped the sweat from her face.
02:00 "What do you mean you don't have a trainer?
02:03 I'll train with you."
02:05 She froze for a moment.
02:07 She then took a couple of steps back
02:10 before removing Eric's shirt from his body,
02:13 exposing his extremely toned physique.
02:16 His eight-pack abdominal muscles were perfectly sculpted
02:20 and complimented his healthy, glowing skin.
02:23 Seeing the courage of his wife,
02:26 his lips curved upwards into a smile.
02:29 "You've seen it so many times. Still not satisfied?"
02:34 "Mr. Roberts, from now on, I hope you don't wear clothes at home."
02:40 Eric hooked his arm around her waist and drew her into his chest.
02:45 "You like seeing me like this."
02:48 "Who wouldn't want to see a sight like that?
02:51 However, only I'm allowed to see it. No one else."
02:56 Eric was pleased by her possessiveness.
02:59 He lowered his head and passionately kissed her on the lips.
03:03 After a few moments of affection, he grabbed onto her waist and said,
03:08 "The top half of your body is strong enough.
03:11 You should focus on training your abdominal muscles."
03:15 "Do you feel that my body isn't flexible enough?"
03:18 Eric was resisting his urges, yet she was still trying to provoke him.
03:24 He pinched her on the waist and explained,
03:27 "If a woman trains her lower abdominal muscles well,
03:31 it will be beneficial when giving birth later."
03:36 "Then you should train with me."
03:39 He lowered his head and brushed his nose against hers.
03:43 "I'm not the one giving birth. You are."
03:47 Emma could feel her heart beating out of her chest
03:50 as a result of the stole-sealing, hormone-fueled man standing in front of her.
03:56 In that moment, she would be willing to run ten thousand miles if he'd asked,
04:01 let alone train her abdominal muscles a little.
04:05 Eric gazed at his wife. Then he lifted her horizontally in his arms.
04:11 At that moment, he wasn't in the mood to train.
04:15 He carried her directly into the bedroom,
04:18 and they made love until they were completely exhausted.
04:22 Afterward, they headed into the kitchen to cook noodles together.
04:27 Sitting at the dining table, Emma looked at her husband,
04:30 who was wearing nothing but a robe.
04:33 She shook her head. It seemed that she would need to hire a female trainer.
04:38 If he was her trainer, she was afraid that, nine times out of ten,
04:43 they would just end up in bed together.
04:46 Eric saw through her thoughts.
04:48 He returned to his usual seriousness and cleared his throat.
04:53 "I couldn't control myself today. I promise that won't happen next time."
05:00 She tilted her head as she looked at him.
05:03 "Do you think I believe you?"
05:05 "As long as you don't make a move, I'll be fine."
05:10 In truth, Emma did not feel confident that she would be able to control herself.
05:16 All she knew was that having someone who stayed by her side no matter what,
05:21 who helped her endlessly, with whom she could share the joys of being together,
05:27 her heart was filled with happiness.
05:30 With these thoughts, she placed an egg from her bowl into Eric's.
05:35 "At home, you're no longer just my husband and boss.
05:39 You've also acquired the role of my trainer.
05:42 So, Mr. Roberts, you've really got your work cut out for you from now on."
05:48 "Will you ever leave me?"
05:50 Emma shook her head submissively.
05:53 "No way."
05:55 "Hurry, finish your food and go to bed early.
05:59 We'll be holding your contract signing ceremony tomorrow morning."
06:03 She nodded.
06:05 She couldn't wait to improve herself, to become the best,
06:09 to be worthy of all that Eric had done for her.
06:12 She wanted to be with him forever.
06:16 The following day, she would once again set sail from Kaleidoscope.
06:21 This time, it would be smooth sailing to the top of the fashion industry.
06:26 A while later, Eric carried her into the bedroom
06:29 and sat in bed next to her as he coaxed her to sleep.
06:33 Suddenly, tears filled the corners of her eyes.
06:37 He looked down at her and asked, "Why are you crying?"
06:42 "I've experienced being treated harshly by this world.
06:46 However, now I'm being treated with love.
06:50 It's only when someone receives love that they learn how to show love."
06:55 "Did you think before meeting me that I would be the type of person to do stuff like this?"
07:02 He smiled as he pulled her into his embrace.
07:05 "At first, I was skeptical of whether you'd get used to living the simple life."
07:11 "If the sixteen-year-old me had met you at twenty-two,
07:15 we might have argued constantly and had an on-again-off-again relationship because of our age."
07:21 "But since we met at twenty-six and thirty-two,
07:25 we're mature enough to simply support each other and have a long-lasting relationship."
07:31 He smiled as he lowered his head to place a gentle kiss on her ear.
07:36 The couple soon fell asleep in each other's arms.
07:39 That time, Eric finally had a chance to help Emma drift off to sleep.
07:45 The next morning, the Anti-Fans prepared three claims against Emma
07:49 and requested a response from Kaleidoscope.
07:52 This was because Luis had told everyone to bring along their evidence and questions they had regarding Emma.
08:00 In truth, the Margot incident merely lit the fuse for the haters.
08:05 Due to Emma's constant appearance at the top of the search rankings,
08:09 many people who had paid for those positions believed their money had gone to waste.
08:15 Therefore, those who held a grudge against her had dug up old dirt and brought it back to light once again.
08:23 "Emma, even if you have the support of Kaleidoscope, we will still tear you apart."
08:29 "I hate Emma. I don't have a reason. Bite me."
08:33 "Emma, so many people dislike you. You really should find out why."
08:38 "The slate cleaning is about to start. Too bad. From my point of view, it doesn't look like you can possibly wipe it clean."
09:01 Inside Kaleidoscope's meeting hall, in front of the flashes of cameras, Luis sat sternly on the stage.
09:08 Next to him was the quiet and low-profile Emma.
09:12 Reporters and fans had once praised her for keeping her distance from the world.
09:18 They had since changed their minds and felt that her detached and introverted personality was all an act to conceal her scheming.
09:28 They hated her. They wanted so badly to tear off her mask and send her far away from their sight so she could realize the terrifying power of the public.
09:40 Luis understood the thoughts that were running through these people's heads.
09:45 After scanning his eyes across the hall, he finally began speaking.
09:50 "From today onwards, Emma will be an artist of Kaleidoscope."
09:55 "I'm aware that the public have their doubts about her. Since I made a promise yesterday, I will now satisfy everyone's curiosities."
10:04 "Have you all prepared your questions to ask her? She's right here. Feel free to ask her whatever you wish to know."
10:12 "However, I have one condition. Please ask her one question at a time."
10:18 Most of the reporters had notebooks in their hands that were scribbled into a plethora of questions.
10:24 They were tempted to hand these notebooks directly over to her and force her to write down all the answers.
10:31 "I would like to ask Ms. Miller to explain the entire incident with Margot."
10:37 The first reporter was aware that Luis was a master at evading their questions.
10:42 She had learned from her experience and only asked one question, requesting for everything to be explained in one go.
10:50 Emma glanced at Luis, and he responded with a nod, reassuring her to relax and answer comfortably.
10:58 She turned back to the reporters and stared straight into the live broadcast camera.
11:04 "I did indeed do a test to see if my kidneys were compatible with Margot."
11:09 "However, after terminating my contract with Global Pictures, Margot has not made contact with me."
11:16 "I found out about her condition at the same time you guys did."
11:21 "That's the entire story."
11:24 "You're lying. According to Margot's friend, she tried to contact you multiple times, but you verbally ridiculed her and even told her to go die."
11:34 Faced with the reporters' sharp questioning, Emma smiled.
11:39 "Margot's friend? Have you confirmed this person's identity? Have you met her in person?"
11:46 The reporter froze. She was suddenly speechless.
11:50 "But you did promise to save Margot, and now she's dead."
11:56 "If you're letting words like that leave your mouth, I don't think I need to keep being polite."
12:02 Emma's voice was extremely cold.
12:05 "May I ask how you found out that Margot was dead?"
12:09 "If you claim something like that without doing a proper investigation, I wonder how you got your qualifications."
12:17 "On the other hand, if you did investigate and still claim that she's dead, then I think you must be extremely cold-hearted."
12:26 "Because your actions are absolutely deplorable."
12:30 "Emma, don't you know that Margot's missing? Didn't you deliberately dispose of the corpse so you could cover up your crime?"
12:38 At these words, she finally realized how much worse the rumors had gotten in just a few short days.
12:45 "Let me reiterate," she said. "Margot is not dead."
12:51 "What proof do you have? Show us proof!"
12:54 "If I can prove it to you, will you kneel and apologize to me?" Emma asked the aggressive female reporter.
13:02 "Kneel? Are you taking it a step too far, Emma?"
13:07 The reporter laughed like she'd heard a funny joke.
13:11 "Me, taking it too far? Have you thought about what the effects the rumors you're spreading around have on me?"
13:19 "Do I deserve to have my reputation destroyed by you guys?"
13:23 "Fine, if you can prove it to us, I'll kneel."
13:27 Emma took one final look at Louise before signaling for Marie to push Margot through the front door of the meeting hall,
13:35 to make an appearance in front of everyone.
13:39 Margot looked at the people around her who had continuously tried to harm Emma.
13:45 "I am Margot Davis," she announced in a resounding voice, pulling out her supporting documents.
13:52 Louise had already prepared her for the troublemaking reporters.
13:57 They gasped in shock at the girl who'd suddenly appeared before them.
14:02 "Isn't she missing?" they thought. "Didn't Emma dispose of her corpse?"
14:07 "The world sure is big and anything is possible. I simply went in for a surgery, yet when I woke up, I heard everyone saying I was dead."
14:17 "Is the media stupid?" Her appearance had surprised all of the reporters.
14:23 "Is that really Margot?" they wondered.
14:27 She gazed at all their shocked faces. She asked Marie to help her stand up and said to everyone present,
14:35 "Right now, I really want to swear at all of you. Is there something wrong with you?"
14:41 "How come I wasn't aware that I was dead? When have I, Margot Davis, ever needed reporters to help me get justice?"
14:51 "Let me tell you something. Emma has never owed me a kidney. Since you're all so generous and so compassionate,
14:59 why don't you pick one of your kidneys and give it to me?"
15:03 "As for my so-called 'friend', this was all created by H-World's artist director, Lucas Perez, in order to frame Emma."
15:11 "Didn't you guys ask for proof? Let me show you the proof."
15:16 She asked Marie to hand over the documents to her. They contained information gathered from the nurse who Luke had spoken to.
15:24 They included a recording, photos, Lucas's method of contact, and the nurse's bank account details.
15:32 The reporters frantically looked at each other. In the end, Luis projected the information onto the screen behind them.
15:40 Without a doubt, everything had been planned by Lucas, and in the process, the media had been strung along with him.
15:49 "I'm not sure if the people who spread the rumor about me being dead had any ulterior motives,
15:56 but I know that you're all accomplices to this abuse." Margot glared at the media reporters, her eyes piercing.
16:05 "If you still know the meaning of the word 'shame', then I think that, from now on, you ought to be too ashamed to continue being reporters."
16:14 "Of course, those of you who feel no shame will continue to run around and hurt people with their cameras."
16:21 "I, Margot Davis, am not dead. As for Emma, she's not done any of the stuff you guys claimed."
16:30 "In fact, she's never forgotten about my illness, and has even sourced a compatible kidney for me."
16:36 "I'm scheduled for my surgery soon."
16:39 "I think I know better than all of you whether she's a good person or not."
16:44 "If any of you decide to use this incident to hurt or insult her again, then I will cooperate with Kaleidoscope to sue the dishonest members of the media."
16:55 "When that time comes, you will have to face consequences."
17:00 "If you can't control your own mouths, then we will hand them over to the law to control them."
17:06 Louise was impressed with her. If she recovered from her illness, he would seriously consider taking her on and training her to be his successor.
17:17 He'd only told her this speech once, and she had remembered it all.
17:22 Hearing her warning, the media and public were suddenly speechless.
17:27 As for the aggressive reporter from earlier, her face was completely red. She had vowed to kneel and apologize.
17:36 At that moment, all she hoped was for Emma to forget about what she'd said earlier.
17:43 She really did want to embarrass herself in front of everyone.
17:47 However, Louise remembered everything clearly.
17:51 Looking straight at her, he said, "Do you remember what you promised Emma?"
18:10 Episode 214 Face Slap "I..." the reporter stuttered one word. Her face was shockingly red.
18:21 "I know the current state of the entertainment industry," Louise began.
18:26 "The cost of creating a rumor isn't very high. That's why it's become a habit for you guys to create your own.
18:33 However, this tactic doesn't work for every artist. As long as an artist of Kaleidoscope is involved, we will do whatever we can to fight against you.
18:45 As long as this company is still in the entertainment industry, as long as we're still the number one in your hearts,
18:52 we vow to fight against any indecency in the industry until the very end."
18:58 Regarding the incident between Emma and Margot, Kaleidoscope would like to formally make the following statement.
19:05 Firstly, Emma has no obligation to take on the responsibility of helping Margot.
19:11 Therefore, by helping her find a suitable kidney, she's already morally kept her promise.
19:18 Secondly, during this critical period of Margot's illness, Emma did not receive any calls for help,
19:26 nor did she arrange for a middleman to relay messages.
19:30 She only found out about the incident after everything had already happened.
19:36 Any discussions about her abusing Margot are rumors, and anyone who continues to spread these rumors will be investigated by Kaleidoscope.
19:47 Thirdly, the Margot incident has caused immense damage to Emma's reputation,
19:53 and since we have evidence in our hands as to the instigator of this incident, we will be sending out a legal notice.
20:01 Actions like this will be punished according to the law.
20:05 Lastly, Kaleidoscope has already given a serious warning to multiple media companies and publications.
20:13 We hope that members of the media bear in mind their responsibilities,
20:18 maintain their dignity, and stop blindly following the crowd.
20:23 Let's all work together to create a happy environment in the entertainment industry.
20:29 All I've said is a representation of the entire company."
20:34 Luis's words were clear and precise, and his warning was powerful, startling and scaring all the members of the media.
20:44 They had originally thought that Kaleidoscope was joking, but the company had presented them with their most serious weapon, the law.
20:54 The reporters stared at each other.
20:57 They'd always known deep down that they were being used, but they didn't know what they could do.
21:03 It wasn't easy being a reporter.
21:06 Very few cared about finding the truth.
21:09 They were simply focused on discovering incidents and exhilarating subject matters that would excite the audience.
21:17 They were all fighting to be the first in line to reveal something new and couldn't possibly turn back.
21:24 But when the truth was revealed, they all looked at Emma with guilt.
21:29 "What did she do wrong?" they thought.
21:32 "She was targeted, framed, slandered, and almost destroyed."
21:38 They began to apologize to her.
21:41 "Sorry, Emma. We had no choice."
21:44 "I'm extremely sorry. We made too big of a mistake."
21:48 "Luckily, Kaleidoscope came to bring order to the chaos."
21:52 "From now on, we will remember what it means to be a reporter."
21:57 Facing these apologies and seemingly heartfelt displays of remorse, apart from feeling a sense of ridicule, Emma did not feel anything else.
22:08 When insulting someone, any rumor could come from their mouths.
22:13 Yet, once pressured, they began to show regret and shame.
22:18 Luis watched as the media fearfully admitted defeat.
22:22 He then turned his head and glanced over at her before changing the topic and joking,
22:27 "However, with this incident being such a big hit, apart from the media, there's another group of people who deserve some attention."
22:36 He turned and projected messages left by one of Emma's fans onto the screen behind them.
22:42 On the screen was an analysis of the fan's progression.
22:46 From being completely obsessed with Emma a long time ago, to insulting her during an incident, to finally becoming an anti-fan.
22:56 This particular fan ended up going through this change multiple times.
23:01 Between the lines of text, the word "moron" was used.
23:05 Every celebrity experiences fans turning into haters and haters turning into fans.
23:12 However, fans like this, whose feelings go back and forth at the drop of a hat, don't take notice of our Emma anymore after this is over.
23:22 It's not that you can't afford to love her.
23:25 She can't afford to care about you.
23:28 Since you've decided to become a hater, don't revert back and make a fool of yourself.
23:33 The media had not been held accountable, and the reporter from earlier wasn't asked to kneel.
23:40 Deep down, they understood that Kaleidoscope was letting them off the hook.
23:45 Therefore, they laughed along with Luis.
23:49 This fan had just been an example.
23:52 His true intentions were to lure out other haters.
23:56 Afterwards, legal notices from Kaleidoscope appeared on the screen behind them.
24:01 On the screen were messages from 10 anti-fans with their real names.
24:07 The media was flabbergasted.
24:10 They never expected Kaleidoscope to be so harsh.
24:14 From the media to the instigator, from the fans to the heartless haters,
24:20 Kaleidoscope did not let a single one of them off the hook as they chased each one of them for accountability.
24:27 As we said earlier, it doesn't cost much to create a rumor.
24:31 Because of this, groups of people find pleasure in insulting people from behind their keyboards.
24:37 Since that's the case, we must prepare to defend ourselves.
24:41 Therefore, these 10 people should be receiving their legal notices very soon.
24:47 If you exposed the truth and have seriously witnessed some incident in the entertainment industry,
24:54 you are welcome to report it.
24:56 However, those who use the convenience of the internet to get attention and insult others, causing harm,
25:04 we won't tolerate them.
25:06 There are thousands and thousands of fans,
25:10 but you will all have a day when you will need to face the consequences.
25:15 If you continue to spread rumors, it will only encourage websites to develop real identity systems.
25:23 When that time comes, you will definitely be exposed.
25:27 I can't wait to see how mighty you are then.
25:31 Luis's words were extremely powerful.
25:34 It allowed those who had been suffering from haters for a long time to feel a sense of satisfaction.
25:42 It also meant that, from that day forward, Kaleidoscope would do all they could to protect their artists.
25:50 The real identities of these anti-fans were revealed with the permission of the police.
25:56 We got permission when we reported the incident to them.
25:59 Haters, listen up. Kaleidoscope is awaiting your challenge.
26:04 These words were a declaration of war from the company.
26:09 With the involvement of the police, the anti-fans who had previously threatened Emma
26:15 immediately disappeared without a trace.
26:19 Eric stood inside his office, watching the live broadcast.
26:23 He was pleased with what he saw.
26:26 Those who have previously bullied Emma are currently bullying her or intend to bully her.
26:32 Do they still think they have a chance? Impossible.
26:36 From now on, Emma will be a model of Kaleidoscope.
26:40 All of her jobs will be completely handled by the company.
26:44 I hope the media can be good to her and treat her kindly.
26:49 The media's attendance that day had not only forced them to be knocked down,
26:54 but also to witness others taking a hit.
26:57 Hearing Luis's words, they had no choice but to nod their heads.
27:02 Emma will definitely become an international supermodel.
