The Billionaire's Accidental Bride Ep 205-209

  • 5 months ago
The Billionaire's Accidental Bride Ep 205-209
00:00So, 205. Life in the balance.
00:04In reality, Lucas wasn't sure how far he could take things with Margo.
00:10He could try to use her to create some media hype,
00:13but it would get lost amid the news surrounding Emma's success and wouldn't pose a threat.
00:20Sometimes, he considered letting everything go, like Charlotte did, but he'd already come this far.
00:28Ariadne and Charlotte already hated him,
00:31and he'd put too many things in motion in his attempts to ruin Emma to stop now.
00:37Her position at H-World had been successfully established,
00:41so he, along with Hilary and Charlotte, had to work around her as it was.
00:47No, this industry is materialistic and ruthless, he thought.
00:52I have the chance to get a leg up on the competition, and I need to take it.
00:58Messing with Margo might be risky, but if I play my cards right, I could destroy Emma in one fell swoop.
01:07Margo had been out of the hospital for too long and caught a cold,
01:11which led to a fever and further complications after she returned to the hospital.
01:18She was immediately sent to the emergency room as the doctors tried to resuscitate her.
01:24Marie felt guilty.
01:26If she'd known this would happen, she would never have agreed to take Margo out.
01:32Now, thanks to her, her life hung in the balance.
01:36Worst of all, while they were trying to save her life,
01:40the emergency room doctor noticed one of the nurses taking pictures on her phone.
01:46Although the nurse tried to be discreet,
01:49the doctor reported her to the head nurse and kicked her out of the emergency room.
01:54Marie was furious when she heard about this and yelled at her along with the head nurse.
02:01What's wrong with you? she asked the nurse angrily.
02:05Who told you to do this?
02:08Luke was already investigating the staff,
02:11so as soon as he heard about this, he rushed over to the emergency room and told them,
02:17Leave her with me. I'll handle this.
02:20Don't let her off easy. I want her to pay for this, Marie said.
02:25Luke nodded and led the nurse to the ER director's office.
02:30He made her give him access to all her call records with Lucas,
02:34as well as all the photos she'd taken before the doctor caught her.
02:39He also recorded a verbal confession from her
02:43and received details of the bank account Lucas had transferred money into.
02:48Afterwards, he said,
02:50I want you to send these photos to Lucas as originally planned.
02:54Don't let him know we're on to him,
02:56or I will call the police and have you arrested as an accessory.
03:01The nurse trembled as she wrung her hands.
03:04No, don't call the police. I'll do anything you want.
03:09Luke put away the evidence.
03:11If Lucas hadn't been so impulsive, we might not have caught him, he thought.
03:17Unfortunately, Margot's condition didn't improve.
03:22Poor Margot. If she doesn't wake up in the next 12 hours,
03:26she'll have to go back into surgery, Marie said, worried.
03:31Luke looked at her and, knowing how close the women were, tried to comfort her.
03:37She'll get better. You have to hold out hope.
03:41The doctor said her chances of survival lessen the longer she's unconscious, she responded.
03:48Less than 12 hours later, Margot was once again in the emergency room
03:53as the doctors prepped her for surgery.
03:56The doctor didn't hold out much hope this time
03:59and suggested that her family start preparing for the worst.
04:03Luke made the decision to transfer her immediately to the best specialist hospital in New York
04:10in the hopes that they could treat her.
04:13Unfortunately, Lucas somehow found out about the doctor's warning and exposed the information.
04:21He even sent out a slew of forged posts from Margot's friends
04:27that claimed Emma had promised to save her life and didn't follow through,
04:32causing her to miss out on receiving a suitable kidney and nearly dying.
04:37No one paid attention to the word nearly.
04:41They simply read that she had lost her life and that Emma was indirectly responsible.
04:48Margot's actual condition notwithstanding, his article painted Emma as a murderer.
04:55Margot woke up after news of her condition was released,
04:59but Marie kept the leaks to herself, afraid that she wouldn't be able to handle the stress.
05:06She'd never expected Lucas to be so despicable.
05:10And to think, I almost let him drive a wedge between me and Emma and use me as a pawn, she thought.
05:18What should we do now? she asked Luke.
05:21Will Emma really be implicated in this?
05:24Luke gave her a reassuring smile as he said,
05:28The media just likes a good story.
05:31The rumor of Emma being a murderer will die down as soon as they realize that Margot is alive and well.
05:38Lucas shouldn't have been so impatient.
05:41But people are dragging her name through the mud and accusing her of such awful things, Marie said.
05:48Emma has had her fair share of scandals lately.
05:51She's not worried about this, he said.
05:54It's different this time. They're accusing her of murder.
06:00Lucas was brave enough to expose Margot's condition because he knew that Emma had promised to donate her kidney.
06:08Plus, even though Margot was alive, it was true that Emma hadn't tried to save her.
06:15The keyboard warriors were adamant that she was no different from a murderer.
06:21I don't trust her. She caused too many problems. There's something wrong with her.
06:26She knew she couldn't save Margot, so she shouldn't have opened her big mouth.
06:31She made a promise, and now she's trying to avoid her responsibilities.
06:36She clearly loves to create hype.
06:39I'm a fan, but I can't support her if this post is true.
06:44We need to ban her from the industry. I'm tired of seeing her.
06:49These were the same people who'd been professing their love to her the day before.
06:55People could be so fickle.
06:58Online discussions and petitions to boycott Emma were popping up one after the other.
07:04They refused to buy any of the magazines she appeared in or the products she endorsed.
07:10Lucas was pleased with the outcome, as she had never received such negative attention in any of their other attempts.
07:19Emma's work in London wasn't affected at all.
07:24Those who saw the news there simply asked one question.
07:28Why was it her responsibility to save Margot?
07:32Eric called Emma after she'd finished work and prepared her for the onslaught before she saw the news.
07:39She listened silently, thinking,
07:42They finally bested me. I might be able to lie to others, but I can't lie to myself.
07:49And I did make a promise.
07:52I could have stopped this from happening, but I want to deal with Lucas and those reporters once and for all, he told her.
08:02More importantly, this is the perfect opportunity for Emma to leave H-World, he thought.
08:09With that in mind, he told her,
08:12I'm not giving you a choice anymore.
08:15This is the last straw.
08:18You're coming to Kaleidoscope.
08:22Episode 206 The Abuse Continues
08:33For the first time, Eric didn't give Emma another option.
08:38He told her in no uncertain terms that it was time for her to join Kaleidoscope.
08:44She would be safe there, as he wouldn't let anything shady or indecent happen to her.
08:51And he would do everything in his power to take them down a peg if someone did try to go after her.
08:59Emma didn't immediately nod and agree, but she didn't object either.
09:05A small smile appeared on her face after they hung up.
09:09I'm no longer afraid to join him, she thought.
09:13I know I'm strong enough to stand beside him.
09:17Emma faced resistance from all sides as the news garnered more attention,
09:23and the reception was cold and unwavering.
09:26Unfortunately, with Margot's life in the balance,
09:30Emma's profession couldn't save her from the accusations thrown at her,
09:35which Lucas had counted on when he leaked Margot's condition.
09:40People were even going after anyone who tried to stick up for Emma.
09:45Companies she had previously collaborated with, such as TTQ,
09:50elected to stay quiet rather than face potential backlash and risk making things worse for her.
09:57Of course, H-World didn't comment on the news either.
10:02After the post was released, Charlotte called Lucas.
10:06She hated Emma and her newfound international status,
10:11but they had at least been benefiting from it
10:14and slowly rebuilding the company's reputation after the recording fiasco.
10:20Lucas had taken things too far this time, and he was risking H-World's future.
10:26What were you thinking?
10:28We're bound to Emma, which means any negative publicity on her part affects us too,
10:34she said angrily, throwing the newspaper in his face.
10:38Our company's shares have plummeted since you exposed her scandal.
10:43Lucas hesitated before clearing his throat and saying,
10:47I know what I'm doing.
10:49You know what you're doing? Charlotte sneered.
10:53You clearly didn't think things through.
10:56Do you really think you can control the whole internet?
11:00You've always been patient and bound for great things,
11:04but you're quick and ruthless when you want to be, and that will be your downfall.
11:10Charlotte finally understood what it meant to reap what you sow.
11:15Things had gotten out of control, and she had no one to blame but herself.
11:21I told you, I know what I'm doing.
11:24Trust me, Charlotte, Lucas said.
11:28Charlotte eyed him before sighing and admitting defeat.
11:32We've already gone this far.
11:34It's too late to turn back, she thought in resignation.
11:38I hate her, but I never wanted her to be labeled a murderer.
11:43This might do more than ruin her.
11:47I heard Margot Davis's friends tried to contact Emma several times,
11:52and when they finally got her, she told them to let her die.
11:56She beat Margot's friend and threatened her into silence.
12:01She hates the Davis family so much that she stopped Margot from finding another donor.
12:08Emma's the one who deserves to die.
12:11The negative comments aimed at Emma were vicious,
12:15and the online abuse she received was harsh.
12:19They continued spreading lies and accusations that ranged from her letting Margot die
12:25to purposefully trying to kill her.
12:28They even leaked her flight home online, urging people to attack her when she landed.
12:35But they had no idea that she had already returned a day early.
12:41Eric had ordered his people to pick her up straight from the airport
12:45without alerting any of the media and to escort her safely back to Tribeca.
12:51He was waiting in the hallway when she walked through the front door
12:55and immediately opened her arms.
12:58She jumped into his arms and buried her head in his chest with a satisfied sigh.
13:04Yes, she said suddenly as she hugged him tighter.
13:09Eric was confused for a moment before he realized what she was saying.
13:14She stepped back a little and lifted her head, looking at him seriously.
13:19I didn't want to answer you on the phone because I wanted to give you a real answer,
13:25and I know that I'm saying yes for the right reasons.
13:30His heart ached as he gently stroked her hair and said,
13:34My empire will keep you safe.
13:37I know, she said.
13:40You'll be treated fairly, he continued.
13:44I know that too, she said quickly.
13:47I'm just afraid that others at Kaleidoscope will find it unfair.
13:53You've already dazzled everyone at J.K. Show
13:57and secured endorsements for multiple luxury brands.
14:01You have more than proven yourself.
14:05That's not what I meant.
14:07I don't want you giving me special treatment while trying to protect me, she said.
14:13We have individualized plans in place for everyone's developmental journey.
14:19They all have their own goals and skills,
14:22and the managers are trained to notice any emotional changes and adjust accordingly.
14:29In that case, who's going to be my new manager, she asked.
14:48Who do you want to be your new manager, he asked her.
14:53Emma shook her head.
14:55She had complete trust in him and Kaleidoscope.
14:59Besides, while she had proven that she was good enough to join the company,
15:04she didn't rank highly within the agency itself.
15:08He smiled secretively, led her into the bedroom, and helped her into bed.
15:14Don't worry about anything.
15:17Get some rest, readjust to the time difference,
15:21and wait for me to come home from work tomorrow.
15:24Treat it as a day off.
15:26She held his hand and said,
15:28I'll be fine. Don't worry about me.
15:32I'll tell Luke to have Lisa send H-World your resignation letter, he said.
15:37Okay, she said gently.
15:40Just as he turned to leave, she grabbed his hand and said,
15:44I want to see Margo.
15:46I knew you would be worried about her, so I already made arrangements.
15:52Luke will take you to see her once you've rested.
15:55He leaned over and placed a kiss on her forehead.
15:59Emma felt her tension ease as she closed her eyes.
16:04Her exhaustion came from work, not from the latest scandal.
16:09She'd learned long ago not to place any value on negative comments posted online.
16:15It was easy for people to say cruel things about her from the safety of their homes,
16:21and she was far too busy to waste energy on them.
16:25After Emma fell asleep, Eric left the villa.
16:29On the way to Kaleidoscope, Luke couldn't help but ask,
16:33are we going to handle this the way we have everything else?
16:37Eric looked down at the documents in his hands and said,
16:41I want you to contact our lawyers and have them send H-World a resignation letter on Emma's behalf.
16:49Then, once they announce her resignation,
16:52have our artist director announce that she's joining our company.
16:57You want to make the announcement? Luke questioned.
17:00I thought you'd want to solve the issue at hand first.
17:04The announcement is part of the solution.
17:07We'll hold a press conference and clarify the incident with Margot.
17:12I also want you to identify the ten most active commenters and document their messages.
17:19I plan on using them at the press conference.
17:23I want them to learn what happens when they mess with her.
17:27Luke was excited.
17:29I bet Lucas never expected his little stunt would end up elevating Emma instead of bringing her down, he thought.
17:38So who's going to be her new manager? Luke asked.
17:42After a moment of silence, Eric said, I am.
17:47Luke froze for a moment, surprised and slightly shocked.
17:52I'm not announcing it yet, so don't tell Emma, Eric said.
17:58Luke chuckled and nodded.
18:00Only Emma could sign with Kaleidoscope and get the one and only Eric to be her manager, he thought.
18:08I can't wait for this press conference.
18:11I wish I could see the look on Lucas's face.
18:14He should know by now that he'll never win.
18:18Margot asked about Emma as soon as she woke up from her surgery.
18:23Marie was too afraid to tell her what was happening and tried to avoid the topic.
18:29But Margot wasn't stupid.
18:31She could tell Marie was hiding something, so she sat up a little and demanded her phone.
18:38Margot, you need to get some rest.
18:41You have enough on your plate.
18:43Emma is fine.
18:44You told me yourself that she's well protected.
18:48Margot stared at her with puppy dog eyes until she relented and handed over her phone.
18:55She saw the story painting Emma as a murderer as soon as she went online and immediately panicked.
19:03She struggled to get up as she said, I'm alive and well.
19:07Why are these people saying these things?
19:11Marie tried to calm her.
19:13Where are you going?
19:14Lie down.
19:16You'll see Emma soon.
19:18While they were talking, Emma and the doctor walked into the room.
19:23As the doctor looked over her medical records, he told Emma, right now, her kidney is stable.
19:30She still has time to find a donor.
19:33She's still at risk, though, and can't afford to catch even a cold.
19:38Mr. Roberts has arranged for us to locate a suitable donor,
19:42and we're currently searching through the domestic and international databases.
19:46I'm hopeful that we'll get a response soon.
19:49Thank you, doctor, Emma replied.
19:52Emma turned to look at Margot after the doctor left the room.
19:56You shouldn't have to take responsibility for your brother's mistakes.
20:01I haven't talked to you in months.
20:04I had no idea your condition had gotten this bad.
20:08Margot's heart ached as she looked away.
20:11I'll be fine.
20:13You and I are a lot alike, always trying to prove how strong we are.
20:19Emma sighed as she walked over to her bedside and sat down.
20:23Margot asked, are you upset by all the rumors that are going around?
20:28I'm sure things will die down if I go out and clarify everything.
20:33Things aren't as bad as they seem, but risking your health to say something won't stop this.
20:40Emma held up her hand when she went to speak and continued, I've got my own plans.
20:47Besides, there's no way my amazing husband will let me get hurt.
20:53Margot could tell she wasn't just saying this to comfort her,
20:57so she sighed and said, you know where to find me if you need me.
21:02The only thing she needs you to do is get better, so shut up and get some rest.
21:08Marie growled at her.
21:10She hated seeing her all worked up.
21:13She turned to Emma and apologized.
21:16This is all my fault.
21:18If it wasn't for me, that jerk never would have found out about your promise to Margot.
21:24Don't blame yourself.
21:26He would have found another way to get to me.
21:29It's not your fault, Emma reassured her.
21:33By the way, your fan club members are horrible.
21:37I could do a better job than they are at defending you, Marie said angrily.
21:43Me too, Margot said.
21:45I've seen all your fashion shows and bought all your magazines.
21:50I can guarantee that I know you better than any of them.
21:54Emma couldn't help but laugh.
21:57You can be the president of my fan club once you're better.
22:14The next morning, the Entertainment News was doing a live broadcast of the spectacle at the airport in New York.
22:22This is the first time I've seen a scene like this in my entire career.
22:27A huge number of fans have gathered here today to bombard Emma as soon as she gets off the plane.
22:33There are several banners and signs up expressing their anger, the reporter said before looking down at her watch.
22:41Emma's flight is scheduled to arrive at 10 a.m., less than 20 minutes from now.
22:47And airport security is urgently preparing for her arrival.
22:51I hope she'll be able to leave unharmed.
22:55Lisa picked up the remote and turned off the TV before turning to look at Emma, who was standing beside the dining table, pruning flowers.
23:05I've arranged for the lawyers to deliver your resignation letter.
23:09Charlotte should have received it by now, she told Emma.
23:13Emma remained silent as she continued pruning.
23:18Last night, I was so upset as I read through all the comments online.
23:23Look, my eyes are swollen from crying, she said, sulking as she pointed at her red eyes.
23:31You shouldn't have read them, she replied.
23:34I did it for you.
23:36Other people have fans waiting at the airport to greet them and sign autographs, but not you.
23:42Your so-called fans are cursing you, wishing you dead and demanding an apology for something you didn't even do, Lisa said.
23:52At least my name will go down in the history books, said Emma as she finished pruning the roses in her hands before arranging them beautifully in a glass vase.
24:03She knew Lisa was trying to gauge her mood, but she honestly didn't care about the rumors anymore.
24:10After everything she'd been through, Lisa studied her and saw that she was truly OK.
24:18So she let it go and had just opened her mouth to change the subject when Emma's phone rang.
24:25Looking down, Lisa saw that it was Charlotte.
24:29Do you want me to answer it?
24:31Emma shook her head, put down the scissors and answered the call.
24:36Have you returned from your trip? Charlotte asked, although she knew there was no way Emma would have picked up the phone if she'd still been on the plane.
24:45There was no way she would have given her fans a chance to surround and hurt her.
24:50Besides, she just received her resignation letter.
24:54I got back last night, she replied, not even trying to hide anything.
25:00It was sad that this was the most civil conversation they'd had in a while.
25:05They could have been friends if Charlotte hadn't tried to assert her dominance over Emma.
25:11I received your resignation letter, Charlotte said, looking over the letter again.
25:16She had mixed feelings about it and didn't know what to say.
25:21But as CEO, she had to speak on the agency's behalf.
25:26Emma, we will suffer a huge loss losing you.
25:30Maybe you should speak to the person responsible for exposing confidential information, she said, hinting at Lucas.
25:39We haven't done our due diligence when it comes to this latest scandal.
25:43And between you and I, mistakes have certainly been made.
25:47So with that being said, I'll approve your resignation, Charlotte said.
25:53Thank you, Emma replied simply.
25:56However, I have no choice but to announce that we've expelled you from the company.
26:02I'm a businesswoman after all, and we've suffered right along with you, Charlotte continued.
26:08There's no need to come up with excuses.
26:11The only thing you care about is yourself.
26:14After a moment of silence, Emma continued.
26:18You should be happy.
26:19You finally succeeded in destroying the career I've worked so hard for.
26:24Happy? That's not how I would describe this feeling, Charlotte thought.
26:30Emma, I know it's wrong to be so competitive, but you bring it on yourself.
26:36You're not suited for this industry.
26:38You make everyone around you look bad with your morals, and you stand in the way of other people's success.
26:46Of course people want to see you get humiliated and brought down a peg.
26:51You brought all this on yourself.
26:54I'm sure you're looking forward to seeing me live like an unwanted sewer rat.
27:00But do you really think you've destroyed me beyond repair?
27:04Emma asked, a small smile on her face.
27:07At least you can still live your life in hiding.
27:10As a token of my friendship, I've even decided not to charge you for the losses you've caused the agency.
27:17Emma suddenly started laughing.
27:20In that case, thank you so much for letting me off the hook.
27:26We'll make our announcement this afternoon, said Charlotte.
27:29She expected the announcement to be detrimental to Emma's already tarnished reputation.
27:35Do what you want, Emma said, fearless.
27:39Charlotte assumed she was simply holding back her anger and maintaining her pride, but she never really understood her.
27:48Charlotte hung up the phone and looked at Lucas, who was sitting beside her.
27:53Reluctantly, she said, Emma's contract has been terminated.
27:58Go handle whatever else you've got up your sleeve.
28:01After all, it's clear my opinion doesn't matter anymore.
28:05I wasn't trying to force your hand.
28:07I just didn't want you to get soft, Lucas said.
28:11Keep telling yourself that.
28:13If there's nothing else, get out of my face, she said, before refocusing on the documents in front of her, thinking,
28:21I can't believe the agency's fate is now in his hands.
28:26I better be careful, thought Lucas.
28:29I've affected not only her bottom line, but her cold heart, too.
28:34I know you're angry with me, but I've never once betrayed you or H-World, he said.
28:41I've done a lot of things for my own personal gain, but I do care about you.
28:47I think you'd better focus on handling this latest fiasco you've caused.
28:52If you fail, I'll never trust you again, she replied coldly.
29:05Episode 209 Surprise
29:09The angry mob waited outside the airport for two hours with no sign of Emma.
29:16Finally, they figured she'd either returned early or snuck out.
29:21They started calling her a cheap, sneaky model in response.
29:26It was hard to understand these people's mentality.
29:30Did they really think she was stupid enough to walk right into an ambush?
29:35They truly believed only the guilty hid from judgment, and none of them thought to ferret out the truth.
29:43The crowd headed to H-World after Emma's no-show and surrounded the building, demanding to know where Emma was,
29:51though none of the employees had seen her.
29:55One of the employees finally told them that they would be making an announcement later that afternoon.
