The Billionaire's Accidental Bride Ep 183-186

  • 5 months ago
The Billionaire's Accidental Bride
Episode 183
Episode 184
Episode 185
Episode 186
00:00Eric embraced Emma tightly. He didn't need to express anything or give her any comforting
00:08words. A tight embrace was better than anything he could say. A moment later, with her still
00:15in his embrace, he suddenly sat up. Just as he was about to stand up from the bed, he
00:22felt her pull him back. He looked at her curiously and saw her clinging to his chest. He turned
00:29on the bedside lamp and gently stroked her back. Then he smiled and said, Aren't you
00:36going to take a shower? I just want you to hug me like this. She replied, burying her
00:43head in his chest with a cute expression on her face. I don't want to be apart from you.
00:51Didn't you tell me not to go to London with you? He asked. I just don't want you to be
00:57too tired, she thought. And I don't want to be too tired myself. Both of them already
01:04understood the situation. But now that Eric had made spoiling his wife his career, he
01:10couldn't possibly let her go to London by herself. He did not tell her his plans, though.
01:17He simply waited to give his adorable wife another surprise. That night, the couple did
01:24not sleep. They remained in each other's arms and chatted the night away. In the blink
01:29of an eye, it was already time for Richard and Lisa to pick up Emma and take her to the
01:35airport. However, up until she had to leave, she still clung to Eric, unwilling to let
01:42him go. Wait for me, she said. He reached out his hand and gently stroked her hair.
01:51The wedding ring on his finger sparkled in the morning sun. When they arrived at the
01:56airport, Lisa realized she'd forgotten her passport. But there wasn't enough time for
02:02her to go back for it, and she knew her grandfather was out on his morning walk. Emma thought
02:09about her old home and remembered that it wasn't far from Kaleidoscope. So she told
02:15Lisa to call Luke. She knew Lisa had the habit of hiding a spare key. Lisa hesitated
02:22for a moment, but she quickly concluded that her work was more important than her confusing
02:28emotions. So she reluctantly gave him a call.
02:33Luke? She said when he picked up. What is it? He asked.
02:38Uh, well, I forgot my passport. Do you think you could drop by my house and get it? There's
02:45a spare key hidden inside the mailbox, and my passport should be sitting on top of my
02:49bed. Luke was actually quite busy at the moment. Eric had given him a lot of documents that
02:56he needed to deliver. If it were anyone else, he would have shrugged them off. But since
03:02it was Lisa, no matter how inconvenient it was, he felt he couldn't refuse.
03:09You wait there, Luke replied. He was well aware their boarding time was approaching,
03:15so he immediately drove to Lisa's house and found the spare key.
03:20The inside of Lisa's home looked pretty much the same as when Emma had lived there. This
03:25was not the first time Luke had been there, but without Lisa around, he felt quite nervous.
03:33When he pushed open the door to Lisa's bedroom, he saw that her passport was indeed sitting
03:38on the bed. But beside it was a pile of her bras and underwear. Lisa had been in such
03:45a rush that she didn't have time to tidy up. Luke blushed as he picked up the passport
03:51and hurried out. In his heart, he felt it would only be right for him to look at a woman's
03:57undergarments if she was his future wife. Because he was so flustered, he ran into a
04:03chair on his way to the door. He let out a painful cry and grabbed his leg before
04:09limping back to the car. He was still limping when he got out of his car in front of the
04:15airport, but he pretended nothing had happened as Lisa ran up to meet him.
04:20I'm so sorry I made you run around like this, she said.
04:25It's okay, he replied as he handed her the passport. Have a safe trip.
04:31Lisa hurried back into the airport. She was in such a rush that she hadn't noticed Luke's
04:37pained expression. Only when she was out of sight did he finally lift up his pant leg
04:43to take a look. A chunk of skin from his left knee had been scraped off. What an idiot,
04:50he thought. Because the airport departure lounge was on the second floor, Emma and Richard
04:56had witnessed the entire scene.
04:59It looks like he hurt himself pretty badly, Richard teased as he sipped his coffee.
05:05When two blockheads come together, there's bound to be a good show, Emma said, laughing.
05:12Isn't this exactly what love is like? She thought. It turns a person into an idiot and
05:19makes them do stupid things.
05:22Emma was afraid her fans would see her, so she stayed in her seat and didn't walk around.
05:28Even so, a familiar tall skinny man spotted her and approached her. He was the reporter
05:35from Her Vision who had spotted her and Eric at the airport a while ago.
05:41Emma had a good memory, especially when it came to people with bad intentions. She quickly
05:47remembered the look in the man's eyes and wondered what his motive was. Just like last
05:53time, the man greeted her politely and then handed her a business card.
05:58Miss Miller, he said. Do you still remember me?
06:02You're the reporter from Her Vision Studio, she replied without looking at the card.
06:08The man was slightly surprised, but only for a moment before a smile once again appeared
06:14on his face.
06:16I never expected to see you here, he said.
06:20I assume you must be headed to the fashion show in London?
06:24She nodded politely.
06:26The boyfriend from last time didn't come with you? He said, looking around.
06:31He didn't see anyone suspicious, so he let Emma off the hook.
06:36I guess I'll see you in London.
06:38What was that all about? Richard asked after he left.
06:42What did he mean by the boyfriend from last time?
06:46Last time, when Kaleidoscope got in trouble, I went overseas with Eric
06:50and was seen stepping out of his car, she explained.
06:54But he had no idea the man was Eric.
06:58I'm afraid the coming week in London won't be very fun.
07:02There are going to be eyes following me everywhere.
07:06What are you afraid of? Eric didn't come along this time, Richard said.
07:11He was more afraid that Charlotte would have something up her sleeve for them.
07:16Of course, Emma couldn't have known that this reporter would end up
07:20clinging to her for days to come.
07:23Is Emma already on her way to London?
07:26Charlotte asked Lucas as she paced back and forth across her office.
07:31She should be on the plane right now, he replied.
07:34You've already made arrangements in London.
07:37This time I hired some famous paparazzi from South Korea,
07:41he said, twirling his fingers.
07:44If Emma does anything suspicious at all, she won't be able to avoid the cameras.
07:49His expression was calm with a trace of arrogance.
07:53He was the very definition of the word pretentious.
07:58Give them everything they need until we have what we want, she yelled impulsively.
08:04Then she sat down in her chair and said,
08:07We need to find a few newcomers to train.
08:10I just don't feel confident with just Hillary.
08:14After a 10-hour flight, Emma and her crew finally arrived in London around midday.
08:21Before getting into her car, Emma shot a quick glance at the reporter from her vision.
08:27He was acting very strange.
08:29He wasn't being clingy, but he still made her feel like she was in danger.
08:35Emma reminded herself to be wary of him as she threw his business card into the trash.
08:41Ten minutes after she left the airport, she received a phone call from Eric.
08:46After telling him she'd made it safely,
08:49she and Richard made their way to the hotel H-World had arranged for them.
08:54The J.K. show is in two days, Richard said.
08:57We need to go for a quick interview before then.
09:01Even though H-World recommended you, it hasn't been confirmed yet.
09:05You organize it then, Emma replied.
09:08What are your thoughts on Charlotte arranging this job for you as an act of forgiveness,
09:13he asked.
09:14This was something he'd wanted to know for a long time.
09:25Episode 184
09:28Trouble in London
09:30J.K. is a high-class fashion label, Emma replied with a gentle smile.
09:36Why would I reject it?
09:38The only issue is that if she's giving me such a great job,
09:42she must want something from me in return.
09:46I'll take precautionary actions, Richard said.
09:49Go get some rest and adjust to the time difference.
09:52You have a lot of work to do.
09:54After Richard left, Emma lay on the bed and shut her eyes.
09:58She knew she should be tired, but instead, she felt she was becoming more and more awake.
10:05She couldn't help thinking about the international runway show she was about to perform in.
10:11This would be much different than all the small shows she had done in the past.
10:16If she managed to steal the show, it would open her up to a lot more international opportunities.
10:24It seemed that this was the final step she had to take
10:27before she could be on the same level as Eric.
10:31Maybe it was because the couple's minds were in sync,
10:35but she suddenly received a phone call from Eric.
10:38She picked up the phone and giggled.
10:41How did you know I was thinking about you? She asked.
10:46Back in New York, it was still mid-morning.
10:49After waking up and not seeing the figure he had become so used to lying next to,
10:54Eric had started thinking about her.
10:57Emma had never been a noisy person, but without her around, the house felt empty.
11:03This is really hard to adjust to, he thought.
11:07Mrs. Roberts, he said.
11:10If you're really going to be gone for a week, my body and mind are both going to suffer.
11:17I want to see you right now. I want to hug you and kiss you.
11:22Talk about suffering, she thought.
11:25I'm in a foreign country, lying in an unfamiliar bed.
11:29I'm suffering even more than he is.
11:33Unfortunately, Mr. Roberts, we have to be apart for now, she said.
11:38I guess you'll need to endure for a little bit.
11:42Endure, he thought.
11:44I don't plan on enduring anything.
11:48So, while he was coaxing Emma to sleep over the phone, he sent a message to Luke,
11:53telling him to book the next flight to London.
11:57However, he would only be able to see Emma briefly before flying back for an important dinner party.
12:04After receiving the message, Luke thought about how Eric would be flying for a total of 20 hours
12:11just to get a quick look at her.
12:13Is this really necessary, he thought?
12:17Eric, wait for me, Emma mumbled as she drifted off to sleep.
12:22I'm almost there. I'm almost at your level.
12:26Eric's heart melted as he listened to her.
12:29So what if I have to fly 20 hours, he thought.
12:33I told Emma long ago that if she wanted to go somewhere, I would accompany her.
12:39It'll be worth it, even if it's only for a brief moment.
12:43Two days later, Emma and Richard were arriving on the set of the J.K. show.
12:48The show was to take place in a beautiful church on the outskirts of London,
12:53and the theme was soul and rebirth.
12:56The clothes were all black and white, with details such as black mandalas and black and white wigs.
13:03It was like the two opposing forces of life were pulling at each other.
13:08Now that she was on the set of an international show,
13:12Emma no longer needed to worry about other models using dirty tactics to tear each other apart.
13:19Backstage, all that could be seen were models getting changed and applying makeup.
13:24Emma felt like she had become her 19-year-old self in France again.
13:30Richard was discussing things with the J.K. representative,
13:33while Emma tried on her clothes and makeup in a dressing room.
13:37At a high-class show like this, there were no other American models besides herself.
13:43That was because there weren't many American models who could do international shows to begin with.
13:50Emma stood in front of the full-body mirror.
13:53She was wearing only a black bra and underwear.
13:56This was normal for a model.
13:59All she had to do was stretch out her arms,
14:01and people would start dressing her per the designer's instructions.
14:06J.K.'s designer was a bearded man in his 40s.
14:09He considered himself part New Yorker, and his whole body carried an artistic presence.
14:16He scanned Emma's body and noticed her legs.
14:19They were so beautiful, they were impossible to ignore.
14:23So he clicked his fingers loudly and told the assistant to bring the outfit he had prepared for
14:29the finale.
14:30He wanted Emma to try it on.
14:33It was a long black dress with a deep v-neck.
14:36The main body of the dress was made up of translucent black gauze,
14:40interwined with black mesh.
14:43The design was inspired by the idea of a trapped soul.
14:48The scattering of black Mandela-patterned flowers ran from the shoulders all the way to the waist.
14:54The darkness, the wickedness, the struggle.
14:58As soon as Emma put on the dress,
15:00it looked like an evil power that had been trapped inside her was about to break free.
15:06That's the feeling I wanted, the designer exclaimed.
15:10The feeling of evil struggling to break free.
15:14Excellent, you'll do the finale.
15:16She had originally come for the opening, yet now she was being given the finale.
15:22This was something Emma had never imagined.
15:26She was also surprised to learn that for the finale,
15:29she would be performing with a male model.
15:32In order to get this sequence right, all the models were required to do a practice run.
15:38It was only when Emma stepped on stage for the run-through that she saw her partner for
15:43the first time.
15:45He was a 6'2 man in his early 20s.
15:48He was handsome with a pair of ocean blue eyes and an extraordinary amount of charm
15:54and confidence.
15:56As Emma posed with her shoulder against his, he suddenly reached out his hand and pinched
16:01her thigh.
16:02She turned and gave him a cold glare as a warning.
16:06Sorry, but your legs are way too beautiful, he said.
16:10I'm so tempted to give them a kiss.
16:13If you do that, then you'll make me think this is how all British men are brought up
16:18to act, she warned.
16:20They moved apart and walked back down the runway.
16:23The model ignored Emma's warning and continued to smirk at her for the rest of the practice
16:30When they were done, Emma stepped off the stage and Richard immediately covered her
16:35with his jacket.
16:36What happened just now, he asked.
16:38What did that male model do?
16:41It's nothing, she said.
16:43She assumed he just had a moment of foolishness and decided to let him off the hook.
16:49In reality, at shows like this, it was normal for models to take advantage of each other
16:55by pushing and shoving others or even touching them, especially backstage.
17:01All sorts of things could be seen back in the dressing rooms.
17:04Emma put the jacket on and started heading backstage with Richard.
17:08However, as she had a good eye for cameras, she spotted an abnormal flash coming from
17:14a hidden corner.
17:16It looks like someone is photographing me in secret, she said to Richard.
17:21He glanced at her and followed her gaze before patting her on the shoulder.
17:26Go backstage and get changed, he said.
17:29I'll handle this.
17:31Emma nodded her head.
17:32She had a vague idea of what was happening, so she stuck around for a little bit instead
17:38of heading straight backstage.
17:40She watched as Richard walked over to the hidden corner of the church.
17:44Suddenly, a shadow could be seen moving underneath one of the benches.
17:49Maybe because he was a professional who was good at escaping, but Richard did not manage
17:55to catch him.
17:56Forget about it, Emma said.
17:59There are plenty of people here with confidential design secrets he could be spying on.
18:04He may not be here for me.
18:06Maybe I'm being too paranoid.
18:08Richard returned to her side to escort her back.
18:12I'll pay extra attention from now on.
18:14Let's go get changed.
18:16They had no idea that this was one of the South Korean paparazzi Lucas had hired.
18:22After escaping from the church, the man held onto his camera, looking pleased.
18:28His luck had been good.
18:29He'd managed to capture Emma flirting with a male model.
18:33The image of her thigh being pinched was captured in high definition on his camera.
18:39A few minutes later, Lucas received an email with the paparazzi's photo attached.
18:45This is only the first day, Emma, he thought.
18:49By the time you return, thinking you've succeeded,
18:52you'll discover your name has been completely tarnished.
19:09The reporter from Her Vision was also present on set.
19:13He was waiting for his big break.
19:15Emma was well known for her low profile and pure nature.
19:20However, from the moment he saw her giving an affectionate goodbye to a man in Mexico,
19:26she had made a deep impression on him.
19:29He was in London because he believed that he would absolutely capture
19:33photo evidence of Emma and her man's intimate relationship.
19:38In regard to that paparazzi that had gotten chased out,
19:42he felt that furiously snapping photos was a waste of time.
19:46The thigh-touching material he'd gotten on camera
19:49was something that could only be used as cheap speculation.
19:54What he wanted was solid proof of Emma being affectionate with a man.
20:00Hence, he deliberately booked his hotel room right opposite hers.
20:05London in November wasn't as cold as it was in New York.
20:09A simple coat was enough to get by.
20:12On the way back to the hotel, Emma rested her eyes as Lisa gave her a massage.
20:18Lisa's heart ached for her as she needed her legs.
20:21As she had been wearing high-heeled shoes for a long period of time,
20:26the muscles in Emma's legs felt extremely tense.
20:30After entering the hotel's underground parking garage,
20:33Richard got out of the car first.
20:36He was shocked as his eyes fell upon a man in a black coat leaning against a car.
20:42It was Eric.
20:44Emma had fallen asleep.
20:46Lisa slowly got out of the car and turned to wake her up.
20:49But Eric gestured for her to remain silent
20:53as he leaned over and carried his wife out of the car.
20:57He tilted her head into his embrace.
21:00This hotel isn't very safe.
21:03I'll take her to a place I've organized.
21:06Richard nodded as he reminded him.
21:09Work will start at seven tomorrow morning.
21:11Come pick her up before that time.
21:14I'll text you the address.
21:15Eric responded.
21:17He placed Emma into his sports car and swiftly drove off.
21:21Richard recalled Eric's words about the hotel not being safe
21:25and pictured the paparazzi from earlier.
21:29As a manager, he didn't want to let his imagination run wild,
21:34but he felt it was possible this had something to do with Charlotte.
21:39He thought back to the time he was in a relationship with Arnie
21:43and the shadows he had noticed lurking in the dark.
21:46They were memories that had once been sealed away.
21:50He really hoped that Arnie's death had nothing to do with Charlotte.
21:55Eric's car sped through the streets of London.
21:58Eventually, he stopped outside a manor.
22:01As it was located on a private estate,
22:03the security was of the highest standard.
22:07He unlatched Emma's seatbelt and gazed down at her.
22:11This is the woman I miss so deeply,
22:13even when we're separated for just a single minute.
22:17They would only have two hours together,
22:20yet she had fallen asleep.
22:22However, Eric couldn't bear to wake her.
22:26He simply hugged her,
22:27wrapping his arms tightly around her.
22:30It seemed that being able to smell her unique fragrance was enough for him.
22:36She was exhausted from wearing high heels.
22:39Walking from her long flight to the runway,
22:42her legs suddenly started cramping up.
22:45The pain was so sharp that her eyes flew open
22:48and her head knocked into Eric's firm chest.
22:52She was stunned for a moment.
22:54She thought she was dreaming.
22:56He released her from his embrace
22:58and lifted her leg onto his knee.
23:01He then massaged her leg with his strong hands.
23:05Why are you here?
23:07She asked.
23:08Recharging myself, he replied.
23:12Emma happily stretched out her arms and hugged him.
23:15He was as much of a necessity to her as oxygen was.
23:20We only have two hours together.
23:23What would you like to do?
23:25He asked as he gently stroked her back.
23:28If you knew it was only for two hours,
23:31why did you still come?
23:33Emma hit his shoulder playfully.
23:35It's a 20-hour flight and so far from home.
23:40As long as I get to hug you for two seconds,
23:43the 20 hours are worth it.
23:46So you would even do things like this?
23:50She teased,
23:50turning her head and kissing him on his ear
23:53before making her way to his lips.
23:56However, Eric stayed still.
23:59I don't think this is enough.
24:02He didn't wait for her to move away from him
24:05before cupping his hands around her cheeks
24:07and placing a fiery and passionate kiss on her lips.
24:12He didn't hold back at all.
24:15Emma didn't return to the hotel.
24:17This was the news the paparazzi relayed to Charlotte and Lucas.
24:21The pair were still at H-World late at night.
24:24They looked at each other before asking,
24:27Did you find out where she went?
24:30We were afraid of getting caught,
24:31so we didn't dare get too close.
24:34It was only when we discovered her room light
24:36hadn't been turned on that we got suspicious.
24:39Continue to keep an eye on her.
24:41As soon as you find any form of evidence,
24:44don't you dare let it go.
24:47Charlotte hung up the video chat
24:49and turned her head to face Lucas.
24:51What do you think Emma is doing right now?
24:54What else could she be doing?
24:56If she's not in her room,
24:58apart from fooling around with a man,
25:00what other reason would she have to be out?
25:03There's no point in talking about it.
25:05We need to get proof, she said.
25:08Thanks to the photo of Emma flirting
25:10with the male model they held in their hands,
25:13they had complete confidence
25:15in the South Korean paparazzi they had hired.
25:18At the same time, the reporter from Her Vision
25:21had also noticed that something was abnormal.
25:25Emma had not returned to the hotel.
25:28Richard and Lisa's rooms were both lit up.
25:31Only Emma's room was dark and still.
25:34He thought about the incident at the airport.
25:37Since there were so many hotels,
25:39he was better off waiting there.
25:42Maybe God will give me a pleasant surprise,
25:45he thought to himself.
25:47When the couple were working separately,
25:49time seemed to drag on forever.
25:52However, when they were together,
25:54it passed by in the blink of an eye.
25:57Two hours were short and had been hard to come by.
26:01The pair didn't go anywhere.
26:04They simply remained in the car,
26:06kissing and hugging.
26:08They didn't want to waste a single second.
26:11The hotel booked by H-World
26:13has four paparazzi staying in it, Eric said.
26:17Before you returned today,
26:19I already spoke to the manager
26:21and he had a look at the surveillance cameras.
26:24Their movements completely mask yours.
26:28As H-World had organized the hotel,
26:31there was no way he could feel reassured.
26:34Therefore, the first thing he had done
26:36was check the safety of the hotel.
26:39Listening to his words,
26:40Emma quickly recalled the incident
26:42at the church earlier that day.
26:45I already asked Luke to look into these people.
26:48Don't be afraid.
26:50She gave a gentle laugh, shaking her head.
26:54I'm not afraid at all.
26:56I just want to know if these people
26:58are from the media or from H-World.
27:00I'm not even sure what Charlotte's motive could be.
27:04Eric gently stroked her hair without a word.
27:07He was gradually opening the doorway
27:10for her to join Kaleidoscope.
27:13No matter what her motive is,
27:15it can't be a good thing.
27:17You need to be careful.
27:18There's still some time
27:20before you have to get back to work.
27:22Get some rest in the manor.
27:24I'll bring you to the airport first, Emma offered.
27:28He held onto her shoulders and shook his head.
27:32Do you not see how tired you are?
27:34Listen to me.
27:36When I have time, I'll fly back.
27:39She didn't argue.
27:41She simply placed her forehead against his
27:43and enjoyed their last few moments of affection.
27:46In the end, Eric had arrived on his own
27:49and left on his own.
27:51Her visions reporter stood guard at the airport
27:54and saw him arrive wearing sunglasses.
27:57However, he had no idea
27:59that Eric was the man he'd been waiting for.
28:03He simply sighed to himself.
28:05Kaleidoscope's CEO was indeed a legend.
28:15Episode 186, Charlotte is closing in.
28:20Luke's information came through.
28:22The paparazzi that were following Emma
28:24were from South Korea
28:26and they were an extremely professional team.
28:29Luke also found out that they were in action
28:32because they had met with H-World's artist director,
28:35Lucas Perez.
28:37The answer was obvious.
28:40Richard was abnormally upset.
28:43He'd suddenly realized a lot of things.
28:46During the incident with Arnie,
28:48although it was exposed by Ariadne and Lucas,
28:51the substantive evidence came from the hidden flashes
28:54that followed them around.
28:56He wondered if that was Charlotte's doing.
29:00Now that Arnie's incident is well in the past,
29:03does Charlotte wanna play the same trick again?
29:05He thought.
29:06She's already taken Arnie's life.
29:09Does she also want Emma's?
29:12I'm not sure what those people managed to capture,
29:15he said.
29:16Lisa couldn't help but sigh.
29:19I really liked Charlotte Garcia at one stage.
29:22I thought she was confident and strong,
29:24like a true heroine.
29:26Who would have imagined she'd turn out
29:28to be as cruel as a wolf?
29:31Emma sat on a hotel bed.
29:33She was immensely calm.
29:35No matter how merciless Charlotte was,
29:38it could never stop her determination
29:40to become an international supermodel.
29:43Although Charlotte was cruel,
29:45Emma could be even more so.
29:48Seeing her remain silent,
29:50Richard felt slightly terrified.
29:53After being around her for quite some time,
29:56he had developed a certain level of understanding towards her.
30:00Although she was quiet as usual,
30:03her mood could be deciphered
30:05through slight variations in her silence.
30:08When she was with Eric,
30:10her silence carried a relaxed
30:12and comfortable atmosphere with it.
30:14When she was with outsiders,
30:16her silence made her seem unapproachable.
30:20At that moment,
30:21it had reached a stage where one should be terrified.
30:25The more she didn't speak,
30:27the more it meant that she was thinking
30:29of a way to strike back at Charlotte.
30:32Charlotte had already pushed things too far.
30:36Emma's future would definitely not be at H-World.
30:40What do you plan to do?
30:42He asked her.
30:43What else can I do?
30:45I'm just going to let her take as many photos as she wants.
30:49Emma smiled slightly,
30:51as if she didn't care.
30:52However, Richard knew if Charlotte was a mantis,
30:56then Emma was a hawk.
30:59All you need to focus on right now
31:01is walking in the J.K. show to the best of your ability.
31:05Nothing else is as important as this.
31:08But I don't think Charlotte will let me appear on the runway.
31:12Right now,
31:13she's trying to decide between using me or destroying me.
31:17Emma's mind was clear
31:18if she lifted her head to look into Richard's eyes.
31:22If you were Charlotte,
31:23which would you choose?
31:25The thing is,
31:27I don't think she's gotten anything she can use against you.
31:30He responded.
31:32Not necessarily.
31:34Emma was referring to the incident with the male model.
31:37As long as Charlotte wanted to,
31:39she could use even such a small encounter
31:42to ruin her with careful planning.
31:45Just focus on preparing for the show.
31:48I'll handle everything else.
31:50Richard reassured her.
31:52She smiled.
31:53She trusted him,
31:55but not entirely.
31:57In this world,
31:58the only person she could trust completely was Eric.
32:03I didn't know you were in such a difficult situation,
32:06said Lisa.
32:07Do you think the reason Charlotte is stalking you
32:10is partly because she thinks Luke and I are just covering up for you
32:13while you're the one who's actually related to Kaleidoscope?
32:18After hearing her question,
32:19Emma shook her head.
32:21No way.
32:22If Charlotte was suspicious of my relationship with Kaleidoscope,
32:27it wouldn't have been difficult for her to guess
32:29what my relationship with Eric is.
32:32From the start,
32:33she never expected that he would be interested in me at all.
32:39Because Eric has no interest in her,
32:41said Emma.
32:43In her eyes,
32:44if he has no interest in her,
32:45then how could he possibly waste his time on a mere model like me?
32:50Deep inside,
32:51Charlotte was an extremely self-centered person.
32:55She never allowed others to be better than her,
32:58and she didn't let them out of her control.
33:01How arrogant.
33:03Although Lisa felt a little better after hearing her words,
33:07she knew that Emma had worked hard to cover up her relationship with Eric
33:11and wasn't at the stage to reveal it just yet.
33:15After returning to her room,
33:17she decided to send a message to Luke.
33:20Why don't we live together?
33:22She felt she was out of her mind.
33:25Her face reddened as she lay on the bed.
33:28Luke was in the middle of dealing with some documents.
33:31Reading Lisa's message,
33:32he was shocked.
33:34He immediately replied to her with a whole heap of question marks.
33:39He'd actually assumed that Lisa had sent her message to the wrong person.
33:45Aren't we engaged?
33:46She said.
33:47Let's pretend to live together.
33:49You already have my keys after all.
33:52How about you drop by every now and then?
33:54Are you out of your mind?
33:57Lisa could think of no response to that.
34:00Having a low emotional intelligence is practically an illness,
34:05she thought.
34:06After Lisa and Richard returned to their respective rooms,
34:09Emma pulled open the curtains in her room
34:12and savored the view of London at night.
34:15Whatever way Charlotte decides to challenge me,
34:18I will throw it right back,
34:20she thought.
34:22But what if she wants to take my life?
34:26The next morning,
34:27Emma was woken up by a knock on the door.
34:30She expected it to either be Lisa or Richard.
34:33However, after she got changed and opened the door,
34:36standing in front of her was the young male model from the previous day.
34:42I finally found you and your beautiful long legs.
34:45The man reached out his hands for a hug.
34:48Emma quickly dodged to the side.
34:51My name is Gabby.
34:53I really want to get to know you, my goddess.
34:56You are so sexy.
34:58Emma didn't bother to respond to him
35:01as she closed the door in his face and called Richard.
35:05At the time, for a man like this to appear in front of her,
35:09Emma couldn't help but link it back to the people at H-World.
35:13Richard easily sent the male model away before entering her room.
35:18You're currently being followed.
35:19For a creep like this to cling to you out of nowhere,
35:22it's definitely suspicious.
35:25Even Richard has noticed something is off.
35:28How could I not know?
35:30Charlotte is really closing in, she said.
35:34Lucas, who was even more sinister than Charlotte,
35:38knew deep down that Emma was not easy to deal with.
35:42If things were to continue to drag on,
35:44she would definitely retaliate sooner or later.
35:48Therefore, he didn't ask for Charlotte's permission
35:52before posting the photos in his possession directly online.
35:56The headline read,
35:58Emma's high moral mask torn off,
36:01caught flirting with a male model.
36:04At the same time,
36:05the article suggested that the writer was an insider.
36:09It hinted that he knew Emma had a boyfriend
36:12but was flirting with a man with a dreamy back
36:16and seducing a male model overseas.
36:19Seeing that she was three-timing,
36:21he couldn't continue to stand idly by.
36:25Emma was famous for being reserved from the world.
36:28With this scandalous allegation,
36:30the netizens were quickly firing up
36:33and sharing their insults.
36:36Female celebrities were always treated
36:38differently to male celebrities.
36:41If a male celebrity had rumors like this,
36:44it would easily be overlooked.
36:46When it came to female celebrities,
36:49even if they were innocent,
36:50people would latch on and refuse to let go.
36:54On top of everything,
36:56the rumors could easily be turned into a scandal
36:59and be brought up time and time again.
37:03Everyone was caught by surprise.
37:06Lucas had played his move too quickly
37:08and too ruthlessly.
37:10As it was a sexual topic,
37:13which was particularly popular among men,
37:16the popularity of the article quickly flew
37:18to the top of the search rankings.
37:21At that moment,
37:22Eric's flight had just landed.