The Billionaire Accidental Bride Ep 215-218

  • 5 months ago
The Billionaire's Accidental Bride
Ep 215-218
00:00 Episode 215 PR Magic
00:05 This was Emma's first time taking part in a Kaleidoscope press conference, and thanks
00:10 to Louise's stellar management, she finally understood why Eric had such a successful
00:17 and unshakable reputation in business. Their PR team was professional, powerful, and second
00:25 to none. Louise looked at her after the contract signing ceremony and smiled reassuringly,
00:32 silently letting her know that she had the entire company's support. She returned his
00:38 smile, overflowing with gratitude. Lisa and Luke, who were standing below the stage, were
00:45 extremely moved. Lisa pinched Luke's arm excitedly every time something positive happened. Luke
00:52 finally lifted his arm and said, "This arm will be useless if you keep pinching me."
00:58 "Eric's agency is so amazing and professional," she said excitedly. Luke sighed in resignation
01:07 as she kept pinching him. "Of course they're professional," he thought. "Does she really
01:14 think Eric would allow anything less? There's a reason they're the best entertainment agency
01:20 in the industry." "I don't have to worry about Emma's future
01:24 anymore. I can finally relax," Lisa said, laughing and crying at the same time.
01:31 "What are you going to do now?" he asked her. "I don't know. There aren't too many options
01:38 for women my age. The only thing I haven't done yet is get married," she said, freezing
01:44 when she remembered who she was talking to. She snuck a glance at Luke, who was silently
01:50 watching Emma, though his eye twitched. She didn't know what was going through his mind
01:56 and wasn't sure if she should continue hinting. "Does he even like older women?" she wondered,
02:04 her smile a little forced as she watched the rest of the press conference.
02:09 A little while later, Louise approached Margo as she was leaving Kaleidoscope. "Smiling,"
02:16 he said. "Once you've fully recovered, give me a call if you're interested in joining
02:21 us." "What could I possibly do here?" she asked
02:25 him. "Our marketing department would love you," he said. "You have great potential."
02:32 She glanced at Emma and then turned back to him and nodded solemnly. "I'd be willing to
02:38 join since Emma is here. I just hope you aren't giving me false promises."
02:43 "I'm curious. Why do you want to follow her?" he asked.
02:49 "I want to face life head on," she said. "She gave me the hope and strength I needed to
02:55 keep going, and I want to live my life the way she does. She taught me to work hard,
03:02 seize every opportunity, and love without reservation." "In that case, get healthy and
03:09 then come see me. I'll be rooting for you," he replied encouragingly.
03:14 Emma caught up to her before she left and grabbed her in a tight hug. "Thank you so
03:20 much for everything you did for me. You could have focused on your health rather than clarify
03:26 everything for me, especially since I wasn't able to donate my kidney."
03:31 "I just want what's best for you, Emma," Margot said. "I'll be there for your surgery," Emma
03:38 said before releasing her and gently stroking her hair. Margot gave her a big smile. "I
03:46 promise I'll get better and be by your side in no time."
03:50 Emma was moved by her selflessness. Margot was one of the few people in this world that
03:56 would never hurt or blame others for her struggles, and she, more than anyone, deserved to live
04:04 a long and happy life.
04:07 Luis invited Emma into his office and explained, "Eric understands that you've been through
04:12 a lot with this latest scandal and is giving you the day off. We will, however, expect
04:18 you to be here and ready to work the day after."
04:21 "I don't need a day off," she said. "I would like to know who my manager will be, though."
04:29 "Your manager is currently overseas. You'll be flying to Italy the day after tomorrow
04:34 and you'll meet your new manager there," he explained.
04:38 "Okay," she said.
04:40 "Emma, you don't need to hide behind a mask here. You can be yourself. We work hard, but
04:47 we're one big happy family," he told her, concerned she was holding back after everything
04:53 she'd been through.
04:54 "I know. Don't worry. I've always been unapologetically myself. I've just never been the talkative
05:02 type," she reassured him.
05:04 With a smile, she continued, "I will cherish every day here."
05:11 Kaleidoscope's PR department used their best methods and worked overtime to reverse the
05:16 damage caused by the public, quickly sweeping away the negative comments that had been flung
05:21 at Emma. Anti-fans were afraid of getting in trouble, so they stopped posting online.
05:29 Many of Emma's other fans left her fan club in an effort to distance themselves from the
05:34 drama.
05:36 Later that night, the media's attention was diverted by the breaking news of a famous
05:41 movie star getting into a car accident. Emma's online attention slowly died down, and her
05:48 search rankings decreased. Lisa let out a sigh of relief as she told her, "It's finally
05:55 over."
05:57 Emma lifted her head to look at the top of the Kaleidoscope building as she thought of
06:02 her husband. She didn't know what she'd do without him. He'd helped her to get where
06:08 she was today, and now he'd saved her career from the destruction Lucas had almost caused.
06:15 "My life belongs to him. He'll never regret marrying me. I'll only get better from here,"
06:23 she promised herself.
06:25 Lisa knew she was thinking about Eric and was happy for her, but she was also a little
06:31 sad. She wished she had someone like that.
06:35 Emma lowered her head and noticed the sad expression on Lisa's face. Gently, she asked,
06:41 "Are you thinking about Luke?"
06:44 Lisa was silent and didn't confirm or deny it. "If you like him, you should tell him.
06:51 He clearly isn't understanding your hints, so spell it out for him," she encouraged.
06:57 "I'm afraid it would be too awkward to remain friends if it didn't work out," Lisa replied.
07:04 "Besides, with my background and family history, there's no way his family would be pleased
07:10 with him dating a woman like me."
07:20 Episode 216 Playing Nurse
07:24 Emma hated when Lisa looked down on herself. Sometimes, the most optimistic people were
07:30 fragile on the inside. They would laugh and joke around in public but soothe their wounds
07:37 in private.
07:38 "We need to go," Lisa said.
07:42 Emma glanced at her before getting into the company car. "I can't believe Luke is so oblivious
07:48 to her feelings. In his mind, he treats Lisa nicely because she does the same to him,"
07:54 she thought, shaking her head.
07:57 "Everyone in New York thinks you're Luke's fiancé. Don't waste your advantage," she
08:02 told her.
08:04 Lisa glared at her as she childishly covered her ears, trying to keep the words from touching
08:10 her heart and giving her hope. She was already a mess. This would only make it worse.
08:18 Emma stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window and looked out at the snowy landscape.
08:24 Behind her, broadcasters on TV were discussing Lucas' trip to the police station for questioning.
08:31 She glanced at the image of him being led out of H-World by Charlotte, who looked just
08:36 as pale as her company fell apart in the aftermath, and felt a sense of vindication for all the
08:42 suffering they had caused her before turning off the TV.
08:47 The two were now a laughingstock in the entertainment industry and, thanks to Kaleidoscope, would
08:54 probably never recover.
08:56 A few minutes later, Eric returned home, covered in snow. He removed his jacket and gave her
09:03 a hug from behind as he asked, "What were you thinking about?"
09:08 "The future," she said, turning around and burying herself in his arms. "I want to announce
09:15 our relationship in two months."
09:18 "Are you sure?" he asked, smiling as he hugged her closer. "Uh-huh. I want everyone to know
09:27 you're mine. They can't have you."
09:31 Instead of responding, he lifted her up and wrapped her legs around his waist before walking
09:36 over to the sofa. He laid her down, pressed his body against hers, and gave her a passionate
09:43 kiss. "We have a lot to deal with in the next two months, then," he thought.
09:49 A few minutes later, she laid on his chest and asked, "Eric, do you think Luke would
09:55 be interested in someone like Lisa?"
09:58 "I don't know. I'm not even sure if Luke himself knows," he replied. He did take the afternoon
10:06 off because he had the flu, though.
10:09 "Why don't we have Lisa go and check on him?" she suggested slyly.
10:16 He handed her his phone before telling her he would be working in the study if she needed
10:21 him. She nodded and reassured him that she would prepare dinner. But then she suddenly
10:28 stopped him and asked, "I heard my manager is currently in Italy. Who is it?"
10:35 "You'll find out when the time comes," he said cryptically.
10:40 She let it go and held onto the phone as she walked over to the window before calling Lisa.
10:47 When she answered, Emma told her Luke was sick, though she deliberately exaggerated
10:52 the truth.
10:54 Lisa tried not to let her emotions get involved, but she couldn't help her worry when Emma
10:59 told her Luke was alone with a fever of 102 degrees. She wrote down his address and headed
11:06 over to his place immediately, running a few red lights on the way.
11:11 She arrived at his front door half an hour later and rang his doorbell until he finally
11:17 opened the door. He stared at her with a lifeless expression as he said, "Oh, it's you."
11:25 "Have you taken any medication? I put cold and flu medicine in the pack I brought you
11:30 last time," she said.
11:33 Luke trudged slowly back to the sofa, mind sluggish from the fever. "He didn't hear a
11:39 word," she said. He looked at her when she sat on the coffee table and said, "Be careful
11:45 of my coffee table. You're heavy."
11:49 She ignored him as she grabbed the thermometer out of his medicine cabinet and put it in
11:53 his mouth. She took it out, looked at the temperature, and immediately panicked. "You
11:59 have a fever of 102.2 degrees. We need to get you to the hospital."
12:04 "I don't want to go. I'm too dizzy to sit in the car, so unless you plan on carrying
12:11 me," he said, trailing off tiredly.
12:16 Lisa sighed as she eyed him. He was a little over six feet, and while she was strong, she
12:22 wasn't strong enough to carry a grown man.
12:25 "I'll be fine. I don't need to go," he said.
12:30 She was both angry and amused. Thanks to the fever, he was acting confused, childish, and,
12:37 quite honestly, adorable.
12:41 After a moment of hesitation, she knelt down with her back toward him and told him to get
12:46 on. He sat up and climbed on her back without hesitation. He found a comfortable position,
12:53 buried his head into her shoulder, and promptly fell asleep.
12:58 She started struggling to breathe after a few steps, but she dug in and pushed on. Her
13:05 heart ached as she thought of his fever, and despite his treatment of her, she still cared
13:11 about him. Luckily, she found a hospital within ten minutes, carried him inside, and sat him
13:17 down in the ER waiting room while she checked him in and filled out paperwork.
13:23 The doctors immediately took him back and examined him so they could treat him and keep
13:27 his fever from developing into pneumonia. He tossed and turned for four hours before
13:34 finally regaining consciousness in the middle of the night. He opened his eyes to find Lisa
13:40 sleeping in a chair by his bedside. The nurse walked in to check on him, and seeing that
13:46 he was awake, smiled and said, "You and your sister must be really close. It couldn't have
13:53 been easy for her to carry you all this way here."
13:57 He felt guilty as he recalled his childish and rude behavior. "Why did I tease her about
14:03 being curvy? There's nothing wrong with that. I was such a jerk, and she still took care
14:09 of me," he thought, ashamed of himself. He shook out his hand to relieve some of the
14:15 numbness. Lisa slowly opened her eyes and said, "You're awake. Do you feel better?"
14:22 "Much better," he answered awkwardly. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you carry me.
14:30 I didn't think you'd take me seriously. I'm impressed, though. You're really strong."
14:37 Lisa was so angry and exasperated after the long night, and her heart hurt that he had
14:43 never cared for her the way she wanted him to. She lost control and pulled him up by
14:49 his clothes before kissing him to shut him up. Eventually, they moved apart and looked
14:55 at each other before she said, awkwardly, "Shut up, Luke."
15:01 He sat there quietly, still in a daze. She stood up and growled, "Since you're feeling
15:08 better, let's go. I think you should carry me this time."
15:12 "I might be feeling better, but I'm not 100%. I don't have the strength to carry you or
15:20 anyone else."
15:21 Lisa glared at Luke as she said, "I was joking!"
15:37 She helped him out of the bed and covered him up with a thick jacket. The two got on
15:42 the elevator and headed downstairs to the main entrance. As the entrance doors opened,
15:48 he suddenly knelt down a little and told her to get on. The streets were practically empty
15:55 since it was so early in the morning. She looked around before saying, "Forget it."
16:01 Her mouth might have refused, but her body really was tired. It wasn't long before she
16:07 found herself getting on his back. He couldn't handle the weight and almost fell down. She
16:14 quickly placed her feet on the ground and asked, "Are you okay?"
16:19 He couldn't hold back his laughter as he bent over again and said, "Quick, hop on. Let's
16:25 try it again." She couldn't help but laugh too as she got back on his back. He was more
16:32 stable this time, but it was still a struggle. "Let me down up ahead. I can take a taxi home,"
16:39 she said, pointing to the traffic light at the next intersection. "Are you sure you want
16:45 to go home? It's late. You can stay at my place," he said as he continued walking, carrying
16:52 her past the intersection. "Are you sure?" she asked, though she was smiling internally.
17:00 An opportunity like this didn't come by often, and her heart felt warm and at ease as she
17:07 lay on his back, unwilling to let go. "This hospital's only three minutes from my house."
17:14 "Why'd it take you ten minutes?" he asked, changing the subject as he made the decision
17:19 for her. "I'm a woman, not a m-" She cut herself off as she suddenly screamed, "Watch out!"
17:27 He turned his head for a split second to look at her and walked into a lamppost. They both
17:34 fell backwards onto the snow-covered ground, and he ended up between her legs. His mind
17:40 went blank as he realized their position was a little provocative. He quickly stood up,
17:47 grabbed her hand, and helped her off the ground. She covered her burning cheeks and wished
17:52 this road was a little longer. He continued holding her hand the rest of the way without
17:58 looking back. Meanwhile, she enjoyed the feeling of him holding her hand, and a million
18:05 thoughts ran through her head on the walk back. It was times like this that made her
18:10 glad she wasn't famous. If Emma and Eric had been in their place, they would have been
18:16 swarmed by now. It didn't take long for them to reach his house. He only had one room,
18:24 so he offered her his bed, but she said, "Why don't we both sleep on the sofas? You take
18:30 one and I'll take the other. I don't want to take your bed, and I know you won't be
18:35 comfortable letting me sleep out here while you sleep in your room." He thought it over
18:40 for a few minutes before agreeing. He took some medicine, placed a blanket over her,
18:47 and lay down, falling asleep instantly. Lisa sat up and watched him sleep for a bit, sad
18:54 that such a beautiful night was going to waste. "That will never happen if I don't get up
19:00 the courage to tell him how I feel," she thought, before yawning and settling down to sleep,
19:06 drifting off slowly.
19:09 The next morning, while Emma was packing her suitcase, Luis called. He wanted her to attend
19:15 a private gathering so she could meet some of Kaleidoscope's other artists and models.
19:20 "I spoke to Eric about this, and he agreed with the idea," he said. Normally, she didn't
19:27 like social events, but since he had already organized it and Eric had agreed, she couldn't
19:33 refuse. She nodded her head and told him she would be there. Besides, if she wanted to
19:41 become part of the family, she needed to make a few friends.
19:46 Later that night, around 6pm, she made her way to the private club with Lisa. Luis was
19:52 waiting for her at the entrance and led her into the high-class cocktail party. A famous
19:58 singer and pianist was playing beautiful classical music inside the lavish venue, and a dazzling
20:05 crystal chandelier reflected off the piano and various jewelry worn by the others in
20:11 attendance. She concentrated on the faces around her and realized that most of the people
20:17 around her were either movie stars or singers. The only other model there was the international
20:24 supermodel, Caitlin Roberts. She was elegantly dressed in a long silver dress and was sitting
20:31 with a glass of champagne. Luis led her to the man playing the piano and smiled as he
20:37 said, "Jake, I'd like you to meet Emma."
20:41 Emma rarely sang or followed the music industry, but she was still familiar with his work as
20:47 a pop music star. Ten years ago, he set several billboard records and achieved widespread
20:54 fame. He was still in demand as he continued to grow and improve, and he was admired by
21:01 the younger generation. Jake looked her up and down as she held out her hand and politely
21:07 greeted him. "It's nice to meet you, Emma. I hope you'll attend these gatherings more
21:12 often. I'd be more than happy to teach you to sing if you're interested."
21:16 "Thank you, Jake." Others in the room immediately raised their glasses as soon as they realized
21:24 she was there and gathered around. Luis patiently introduced her to each person until she had
21:30 met everyone there. Once he was done, she sat down beside Caitlin. Not too long ago,
21:38 the public had tried to compare them, but Caitlin had gotten famous early and had her
21:44 own unique style, giving her an advantage over some of the other models in the industry.
21:51 Caitlin turned and smiled at her. "I take it this isn't your scene."
21:55 "No, not really. I'm not used to it," she replied. "You'll get used to it once you've
22:02 come out a few times. Kaleidoscope has the ability to bring together the most outstanding
22:08 people," Caitlin murmured as she sipped her champagne. "Who's your manager gonna be?"
22:14 "I'm not sure," she replied honestly. "I heard you'll be flying out to Italy in a couple
22:20 days for a watch endorsement. I also heard people from Star King will be competing for
22:25 it," Caitlin said. "I know you were previously blacklisted by Star King. Be careful. Now
22:32 that you've joined Kaleidoscope, you'll be going up against Star King more often."
22:37 She nodded as she listened to her. "It's impossible to avoid fighting for contracts, but we've
22:43 never lost. I hope you can continue this winning streak. Of course, it all depends on your
22:50 manager and their capabilities," Caitlin said.
22:54 Emma was well aware that people would be more ruthless the farther she advanced, but she
22:59 didn't know how to respond to Caitlin's advice apart from nodding her head. She wouldn't
23:05 find out who her manager was until she got to Italy. The two continued to chat for a
23:11 while before they heard Luis tell everyone, "Eric will be making an appearance tonight."
23:30 As soon as everyone heard the news, their expressions filled with joy. A few of them
23:36 started clapping and whistling. Even though they'd worked in the same office, Eric had
23:42 his own private elevator, so artists barely saw him, let alone attended private events
23:49 with him. He was a legend in their eyes and more dazzling than any other celebrity.
23:57 Caitlin subtly studied the expression on Emma's face. She noticed that while everyone else
24:02 was filled with excitement, Emma seemed completely unaffected. She lowered her head and smiled.
24:09 "I take it you and Eric are well acquainted?" Caitlin asked.
24:14 "I guess so," she responded. "Very few people are close to him in this industry. He doesn't
24:21 have the same lifestyle as most do," Caitlin said as she lowered her head and took another
24:26 sip of her champagne.
24:29 Emma laughed gently. She didn't know why Caitlin made her feel so at ease, but she was guessing
24:35 it was because she gave off a similar vibe to her and seemed familiar.
24:41 There was a huge commotion ten minutes later. She glanced over and noticed Eric was standing
24:47 amongst the crowd. He was wearing the black lapel suit he had left the house in earlier,
24:54 and thoughts of what he looked like naked ran through her mind. Her skin slushed and
25:00 her eyes burned as she ran her eyes down his body, admiring his strong physique.
25:07 Eric walked through the crowd, greeting everyone as he subtly looked around for Emma. He couldn't
25:13 help but smile when he met her fiery gaze and held back the urge to rush over and hug
25:19 her. He eyed the drink in her hand and raised an eyebrow, silently cautioning her against
25:26 drinking too much. Emma smiled and nodded slightly.
25:30 "Emma, come here," Louise said, waving her over. She grabbed her wine glass and walked
25:37 over to his side before looking at Eric.
25:40 "Here, have a drink with Eric," he told her.
25:43 "Sure, if that's okay with you, sir," she asked Eric. He grabbed a tall wine glass from
25:50 the waiter and clinked his glass gently against hers. They were in sync as they drank their
25:56 wine, something that only two people who had known each other for a while could do.
26:02 Caitlyn let out a giggle as she watched them, a sneaking suspicion running through her at
26:08 their closeness. There was no way anyone truly paying attention could miss what was happening
26:14 here.
26:15 Louise had his own suspicions. This was the first time Eric had ever come to one of their
26:22 events. Add in the fact that he had assigned himself as her manager, and the pieces were
26:28 starting to come together.
26:31 Eric didn't shy away from her, even though he knew everyone was watching and would put
26:36 the clues together. He wanted them all to know that she wasn't to be messed with and
26:42 should be protected at all times. Once he'd finished his drink, he turned to discuss scripts
26:49 with a few of the famous movie stars in attendance. He had good taste and an uncanny ability to
26:56 predict good films, so the actors were taking advantage of his presence.
27:02 Emma returned to Caitlyn's side and continued to listen to the comforting music.
27:07 "Don't announce it," Caitlyn suddenly said.
27:11 "Huh?"
27:12 "Your relationship with Eric. Don't announce it," she said, looking at Emma seriously.
27:19 "Otherwise, you'll lose any semblance of privacy you currently have. The reporters will have
27:25 their eyes on you even more than they do now, and will do everything in their power to dig
27:30 up dirt on you."
27:32 Emma was stunned and remained quiet.
27:35 "Let me tell you a story," Caitlyn continued as she settled into a comfortable position.
27:42 Ten years ago, a model from a low-income family fell in love with a famous director. They
27:48 fearlessly fought side by side for years, and when she became a supermodel, they decided
27:54 to announce their relationship and get married. However, not long afterwards, the media started
28:01 reporting that the director was impotent. He fell apart and gave up on everything. She
28:08 ended up becoming pregnant and thought that would put an end to the impotent rumors. Instead,
28:14 they started calling her baby a test-tube baby. This stress caused her to miscarry,
28:19 and she ended up killing herself.
28:22 The model was my older sister, Selene.
28:25 "That's horrible. I'm so sorry, Caitlyn," Emma said, moved by the story. Fame had always
28:34 been a double-edged sword.
28:37 "Don't worry. I'm sure Eric has everything under control, since he was willing to let
28:42 us know. I'm sure he's already prepared, because your life will be flipped upside down when
28:49 this gets out."
28:50 "I know," Emma said. She had complete trust in him.
28:55 "We'll help you two. Kaleidoscope is both a safe space and a family," Caitlyn said.
29:03 Emma didn't know who all she was talking about, but she appreciated the reassurance and knew
29:08 that Kaleidoscope would be completely different from the backstabbing and betrayal she had
29:14 already experienced at other agencies.
29:18 While she listened to Caitlyn, she kept sipping from and refreshing her drink. Eric repeatedly
29:24 glanced over at her, noticing that she seemed to be swaying as the alcohol hit her. A few
29:31 minutes later, he looked over again and noticed that she was passed out with her head on the
29:36 table.
29:37 Sighing, he stood up, walked over to her, and supported her shoulders as he sat her
29:43 up. She woke up briefly, and sensing his familiar warmth, turned her head and wrapped her arms
29:49 around his waist as she buried her head in his stomach and fell back asleep, uncaring
29:56 that the room was full of shocked artists.
29:59 It looked like they would be seeing their boss a lot more with her around, and they
30:04 all silently vowed to look after her. Eric had no choice but to carry her in his arms
30:11 and take her home. At that moment, he wasn't the biggest boss in the entertainment industry.
30:18 He was just her husband.
30:20 (whooshing)
