The Billionaire's Accidental Bride Ep 226-227 - TaTa Channel

  • 4 months ago
00:00 26. Supermodel or Superhero?
00:06 The fact that the decision was out of her control scared Emma. She wasn't worried about
00:12 Eric as the manager, he was the best, unique, and beyond compare. However, she couldn't
00:20 anticipate how the public would react, or whether it would impact his other work negatively.
00:27 However, Excalibur Q did not give her time to dwell on these thoughts, because the afternoon
00:33 after the signing of the contract, they jumped straight into shooting their commercial. After
00:40 almost eight hours of continuous work, she struggled to keep up with the other models,
00:46 especially since her stomach was still unwell.
00:50 Lisa's anxiety was building. The few times she had requested a short break from the photographer
00:57 Marco, he either ignored her or told her, "Everyone is working hard. Emma isn't the
01:03 only one," in a condescending tone. Being in an unfamiliar environment made her feel
01:10 powerless as a mere assistant. However, from beginning to end, Emma endured one take after
01:18 another, even as mistakes from other models required her to film some scenes multiple
01:24 times. "Are you okay?" Lisa asked her between takes, as she handed her some warm water.
01:32 She placed a hand on her own cheek, as if checking her temperature, and nodded. "I
01:37 should be able to hold on." "This was clearly not in the contract. Do they have a death
01:43 wish for those models?" As soon as the words left Lisa's mouth, a loud thud echoed across
01:50 the room. One of the slimmer models had fainted. "Did she just faint?" she asked incredulously.
01:58 "This is pretty common," Emma shrugged with an unfazed expression as she handed the cup
02:04 back to her. "Does this mean you can get some rest now?" Lisa asked. Her hopes were immediately
02:11 dashed by the photography staff calling, "Come on, come on, let's get back to work." She
02:18 lowered her head to look at Emma's feet. She had been standing in heels all afternoon and
02:24 evening. She frowned and thought, "This is practically torture." Emma caught sight of
02:31 her face and was amused. "What's wrong? I've done things like this in the past. It's not
02:38 like I'm special now that Eric's my manager." "She thinks this is bad? At least we aren't
02:44 in a rush." Emma shook her head, pushing away the memories of other shoots. "But it's been
02:51 eight hours," Lisa protested. "Don't worry, I can handle it," Emma assured her. As she
02:59 turned to get her makeup retouched, she felt a strong hand on her arm. Her head whipped
03:05 around to see who had grabbed her. She, and everyone else at the shoot, was in shock at
03:12 the distinguished man who had appeared on set. Whispers shot around the room, and a
03:18 few people eyed him hungrily, thinking he was another model. A supermodel, in fact.
03:25 However, Eric was singularly focused on Emma, and he pulled her to the side to finally sit
03:32 down. She struggled to think for a moment as she gazed into his shining dark eyes. After
03:39 a few seconds, she shook her head to clear it, and obediently sat in a chair. She knew
03:46 he would handle everything from here on out. Lisa silently cheered to herself with excitement
03:53 and relief now that the boss had arrived. He stalked over to Marco like a panther who'd
04:00 found its next kill. In Articles 3.2 and 6.4 of Emma's contract, it states her working
04:09 hours are from eight in the morning to six in the evening. If overtime is necessary,
04:15 it should not exceed two hours. Do you intend to breach the contract?
04:22 Marco bristled at being called out for denying the models their rightful rest to speed up
04:27 the shoot, which none of the other models had protested.
04:32 "Affronted," he replied. "Everyone's working hard to finish this shoot. Do you expect everyone
04:38 to wait for her?"
04:40 "Their inability to stand up for themselves is not our problem. Emma will be working according
04:47 to her contract."
04:50 Silently dismissing him, Eric's focus returned to Emma as everyone else stared, speechless.
04:57 "Can you still walk?" he asked her.
05:01 She looked down at her feet, unsure of what to say. Before she could respond, he picked
05:07 her up, bridal style, deciding for her.
05:11 "Hey, you haven't even told us who you are!" Marco exclaimed as he chased after them. He
05:18 had only been told that she brought along an assistant and a few bodyguards. Her manager.
05:25 Lisa fought a smug smile as she followed them. Oh man, they mess with the wrong model. Nobody
05:32 should mess with a boss's wife, she thought.
05:36 He had also impressed Lisa, because despite Luis being the only one to initially read
05:42 the contract for signing, Eric sounded like he had memorized it since then. He had readily
05:48 quoted the relevant articles in his defense of Emma.
05:53 Emma leaned into his embrace as he placed her into the car. Seeing his angry expression,
05:59 she couldn't resist asking, "Are you really going to be my manager?"
06:05 "What other choice do I have, Miss Miller?" he responded as he began driving. Normally
06:12 he called her Mrs. Roberts, so it seemed he truly intended to draw a line between their
06:19 professional and personal relationships as her manager.
06:23 "Now that work is over, can my manager be done for the day?" He glanced at her and sighed.
06:31 "It's not her fault. I should be mindful of how I speak to her," he reminded himself.
06:38 Soon after, they returned to the hotel. Ignoring her soft protest, he carried her to the suite
06:45 as well, unwilling to let her experience any more pain. Once inside, he placed her on the
06:52 bed and gave her tender kisses. They were relieved to finally be reunited.
06:59 Emma the couple was satisfied for the time being. He knelt at the bedside to help her
07:04 remove her shoes. Then he turned away, running his hand through his hair in frustration.
07:12 He couldn't help how devastated he felt upon seeing the blisters and sores covering her
07:17 heels and soles. She knelt and cocooned him in her arms from behind, resting her chin
07:25 on top of his shoulder. He accepted her embrace, unable to resist her body pressed against
07:31 his, but he was still tense with agitation. "I've never seen your feet in such a state
07:38 before," he vented. "You knew what the photographer was doing was wrong. Why did you keep going?"
07:47 She couldn't help but laugh at his complaints. "While I was working, everything hurt. My
07:54 feet, my stomach, even my head was dizzy." She gently stroked his head. "But everything
08:01 was better after I saw you." Although he wasn't truly angry at her, her response did not abate
08:09 his feelings of helplessness. Standing up and pulling away from her, he walked to the
08:15 large floor to ceiling window. With his back still facing her, he told her, "I won't allow
08:22 anyone to bully you ever again."
08:26 If I had protested during the shoot, I would have risked the photographer and other models
08:32 disliking me. Who knows what they might have done behind the scenes? I hope you understand,
08:38 I was picking the safest option.
08:41 "Plus, Mr. Roberts, it's time for you to get off work. You talk too much, and I want my
08:49 husband back." He gently shook his head in exasperation. "How can you complain that I
08:56 talk too much? When have you ever seen me care so much about another person?"
09:02 "Don't overthink it. Let's go have a bath." That time, he stopped talking. Her suggestion
09:11 had reminded him how tired she was. Once they finished their bath together, he carried her
09:17 to the bed. "I'm staying just across the hall. If you need anything, call me." The news immediately
09:26 woke her up. "You're not sleeping with me?"
09:30 "During your working period, let's stick to the contract." He gave her a soft smile as
09:36 he tucked her in and turned off the lights on his way out. As she watched him leave,
09:42 she found that all her original fears had melted away and been replaced by a smile of
09:48 her own.
09:59 Episode 227 A Perfect Body, But Nobody's Perfect
10:06 The next morning, Emma woke up half past six because her workday would start at eight.
10:12 Lisa brought her breakfast, as instructed, which she then took to Eric's suite. Because
10:18 he had rushed to the photography studio after landing the day before, he had not had time
10:24 to organize his clothes and documents. When Emma walked in, they were strewn across the
10:31 sofa. Knowing he was tired, she quietly tidied the room and placed the breakfast on a side
10:38 table outside the bedroom door. She tried to avoid waking him by slowly walking barefoot
10:45 across the carpet. As she sat on the edge of the bed, she gently reached for his handsome
10:51 face. Her consideration was in vain, as he had already been awake for some time. The
10:58 moment he felt her fingers on his face, he pulled her closer and laid his head on her
11:04 lap. She linked their hands and played with his wedding band, her heart aching with worry.
11:11 "Lisa will come to the shoot with me. Stay here and get some rest, okay?"
11:17 "Not today," he replied to both her statements, although only one was a question. She checked
11:25 her wristwatch. "It's still so early," she silently noted. Deciding to join him in bed,
11:32 she lay down. She relished his warmth as she wrapped her arms around him. "No questions
11:39 on why I'm insisting on being your manager today?" he asked, only half joking. She thought
11:47 for a moment and answered with a sweet smile. "What's done is done. I trust your decision.
11:55 I do have my worries and doubts," she admitted before continuing. "But if you're confident,
12:02 then I'm confident."
12:04 "Yes, be confident." His returning smile was wide, inspired by her confidence in him.
12:14 Even if I scoured the entire entertainment industry, I wouldn't be able to find a better
12:20 manager. So what can I complain about? You've helped me build my confidence and a strong
12:27 outer shell. You've made me better," she said simply.
12:32 He silently held onto her hand. I always knew the relationship between a husband and wife
12:38 was interdependent. But I never realized the way it could make us both better, he thought,
12:45 the idea warming his heart. The couple stayed like that for nearly an hour. Eventually,
12:52 the demand of being on time to work motivated Eric to get out of bed. As he pulled away
12:59 from the sheets, Emma was visibly reminded that he slept naked, making her cheeks burn
13:06 bright red. He quietly chuckled at her reaction. With a single finger, he tilted her chin up
13:14 and instructed, "While I'm in the shower, help me pick out some clothes for today."
13:19 "Uh-huh," she mumbled. "We've been married for a while now. Aren't you used to my body
13:28 yet? You're actually blushing."
13:32 His words may have sounded critical if it weren't for the teasing tone of his voice.
13:38 Because it's the perfect body. Before she could see his reaction, she rushed to go to
13:44 the wardrobe to retrieve a set of clothes she had placed inside not too long ago.
13:51 Right at eight, Emma and her manager arrived at the studio. She adjusted her state of mind
13:57 for work and began getting her clothes and makeup ready. However, there was a sharp contrast
14:04 from the previous day because Marco was holding back. He held back for no other reason than
14:11 the dangerous aura emanating from Eric. While Eric provided the utmost consideration to
14:18 Emma, always gentle and thoughtful, to others he was unapproachable. People avoided eye
14:25 contact with him as if he were the sun and could blind them. Many members of the staff
14:32 and other models had taken note of his presence with great interest.
14:36 "Who is that man?" one model asked a makeup artist. "Apparently he's Emma's manager."
14:44 She briefly glanced at him before refocusing on her work. "He doesn't look like a manager.
14:50 When it looks like that, why isn't he a model?" The model got a hungry look in her eye. "Should
14:58 we go flirt with him?" another model suggested. Ideas like those died as quickly as they were
15:05 thought because anyone who neared him was met with a sharp glare.
15:11 Lisa basked in his unfriendly atmosphere. She was no longer a helpless assistant with
15:17 him around. They spent the entire day in the studio. While he monitored the shoot, Eric
15:24 pulled out his laptop and made headway on his other work. As the evening neared, Mr.
15:31 Stenson and other executives dropped by the set to assess the progress. However, upon
15:37 their arrival, their attention was immediately drawn to Eric. Mr. Stenson was struck with
15:44 a sense of familiarity. He quietly questioned his assistant, Eli, on the identity of the
15:51 man. Eli responded, "Sir, he's the CEO of Kaleidoscope Entertainment, Mr. Eric Roberts."
16:00 Flashing back to the phone call from Emma's manager the day of the spokesperson vote,
16:05 Mr. Stenson suppressed his alarm. "Could it be?" he wondered. Without delay, he approached
16:13 Eric and offered his hand. "I didn't realize you'd be joining us today, Mr. Roberts. I
16:19 apologize for not arriving sooner." "You're being too polite, Mr. Stenson. Our Emma has
16:26 troubled you." Eric's polite smile didn't reach his eyes. "No, not at all. She's extremely
16:34 talented." Mr. Stenson volunteered compliments generously. "Unfortunately, Emma's not in
16:41 her best form today, most likely due to how long she worked yesterday." Eric's eyebrows
16:49 were raised on an otherwise impassive face. Understanding his meaning immediately, Mr.
16:56 Stenson rushed to assure Eric. "Don't worry, Mr. Roberts. Excalibur Q plans to maintain
17:03 a pleasant working environment for her." With this newfound information, Mr. Stenson was
17:09 secretly relieved he had not chosen Giselle. Although Emma had not originally appeared
17:15 particularly remarkable, her ability to snag a world-famous entertainment agency CEO as
17:23 her manager guaranteed that she had a promising future. A future that Mr. Stenson was now
17:30 very interested in being a part of. "I wonder if you would give me the pleasure of having
17:36 dinner with me tonight?" he offered. "I would love to. However, I may bring a date." Eric
17:44 replied politely, letting Mr. Stenson follow his gaze to Emma. Mr. Stenson amiably agreed
17:51 to the request with a nod of his head. However, the trio ultimately did not succeed in having
17:57 dinner together, because that night a sordid scandal was released in New York about Caitlin
18:04 Roberts. An entertainment reporter revealed that she had been in a relationship and living
18:10 with a gambling addict for over a decade. Not only that, but rumors of multiple abortions
18:17 and domestic abuse circulated as well. Emma's heart dropped when she saw the news, remembering
18:24 what Caitlin had told her at the club. "Do not reveal it. Definitely don't reveal it."
18:32 It's only been a few days, and she's in trouble, she thought sadly. Despite being an international
18:39 supermodel, the ties to an abusive gambler, among other scandals, had plummeted her reputation
18:46 overnight. Kaleidoscope immediately utilized their PR methods to block most of the scandals,
18:54 but it was too late. Public outrage had already been ignited. It was even worse than Emma's
19:01 incident with Margo. Inevitably, the rumors eventually included Emma too. Some people
19:08 implied that every company she joined would have a tragic ending, just like H-World. "Bullshit!"
19:16 seeing the news enraged Lisa, making her throw her phone.
19:21 Emma, on the other hand, was more worried about Caitlin than herself. In the hotel's
19:27 conference room, Eric was on a video call with all of Kaleidoscope's executives. During
19:33 the conference, he instructed Luis to handle everything related to Caitlin. However, suppressing
19:40 the scandal wouldn't undo the damage that had already been done. The unfortunate incident
19:47 fueled Emma's fears over the potential fallout if she and Eric revealed their relationship.
19:54 It would be nothing but chaos and bloodshed, she thought. This motivated her to ask him
20:01 for Caitlin's phone number. After pondering if it was the right decision, she made the
20:07 call.
20:07 [MUSIC]
