00:00 Hundreds of residents gathered around at the Buana Kartika Bojasari Field in Kerek Subdistrict,
00:09 Buenos Aires, to witness the excitement of flying hot air balloons.
00:14 Dozens of traditional hot air balloons created by the locals adorned the sky in celebration
00:19 of Eid al-Fitr.
00:25 These balloons showcase a variety of motifs, all meticulously crafted by hand, using colored
00:30 paper arranged to form desired designs.
00:37 Balloon culture festival comedy head Budi Rahman emphasized that this festival serves
00:41 as a platform for locals to indulge in the joy of flying hot air balloons safely tethered
00:46 to the ground ensuring they do not interfere with airplane traffic.
01:07 "Why did we build this festival? Because it is to prevent the disruptions of the airplane's
01:21 flight and to ensure the safety of the passengers and passengers' families. We also built this
01:42 for the safety of the passengers and passengers' families."
02:00 Participants at this festival can also compete for many prizes including winning a goat
02:05 and millions of rupiah.
02:07 See today's contributor reporting from Buenos Aires Central Jail.
02:23 For more information visit