Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom S02 E013 The Shooting Star

  • il y a 5 mois


00:00 [Narrateur] And there it is. Everyone who lives here is very, very small.
00:06 [Belle] I'm Ben Elf.
00:08 [Bruits de chien]
00:09 [Princesse Holly] And I'm Princess Holly.
00:11 [Bruits de chien]
00:12 [Princesse Holly] Come on, let's play.
00:14 [Belle] Wait for us.
00:16 [Rires]
00:20 [Narrateur] Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom.
00:26 Today's adventure starts at the great elf tree.
00:31 The shooting star.
00:34 With this telescope, I can see deep into space.
00:39 Why, Zelda Elf, can I look?
00:41 Yes, right now, the telescope is pointed at the moon.
00:46 Ooh, it looks really close.
00:49 Can I have a go?
00:50 Of course. If I turn the telescope this way, you can see distant stars.
00:56 Amazing. Oh, one of the stars is moving.
01:00 Maybe it's a shooting star.
01:02 Ooh, I can see it too.
01:04 [Gasp] It's going to crash into the ground.
01:08 [Crash]
01:09 Wow, that sounded close.
01:11 Let's take a look.
01:13 This is where the shooting star landed. It's made a huge hole.
01:18 Incredible.
01:20 Look at all the smoke.
01:21 It must be very hot.
01:23 Let's climb down and get a closer look.
01:25 No, we'll have to come back tomorrow when it's cooled down.
01:30 [Rooster crowing]
01:34 Morning time.
01:37 Holly, breakfast.
01:42 No time, Daddy. A shooting star crashed into the meadow last night.
01:47 Morning time.
01:49 Ben, don't you want your breakfast?
01:53 Later, Mum. I'm off to see the shooting star.
01:56 Hi, Ben.
01:59 Hi, Holly.
02:00 Wow, what made that hole?
02:02 A shooting star.
02:04 It fell out of the sky.
02:05 Excellent.
02:07 So, what does this shooting star thingy look like?
02:11 We're just about to find out, Your Majesty.
02:14 Lower the claw.
02:17 [roar]
02:19 [all] Whoa!
02:22 It's got windows.
02:24 Is it a spaceship?
02:25 It's a flying saucer.
02:27 The top's opening.
02:30 Don't panic yet, but this might be an alien invasion.
02:34 Bleep, bloop.
02:36 Ah! Alien invasion! Alien invasion!
02:40 Everyone, please panic.
02:42 Bleep, bloop. Bleep, bleep.
02:44 It's the friendly aliens we met on the moon.
02:47 Bleep, bloop. Bleep.
02:48 Hello, aliens.
02:49 Bleep, bleep.
02:50 Bleep, bloop. Bleep, bleep, bleep.
02:52 Oh, look. They've got a baby alien.
02:55 I am not baby.
02:57 Whoops. Sorry, but you're so sweet and a-cool.
03:00 I am oldest one here. We get smaller as we get older.
03:04 Oh, we get bigger as we get older.
03:07 That's crazy.
03:08 [all laugh]
03:10 My name is Zairos. Take me to your leader.
03:13 Uh, King Thistle is our leader.
03:16 Ah, Thistle King. So, you are leader.
03:20 Well, the wise old elf is also a leader, in a way.
03:23 Oh, no, your majesty. You are our king and leader.
03:28 Yes.
03:29 We come in peace.
03:31 Phew.
03:32 We are here on holidays.
03:33 Have you come far?
03:34 We come from planet Bong.
03:36 [all gasp]
03:38 But our spaceship is crashed.
03:40 Oh, dear.
03:41 You, Thistle King, must fix it.
03:43 Me?
03:44 Yes. As leader, you are clever and wise.
03:47 Uh, yes. Of course I'm clever and wise.
03:50 Hmm.
03:52 [hisses]
03:53 Doesn't sound good.
03:55 It is broken.
03:56 Maybe I should take a look, your majesty.
03:59 Good idea.
04:00 Elves are good at fixing flying saucers, and I'm an elf.
04:04 [fart]
04:06 Let's see. Does the engine use clockwork or batteries?
04:10 Oh.
04:12 Ooh. It's so colorful and pretty.
04:15 It's a mass of pipes, tubes, and incredibly complicated.
04:19 I don't need to know the little details. Just fix it.
04:22 What a great and clever leader.
04:25 Yes, we're very lucky.
04:27 Hmm. This is going to take some time.
04:31 Mr. Xyros, while you're waiting, would you like a tour of the little kingdom?
04:35 We would very much like that.
04:37 Oh, goody. This way.
04:39 First stop, Gaston's cave.
04:43 Gaston, are you in?
04:46 This is our friend, Gaston the ladybird.
04:50 Ah, a ladybird.
04:52 So that is the sound a ladybird makes.
04:55 [barks]
04:57 [trills]
04:59 What did he say?
05:00 He asked if Gaston is for eating.
05:03 No, we don't eat our friends.
05:05 Do you?
05:06 Oh, no. Hardly ever.
05:08 Next on the tour, the little castle, where I live.
05:13 Mommy!
05:14 Hello, darling.
05:15 [screams]
05:16 It's okay, Mommy. They're just aliens from planet Bong.
05:21 Oh, that's all right, then.
05:23 [trills]
05:25 No, you can't eat her.
05:27 Thistle King, is this where you make your important decisions?
05:31 Ah, yes. Yes, I'm always making important decisions.
05:34 Your Majesty, do you want soup or sausages for lunch?
05:38 Hmm, I think sausages.
05:41 You are very wise, Thistle King.
05:44 Oh, well, you know, I do my best.
05:47 And Elf Ben, where do you live?
05:50 I live in a tree.
05:51 Tree? What is tree?
05:53 Here it is, the great elf tree.
05:56 Ah, I see. So a tree is a kind of apartment block.
06:00 I am learning much about your planet.
06:03 Hello, Ben.
06:04 Ah, aliens!
06:05 Yes, Dad. You remember the aliens we met on the moon?
06:08 They're here on holiday.
06:10 Oh, yes, those aliens. Happy holiday!
06:13 [trills]
06:15 No, he is not to be eaten either.
06:19 Ah, this is such a wonderful planet.
06:23 Have you been to other planets on holiday?
06:25 Oh, yes, but this is best.
06:27 You see, we are quite small, and on most planets, everyone is big.
06:32 I see.
06:33 Yes, we go to other planets for lovely relaxing holiday,
06:37 and get stepped on by big people. It is not nice.
06:41 Ah, there are some big people here too.
06:45 Big people here?
06:47 Hello!
06:48 [all cheer]
06:49 Big people!
06:51 Don't worry, it's only our friend Lucy.
06:53 She's a big girl.
06:55 Lucy, these are aliens. They're here on holiday.
06:58 Hee hee, hello, aliens.
07:00 You are big, aren't you? Are there more like you?
07:04 There's my mum and dad. We're having a picnic over there.
07:07 So, there are three big people on this planet.
07:11 Oh, no, there's loads. Millions and millions. Most of them bigger than me.
07:16 Hmm, perhaps it is time for end of holiday.
07:19 OK, let's go and see if your flying saucer is mended.
07:23 Ah, just in time. I've mended the flying saucer.
07:28 Well done, wise old elf.
07:29 All those tubes and things made it a bit like plumbing.
07:33 And elves are good at plumbing.
07:36 Thank you. I will now start the engine.
07:40 Oh, that's not right.
07:46 It sounds like a fairy car on a cold day, Daddy.
07:49 Yes, it does.
07:50 A bit of magic always helps start the fairy car.
07:53 No, you must never mix magic and plumbing.
07:56 Oh, nonsense.
07:59 Sounds good.
08:01 Thanks to me being an excellent plumber.
08:04 Thanks to my magic fairy dust, you mean.
08:07 Now, now, let's say elf skill mended the engine and fairy magic got it started.
08:13 Hooray!
08:14 Lucy!
08:16 That's my dad. I'd better go.
08:18 Mum, Dad, you'll never guess what I just saw.
08:21 Don't tell me. Elves and fairies again.
08:24 Yes, and aliens too.
08:26 Aliens!
08:27 Oh, aliens! Of course, Lucy.
08:30 We must leave now. Ben, Holly, would you like a little ride before we go?
08:36 Yes, please.
08:38 Dear Lucy, everyone knows aliens don't exist.
08:49 Hello, Lucy.
08:52 Hi, Ben and Holly.
08:53 The aliens have to fly back to their planet.
08:56 They just wanted to say hello to your parents.
08:59 Hello, big people. We have just been here on our holidays.
09:03 Um, hello?
09:05 We go now. Bye-bye.
09:07 Bye-bye.
09:09 Bye.
09:10 I think we'll have picnics somewhere else in future.
09:15 Whee!
09:17 Whoa!
09:18 Bye, Ben and Holly.
09:24 Next time you go on holiday, you must come to Planet Bong.
09:28 OK, we will. See you soon.
09:31 Bye.
09:32 Bye.
09:33 Bye.
09:34 Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada
09:37 [Musique de générique de fin]
09:42 [Musique de générique de fin]
09:46 [Musique de générique de fin]
09:51 [Musique de générique de fin]
09:57 [Musique de générique de fin]
