First minister Vaughan Gething has taken part in his very first first ministers questions after being elected to the role last month. There has been a three week recess of the Senedd over Easter, so Tuesday gave us a first glimpse. We’ll be taking a deeper look into what he was asked and what he said.
00:00 It seems like it's been ages since Vaughan Gething took over the role of First Minister,
00:05 but it was only Tuesday that we saw him for the first ever First Minister's Questions.
00:10 FMQs take place every Tuesday throughout the term of the Senate, and it's an opportunity
00:14 for Senate members to air concerns or find out what the First Minister and his government
00:19 are doing about important issues. It can also be a very good opportunity for the public
00:24 to scope out the First Minister.
00:26 And that's exactly what a lot of people would have been doing for Vaughan Gething in his
00:30 first session, who has proven himself at times as a very capable public speaker, but has
00:34 often been criticised as standoffish when questioned publicly.
00:38 This was his first chance to really prove himself, and obviously there was some anticipation
00:42 for his first questions from opposition leader Andrew R.T. Davis, Mark Drakeford's ex-nemesis.
00:48 Gething was questioned over a large donation during his election campaign and seemed to
00:52 hold his own, confidently answering the questions.
00:54 For the new First Minister, Vaughan Gething, he'll certainly be thinking, "So far, so good."