We’re asking people around Cardiff why they think vintage cameras and vinyl records players hold such a dear place for people decades after they went out of fashion.
00:00I think with vinyl, I don't have any experience of the retro stuff, if you like,
00:09but with vinyl I think it's the nostalgic element, especially for my age group.
00:15I think it is this longing to go back to a time which you don't really know, connecting with it.
00:21I collect vinyls, I've got all my grandmas old vinyls, and there's this relationship
00:27that you get to know about their time with music, and it's kind of like sharing.
00:33It's definitely a lot of a nostalgia thing, especially because now we're in such a technological age.
00:41I've got a Polaroid camera, I've also got a record player, and I do collect vinyls,
00:49because I just think they're one of those things that are really cool to have.
00:53I mean our parents are both quite old, like middle-aged I suppose,
00:57but it's something they used to have when they were younger.