• last year
We ask the people of Cardiff whether they’ve joined the airfryer bandwagon or whether they think its just a modern fad.


00:00Yeah my parents do and I know loads of people that do and they you know say the
00:05benefits of them and but yeah no I haven't gone down that road because I
00:10just don't want another appliance to add to the collection I already have and to
00:15fill more cupboard space. Yeah we use it quite a bit just for sort of little
00:18things rather than trying to cook whole meals but yeah no it's a sort of helpful
00:22part of the kitchen really not entirely necessary but yeah quite handy.
00:27No we will be set in our ways now in our 70s. Yeah keep it simple. Cook the way we've always cooked
00:35but yeah my grandchildren you know one's just finished uni and the other one's gone to uni
00:40they all use them you know in the communal kitchens that they've got. Being more efficient
00:48and with the rising cost of you know gas and electric definitely and also the
00:55they're meant to be more you know speedy in cooking things.