• il y a 8 mois


00:00C'est un petit royaume d'elfes et de fées.
00:04Tout le monde qui habite ici est très, très petit.
00:09Je suis Ben l'elfe.
00:11Et je suis la princesse Holly.
00:15Allez, on va jouer.
00:23Ben et Holly's Little Kingdom
00:28Today's adventure starts at Gaston's house.
00:34Gaston is lost.
00:37Gaston, are you in?
00:40Do you want to play?
00:42Here, Gaston, fetch the stick.
01:06Gaston's taking a while.
01:08Yes, where is he?
01:12Princess Holly, home time.
01:15Oh, that's Nanny Plum.
01:17Ben, home time.
01:20And that's my mum.
01:22Bye everyone, see you tomorrow.
01:27Gaston's Little Kingdom
01:57Gaston is lost.
02:04Nanny, have you seen Gaston?
02:06Gaston? No.
02:08Come to think of it, I haven't seen him at all today.
02:11He usually comes in for his breakfast first thing in the morning.
02:13But he hasn't touched his food.
02:15Gaston is lost.
02:18Don't worry, Holly.
02:20We can find Gaston by looking in a crystal ball.
02:23Let's use this one.
02:24It's a snow globe.
02:26With a little Eiffel Tower inside.
02:28Yes, pretty, isn't it?
02:30There you go.
02:32Paris in the snow.
02:34It's almost like you're there.
02:36But how can a snow globe find Gaston?
02:39Ah, that's where we need a little magic.
02:43The snow is clearing.
02:46That's Gaston's house.
02:48There's Gaston.
02:50The crystal ball is showing us what Gaston did yesterday.
02:53And then we can work out where he is.
02:55Very clever, Nanny.
02:57Not just a pretty face, eh?
02:59Where's he going?
03:01That's me, feeding Gaston yesterday.
03:04Good morning, Gaston.
03:06Here's your breakfast.
03:09Hungry boy.
03:11Where would you be without me to feed you?
03:15Now where's he going?
03:17He's at the fairy village.
03:20Morning, Gaston.
03:21That's my mum.
03:23Here's your breakfast.
03:26He's had two breakfasts.
03:28I thought it was just me who fed him.
03:31Bye, Gaston.
03:33He's off again.
03:35He's at the great elf tree.
03:37And that's the wise old elf.
03:39Ah, Gaston, I haven't forgotten you.
03:41Here's your breakfast.
03:45I don't believe it.
03:46That's another breakfast.
03:49Gaston's off again.
03:52Look, he's at the playgroup.
03:54And that's Mrs. Fotheringhill.
03:56Here's your porridge, Susan.
03:59Good girl, Susan.
04:02By my reckoning, that's four breakfasts.
04:05I think Gaston needs lots of food
04:07because he does lots of running about.
04:16Oh, he's fallen asleep.
04:18I'm not surprised after all.
04:20I'm not surprised after all that eating.
04:23Look, it's us.
04:25Yes, we played with Gaston yesterday.
04:28Gaston, are you in?
04:31Do you want to play?
04:33Here, Gaston, fetch the stick.
04:36We know this bit.
04:37Can you skip past it?
04:39Okay, I'll fast forward.
04:47Oh, Gaston has vanished.
04:49Let's watch that again.
04:53There he is.
04:54Forward a bit.
04:57Oh, he's disappeared.
04:59Back a bit.
05:03He jumps behind those clovers and disappears.
05:06So that's where he must be.
05:08Come on, we have to find him.
05:10Let's get the others to help.
05:12Wise old elf! Wise old elf!
05:15Gaston needs rescuing.
05:17You found him?
05:18Not exactly.
05:19But we know where he was before he disappeared.
05:22This is where Gaston was last seen.
05:25And then he vanished behind some clovers.
05:28Which clovers? There are lots here.
05:30We'll have to search all of them.
05:32Gaston? Gaston?
05:35Where are you, Gaston?
05:37This is crazy.
05:38How can anyone just disappear into thin air?
05:43Oh, where's my mum gone?
05:45Help! Help!
05:47Mum, where are you?
05:50I can't see you.
05:52Are you invisible?
05:54No, look down.
05:57Gosh, a hole in the ground.
06:01I can't see a thing.
06:03Wands, give me light.
06:07It's a huge cave.
06:10It's full of sparkly diamonds and gems.
06:14Ah, looks like we've found a bit of the old dwarf mine.
06:19Yes, the little kingdom is riddled with dwarf tunnels.
06:22Those dwarfs certainly like to dig.
06:25Help! Help!
06:28Hello, everyone. I found Gaston.
06:33Come on, everyone. We've got a ladybird to rescue.
06:36Er, what about me?
06:38Oh, yes. Sorry, Mum. I forgot about you.
06:41Charming. Let's climb down.
06:44It's a good thing I brought the elf rescue rope.
06:50Here we come.
06:57Gaston must be so hungry.
07:03I can hear voices.
07:05Someone's coming.
07:07Hide, everyone.
07:12It's the dwarfs.
07:14Dinner time.
07:16Good boy.
07:18When you've finished that, there's pudding.
07:21I don't believe it.
07:23Gaston's only been here a day and he's already got people feeding him.
07:27Right, lads. Back to work.
07:34Lucky the dwarfs didn't spot us.
07:36They don't like strangers in their mines.
07:38Yes. That's why I took the precaution of hiding the elf rope.
07:43If the dwarfs had seen the rope hanging from the top of the cave,
07:47they would have known someone was in here.
07:50I'm not called the wise one for nothing.
07:56But if the rope's down here, how are we going to climb out?
08:00Don't worry. The wise one will have thought of that.
08:03He'll have a brilliant plan.
08:06This is a bit embarrassing.
08:09So, the wise one pulled the rope down
08:13but forgot that we need to climb up it to get out.
08:16Yes. That's about it.
08:18No worries. We'll just fly out.
08:20But us elves can't fly.
08:23Okay. I'll magic the rope to the top.
08:28Come on, everyone. Let's go.
08:35Wise old elf, aren't you climbing up?
08:38I am not climbing up a magic rope.
08:41See yourself. You can live down there forever.
08:45Okay, okay. I'm not climbing up a magic rope.
08:51See yourself. You can live down there forever.
08:55Okay, okay. I'll climb up the magic rope.
09:02Hello, everyone.
09:04Oh, hello, Mrs. Fotheringill. What are you doing here?
09:08I came as quick as I could when I heard Susan was in trouble.
09:12Susan? Who's Susan?
09:14Susan the ladybug.
09:16Oh, there you are.
09:19That's Gaston.
09:21He won't answer if you call him Susan.
09:24Susan, I've brought you something to eat.
09:28Poor Susan. Who would look after you if I didn't?
09:32I've got a feeling Susan would manage just fine.
09:40He's round and he's round with a big black spot
09:43He's Gaston the ladybug
09:47He rolls on his back and he barks a lot
09:50He's Gaston the ladybug
09:56He's Gaston the ladybug
