• l’année dernière


00:00 [Narrateur] There is. Everyone who lives here is very, very small.
00:06 I'm Ben Elf.
00:08 [Boufou] And I'm Princess Holly.
00:11 [Boufou] Come on, let's play.
00:14 [Ben] Wait for us.
00:16 [Narrateur] Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom.
00:26 [Narrateur] Today's adventure starts at the little castle.
00:31 [Ben] The Elf Band.
00:33 [Ben] I'm afraid I've got some bad news.
00:38 [Narrator] What's that, darling?
00:40 [Ben] We've been invited to visit King and Queen Marigold this evening.
00:43 [Narrator] Oh dear.
00:45 [Ben] King and Queen Marigold are boring and snooty.
00:49 [Ben] They always make me feel like a country bumpkin.
00:52 [Narrator] So why are we visiting them?
00:54 [Ben] Because they invited us and I didn't know how to say no.
00:58 [Narrator] I'm good at that sort of thing. Leave it with me.
01:01 [Queen Marigold] Hello.
01:06 [King Thistle] Queen Marigold, King Thistle here. I'm terribly sorry, but Queen Thistle and I can't come tonight.
01:13 [Queen Marigold] Oh no. We were so looking forward to seeing you.
01:17 [King Thistle] Yes, sorry about that, but tonight we're going to, um, a music concert.
01:23 [Queen Marigold] What kind of music?
01:25 [King Thistle] Uh, um, elf music.
01:28 [Queen Marigold] Elf music? Oh, I don't believe I've heard of elf music.
01:32 [King Thistle] Oh, uh, yes. It's rather good, actually.
01:35 [Queen Marigold] Oh. King Marigold and I love good music.
01:39 [King Thistle] Uh...
01:40 [Queen Marigold] I know. We'll come to you.
01:43 [King Thistle] Oh.
01:44 [Queen Marigold] See you tonight. Toodle-pip.
01:46 [Queen Marigold] Everything all right, darling?
01:50 [King Thistle] There's good news and bad news.
01:53 [Queen Marigold] What's the good news?
01:55 [King Thistle] We're not visiting King and Queen Marigold.
01:58 [All] Hooray!
01:59 [Queen Marigold] So, what's the bad news?
02:01 [King Thistle] They're coming to see us instead.
02:03 [Queen Marigold] Oh no!
02:04 [King Thistle] And they're expecting a concert of elf music.
02:08 [Queen Marigold] What?
02:09 [King Thistle] And I've, um, told them that elf music sounds good.
02:12 [Queen Marigold] Oh! But the elf band sound terrible.
02:15 [King Thistle] They're the only elf music we've got.
02:17 [Queen Marigold] They're an embarrassment.
02:19 [King Thistle] They don't sound that bad.
02:21 [Queen Marigold] The last time they played, you said it was disgusting.
02:25 [King Thistle] Well, maybe they've got better.
02:27 [King Thistle] Nanny! Summon the elf band.
02:30 [Nanny] Yes, your majesty.
02:32 [King Thistle] The elf band at your service, your majesty.
02:45 [King Thistle] Wise old elf, we have some very important guests coming to visit.
02:49 [Queen Marigold] King and Queen Marigold.
02:52 [Queen Thistle] They are very boring and snooty.
02:55 [King Thistle] And they want to hear some elf music.
02:57 [King Thistle] Have you been practicing?
02:59 [King Thistle] No, your majesty.
03:01 [King Thistle] You told us to never, ever play music again.
03:06 [King Thistle] I see. Well, you can play for us now.
03:08 [King Thistle] Oh, it would be an honor, your majesty.
03:14 [King Thistle] One, two, three, four.
03:16 [King Thistle] Interesting.
03:30 [Queen Marigold] That was awful.
03:32 [Nanny] I thought it was good.
03:35 [Queen Marigold] You might like it, Holly, but I'm sure King and Queen Marigold will not.
03:40 [Queen Thistle] If I might make a suggestion, your majesty.
03:43 [Nanny] What is it, Nanny Plum?
03:45 [Queen Thistle] Princess Holly could play her recorder for the guests.
03:48 [Nanny] Yes! Nanny has been teaching me.
03:51 [Queen Thistle] And Holly has been practicing.
03:53 [King Thistle] What a charming little tune. King and Queen Marigold would like that.
04:09 [Queen Marigold] There is one problem. You've promised elf music, and Holly is not an elf.
04:15 [Queen Thistle] I could magic some elf ears for Holly.
04:18 [Queen Marigold] No thank you, Nanny.
04:22 [King Thistle] I know! Nanny can teach the elf band how to play Holly's tune.
04:27 [All] Hooray!
04:28 [King Thistle] That's that sorted.
04:30 [Queen Marigold] See you later.
04:32 [King Thistle] Everybody on?
04:37 [All] Yes!
04:38 [King Thistle] Right-o, off we go.
04:40 [Nanny] Your instruments don't just sound funny, they look funny too.
04:51 [King Thistle] They've got funny names as well. This is called a thrump warbler.
04:56 That's the sparl throttle.
05:00 And this is the blotto horn.
05:07 Delightful!
05:09 [Nanny] They all sound silly.
05:11 [King Thistle] Ah, that's because you don't have sensitive elf hearing.
05:17 [Nanny] Right, enough of that!
05:28 Princess Holly, could you remind us what your tune sounded like, please?
05:33 [Princess Holly plays a tune]
05:37 I don't suppose you lot can read music?
05:40 Well, I haven't seen this particular piece before.
05:44 [Elf music]
05:48 You played that perfectly!
05:50 Perfect for you, maybe, but it's not elf music.
05:55 Elf music has oompa-oompa, like this.
05:58 [Elf music]
06:05 Stop! Stop!
06:07 Just remember, you are playing for King and Queen Marigold, and they are very snooty.
06:13 We like oompa music, but King and Queen Marigold don't.
06:19 Quite, so play Holly's tune, please.
06:23 [Holly plays a tune]
06:31 Lovely!
06:33 [King Thistle whistles]
06:35 Er, Holly, do the elf band sound any better?
06:40 Yes, Daddy, they've been practising all day.
06:45 OK, let's hear them play.
06:47 [Elf music]
06:49 Oh!
06:50 [King Thistle claps]
06:51 [Elf music]
06:59 That's much better!
07:01 Yes, it's charming, but I still don't think King and Queen Marigold will like it.
07:05 Why, Mummy?
07:07 King and Queen Marigold don't like country things, and the instruments sound so, er, rough.
07:13 I can fix that.
07:14 How?
07:15 I'll just use magic to make the instruments sound more normal.
07:20 Play me a tune, Mr. Elf.
07:22 [Elf music]
07:33 Fantastic! That sounds exactly the sort of music King and Queen Marigold would like.
07:38 Problem solved.
07:40 King and Queen Marigold.
07:48 How delightful to see your little kingdom again, Queen Thistle.
07:52 It's always such a pleasure to experience your simple country life here.
07:58 We can't wait to hear some genuine elf music.
08:01 [Elf music]
08:02 Oh, yes, you must hear it.
08:05 [King Thistle claps]
08:07 Oh, King Thistle, you didn't tell me you were a conductor.
08:11 I take a special interest in the sound of this band.
08:14 [Elf music]
08:21 I must say, this is not at all what I expected elf music to sound like.
08:26 They have been practicing very hard.
08:29 These elves play well, but the tune is a little old-fashioned.
08:34 And their instruments sound very ordinary.
08:37 I assumed elf music would be more folksy.
08:41 What's that?
08:42 [Elf music]
08:44 Oh, say!
08:45 [Elf music]
08:49 What's that?
08:50 [Elf music]
08:55 Oh!
08:56 [Elf music]
09:03 A fantastic performance!
09:05 Very exciting!
09:07 [Elf music]
09:08 A triumph, King Thistle!
09:10 Have you ever considered teaching music?
09:13 Ah, well, uh...
09:14 Let's dance!
09:15 [Elf music]
09:22 Come on, Mummy!
09:23 King and Queen Marigolds are not boring at all!
09:27 [Elf music]
09:37 [Elf music]
