00:00:00 I know we welcomed our first-time visitors.
00:00:02 Welcome here into the House of Victory.
00:00:04 All of you that are watching live stream, welcome to the House of Victory this morning.
00:00:09 Happy Resurrection Day. Hallelujah.
00:00:12 It is a wonderful day that we celebrate life.
00:00:16 The life that God has given to us, the life that he has made available to you and I.
00:00:22 This life that God has given us that changes everything. It's a game changer.
00:00:27 It redefines who we are.
00:00:30 It redefines our relationships, our marriages, our money, our lives.
00:00:35 Everything about us have been redefined because of the powering presence of the Spirit of God.
00:00:41 That same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead, that raised us up together with him.
00:00:47 Hallelujah.
00:00:48 And so we thank God for everything that he has provided for us on the Cross of Calvary.
00:00:55 His purpose being fulfilled and redefining our lives.
00:00:59 The greatest gift that God gave to mankind was the gift of life.
00:01:04 You saw that so depicted this morning, that that life that God gave us was his life.
00:01:10 The Bible says in Genesis chapter 2 verse 7,
00:01:13 "And so God formed man from the dust of the ground and he breathes into this man's nostril the breath of life.
00:01:20 And man becomes a living soul or another speaking spirit.
00:01:24 All of who God is, he breathes into this man to be just like God.
00:01:31 Another speaking spirit, the ability to articulate in speech and to see things that he says come to pass.
00:01:38 He's created the life and the nature of God living on the inside of him.
00:01:44 But you know the story.
00:01:46 Mankind fell in the garden.
00:01:48 They messed up the life that God has given them.
00:01:51 So here comes the second greatest gift of life that God has given mankind.
00:01:56 And that life was seen in his death and his resurrection.
00:02:00 To restore back the gift of life that God had given mankind.
00:02:06 In Genesis chapter 2 again in verse 16 it says,
00:02:09 "And the Lord God commanded the man saying, 'Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat.
00:02:15 But the tree of the garden, in the midst of the garden, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil,
00:02:20 you can't eat of that.
00:02:21 For the day you eat of that, you will surely die.'"
00:02:25 And so mankind, you know, he took up the fruit, he ate it, he gave it to his wife,
00:02:30 he gave it to her husband who was with her, and they both ate it and they died.
00:02:35 They were separated from God.
00:02:38 And God sent his only son into the world, Jesus Christ.
00:02:42 And Jesus said in John 10 and 10, he says, "The thief comes to steal, to kill, and to destroy.
00:02:48 But I've come that you may have life and that you would have it till it's full."
00:02:53 That life till it's overflowing.
00:02:55 I'm coming to restore to you the life that God breathed on the inside of humanity.
00:03:01 To give you that life that God wants you to have again.
00:03:04 It's called the Zoel life of God.
00:03:08 The Creator intended for you and I to live this life that God has for you and I.
00:03:13 To live this life that only God can give.
00:03:17 The only way that you and I could give this life or get this life back was through his death.
00:03:22 It was his death that gave us life. Hallelujah. Glory to God.
00:03:28 His death brought life to you and I. If you would, John chapter 10.
00:03:35 Verse 17 in the easy reading version, it says, "The Father loves me because I gave my life.
00:03:41 And I gave my life so that I can get it back again.
00:03:45 No one takes my life away from me.
00:03:48 I gave my own life freely and I have the right to give my life.
00:03:53 And I have the right to get it back again.
00:03:56 This is what the Father told me." Hallelujah.
00:03:59 See, the only way that you and I could get that life back was Jesus had to give his life.
00:04:03 But he had to get his life back in order for you to get life back. Hallelujah.
00:04:08 Jesus said, "The life that the Father has given me, I give my life.
00:04:13 I lay it down so I can get it back.
00:04:15 Nobody could take his life. He had to lay it down.
00:04:19 And he laid it down for you and I. Thank you, Lord Jesus.
00:04:23 Jesus talked often about his death and getting his life back.
00:04:28 The death of Jesus is what made the resurrection possible.
00:04:32 You know, most people are afraid of death or people are afraid of what they don't understand.
00:04:39 And so Jesus begins to talk about this resurrection life
00:04:43 that he was about to—for them to experience.
00:04:46 I remember in John chapter 11, and Lazarus was sick unto death and they called for Jesus to come.
00:04:54 They thought Jesus would come and heal him.
00:04:56 But Lazarus died. Jesus said, "I'm glad that I was not there to the intent that you may believe."
00:05:03 Martha says to him, "Lord, we know that there will be a resurrection in the last days."
00:05:08 And he says, "No, Martha, I am the resurrection.
00:05:11 I am the life." Hallelujah! Glory to God.
00:05:15 He prophesied what was prophesied about his life.
00:05:19 That he was the resurrection and that he is the life.
00:05:23 The same life that God breathed into humanity is the life that Jesus comes to give you and I.
00:05:30 Hallelujah! Resurrection power that God wants you and I to experience.
00:05:37 And so what did the power of his resurrection bring to you and I?
00:05:41 I want to share six things possibly of what the resurrection power has provided for you and I.
00:05:48 Number one, the resurrection of Jesus Christ is actually our resurrection to a new life.
00:05:56 Hallelujah! Somebody said, "I have a new life in Jesus."
00:06:01 The Bible says in Galatians chapter 3, verse 13, that Christ has redeemed us from the—
00:06:07 has redeemed us from the curse of the law being made a curse for us.
00:06:11 For the Bible says, "Cursed is everyone that hangs on a tree."
00:06:15 How many know he hung on a tree?
00:06:17 So that the blessings of Abraham, the blessings that God intended for humanity to walk in,
00:06:23 will come upon us. He was cursed for us.
00:06:27 Hallelujah! So that we could be blessed.
00:06:31 The life that God came to give you is a new life. It's a life of blessing.
00:06:35 When God created man in that garden, he blessed him.
00:06:39 He empowered him to prosper in everything that God created him to do.
00:06:44 That he would prosper in every area of your life,
00:06:47 financially, mentally, emotionally, in your marriage, in your health.
00:06:51 Everything about you would be blessed.
00:06:54 Hallelujah! He no longer—you're no longer under a curse.
00:06:57 You're under the blessings of God.
00:06:58 He's given you life and life till it's full and till it's overflow with the blessings of God.
00:07:04 This resurrection power gave you a new life.
00:07:08 Hallelujah!
00:07:10 Colossians chapter 3, verse 1, the new passion, the passion translation says,
00:07:19 "Christ's resurrection is your resurrection too." Hallelujah!
00:07:24 When he got up, you got up.
00:07:27 When he died, you died.
00:07:29 When he was resurrected, you were resurrected.
00:07:32 Christ's resurrection is your resurrection too.
00:07:36 This is why we ought to yearn for all that is above.
00:07:40 For that's where Christ sits enthroned at the place of all power, honor, and authority.
00:07:46 Verse 2 says, "Yes, feats on all the treasures of the heavenly realm."
00:07:51 And fill your thoughts with heavenly realities.
00:07:55 And not with the distractions of this natural world.
00:08:00 Hallelujah!
00:08:01 We live by what's above and that's what's happening in this world.
00:08:05 What Jesus has made available to you and I, we fill our thoughts with heavenly realities.
00:08:13 What heaven has to say about your circumstances of your life
00:08:17 and not be distracted by this natural realm that you and I live in.
00:08:23 Looking straight ahead, ignore life's distractions.
00:08:27 Verse 3 says, "Your crucifixion with Christ has severed the ties to this life."
00:08:33 And now your true life is hidden away in God, in Christ. Hallelujah!
00:08:40 We have a new life that is in God, that is in Christ Jesus.
00:08:45 God wants you and I to discover this new life that he's made available to you and I.
00:08:50 And it is Christ in you. Colossians 1:27 says, "It's Christ in you, the hope of glory,
00:08:56 manifesting the will of the Father in your life."
00:09:00 Christ is in you. This new life, it's severed the ties of the old life,
00:09:06 that old sinful life and has given you and I a new life.
00:09:10 Verse 4 of Colossians chapter 3, the Passion Translation says,
00:09:14 "And as Christ himself is seen for who he really is, who you really are will also be revealed.
00:09:23 For you are now one with him in his glory." Hallelujah!
00:09:28 We are one with him in his glory. It is Christ in us, the hope of glory.
00:09:36 And when you see him for who he really is, then who you really are will be seen.
00:09:42 Somebody said, "As Jesus is, so am I in this world."
00:09:51 Jesus said in John 17, "The same glory that the Father has given me, I give it unto you."
00:09:57 We are one with him in his glory. Hallelujah!
00:10:00 The manifested presence of the living God living and abiding,
00:10:04 breathing on the inside of us by the Spirit of the living God.
00:10:09 I got God's Spirit living on the inside of me. Hallelujah! Glory to God!
00:10:17 Number two, his resurrection power. The resurrection of Jesus gave us a new identity. Hallelujah!
00:10:26 Romans chapter 6, beginning at verse 4, the Passion Translation says,
00:10:33 "Sharing in his death by our baptism means that we were co-buried with him,
00:10:40 so that when the Father's glory raised Christ from the dead, we were also raised with him."
00:10:46 Hallelujah! It was the glory of the Father, the manifested presence of God,
00:10:51 the Spirit of the living God that raised Jesus from the dead.
00:10:55 And when he raised him up, we were raised together with him. Hallelujah!
00:11:03 We have been co-resurrected with him, so that we could be empowered to walk in the freshness of new life.
00:11:12 For since we are permanently grafted into him to experience a death like his,
00:11:17 then we are permanently grafted into him to experience a resurrection life like his,
00:11:25 and the new life that it imparts. Somebody said, "I got a new life."
00:11:30 Listen, we all receive and take this in by our faith.
00:11:34 If we believe what Jesus has provided for us, if we believe we were buried with him,
00:11:40 we believe that we were raised together with him,
00:11:42 then we believe that we have a new life that was imparted into us.
00:11:47 Somebody said, "I have a new life." Oh, glory to God. Hallelujah!
00:11:54 Verse 6, "Could it be any clearer that our former identity is now and forever deprived of its power?"
00:12:03 Your former identity has been deprived of its power.
00:12:08 Sin has no more dominion over your life. Sin has no more power over your life.
00:12:14 I know it looks like it, but I'm telling you, here's the truth.
00:12:17 Sin has no power over your life. Hallelujah!
00:12:23 It has been deprived of its power.
00:12:28 For we are co-crucified with him to dismantle the stronghold of sin within us,
00:12:34 so that we would not continue to live one moment longer submitted to sin's power.
00:12:43 Somebody said, "I am no longer submitted to sin's power."
00:12:49 The power has been broken. The tie has been severed.
00:12:56 Glory to God. I just have a sense that somebody's been struggling in some areas.
00:13:00 You just got free right now in the name of Jesus. Hallelujah!
00:13:07 Freedom is in the house. Glory to God.
00:13:13 Verse 8, it says, "And we were co-crucified with the anointed one.
00:13:17 We know that we also share in the fullness of his life.
00:13:22 And we know that since the anointed one has been raised from dead to die no more,
00:13:27 his resurrection life has vanquished death." Hallelujah!
00:13:32 "And its power over him is finished." Somebody shout, "It's finished!"
00:13:37 The power of sin is finished. Hallelujah!
00:13:42 "For by his sacrifice, he died to sin's power once and for all,
00:13:48 but he now lives continuously for the Father's pleasure."
00:13:53 So let it be the same way with you. Let it be the same way with you.
00:13:58 Let it be the same way with you.
00:14:01 Since you are now joined with him, you must continually view yourselves as dead
00:14:07 and unresponsive to sin's appeal while living daily for God's pleasure
00:14:13 in union with Jesus, the anointed one. Hallelujah!
00:14:17 Let this be the same way with you.
00:14:20 You're dead to sin. Be unresponsive to it. Hallelujah!
00:14:26 Sin has no more dominion over your life. You've been free from sin.
00:14:31 Paul put it this way. He had a revelation in Galatians chapter 2, verse 20 in the Passion Translation.
00:14:38 He says, "My old identity has been co-crucified with Christ and it no longer lives."
00:14:44 My old identity no longer lives.
00:14:48 And now the essence of this new life is no longer mine,
00:14:52 for the anointed one lives his life through me.
00:14:56 We live in union as one.
00:14:59 My new life is empowered by the faith of the Son of God
00:15:04 who loves me so much that he gave himself for me, dispensing his life into mine.
00:15:11 Hallelujah!
00:15:13 The anointed one is dispensing his life into my life.
00:15:18 And so you and I cannot be distracted by this natural realm.
00:15:22 You've got to set your thoughts and affections on the heavenly realities
00:15:27 that Jesus has made available to you and I.
00:15:30 Fix your thoughts on heavenly realities.
00:15:34 Don't allow your mind to be an enemy to your faith
00:15:39 that God has placed on the inside of you, that you receive.
00:15:43 When you made Jesus Christ the Lord of your life
00:15:46 and his resurrection became your resurrection
00:15:50 and now you have a new identity in him.
00:15:53 Hallelujah! Glory to God!
00:15:57 Thank you, Lord Jesus.
00:15:59 Somebody said, "I'm not the same."
00:16:02 2 Corinthians 5, 17 says, "If any man be in Christ, he is a new creation."
00:16:08 A new creature.
00:16:09 The old has passed away and look, behold, all things are new.
00:16:14 All things are new and all things are of God who has.
00:16:19 He's reconciled us back unto himself
00:16:22 and he's given me a ministry of reconciliation.
00:16:26 I came back to God and now I get to tell you, be reconciled back unto God.
00:16:33 Hallelujah! Glory to God!
00:16:36 But how did he do it? Verse 21 says, "He that knew no sin became sin."
00:16:42 With your sin and my sin, that we who knew no righteousness
00:16:46 could become and made the righteousness of God.
00:16:50 We were made righteous with his righteousness.
00:16:53 He took on all the sins of humanity and gave you and I a new identity.
00:16:59 You are a new creation in Christ Jesus.
00:17:02 Number three, the resurrection power by Lord Jesus Christ
00:17:07 is the greatest evidence that your sins have been forgiven.
00:17:13 You have been forgiven.
00:17:15 I don't care what you have done in your past,
00:17:18 what you are presently doing and what you may do tomorrow.
00:17:22 Your sins have been forgiven.
00:17:25 Hallelujah!
00:17:29 If Jesus hadn't been raised from the dead,
00:17:32 the sin problem would have never been solved.
00:17:36 But because Jesus died, nailing your sin to the cross
00:17:42 and was resurrected, the sin problem has been solved.
00:17:46 Hallelujah!
00:17:48 Your sins have been forgiven.
00:17:53 You are forgiven. Colossians chapter 2.
00:17:57 Thank you, Lord. Beginning at verse 11 in the Passion Translation.
00:18:03 It says, "Through our union with him, we have experienced circumcision of heart.
00:18:08 All of the guilt and the power of sin has been cut away."
00:18:14 Hallelujah!
00:18:15 And now, extent because of what Christ, the Anointed One, has accomplished for us.
00:18:24 "We have been buried with him into his death." Thank you, Lord.
00:18:28 "Our baptism into death also means we were raised with him
00:18:32 when we believed in God's resurrection power
00:18:36 and the power that raised him from death's realm.
00:18:41 This realm of death describes our former state.
00:18:45 For we were held in sin's grasp,
00:18:49 but now we've been resurrected out of the realm of death,
00:18:53 never to return.
00:18:56 For we are forever alive and forgiven of all our sins."
00:19:02 Hallelujah!
00:19:04 Glory to God. We are forgiven of all our sins.
00:19:09 The power of sin has been cut away.
00:19:11 It is extinct. It has nothing. It's no longer part of who we are.
00:19:16 We have been forgiven in God.
00:19:20 Verse 14, "He counseled out every legal violation we had on our record
00:19:29 and old arrests warned we stood to indict us."
00:19:34 Listen.
00:19:36 Glory, there was a warrant out for your arrest
00:19:45 because of the sin nature of man.
00:19:48 And he said he counseled out every legal violation,
00:19:57 every violation that we had on record,
00:20:00 and the old arrest warrant.
00:20:03 Hallelujah!
00:20:05 Every arrest warrant that stood to indict us,
00:20:10 he erased it all.
00:20:13 Our sins are staying sold. He deleted it all.
00:20:18 And they cannot be retrieved.
00:20:23 Hallelujah!
00:20:26 The accuser of the brethren cannot accuse you of anything.
00:20:30 It has been erased. It cannot be retrieved any longer.
00:20:35 Hallelujah! We've been set free.
00:20:39 Glory to God. Thank you, Jesus.
00:20:43 Hallelujah!
00:20:46 Listen.
00:20:49 Listen, verse 14, "Everything we once were in Adam
00:20:56 has been placed unto his cross and nailed permanently there
00:21:02 as a public display of cancellation."
00:21:05 Hallelujah!
00:21:08 Glory to God. Every sin has been counseled.
00:21:11 Your sins have been forgiven.
00:21:16 Somebody shout, "I've been forgiven!"
00:21:20 Oh, glory. Help me preach to your neighbor this morning.
00:21:23 Tell him, "You've been forgiven."
00:21:27 Hallelujah! Glory to God.
00:21:33 We've been forgiven.
00:21:36 Romans chapter 4, verse 25 in the Passion Translation says,
00:21:41 "Jesus was handed over to be crucified
00:21:45 for the forgiveness of our sins and was raised back to life
00:21:49 to prove that he had made us right with God."
00:21:55 He nailed every one of our sins to the cross,
00:21:58 died, and was raised back to life to prove to you
00:22:03 your sins have been forgiven. Hallelujah!
00:22:06 Hallelujah! Glory to God.
00:22:10 He who knew no sin became sin, so you who knew no righteousness
00:22:15 can become and made the righteousness of God.
00:22:18 He proved to you that he had made us right with God.
00:22:24 Hallelujah!
00:22:27 Verse Peter 2, 24 and 25 in the New Living Translation tells us
00:22:32 that he personally carried our sins in his body on the cross
00:22:37 so that we can be dead to sin and we can live to what is right.
00:22:43 By his wounds, we are healed.
00:22:46 In every aspect of your life, he brought healing emotionally, socially,
00:22:51 mentally, physically, financially.
00:22:55 In every aspect of your life, he personally carried your sins on his body on the cross
00:23:03 so that you can be dead to sin. Somebody say, "I'm dead to sin."
00:23:07 I live to what I have a right to.
00:23:11 Hallelujah!
00:23:13 Verse 25, "Once you were like sheep, you wandered away,
00:23:16 but now you have turned to your shepherd. He's the guardian of your soul."
00:23:22 He's watching over his Word in your life to perform it in your life
00:23:26 for you to receive what Jesus has made available to you,
00:23:30 what you and I have a right to.
00:23:33 First Corinthians chapter 15, verse 12 in the New Living Translation says,
00:23:41 "But tell me this, since we preach that Christ rose from the dead,
00:23:46 why are some of you saying that there will be no resurrection of the dead?"
00:23:51 Verse 16, it says, "And if there be no resurrection of the dead,
00:23:55 then Christ has not been raised."
00:23:57 Verse 17, "And if Christ has not been raised, then your faith is useless,
00:24:02 and you are still guilty of your sins."
00:24:06 But we are not guilty of our sins, and our faith is not useless
00:24:10 because Christ Jesus was raised from the dead.
00:24:14 Hallelujah!
00:24:15 And because He was raised from the dead, our sins have been—
00:24:19 we have been free of all sin. Sin has no more dominion over our lives.
00:24:24 We have been forgiven. Hallelujah!
00:24:29 Glory to God! And our faith is not useless.
00:24:32 We believe that Jesus died and that God raised Him from the dead.
00:24:38 I am forgiven. I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.
00:24:45 Hallelujah!
00:24:47 Come on, let's move on my time.
00:24:49 Verse number 4, "The resurrecting power of Jesus has provided for us—
00:24:54 it gives us hope of eternal life.
00:24:57 Resurrection was the greatest promise of hope.
00:25:01 If Jesus did come back from the grave, we would have no hope after the grave."
00:25:07 If He didn't come back, but He came back, and He gave us hope of eternal life.
00:25:14 Look at 1 Peter chapter 1, verse 3.
00:25:18 The NIV says, "Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
00:25:24 In His great mercy, He has given us new birth into a living hope.
00:25:30 Through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead."
00:25:34 He's given us a new birth into a living hope, an expectation,
00:25:40 through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.
00:25:45 And into an inheritance, verse 4, "into an inheritance that will never perish,
00:25:50 spoil or fade. This inheritance is kept in heaven for you."
00:25:56 We have the hope of eternal life.
00:25:58 When you leave this earthly realm, your life is not over.
00:26:03 Hallelujah. We have a hope of eternal life, that we will be with the Lord forever.
00:26:09 I don't know about you, but that's good hope. That's exciting news.
00:26:12 I have expectation that when I lay down in this life, I'm rising up to a new life.
00:26:20 Glory to God. It's eternal life.
00:26:24 A life with the Lord Jesus Christ.
00:26:27 His resurrection power gave me the hope of eternal life.
00:26:33 Glory to God.
00:26:35 I have hope of eternal life with the Lord.
00:26:40 1 Corinthians 15, look at verse 20.
00:26:44 "Death is not the end, but now Christ is risen from the dead
00:26:49 and has become the first fruit of those who have fallen asleep.
00:26:54 And for since by man came death, by man also comes the resurrection of the dead."
00:27:00 Hallelujah.
00:27:01 "For as Adam and Eve all died, even so in Christ shall all be made alive."
00:27:07 It was one man's sin that causes all men to sin,
00:27:11 but it's one obedience of righteousness that we were all made right with God.
00:27:16 We will come alive, be made alive because of what Jesus did.
00:27:21 What did he do? He took all of your sin, nailed them to a cross,
00:27:24 went to death, died on the cross, went to hell, and God raised him from the dead.
00:27:31 And because of that, you and I have the hope of eternal life.
00:27:36 Death is not the end of your life.
00:27:40 Hallelujah.
00:27:42 When you leave here, when you make Jesus Christ the Lord of your life,
00:27:47 when you leave this earthly realm, you will go to be with the Lord forever.
00:27:52 Hallelujah.
00:27:53 You have an inheritance of eternal life.
00:27:58 Hallelujah.
00:27:59 And his resurrection power gives us this hope, hope of everlasting life.
00:28:05 That death is not the end of our lives.
00:28:08 Thank you, Lord Jesus.
00:28:10 Hallelujah.
00:28:11 Number five, the resurrection power of Jesus Christ gives us power.
00:28:18 Hallelujah.
00:28:19 Somebody said, "I got power."
00:28:22 That same power that raised Jesus from the dead is the same power
00:28:26 that lives and abides on the inside of you.
00:28:29 The word power is the word that means the thing that gives you results.
00:28:34 It allows you and I to live the life that God has for you and I.
00:28:38 It's the ability to get the God kind of results in every area of your life.
00:28:43 His resurrection power gives you power.
00:28:47 Somebody said, "I got power."
00:28:50 You are not powerless.
00:28:54 You have power, same power that raised Jesus from the dead.
00:29:00 1 Corinthians 1, verse 18, says, "The message of the cross is foolish
00:29:07 to those who are headed for destruction."
00:29:10 Don't understand it.
00:29:12 But we who are being saved know it is the very power of God.
00:29:19 Jesus' resurrection, the cross, it is the power of God.
00:29:25 It is an awesome display of God's power being seen.
00:29:30 Jesus died on the cross, but it was the power of the Father
00:29:35 that raised him from the dead.
00:29:38 And for you and I that believe, we know that it is the power of God.
00:29:44 Philippians 3, thank you, Lord Jesus.
00:29:49 Verse 10, it says, "That I might know him."
00:29:51 This is Paul's testimony.
00:29:53 He said, "I want to know him and the power of his resurrection
00:29:58 and the fellowship of his suffering being made conformable unto his death."
00:30:04 The passing translation says, "And I continue along to know the wonders of Jesus
00:30:10 and to experience the overflowing power of his resurrection working in me."
00:30:17 Hallelujah.
00:30:18 He said, "I want to know one thing, and I want to know his power,
00:30:22 how it works on the inside of me.
00:30:24 I know that same power that raised Jesus from the dead lives inside of me.
00:30:29 I want to know how to work the power."
00:30:31 Hallelujah. Glory to God.
00:30:34 He said, "I've experienced a lot of things.
00:30:36 I've done a lot of things, but there's only one thing I want to know,
00:30:40 and I want to know the power of his resurrection."
00:30:43 Hallelujah.
00:30:44 "That is working on the inside of me."
00:30:47 He said, "Only then will I be able to experience complete oneness with him
00:30:53 in his resurrection from the realm of death."
00:30:58 He said, "I just want to know how this power works on the inside of me
00:31:02 so I can experience God's power that he's made available to you and I."
00:31:09 Ephesians chapter 1.
00:31:13 Paul, again, praying this prayer for the church at Ephesus in verse 19.
00:31:17 He said, "I pray that you will continually experience the immeasurable greatness
00:31:23 of God's power."
00:31:25 Did I say immeasurable?
00:31:27 The immeasurable great—you can't—
00:31:29 "The immeasurable greatness of God's power made available to you through faith."
00:31:38 This power that God has made available to you,
00:31:42 you've got to believe and trust God to manifest this power,
00:31:46 giving you the ability to get the God-kind of results in every area of your life.
00:31:52 It is through faith.
00:31:54 He said, "Then our lives will be an advertisement."
00:31:59 Hallelujah.
00:32:00 "Of this immense power."
00:32:03 You become an advertisement, a billboard of the immense power as it works through you.
00:32:10 This is the mighty power.
00:32:14 You get to lay hands on the sick and see them recover.
00:32:17 You get to cleanse the lepers.
00:32:19 You get to raise the dead.
00:32:21 Freely you have received—what did I receive?
00:32:24 The power of God.
00:32:26 Freely you have received, freely given.
00:32:28 You become an advertisement of the power of God in your life.
00:32:34 His resurrection power gave you power.
00:32:37 Somebody said, "I've got the power."
00:32:41 Thank you, Jesus.
00:32:43 He said, "This is the mighty power."
00:32:46 Verse 20, "That was released when God raised Christ from the dead
00:32:52 and exalted him to a place of the highest honor, supreme authority in the heavenly realm."
00:32:59 There is no power, there is no authority that is higher than the power and the authority
00:33:04 of our Lord Jesus Christ.
00:33:07 There is no demon, no devil, no nothing in hell.
00:33:10 There is no power, no principalities.
00:33:13 There is nothing higher than our God.
00:33:16 Hallelujah.
00:33:18 And that same resurrection power is living and abiding on the inside of you.
00:33:24 So there is nothing higher, no authority, no power that is higher than the power of
00:33:31 God that is living inside of you.
00:33:33 Hallelujah.
00:33:34 I hope y'all are getting this this morning.
00:33:37 Thank you, Lord Jesus.
00:33:40 We have raising from the dead power on the inside of you.
00:33:47 You have opening blind eyes power on the inside of you, causing the deaf to hear power on
00:33:53 the inside of you.
00:33:55 You got cleansing the leper power on the inside of you.
00:33:58 You got laying hands on the sick power living on the inside of you.
00:34:03 There is no power, no authority that is greater and higher than the power and the authority
00:34:08 of our God that is living and abiding on the inside of you.
00:34:13 His resurrection power gave you power.
00:34:17 Somebody said, "I've got the power."
00:34:20 I have ability, efficiency, and might.
00:34:26 You have the might of God living on the inside of you.
00:34:29 And there is no foe that can stand in the presence of a living God.
00:34:33 When you recognize who you are, that you have a new life, you have new identity, I have
00:34:38 a new hope.
00:34:39 I have power on the inside of me.
00:34:42 God resurrecting power is living and abiding on the inside of me.
00:34:48 Hallelujah.
00:34:51 Somebody say, "I'm not the same."
00:34:54 Glory to God.
00:34:57 Philippians chapter 2 verse 13, it says, "For God is working in you, giving you the desire
00:35:05 and the power to do what pleases Him."
00:35:09 The same power that Jesus had to please the Father.
00:35:13 The same power that God has given you and I so that we can do those things that would
00:35:18 please Him.
00:35:19 That we can walk this walk of faith, trusting in the living God to manifest His glory in
00:35:26 and through our lives.
00:35:27 We have the same position that Jesus had working on the inside of us, giving us the desire
00:35:33 to want to please Him.
00:35:35 Listen, when you have a desire to want to please God, you have this understanding that
00:35:40 sin has no more dominion over my life.
00:35:44 It cannot stop me from doing and achieving what God has placed on the inside of me.
00:35:49 I have a desire that I just want to please Him.
00:35:53 Hallelujah.
00:35:56 Somebody said, "I got the power."
00:36:00 Verse 6, "The resurrection of Jesus is the greatest proof that death lost its power."
00:36:08 Hallelujah.
00:36:10 Glory to God.
00:36:12 Hallelujah.
00:36:13 Somebody said, "Death lost its power."
00:36:17 Thank you, Lord Jesus.
00:36:19 Hallelujah.
00:36:20 "Death in all its forms, sickness, disease, illness, killings, murders, hatreds, jealousy,
00:36:30 poverty, darkness, lying, cheating, hurt, pain, all the effects of sin and death has
00:36:36 lost its power."
00:36:39 Are you hearing me?
00:36:42 Sickness and disease lost its power.
00:36:44 Now, I need to say that again.
00:36:47 Sickness and disease lost its power.
00:36:51 Hallelujah.
00:36:55 The resurrection gives us victory over death and all the effects of death.
00:37:03 In Isaiah chapter 25, Isaiah is prophesying the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ and what
00:37:09 would take place.
00:37:11 Verse 8, he says, "He will swallow up death in victory and the Lord God will wipe away
00:37:18 tears from all faces and the rebuke of His people shall be taken away from all the earth.
00:37:26 For the Lord has spoken it and it shall be said in that day, 'Lo, this is our God.
00:37:33 We have waited for Him and He will save us.
00:37:36 This is the Lord.
00:37:38 We have waited for Him.
00:37:40 We will be glad and rejoice in His salvation.'"
00:37:43 Hallelujah.
00:37:46 He brought us victory over death and brought us salvation.
00:37:52 Look at 1 Corinthians.
00:37:56 Paul bringing this out, what Isaiah had prophesied.
00:37:59 In 1 Corinthians chapter 15 and verse 54, "So when this incorruptible shall have put
00:38:09 on incorruption and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought
00:38:17 to pass the saying that is written, 'Death is swallowed up in victory.'"
00:38:23 Hallelujah.
00:38:24 Glory to God.
00:38:27 Everybody shout, "I got the victory."
00:38:33 Thank you, Jesus.
00:38:34 Oh, death, where is your sting?
00:38:38 Oh, grave, where is your victory?
00:38:42 The sting of death is sin and the strength of sin is the law.
00:38:48 Remember He redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us.
00:38:54 So the Word of God declares, "Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree."
00:38:59 But He said, "But thanks be to God, which gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus
00:39:05 Christ."
00:39:06 Did I say, "Thanks be to God"?
00:39:09 I said, "Thanks be to God."
00:39:11 Oh, my Jesus.
00:39:13 Thanks be to God who has given us the victory.
00:39:17 Hallelujah.
00:39:18 He gave us victory over sin, death, and the grave.
00:39:24 Thanks be to God who has given us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
00:39:32 Somebody shout, "I've got the victory."
00:39:37 Jesus going to the cross, I believe we said it last week, Him going to the cross killed
00:39:43 the very thing that was killing us.
00:39:47 All the effects of sin and death by sin and the grave and everything that will cause us
00:39:56 to not live the life that God has for us, when He went to the cross, He killed the very
00:40:02 thing that was killing us.
00:40:06 In the Old Testament, there were serpents that came and bit the people and they were
00:40:09 dropped dead.
00:40:11 They cried out to God and God told Moses, "I need you to put a bronze stake on a stick
00:40:16 and hold it up."
00:40:17 And who would ever just look at the stake?
00:40:20 They would be healed.
00:40:21 And He said, "Just like Moses lifted up the rod with that bronze stake on it," He said,
00:40:27 "Jesus was lifted up."
00:40:30 Hallelujah.
00:40:31 He gave His life on the cross.
00:40:34 He was lifted up the same way that Moses lifted up that...
00:40:38 Look at this again, John chapter 3.
00:40:41 Hallelujah.
00:40:43 John chapter 3 verse 14, He says, "And Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even
00:40:49 so must the Son of Man be lifted up.
00:40:52 Whoever believed on Him should not perish, but they will have eternal life.
00:40:58 Your resurrection power gave you the hope of eternal life.
00:41:02 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes
00:41:07 on Him will no longer perish, but you're going to have life eternal.
00:41:13 You're going to have everlasting life.
00:41:17 For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn it, but that the world through Him
00:41:23 might be saved.
00:41:25 This is the only way that you and I will receive salvation.
00:41:28 It is through the Son of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord Jesus Christ, God's only begotten
00:41:34 Son.
00:41:35 When you believe, you're no longer perishing, but you have eternal life.
00:41:40 Hallelujah.
00:41:41 Verse 18, "He that believeth on Him is not condemned, but he that believeth not is condemned
00:41:48 already because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
00:41:57 Those of us that believe because we believe, we have the hope of eternal life, but those
00:42:04 that do not believe Him, He said, they are condemned already because they do not believe."
00:42:12 The Bible gave us the simple message of the cross.
00:42:16 Remember we read that to the world and those that are in destruction is foolishness, but
00:42:23 for those that are believing, it's the power of God.
00:42:28 And God took the foolish things of this world to confound the wise.
00:42:33 To some, the foolishness of the cross didn't make any sense, but because we believe, it
00:42:38 makes plenty of sense to us that one had to die for all the sins of humanity, for the
00:42:45 wages of sin.
00:42:46 Romans 6:23 tells us the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through
00:42:53 Jesus Christ, our Lord.
00:42:57 He has provided a way for you and I to receive what Jesus has provided for us on the cross
00:43:04 of Calvary, and it goes back to what we started off, the life that God intended for all of
00:43:09 us to have.
00:43:11 When God breathed into humanity, when He breathed into His man the breath of life, He became
00:43:17 another speaking spirit.
00:43:19 It was the life of Jesus that brought that life back to us, a life that was full and
00:43:24 to us overflowing with the powering presence of God.
00:43:28 That same power that raised Jesus from the dead is the same power that raised us up together
00:43:34 to sit with Him.
00:43:35 His resurrection was my resurrection too.
00:43:38 His crucifixion was my crucifixion too.
00:43:41 When He was buried, I was buried too.
00:43:43 When He was raised from the dead, I was raised together with Him, to live together with Him
00:43:49 throughout eternity.
00:43:51 Listen, a lot of us think that we have tomorrow to get our lives in a position for God.
00:44:01 Tomorrow is not promised to any of us.
00:44:03 No man knows the day or the hour of His return, but I guarantee you He's coming back again.
00:44:10 Hallelujah.
00:44:12 And you want to be ready for the return of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
00:44:17 How do we get ready for that?
00:44:20 When you make Jesus Christ the Lord of your life, you accept what He did for you and how
00:44:25 He took your place.
00:44:27 He took my place.
00:44:28 He took all the sins of humanity.
00:44:31 You saw it depicted today.
00:44:33 He nailed it to a cross.
00:44:36 He was wounded for your transgressions, your sin.
00:44:40 He was bruised for your iniquity.
00:44:43 It was the chastisement, the cost of our peace that was upon Him, and it was by His stripes
00:44:49 you and I were made whole.
00:44:51 You were healed.
00:44:52 You can rise to a new life in God.
00:44:57 God made that available to every single one of us that have made Jesus Christ the Lord
00:45:01 of our lives.
00:45:03 God doesn't want you to live beneath the privileges that He died to get to you and I.
00:45:10 That old identity, that old person, that old you is no longer alive.
00:45:14 It's dead.
00:45:17 It is in the area of your soul.
00:45:18 It's the renewing of your mind to awaken to righteousness, to awaken up to what Jesus
00:45:24 has provided for you, to live out the life that He intended for you and I to live.
00:45:30 We're not living that full life that God has for us, though it is lodged on the inside
00:45:34 of you.
00:45:35 It takes a revelation in the faith of God to know that that old sin man is dead and
00:45:41 I now can live unto what I have a right to.
00:45:45 You've been made the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.
00:45:51 And if you've never made Jesus Christ the Lord of your life, today is your day to receive.
00:45:58 Today is a day to receive what Jesus has provided for every one of us.
00:46:04 Come on, stand to your feet.
00:46:07 If you're here this morning, all eyes closed, bow your head if you're here this morning.
00:46:14 You've never made Jesus Christ the Lord of your life.
00:46:18 He didn't ask you to change your life or do anything different about your life because
00:46:22 you can't do it without Him.
00:46:25 It is His resurrection power that gives you the ability, the desires to even want to please
00:46:31 God.
00:46:32 He gives you the faith to receive Him as Lord and Savior.
00:46:37 And if you've never made Jesus Christ as Lord in your life, He gave one simple command.
00:46:43 He said, "Everyone that comes to me, you will know He will in no wise cast out."
00:46:49 He just said, "Simply come."
00:46:51 If you would come to the Lord Jesus Christ, believing you receive what He did for you,
00:46:58 when He died, took all your sin, the penalties for sin on His own body, nailed it to a cross,
00:47:09 went to hell in your place, in my place.
00:47:13 When He died, you died.
00:47:16 And when God raised Him from the dead, if you believe that God raised Him from the dead,
00:47:22 His resurrection becomes your resurrection.
00:47:25 You get to be raised to a new life in the Lord Jesus Christ.
00:47:32 If you're here this morning, you want to make Jesus Christ the Lord of your life, I'm going
00:47:36 to appeal and ask you to come.
00:47:39 Coming to this altar is you coming to the Lord Jesus Christ.
00:47:43 And I believe with all my heart that if anybody steps out of the aisle and make their way
00:47:47 to this altar, that what you have come for, the reality of it is it's already done.
00:47:55 Your sins, past, present, and future, hallelujah, have been done away with.
00:48:02 If that's you, I want you to come this morning.
00:48:06 Hallelujah.
00:48:08 Tomorrow is not promised to any of us.
00:48:10 Today is a day of salvation.
00:48:12 He said the day you hear His voice, don't harden your heart, just come.
00:48:18 Number two, maybe you're here this morning and you want to rededicate your life to the
00:48:21 Lord Jesus.
00:48:22 While I'm talking, you may come.
00:48:27 Hallelujah.
00:48:29 You need to rededicate your life to the Lord.
00:48:32 Maybe you're not living the God kind of life that God has for you.
00:48:36 You've forgotten that Jesus, that sin has no more dominion over your life.
00:48:41 Today is your day to receive and to come back to the Lord Jesus Christ.
00:48:47 Number three, if you've never received the baptism of the Holy Ghost with evidence of
00:48:52 speaking in other tongues, it is a free gift given to every single believer.
00:48:58 And it is your turn, hallelujah, to receive the infilling of the Holy Spirit.
00:49:03 Listen, that same spirit that raised Jesus from the dead wants to articulate in speech
00:49:08 through your life.
00:49:10 It's called the baptism of the Holy Ghost with evidence of speaking in other tongues.
00:49:15 And last but not least, as God is speaking to you to be a part of this family of believers,
00:49:20 to be a part of this family, this church family of God speaking to you, I'm asking you to
00:49:25 come to.
00:49:26 I said four things.
00:49:27 If you will, let's do some body ministry with me this morning.
00:49:30 Come on, talk to your neighbor on your right and your left.
00:49:33 Ask them this question.
00:49:34 Have you made Jesus Christ the Lord of your life?
00:49:37 You don't want to wait till tomorrow.
00:49:38 You want to do that today.
00:49:40 Number two, if you need to rededicate your life to the Lord, hallelujah, come.
00:49:46 Number three, receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost.
00:49:49 And number four, to be a part of this family of believers.
00:49:56 Hallelujah.
00:50:00 Glory to God.
00:50:12 Thank you, Lord Jesus.
00:50:15 Hallelujah.
00:50:18 If you could say, if God forbid, if something were to happen to you today and you would
00:50:24 die, how many would know that you would go home to be with the Lord?
00:50:29 How many know of a surety that you would go home to be with the Lord?
00:50:37 Lift up your hands unashamedly high to heaven.
00:50:40 I need you to look around and make sure everybody around you hand is up.
00:50:44 If their hand is not up, come on and encourage them to come and receive the Lord Jesus Christ.
00:50:50 Hallelujah.
00:50:52 How many have the hope of eternal life on the inside of you?
00:50:57 Thank you, Lord Jesus.
00:51:00 Thank you, Lord God.
00:51:01 Don't put your hand down.
00:51:03 Put your hands up.
00:51:05 Glory to God.
00:51:06 I make sure every hand is lifted in this place.
00:51:09 I need you to look around.
00:51:10 Help me.
00:51:11 I need everybody to leave here the way they came.
00:51:14 Hallelujah.
00:51:16 Come on, especially our young people.
00:51:19 They're faced with so many distractions, so many challenges today.
00:51:23 They need the Lord Jesus Christ and the resurrection power living and abiding on the inside of
00:51:29 them to do those things that are pleasing to God.
00:51:33 Hallelujah.
00:51:35 You see anybody hand is not up, encourage them to come.
00:51:39 Today is your day to receive.
00:51:42 Hallelujah.
00:51:43 Glory, glory, glory.
00:51:47 Thank you, Lord Jesus.
00:51:49 Hallelujah.
00:51:50 Come on, let's give God some praise in this place.
00:51:57 Thank you, Lord Jesus.
00:51:59 Hallelujah.
00:52:00 I need you to lift those hands again.
00:52:04 If you know you have the hope of eternal life, you believe that God gave his only begotten
00:52:12 son.
00:52:13 He died to give you in life the life that God has for us.
00:52:18 You know that if anything should happen to you, that you'll be home with the Lord Jesus
00:52:22 Christ.
00:52:23 I need you to look around.
00:52:24 Look way in the back if you need to.
00:52:27 Don't let anybody leave here the same.
00:52:30 Hallelujah.
00:52:32 Thank you, Lord Jesus.
00:52:36 Somebody said I got power, resurrection power living inside of me.
00:52:44 Thank you, Lord Jesus.
00:52:46 Hallelujah.
00:52:47 Come on and give God some praise.
00:52:50 Thank you, Lord Jesus.
00:52:53 Hallelujah.
00:52:55 Thank you, Lord Jesus.
00:52:59 Hallelujah.
00:53:01 This is my last appeal.
00:53:03 Certainly not God's, but mine.
00:53:05 Lift your hands high to heaven.
00:53:08 You know without a shadow of a doubt, if you would have died today, that there's no question
00:53:13 about it, that you'll know that you'll be in the face of the master.
00:53:17 To be absent from the body means to be present with the Lord.
00:53:20 I know without a shadow of a doubt I'll be with Jesus.
00:53:24 If you're not sure, I think I will.
00:53:27 I hope I will.
00:53:28 If you're not sure, I need you to come.
00:53:33 Look around.
00:53:34 I need you to look around.
00:53:35 Look around.
00:53:37 We don't want anybody to leave here the same.
00:53:39 Listen, it's never too late for you to come.
00:53:42 He gave one simple command and that is to come.
00:53:45 And everyone that comes to him, he said, I will in no wise cast out, but if you be ashamed
00:53:50 of me before men, I'll be ashamed of you before my father.
00:53:54 And Jesus is the only way to the father.
00:53:57 And you don't want him to say, I never knew you.
00:54:01 Today is your day to receive.
00:54:05 Come on, ask him one more time.
00:54:08 Hallelujah.
00:54:09 Glory to God.
00:54:12 Thank you, Lord Jesus.
00:54:15 Hallelujah.
00:54:18 Thank you, Lord God.
00:54:20 Hallelujah.
00:54:21 Thank you, Lord Jesus.
00:54:24 Bless the Lord God.
00:54:26 Can we give God some praise for these that have come?
00:54:30 Can we really give God some praise?
00:54:32 This, this is what resurrection Sunday is all about.
00:54:38 Thank you, Lord Jesus.
00:54:40 If you would stretch your hands to those that have come.
00:54:43 Father, we thank you, Lord Jesus, for those that answered your call to come.
00:54:49 Thank you for the resurrection power that raised Jesus from the dead.
00:54:54 It's the same resurrection power that you made available to those that came.
00:54:59 God, you said that your crucifixion of Jesus Christ was theirs.
00:55:05 Your resurrection power is their resurrection power.
00:55:08 Father, we thank you that their lives will never be the same as a result of what Jesus
00:55:13 has provided for them on the cross of Calvary.
00:55:17 Today is their day, Lord God.
00:55:20 Their names are being written in the Lamb's book of life, Lord God.
00:55:24 The life that God intended for them to have.
00:55:27 When you breathe into man's nostril, the breath of life.
00:55:30 May the breath of life fill them with the overflowing life of God.
00:55:35 Baptize them in your precious Holy Spirit with evidence of speaking in other tongues.
00:55:40 God, those that are rededicating their lives to you, Lord God, may they have the desire
00:55:46 that you have, Lord Jesus, to please the Father in every area of our lives.
00:55:52 We receive what the Father has provided for us in our faith and our trust in God.
00:55:58 We thank you, Lord God.
00:55:59 And Father, we receive those that are being a part of this family, believers.
00:56:04 Thank you for your amazing grace that you made available to them, Lord God.
00:56:09 And for this, God, we give you praise and let the church say, Amen.
00:56:15 If you would follow this couple right here, they're going to pray with you individually
00:56:20 for what you've come for.
00:56:22 If you would follow them out.
00:56:24 Hallelujah.
00:56:26 If we can get one of the ushers, if you could pray with her right there.
00:56:30 Hallelujah.
00:56:31 Come on, let's give God a shout of praise.
00:56:36 Hallelujah.
00:56:39 Thank you, Lord Jesus.
00:56:43 This morning, before we are dismissed, we're going to receive communion.
00:56:51 It is a remembrance of what Jesus has provided for us on the cross of Calvary.
00:56:58 I need you to take this very serious.
00:57:02 These elements that you hold is more potent than any therapy, any prescription drug, anything
00:57:13 that you could think of that will cause healing to come in your life and bring you to a place
00:57:20 of victory.
00:57:22 The night that Jesus was betrayed.
00:57:26 Paul said this was given to him by he wasn't there, but God by revelation shared with him
00:57:33 the night of what took place when Jesus was betrayed.
00:57:37 He's at a Passover table with his disciples and the Bible said he took the bread and when
00:57:43 he had given thanks, he broke it.
00:57:47 He gave it to his disciples, he said, take, eat.
00:57:50 This is my body, which is broken for you.
00:57:54 Do this in remembrance of the finished work of Jesus Christ.
00:58:00 We remember what Jesus did.
00:58:03 This is why we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.
00:58:07 We remember his body was broken for us.
00:58:12 His crucifixion was our crucifixion.
00:58:16 His resurrection was our resurrection too.
00:58:20 Take, eat.
00:58:24 Hallelujah.
00:58:26 Thank you, Lord Jesus.
00:58:37 And after the same manner, he had taken the cup.
00:58:42 He stopped saying, this is the cup of the New Testament in my blood.
00:58:49 Do this in remembrance of me as often as you drink it and often as you eat this bread,
00:58:56 you do show the Lord's death till he comes.
00:59:00 His death was not in vain.
00:59:02 We receive the power.
00:59:04 We receive hope.
00:59:05 We receive new life.
00:59:07 We receive a new identity.
00:59:09 Hallelujah.
00:59:11 We receive the finished work of Jesus Christ and all that he has provided for us through
00:59:17 the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.
00:59:19 This is the blood of the New Testament.
00:59:21 We call this the cup of blessings.
00:59:24 You and I get to drink in the blessings of God and experience prosperity in every area
00:59:29 of your life.
00:59:31 Take, drink.
00:59:34 Hallelujah.
00:59:36 Glory, glory, glory, glory.
00:59:41 Hallelujah.
00:59:43 Can we lift up our hands and let's just worship the Lord God.
00:59:48 Thank you, Lord Jesus.
00:59:50 Father, we believe we receive all that the finished work of Jesus Christ has provided
00:59:58 for us on the cross of Calvary.
01:00:01 We celebrate the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.
01:00:05 His resurrection was our resurrection too.
01:00:08 We've been raised to a new life, a life of health and healing, a life of protection,
01:00:16 salvation.
01:00:17 We thank you for this life of deliverance, Lord God.
01:00:20 We receive all of the finished work of Jesus Christ and that power that made it available
01:00:27 to every single one of us.
01:00:29 God, we give you praise in the house of God today.
01:00:34 Hallelujah.
01:00:35 Come on and bless the Lord your God.
01:00:38 Hallelujah.
01:00:40 Thank God for the victory we have in him.
01:00:43 Bless the Lord Jesus Christ.
01:00:46 Happy resurrection day.
01:00:49 Thank you, Lord God.
01:00:51 Thank you, every one of you that came out today.
01:00:54 Avail yourselves to the announcements that were made.
01:00:56 I hope to see all of you next Sunday.
01:01:02 I hope to see all of you Wednesday night.
01:01:05 Hallelujah.
01:01:06 We're still talking about our healing school.
01:01:10 Secrets revealed.
01:01:12 What God wants to make available to you, what he has already made available to you.
01:01:17 Want you to come out and be a part of that.
01:01:19 Amen.
01:01:20 All of our first time visitors, if you're here for the first time, there is a young
01:01:24 lady in the aisle with a little sign.
01:01:28 We call you our VIPs.
01:01:30 We want to welcome all of our VIPs to follow her out.
01:01:33 I want to personally come and greet you this morning.
01:01:36 Thank you for coming and being a part of our service today.
01:01:39 All of our first time visitors, if you would follow the young lady with the sign.
01:01:44 Hallelujah.
01:01:45 We welcome you again this morning into the house of victory.
01:01:50 Hallelujah.
01:01:52 Everyone else, if you would lift your hands high to heaven.
01:01:56 Glory to God.
01:01:57 I want to pronounce the blessing.
01:02:09 Praise God.
01:02:10 They have little treats for you when you walk out the door today.
01:02:14 Hallelujah.
01:02:15 Thank God for the treats.
01:02:17 Praise God.
01:02:18 I got Jordan in the house today.
01:02:27 Praise God.
01:02:28 Lift your hands high to heaven.
01:02:29 Let me pronounce the blessing of God over your life.
01:02:32 May the Lord bless you and keep you.
01:02:35 May his face shine upon you.
01:02:38 May God show you tremendous favor all week long.
01:02:44 Favor everywhere you go.
01:02:46 Preferential treatment.
01:02:47 Hallelujah.
01:02:48 This is how you know that God has favored you.
01:02:51 The enemy cannot triumph over you.
01:02:55 Hallelujah.
01:02:56 His favor surrounds you like a shield.
01:03:00 You are covered by the blood of Jesus Christ.
01:03:04 Hallelujah.
01:03:06 May God answer all of your prayers and give you peace.
01:03:11 Shalom.
01:03:12 You are dismissed.
01:03:14 God bless you.
01:03:15 God bless you.
01:03:16 God bless you.
01:03:17 God bless you.
01:03:18 God bless you.
01:03:18 God bless you.
01:03:19 God bless you.
01:03:20 God bless you.
01:03:20 God bless you.
01:03:25 God bless you.
01:03:30 God bless you.
01:03:35 God bless you.
01:03:40 God bless you.
01:03:45 God bless you.