• last year
"Direktorat Reserse Kriminal Khusus (Ditreskrimsus) Kepolisian Republik Indonesia (Polri) baru-baru ini mengungkap kasus penipuan bahan bakar minyak (BBM) yang terjadi di empat SPBU swasta di Jakarta, Tangerang, dan Depok.

Lima pelaku ditemukan telah mencampur Pertalite dengan zat pewarna khusus sehingga menyerupai Pertamax. Para pelaku kemudian menjual bensin oplosan tersebut kepada konsumen sehingga menimbulkan kerugian mencapai miliaran rupiah.

Untuk mengetahui informasi selengkapnya dan berita terkini di Indonesia, Asia Tenggara, dan dunia, silakan kunjungi website seatoday.com.

The Special Crime Investigation Directorate of the Indonesia Police recently unraveled a gas scam case across four privately owned gas stations in Jakarta, Tangerang, and Depok.
Five individuals were found mixing Pertalite with a special dye to make a substance resembling Pertamax. The perpetrators then sold the fake gas to consumers, incurring losses reaching billions of rupiahs.

To learn more and to find out the latest news from Indonesia, Southeast Asia and the World, please visit seatoday.com.

#SEAToday #SEATodayNews #Jabodetabek #Indonesia #BensinPalsu #BensinCampurAir #BensinOplosan"


00:00 The Police Special Crime Directorate has seized hundreds of millions of rupiahs,
00:05 communication devices, and mixing tools from four different gas stations in
00:10 Tangerang, Depok, and Jakarta. Investigators also named five suspects
00:14 including gas station management officer who mixed pertolite with special dye to
00:19 make fake gas which resembles pertamax. Afterwards they used a special nozzle to
00:25 distribute the fake gas to the public and gained billions of rupiahs in the
00:30 span of two years. This was achievable since they reaped a profit of 3,000
00:35 rupiahs from price difference.
00:40 The motive of the perpetrators is to gain a huge profit.
00:50 So, if we calculate, from the crime, the suspects gained a profit
00:56 from selling fake pertamax which is actually pertolite mixed with a dye.
01:04 The price of pertolite is 10,000 rupiah per liter, while pertamax is 12,950 rupiah.
01:14 So, there is a disparity. The price is almost 3,000 rupiah or 2,950 rupiah.
01:22 The five suspects were operators and managers of four different gas stations
01:28 in Tangerang and Depok, specifically at the HOS Cokroa Minoto Road in
01:33 Tiledug, Hashim Asyari Road in Tipondo, Kelapa Dua Main Access Road in West Jakarta
01:39 and kilometer 28.5 of the Bogor Main Road in Depok.
01:43 The fake gas scam took place at four privately owned gas stations.
01:48 Oh my God. I was shocked because one of the...
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