• last year
You Are Mine Episode 10 (English Dubbed)
00:00 [Music]
00:10 [Music]
00:12 No, no!
00:13 No, don't do it!
00:14 This is for you!
00:15 I'm here!
00:16 This is for you!
00:17 I'm here!
00:18 This is for you!
00:19 Get off of me!
00:20 I'm back there!
00:21 [Music]
00:30 That is enough stuff!
00:31 Don't beat him!
00:32 Monsieur!
00:33 [Music]
00:39 Monsieur!
00:40 [Music]
00:45 Monsieur!
00:46 My brother!
00:47 [Music]
00:53 I'm right here, dear.
00:55 My dear, get up.
00:57 Monsieur!
00:58 Monsieur!
00:59 Monsieur!
01:00 [Music]
01:03 Oh, my dear.
01:04 [Music]
01:08 Come on, get up.
01:10 [Music]
01:31 I'm coming, I'm coming.
01:33 [Music]
01:38 Welcome, come in.
01:42 Nagme's parents are here.
01:44 Hello, Mrs. Nevin.
01:45 Welcome.
01:47 Can you call Nagme, please?
01:49 I'm not going to go in.
01:50 I'll see my daughter, then leave.
01:52 Your daughter isn't here.
01:53 Where is she then?
01:54 Because she left her phone here.
01:56 What have you done to my daughter?
01:57 She was a little upset, so she went out.
01:59 She went alone?
02:00 No, Mr. Ejder was with her.
02:04 Now, what have they done to my girl?
02:06 Tell me.
02:07 She's upset because of what happened.
02:11 It's not an easy thing to take.
02:13 Not everyone can stand this.
02:16 Elwin, don't interfere.
02:19 So what does it matter?
02:20 They will learn eventually.
02:22 So I'm going to tell her.
02:24 It's not your place to tell her.
02:26 Listen, will you just let her talk?
02:28 I am listening.
02:33 Mr. Ejder was forced to marry me in a ceremony.
02:40 So long story short, I am now his second wife.
02:53 What?
02:56 What is all this nonsense?
02:58 So why a second wife?
02:59 Because of my brother.
03:00 I didn't want this to happen either, but it just did.
03:04 And we were all desperate.
03:06 What is she talking about?
03:07 A second wife?
03:08 It's got to be total nonsense.
03:10 What's going on?
03:13 Hello, ma'am.
03:15 Mrs. Nevins here and Nogme's father too.
03:18 And why are they here this late?
03:21 It's very late.
03:22 Oh yeah, it is late.
03:24 Are you trying to have the upper hand now?
03:26 Do you want to explain about a second wife?
03:29 We don't have to explain ourselves to you.
03:32 Mother?
03:33 Father, what's going on?
03:35 Shame on you.
03:36 How could you, Ejder?
03:37 What a fine husband you are.
03:40 How could you marry a second woman?
03:43 I don't know how you talked her into this, but I will never accept this at all.
03:48 Mrs. Nevins, will you please calm down?
03:50 It's not what you think.
03:51 It's only on paper.
03:52 Only on paper?
03:53 You're married to two women now, Ejder.
03:56 Do you want to make my daughter happy?
03:58 I don't know what you're doing like that.
03:59 Look at the shame you brought on my daughter.
04:01 Shame on you, sir.
04:02 My son doesn't have to explain himself to anyone, including you.
04:09 You're right.
04:11 You're very right.
04:13 I have ruined both my marriage and Nogme's too.
04:17 But that is all.
04:20 From now on, we will have a different life.
04:26 We're going away.
04:36 We're going to live in Istanbul.
04:40 My son, what are you saying?
04:45 What are you saying, my dear?
04:48 We can't stay here anymore, Mom.
04:50 We'll live far away from everyone.
04:55 Come on, Nogme.
04:56 Let's go pack our bags.
04:58 No need to pack bags.
04:59 Let's just go away now.
05:01 Okay, come on.
05:03 My son, are you crazy now?
05:05 Stop.
05:09 Don't go.
05:10 How can you leave everything, including me, behind?
05:20 Mother, we cannot find happiness here.
05:24 Don't you see?
05:26 You can't leave me, my son.
05:28 You can't do this to me.
05:30 You can't act on your wife's wishes.
05:33 Look, let her go wherever she wants to go.
05:35 We made this decision together, Mom.
05:38 And this is my life.
05:39 I won't let you go.
05:41 You can't go anywhere.
05:43 Please don't go.
05:47 So a stranger is more valuable than your own mother?
05:51 I raised you all by myself.
05:53 I looked after you all these years.
05:55 I waited for you to come back to me.
05:57 It's such a shame after all that I've done.
06:00 Oh, no, catch her.
06:02 Mother?
06:03 This is Baraket.
06:05 Mother, dear?
06:06 Mother?
06:16 So he understood that the girl was not so pure.
06:19 He let her go, and her mother took her and gave her away.
06:22 That's such a shame.
06:24 That's very frustrating.
06:26 And he doesn't feel any shame at all.
06:28 If I was him, I wouldn't show my face.
06:31 Why is this his fault?
06:33 He let the girl go.
06:35 I heard that Edgedeer married Elvan, you know.
06:37 Oh, really?
06:38 Yeah.
06:40 What are you talking about staring at me?
06:42 Are you gossiping about me?
06:44 Oh, God, no.
06:45 Don't lie to me!
06:47 I just heard you all, and you said Elvan.
06:49 You were ashamed of yourselves.
06:50 You're grown men gossiping like school children.
06:53 Feaz, know your place and back off.
06:56 Yeah, and what if I don't, huh?
06:57 It's okay when you bring shame on yourself,
06:59 but it's a crime when we mention it.
07:02 You were a fool to marry another man's wife.
07:04 You shut your mouth!
07:05 It's true, though, huh?
07:06 Yeah, she slept with another man, and you married her.
07:09 I swear I'm gonna kill you!
07:10 Nobody blamed you for anything!
07:12 It was not the plan!
07:13 She's the one!
07:15 It's all her!
07:17 Besides, Edgedeer did the right thing.
07:19 He married Elvan!
07:21 A planned religious wedding.
07:23 Now you are done with that girl, boy!
07:25 What?
07:26 Edgedeer married Elvan in a religious wedding.
07:29 Didn't you know about it?
07:30 What did you say?
07:33 Let me go!
07:35 [♪♪♪]
08:02 Alice, you shouldn't worry.
08:06 Your mother's a strong woman.
08:08 She will get through it.
08:10 You see what you did?
08:20 Brother, let's not discuss it.
08:23 Am I wrong?
08:25 You come waltzing into our lives saying you're married,
08:28 and then some other girl comes because of you,
08:30 and my daughter was kidnapped,
08:32 and now Mom's having a heart attack,
08:34 all because of you and your big city wife.
08:37 We didn't want it to be like this.
08:39 Where is she? Tell me!
08:40 Your own mother is fighting for her very life in there,
08:42 but your wife doesn't even bother coming to the hospital?
08:45 So why are you with a woman who has no respect for your family?
08:50 Enough!
08:52 Don't you say a word against her.
08:54 What could she do?
08:56 She said okay to the wedding just to save Daphne.
08:59 It's true, brother.
09:01 Don't you call me that! I'm not your brother at all!
09:04 You have no respect for me or your family.
09:07 If that's how you really feel,
09:09 I guess it's pointless to keep talking.
09:12 Oh, okay, okay, okay.
09:14 Mr. Edgester doesn't want to talk to me.
09:16 We only talk when he wishes to talk.
09:18 That's true, isn't it?
09:20 Edgester is right.
09:21 This isn't the place or the time.
09:23 We're disturbing people. Look around.
09:26 Brother, stay calm, huh?
09:28 Come on, let's sit.
09:29 Will you just let me go?
09:31 Do you see now why I had my reasons
09:42 for being against this marriage from the beginning?
09:44 You've thrown your life away to be part of this mess.
09:47 A woman like you could never think to share her lover with another woman.
09:51 Mother, why do you not get it?
09:53 Edgester won't be touching that girl.
09:56 I love him, and he loves me, and he won't touch her.
09:58 Stop making me mad.
10:00 You're still thinking that this is about love.
10:02 Look, girl, your life here is getting worse and worse
10:05 as each minute passes by.
10:07 Either you'll come with me to Istanbul,
10:09 or you will stay here,
10:11 and you'll be unhappy in this wretched life.
10:14 Look, darling,
10:18 you know how you feel and what you're going through better than us,
10:21 but I agree with your mother on this one.
10:25 I'm begging you, don't give me a hard time.
10:28 Everything here is hard enough already for me.
10:31 But with time,
10:33 you'll get used to the situation.
10:35 Everything will start to seem normal to you.
10:38 And every time you turn around,
10:40 that girl will be around Edgester.
10:42 A naive girl like you
10:45 can't begin to deal with a witch like that.
10:48 But this is not permanent.
10:51 And when the right time comes,
10:53 that girl will be out of our lives forever.
10:56 That girl isn't the type who will ever give up.
11:01 You need to understand that.
11:03 Mother, I don't want to stay here either.
11:06 But I can't go back with you.
11:09 I'll go to Istanbul with Edgester.
11:11 If you even go back there now,
11:13 they will try and make you stay here.
11:17 I can't leave Edgester alone now.
11:20 Nagme.
11:23 Oh, Mother.
11:26 Please, try to understand me.
11:29 Please.
11:31 Okay.
11:35 So we're staying here.
11:38 I'm going to Istanbul.
11:40 I'm going to Istanbul.
11:42 I'm going to Istanbul.
11:44 So we're staying here.
11:46 And we're not going back to Istanbul without you.
11:50 [♪♪♪]
11:54 [♪♪♪]
11:58 [♪♪♪]
12:02 [♪♪♪]
12:06 [♪♪♪]
12:34 Who brought you over here?
12:36 Um, I wanted to come on my own.
12:40 You have accepted me.
12:43 You didn't give me up to my brother.
12:46 And I would have felt bad if I hadn't tried to come.
12:51 Alvan, please go away.
12:55 I don't want to see you.
12:59 [♪♪♪]
13:02 Is there any word?
13:07 We're still waiting for the doctor.
13:09 Ali.
13:11 Yes, sir.
13:15 Take Alvan to the ranch.
13:17 I'll take her, sir.
13:19 Come on, I'll take you back.
13:26 What were you talking about?
13:29 How's my mother, doctor?
13:33 It seems Mrs. Baraket suffered a heart spasm.
13:35 Well, she's okay now, but from what I can see, she needs to take care of herself.
13:40 She should stay away from stress and anxiety.
13:42 So we can see her?
13:43 You can see her, but please don't stay long.
13:45 And don't tire her too much.
13:47 That's all. Excuse me, please.
13:49 Okay, let's go, girl.
13:51 Give me a minute.
13:53 I'll be right back.
13:54 I'll be waiting for you here.
13:57 You asked me a question before, when Daphne was abducted.
14:08 You asked me what my decision would be if I was you.
14:12 But you know, I wouldn't care about anything.
14:16 I mean, if I was you, I'd resist till the end for my love.
14:21 And I'd die if need be.
14:24 Or maybe I'd kill.
14:26 But I wouldn't let anyone come between me and him.
14:29 I wouldn't care about Daphne at all.
14:33 Because I love Edgder that much.
14:37 I'm not afraid of what happens to me.
14:40 And I never have any fear.
14:42 And I'm ready for his wrath and his punishment.
14:46 I think you should know that.
14:49 Let's go. Come on.
14:52 Mother.
15:02 How do you feel? Are you better now?
15:17 Edgder.
15:19 My son.
15:22 I'm here, Mother. I'm here.
15:26 Promise that you won't leave me.
15:32 I cannot stand missing you anymore.
15:40 Mother dear.
15:44 Don't tire yourself with these things.
15:47 Your health is more important than anything.
15:53 Mother.
15:55 [Music]
15:57 [Music]
16:00 [Music]
16:03 [Music]
16:05 (singing in foreign language)
16:08 (soft music)
16:11 - Is she okay?
16:37 - She'll be fine.
16:38 The doctor said she can go home tomorrow.
16:40 - I'm so glad.
16:43 So if she's not in danger anymore,
16:47 then can we go to Istanbul tomorrow?
16:49 - Nagme, we may need to wait on the Istanbul thing a little.
16:57 I can't leave my mom like this.
17:00 - But you said she was fine.
17:04 - Yes, she's fine, but--
17:06 - But what, Ejder?
17:08 - I think you forgot why mother had a heart attack.
17:12 We said we're leaving.
17:13 - So then you're saying that all of this is our fault?
17:16 Is that it?
17:17 - Well, not entirely, but we played a role too.
17:21 And yes, I'm feeling guilty.
17:24 I feel like leaving my mom would be a cruel thing to do.
17:29 - Ejder, I can't take it anymore.
17:36 I don't have any peace of mind here.
17:38 Please, let's move away now, please.
17:43 - Nagme, I promise you we will go.
17:47 You've got to be strong.
17:48 Try to be patient.
17:49 If you love me, try it, please.
17:53 (soft music)
18:01 (soft music)
18:04 (soft music)
18:06 - Nagme.
18:30 (soft music)
18:33 We're staying here a little bit longer, mom.
18:41 Until Ejder's mom gets better.
18:42 - Do you see this?
18:45 - Nagme, stop being stupid.
18:52 Come, let's go to Istanbul.
18:54 If he loves you, then he will come after you.
18:57 - Mother, stop.
18:58 Just don't, I cannot take this right now.
19:01 - Of course you can't take it,
19:02 because I'm always right about everything.
19:04 - Nimmin, enough.
19:06 Don't push her anymore.
19:07 - I don't want to lose him.
19:12 I don't want to.
19:15 (sobs)
19:18 (soft music)
19:21 - Okay, my dear, okay.
19:31 Then I'm going to stay here.
19:33 I'll stay and support you.
19:37 You should go back to your business in Istanbul.
19:49 - I won't go home without my daughter.
19:51 (soft music)
19:58 (dog barks)
20:00 (soft music)
20:02 (dog barks)
20:05 (soft music)
20:09 (soft music)
20:11 (soft music)
20:14 (soft music)
20:16 (soft music)
20:19 (soft music)
20:37 (soft music)
20:40 (soft music)
20:50 (soft music)
20:59 (soft music)
21:01 - How are you?
21:15 You okay?
21:20 (heart monitor beeping)
21:24 So you came out of your room then, did you?
21:38 - I was worried.
21:41 Whatever happened between us happened.
21:44 I'm still angry at you, but you're my mother.
21:49 (soft music)
21:52 - Your mother, whose name you won't even utter.
21:56 (soft music)
21:58 - I don't want to bring the past up
22:00 because maybe I will tire you.
22:02 All of the family needs you now.
22:09 You get well soon and go home.
22:13 - What about you?
22:17 - Don't you need me at all anymore?
22:20 - I should be going now.
22:23 (soft music)
22:26 - So what's up?
22:52 Nobody's around here at all.
22:54 - Where have you been all night, Tijara, huh?
22:58 Master Samal asked about you and I had to tell him lies
23:00 because you couldn't be found.
23:02 - Huh?
23:03 What did they want from me?
23:06 - It's Mrs. Baraket.
23:08 She was very upset last night
23:10 and they took her to the hospital.
23:12 Go change your clothes, put on something proper.
23:14 You should go visit her to wish her well.
23:16 - Forget about it.
23:17 Who cares about her?
23:19 - What are you saying?
23:20 Why do you say that?
23:21 She's our employer, now she's sick.
23:23 That's so rude.
23:24 Do you want them to fire us or what?
23:25 - I'm saying nevermind.
23:29 And besides, no one can fire us.
23:32 Just forget about that old hag.
23:35 I guess she should take care of her temper then.
23:37 (sighs)
23:39 Forget about them now
23:42 and prepare me some breakfast, huh?
23:44 I want sausages, yeah.
23:46 (soft music)
23:50 (footsteps)
23:52 (car engine)
23:54 (soft music)
23:56 - Ah, they're here.
23:58 - Can't you at least cook me some eggs?
24:02 Oh, God.
24:05 (soft music)
24:07 - Oh, my lady.
24:10 Thank God.
24:11 I prayed from night until first thing this morning.
24:13 - Thank you, dear.
24:14 - Get well soon, madam.
24:15 - Thank you, guys, yes.
24:17 Thank you.
24:18 (soft music)
24:20 - I hope you are better, mother.
24:22 - Thank you, dear.
24:23 Thank you so much.
24:25 - Get well soon, grandmother.
24:27 - Oh, my good little boy.
24:28 You're so sweet.
24:30 Take me to my--
24:31 - Mother dear, you heard the doctor.
24:33 You shouldn't stand so much.
24:34 And you need rest.
24:35 - I'm okay.
24:38 I'm going to be fine soon.
24:40 Tell me you won't go, Esther.
24:42 (soft music)
24:44 (soft music)
24:46 - Don't you worry, mom.
24:57 I'm staying.
24:59 (soft music)
25:01 - Come on.
25:08 Let's get you to your room
25:09 and then prepare you breakfast.
25:11 - I already prepared the breakfast.
25:13 - You did?
25:14 Oh, so nice of you.
25:16 (soft music)
25:42 - I know you're upset and you're angry,
25:45 but please give me some time, Nagme.
25:48 Oh, please.
25:49 I will set things right soon,
25:51 both at home and in the company.
25:52 Then we can move away.
25:54 My mother needs me to stay a bit.
26:01 Let her regain her strength.
26:04 Huh?
26:07 - Okay.
26:08 All right.
26:10 - I love you more when I see how strong you are.
26:15 God, you're beautiful.
26:17 (soft music)
26:20 (birds chirping)
26:22 (soft music)
26:27 (birds chirping)
26:33 (soft music)
26:35 (birds chirping)
26:39 (soft music)
26:43 (birds chirping)
26:47 (soft music)
26:49 (Nagme grunting)
26:54 (Nagme sighing)
26:58 - Well, she may have saved your girl,
27:05 but don't let the Istanbul girl fool you.
27:07 She thinks she can steal my son, so she thinks.
27:11 But I will not let her.
27:15 - I've waited for years to reunite with Ejder.
27:18 Am I wrong, Safika?
27:20 - You are right, Mother.
27:21 - That girl is the devil.
27:25 Didn't everything start whenever she first came here?
27:28 We'd just gotten rid of Elva,
27:30 then she brought her into the house.
27:32 If she hadn't brought her,
27:34 Basir wouldn't have kidnapped your daughter.
27:37 Oh, Semol came very close to murdering him yesterday.
27:42 Oh.
27:44 (soft music)
27:46 We will wait and see what more evil she'll bring upon us.
27:50 - Oh, my Ejder.
27:53 Why did you bring that city musician girl into our house?
27:57 (soft music)
28:00 - Mother, I'll go check on Daphne.
28:03 She is alone.
28:04 - I'll come with you.
28:06 (Nagme grunting)
28:07 - Easy, watch him.
28:08 Easy now, it's okay.
28:09 (soft music)
28:13 (footsteps)
28:15 - Welcome.
28:21 Mr. Semol, Mr. Kudret is inside waiting for you.
28:25 He's in your room.
28:26 (ominous music)
28:29 - Brother, what's Kudret Soylu doing here?
28:37 - Kudret Soylu has an olive oil factory.
28:42 In time, he has created his own brand
28:44 and he has increased his market share a lot.
28:47 He even started exporting his brand.
28:49 He buys most of his olives from us.
28:52 He's here on business.
28:53 - So he does what we should do?
28:55 (ominous music)
28:57 (door creaking)
29:02 (Kudret clearing throat)
29:10 (ominous music)
29:12 - Welcome, Brother Kudret.
29:16 - Oh, hello, Semol.
29:18 Sit down.
29:19 (ominous music)
29:22 (Kudret sighing)
29:28 (Kudret sighing)
29:37 - Brother Kudret, have some mercy, Brother.
29:40 I mean, how can I find such a huge amount of money
29:43 in so little time, huh?
29:44 We have only just finished the harvest.
29:47 We will sell the product in three months
29:49 and then I will have all the money.
29:50 - Is that so?
29:51 You are running this huge company
29:54 but you don't have the money.
29:56 Oh.
29:57 - Kudret, our deal was not like this, Brother.
30:00 You told me that I'd pay you whenever I had the money
30:02 and I trusted your word and signed the document.
30:05 Come on, Brother, come on.
30:07 We are family.
30:08 We have all these years of friendship
30:10 and I'm not going anywhere.
30:13 I'm staying here.
30:14 Look, you know where to find me.
30:16 Come on, you know me and know where I always am.
30:19 Don't you trust me or what?
30:21 - Look, Semol.
30:22 Brother, look.
30:24 So we made a deal and what was that?
30:27 That Eshter would marry my daughter
30:30 and then we would join all our lands together.
30:35 We would grow and prosper.
30:36 How long did I wait?
30:38 I waited until Eshter returned home from the military.
30:42 I supported you, supported you, supported you.
30:44 I did my part.
30:46 - Thanks, Brother.
30:47 - But what about you?
30:48 What did you do?
30:49 I know what you did.
30:50 You've thrown me to the dogs.
30:52 - Of course we didn't.
30:53 - You did.
30:54 - Brother Kudret,
31:01 when Eshter came back from the military,
31:03 he was already married.
31:05 We had no idea until it was too late.
31:08 - And what, you think I care about that?
31:10 You violated the deal.
31:12 So you give me back my money.
31:14 You give me my money now.
31:15 - I don't have that much now, Kudret.
31:17 Why didn't you let me know sooner
31:20 instead of just dropping in like this?
31:22 I need a little heads up, I guess.
31:24 - Yeah, well, I need it now.
31:26 Stop whining.
31:27 Look, Semol, listen up.
31:30 You will never be able to get away with this.
31:32 Listen up.
31:33 You will give me my money, okay?
31:36 Or my lawyers will go ahead and start the process.
31:39 - Brother Kudret, what are you saying?
31:41 Look, but my company will be bankrupt
31:43 if you do this, Brother.
31:45 - What do I care?
31:46 Stop whining.
31:47 Business is business, and friendship is friendship.
31:50 You give me my money, Semol.
31:51 Give me my money.
31:52 Get out of my--
31:53 (dramatic music)
31:56 - Oh, damn you, Kudret!
32:06 Criminal, what a mess!
32:16 - No.
32:22 Let me go.
32:23 Let me go.
32:24 Oh, no!
32:25 No, Mommy!
32:27 Mommy!
32:28 Mommy!
32:30 Mommy, oh my God, help me!
32:33 Mommy!
32:34 Help me!
32:35 He'll take me again!
32:36 He'll kidnap me again!
32:38 Please help me!
32:39 - Daphne!
32:40 What is wrong?
32:41 Daphne, Daphne!
32:42 It's okay, please calm down.
32:44 No, no, no, just calm yourself.
32:46 It's okay, it's okay, it's okay.
32:47 Calm down, please.
32:48 Daphne, calm down now.
32:50 It's okay, it's okay, it's okay.
32:52 It's okay.
32:53 - Mom, don't let him--
32:54 - Just breathe, just breathe.
32:55 - Oh, no!
32:56 - It's over now.
32:57 It's okay, calm down now, calm down.
32:59 - Oh, please don't let him--
33:00 - It's okay, no one can harm you.
33:02 Here.
33:03 Here, it's okay, here, honey.
33:05 Take this.
33:06 Please, drink it up.
33:08 That's right.
33:09 - Oh, no, let me go.
33:11 Mommy, please!
33:12 - No, no, no, you're okay.
33:13 No one will take you away.
33:14 You are safe, you are safe, okay?
33:16 I will never leave you alone.
33:17 I am right here.
33:19 - Oh, Mommy, Mommy.
33:20 - Oh, no, my dear girl.
33:21 I'm here with you, my sweet girl.
33:23 I am here.
33:24 - Oh, Mommy, please.
33:25 - I promise I won't leave you alone.
33:27 I will always be with you.
33:29 I am here.
33:30 - I'm afraid, I don't, I don't,
33:31 I don't wanna be alone, please don't.
33:33 - All right, well, let me take you to your room.
33:35 - I don't wanna go.
33:36 I don't wanna go, please, I don't wanna go.
33:39 - Mrs. Safika, maybe don't make her go.
33:42 I think that she's still so afraid, yeah?
33:47 Maybe let her breathe a little bit.
33:49 Do you wanna go get some fresh air, dear?
33:55 Would you like to go?
33:58 Come on, I'll take you.
34:03 It's okay.
34:05 You're safe with me.
34:07 Come on, come.
34:09 Come on, let's go.
34:14 (dramatic music)
34:17 - Oh, God, my son, why did you go and do such a thing?
34:40 - What could I do?
34:42 - You think it's better to shut up
34:44 and let them all have their way, is that it, huh?
34:46 - Now you've made an enemy of that powerful family.
34:49 They're big and we're too small, son.
34:51 Now that Simal will never leave you alone.
34:53 - Let him go ahead and do what he will.
34:55 I'm not afraid of him.
34:57 Are we to be pushed around just because we're poor then?
35:00 Huh?
35:01 They're all up there on their high horse
35:02 and we must all shut up and sit.
35:04 No, Mother, no.
35:05 Everyone will suffer the consequences of all of this
35:08 and that's including Simal, so this can't go on anymore.
35:11 (dramatic music)
35:14 - Do you see?
35:23 She thinks she's helping my granddaughter.
35:26 As if all this didn't happen just because of her.
35:29 She's evil, I tell you.
35:31 She caused all of this mess
35:33 and now she embraces her as if nothing happened.
35:35 Look at her.
35:37 Just look, look, look at that.
35:39 She holds her in her arms as if she's the girl's mother.
35:44 - This is finally enough.
35:46 - Oh, Savika, stop.
35:48 (dramatic music)
35:51 - Daphne.
35:55 Come on, dear.
35:58 Go to your room.
36:00 - Can't you see?
36:04 - She's afraid.
36:05 Why do you keep pushing her?
36:06 Leave her alone.
36:07 I am her mother.
36:09 Do you think you know better than me?
36:12 - I'm not saying I know better, but she is afraid.
36:14 - Enough.
36:15 Who the hell are you to question anything?
36:17 She's her mother.
36:18 - But, Grandma, I--
36:19 - Shut up, Daphne.
36:21 Look at me, Istanbul girl.
36:23 You're new and don't belong.
36:25 We have rules here and you are going to obey them.
36:28 Know your place here and you will act accordingly.
36:31 - Nagme.
36:35 What's going on here?
36:37 (phone ringing)
36:44 - Hello.
36:49 They're calling from the bank?
36:51 Okay, patch them in.
36:52 Go on, just connect them.
36:54 Oh, yes, Funda.
36:56 Hello.
36:58 The bank won't approve credit?
37:01 Tell me, what do you mean by that?
37:02 For years I have worked with your bank, so I do not understand this.
37:05 This is the first time that we ever needed approval from the bank.
37:08 No, I'm not yelling.
37:09 I'm not yelling.
37:11 I'm just trying to understand your damn attitude.
37:14 Oh, is that so?
37:16 Oh, okay, then.
37:19 Okay.
37:20 Yeah, the same to you.
37:21 Have a good day.
37:23 Damn it!
37:25 Oh, my God, what am I going to do?
37:29 (door opening)
37:31 Are you available?
37:35 What's up now?
37:37 I wanted to talk about the projects I mentioned.
37:39 Dad's workshop in the organic produce.
37:42 Ejder, didn't I tell you that I am not interested in that project?
37:48 But you have to be interested.
37:50 This company's future will be built on this.
37:52 You think that you are going to build this company's future, then?
37:57 That's how our father wanted it.
37:59 Yes, I'm sure that he did.
38:01 But he also wanted it this way because he didn't know how you'd turn out to be in the end.
38:06 What are you trying to say?
38:08 What I am trying to say, Ejder, is we saw how you built your own family.
38:21 And if you plan on building this company's future, then we're all finished.
38:24 Now you're being rude.
38:27 And you should mind your words.
38:29 And what will you do if I don't, huh? What will you do?
38:32 What's going on? What are you doing?
38:35 You ask your brother.
38:37 Brother?
38:40 Ejder, come with me.
38:45 (spits)
38:55 (spits)
38:56 Do you think my daughter is alone here?
39:01 And you're berating her after everything that all of you have done?
39:05 Have mercy. What kind of people are you?
39:08 You watch your tongue, woman. Stop screaming like a crazy person and take her.
39:12 We don't want you in this house. We don't want her either. You get it?
39:15 I'll take her. I'll take her and leave.
39:18 Because none of you deserve her. I'm sure God has a punishment for you.
39:22 You think you and your daughter are made of gold? We don't deserve her.
39:26 No, she doesn't deserve us.
39:28 Not me.
39:29 Are you saying you still want to stay here?
39:33 But Mom, Ejder...
39:35 I can't allow this anymore. You're coming with me.
39:37 Tell them to come. But you'll be at the hotel.
39:40 You will not stay in this house any longer.
39:43 You'll not return to this house ever again.
39:47 Good friends. May they both rot in hell.
39:50 Mother? Mother, are you okay?
39:54 I'm here. Help her.
39:58 Take me to my room.
40:00 Go on.
40:04 Elvan, Mrs. Baraket sent for me and I need to go. Can you look after Laleh for me?
40:08 Okay, okay. We're here. Don't worry.
40:11 I'll be right back.
40:13 I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
40:15 I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
40:18 Elvan, Mrs. Baraket sent for me and I need to go. Can you look after Laleh for me?
40:22 Okay, okay. We're here. Don't worry.
40:24 So, what's going on at home?
40:32 Mother has sent Basir to the village.
40:37 Uh-uh.
40:38 I'm sure he's not going to be happy.
40:40 I'm sure he's not going to be happy.
40:42 I'm sure he's not going to be happy.
40:44 Mother has sent Basir to the village.
40:46 Uh-uh.
40:47 She told him Samal wouldn't leave him alone otherwise.
40:50 She gave him some money and sent him back home.
40:53 But then, you know Basir. He won't listen to her.
40:56 Now Mom is crying all the time.
41:01 You know she's like that.
41:03 There's no reason to cry. He can take care of himself. He's an adult.
41:06 Aww.
41:12 I'm going to go to sleep.
41:14 If my baby had lived, she would be this age.
41:34 Maybe then everything would have been easier.
41:39 Maybe Ejder would have loved me.
41:41 We could have been a family.
41:46 Maybe he wouldn't have met that girl at all.
41:49 And maybe he wouldn't have wanted me.
41:55 But at least I wouldn't have been alone.
42:00 My baby would have been with me.
42:07 Can a person miss her child?
42:09 That she's never seen but only carried inside her?
42:13 Do you know, sister?
42:22 They didn't even show me her dead body.
42:25 I wish so much that I could have hugged her.
42:36 Even if she was gone, I could have smelled her.
42:38 Don't you cry.
42:48 That was just fate.
42:51 Nothing to do about it.
42:54 You're still young.
42:57 There might be another.
43:00 There might be another.
43:01 Do you want me to say it over and over like a broken record?
43:21 Those women don't want you in the house.
43:23 Don't you get it?
43:25 That woman told you all this herself.
43:28 You still want to pretend as if nothing's ever happened?
43:30 You're right.
43:32 Of course I'm right.
43:33 Look, you'll never go back there again.
43:36 Or I'll never forgive you.
43:37 Those damn women.
43:40 Whatever.
43:42 They're not even worth cursing at.
43:47 When Edgder gets here, you'll need to tell him too.
43:49 You're not going to bow down and take it, you hear me?
43:52 You're very precious to me.
43:53 I didn't bring you into this world for all of this.
43:56 I can talk to Edgder if you want.
43:58 No, I'll talk to him.
43:59 So then you need to tell him everything.
44:01 You're not going to step foot in that house again.
44:03 Okay, Mother.
44:07 Edgder is coming.
44:13 Nagme.
44:23 Princess.
44:26 Please don't cry.
44:27 I'm going to make everything better soon.
44:32 [Music]
44:38 [Music]
