• last year
"Puluhan orang memenuhi ruang gawat darurat rumah sakit di wilayah metropolitan Buenos Aires, Selasa (26/3), akibat gelombang demam berdarah terburuk di Argentina. Gelombang ini menyebabkan sekitar 151.000 orang terinfeksi dan 106 orang meninggal dunia dalam tujuh bulan terakhir.

Beberapa pasien yang menunggu perawatan memakai masker untuk melindungi sistem kekebalan tubuh mereka yang lemah. Mereka mengalami demam tinggi lebih dari 40 derajat Celcius, sakit kepala parah, dan nyeri di seluruh tubuh.

Untuk mengetahui informasi selengkapnya dan berita terkini di Indonesia, Asia Tenggara, dan dunia, silakan kunjungi website seatoday.com.

Dozens of people gathered on Tuesday (3/26) in the emergency rooms of hospitals in the Buenos Aires metropolitan area amid the worst wave of dengue in Argentina that has caused some 151,000 infections and 106 deaths in the last seven months.

Some of the patients waiting to be treated, covered with masks to protect their immune systems, had fevers of more than 40 degrees Celsius and severe headaches and body aches.

To learn more and to find out the latest news from Indonesia, Southeast Asia and the World, please visit seatoday.com.

#SEAToday #SEATodayNews #Argentine #Argentina #BuenosAires #DBD #DengueFever"
00:00 In March, infections due to disease caused by the female Aedes aegypti mosquitoes skyrocketed,
00:10 coinciding with the fall of heavy rains in the Argentine capital and nearby towns.
00:15 Experts have warned that in April, egg-laying activity generally increases.
00:21 Until May, mosquito populations will be high in the metropolitan area of Buenos Aires and
00:26 the province of the same name.
00:28 The most important prevention measure is the elimination of all mosquito breeding sites,
00:37 that is, all containers that contain water both inside and around houses.
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