Talkshow with Kustin Ayuwuragil Desmuflihah:"Enriching Ramadan With Ngabuburead"

  • 6 months ago
00:00 Hello, welcome back to C Morning Show
00:02 And as we grow up, we know that reading is fundamental
00:07 When it comes to religious beliefs as well
00:09 Because each of religions should have their own sacred book
00:16 Like their holy book
00:17 And that you're required to read, right?
00:20 And now since we are actually in the month of Ramadan
00:23 As well as reading is very important to Muslims
00:27 And as the first revelation from the God commends them to read
00:32 And I can assure you that, is that true?
00:35 That is true, that is according to the Muslim belief
00:37 According to the Muslim belief
00:39 And Ramadan just might be the perfect time to enhance reading literacy
00:43 Yes, that's right
00:44 Why not? It's the best time to do so
00:45 Especially remembering the results of PISA 2022
00:49 Indicates that Indonesia's reading literacy scores
00:52 Have experienced a decrease of 12 points
00:56 Compared to 2018
00:59 Now to support reading literacy in Indonesia
01:02 One of the book reading communities called Kumpul Baca
01:06 Or probably in English translated to
01:09 We gather to read
01:10 Organized an activity called Ngabubu Read
01:14 That's actually a good spin
01:15 This activity is a literacy campaign during Ramadan
01:18 That has been ongoing since 2019
01:21 In this year's Ramadan
01:23 Kumpul Baca held Ngabubu Read in Jatinegara on March 16
01:28 Additionally, several activities were also conducted online
01:31 Through the Instagram platform @kumpulbaca
01:35 Such as talk shows and the online Ngabubu Read journal
01:40 Yes, and now joining us in the studio
01:46 Let's wait until the...
01:50 Oh, that's actually interesting
01:53 I see the books, a lot of them
01:55 Wow, a lot of people came
01:56 Oh yeah
01:58 I'm curious about this Ngabubu Read activity
02:01 So why don't we introduce
02:03 Of course
02:04 Our co-founder of Kumpul Baca
02:08 Which is Kustin Ayu Wuragil Desmufliha
02:11 So good morning Bayu
02:13 Morning, thank you for having me
02:16 And also thank you for waking up very early
02:18 Because it's very early
02:20 Right after Sahur, right?
02:22 After Sahur, yeah, that's true
02:24 It's 12 hours until...
02:26 No, it's 11 hours until Kumpul Baca
02:30 Well, Ayu
02:31 Ngabubu Read by Kumpul Baca is a community
02:34 To encourage people to read during Ramadan
02:36 Could you please tell us about the concept first?
02:40 Okay, so Ngabubu Read by Kumpul Baca
02:42 Is actually first started in 2019
02:46 It was pretty simple at the first time
02:49 It was just together, just like you said
02:52 We want to read together
02:54 And then have iftar together
02:56 Of course, at that time
02:57 But as time goes by
02:59 The Ngabubu Read itself now have more than one activity
03:03 We have Junal Ngabubu Read, as you said
03:05 And then also we have donation for Palestine
03:09 And many more
03:10 It's actually just an extension of our main campaign
03:14 Which is Seja Membaca
03:16 Or maybe it's translated an hour reading
03:18 It was because in 2019
03:21 The reading expand average of Indonesian people
03:25 Was less than an hour
03:27 So that's why we started an hour reading campaign
03:31 That's our main program for the whole thing
03:34 Right, right, right
03:36 I think an hour a day is a sweet spot for most readers
03:41 True
03:42 Don't you think so?
03:43 Because in one hour
03:44 I think less than one hour you get
03:46 Like your mind is not there yet
03:48 You get less in various moments
03:50 Even though you read a lot
03:51 But then I mean you finish a whole book
03:53 But when you ask about the whole book
03:55 You don't know about it
03:56 When was the best time for you to read?
03:58 Best time?
03:59 While doing something?
04:01 While doing what?
04:02 Before bedtime
04:04 To help you sleep or?
04:05 No, actually not
04:07 But because that's a moment where I feel that
04:10 I have the time to actually
04:12 To focus
04:14 Exactly
04:14 Dude, I read the book while I'm at the gym
04:17 How come?
04:19 Yeah, so
04:20 You're reading or something
04:21 So, during sets
04:23 I should have like one to two minutes of break
04:26 And I would actually read
04:28 And after that I put another set
04:30 And then I read again
04:31 I was so, it's so good
04:34 It's getting my mind to actually also work at the same time
04:39 But I kind of get that
04:40 I think, I mean, that makes sense
04:42 I used to read articles as well
04:44 During breaks of gym
04:46 So, why not?
04:47 Yeah, that's actually true
04:49 But the community itself
04:51 The Ngabuburit activity as you said
04:52 Has been around for, since 2019
04:56 2019
04:57 And has it been only in the month of Ramadan
05:00 Or do you have like continuous programs throughout the year?
05:04 It's actually only for Ramadan
05:08 Because Ngabuburit is from Indonesian
05:10 Ngabuburit
05:11 And then we translate the read into Ngabuburit, right?
05:15 So, we, you know
05:16 Actually, the Sejah Membaca or an hour reading
05:19 Is the whole thing
05:20 During every day we have a meeting
05:23 But the Ngabuburit is only tailored for Ramadan
05:26 And then we, you know, make some
05:28 A lot of more activities during the Ngabuburit
05:31 So, it's only in Ramadan
05:32 Right
05:33 So, can you tell me more about this Ngabuburit activity?
05:37 So, and what makes it different from other Ngabuburit?
05:41 Not Ngabuburit
05:42 But Ngabuburit activity
05:44 Ngabuburit from other parties
05:46 Yes, yes, sure, sure
05:48 We actually do not really compare ourselves to other institutions
05:52 Because I know that there are a lot of people right now
05:54 That have Ngabuburit events as well
05:57 But maybe that makes it special is that
06:00 We combine both online and also offline
06:04 So, we have meeting like you said before
06:06 We have the IfSTAR together
06:09 And then we also have journal Ngabuburit
06:11 That can be, that involve or invite people from all around Indonesia
06:16 And I think it's well accepted by most readers
06:20 Right, so it's, what is the activity like?
06:24 So, guide us through the activity
06:26 Get the viewers through Ngabuburit
06:29 Like do they just
06:29 The rundown
06:30 Do they just sit and then read for an hour?
06:32 Or how does it work?
06:34 So, for the meeting, yes
06:36 We come and then we sit for an hour in silence
06:40 In silence
06:41 Yes, without any distraction
06:43 And then, yeah, after an hour
06:46 We get to know each other
06:48 We share the books that we have read
06:50 And then there's a little more games like giveaway books
06:55 Fun
06:56 Yeah, like freebies from our partners
06:59 And then after that, we also swap books by the way this year
07:03 Yeah, and sometimes we also have book auction
07:05 And we donate the funds to some specific foundation
07:11 And then, yeah, we have iftar
07:12 We have chats with friends
07:13 So that is a good way to find a new friends
07:16 And like environment who really love reading
07:19 But since it's actually in the month of Ramadan
07:21 Are the books solely related to Islam and Ramadan
07:28 And all the teachings or it's just could be any books?
07:32 It could be any books
07:33 Oh, could be any books
07:33 Yeah, because we never really limit people to bring their books
07:38 And the audience that came to our Ngabubudit
07:43 Was not only from Muslim
07:45 I see
07:46 People from any kind of religion is welcome
07:49 So it's not just waiting for the iftar
07:53 But also as a chance for a community
07:56 Yes
07:57 Kumpul Baca community to actually gather around
07:59 Absolutely
08:00 And read together
08:02 Yeah
08:04 So when it comes to the community
08:07 And also the activity of Ngabubudit itself
08:10 How does your community encourage the wider public
08:15 To actually join this particular activity
08:19 Or should I call it movement?
08:21 Because it is not really common for Indonesian
08:27 Let's just admit it over here
08:29 It's not really common for Indonesian to actually gather around to read
08:34 Yes, let alone, you know
08:36 The tradition of swap books is actually not in our custom
08:42 Yeah, we actually work together with publishers
08:45 So they have bigger base, right?
08:47 They have bigger followers on social media
08:50 That's why we work together with them
08:51 Not only to provide gifts or freebies
08:55 But also to help us to spread the words about this activity
09:00 And I don't know, maybe these years
09:04 The Ngabubudit is getting more common
09:06 Especially it is done by so many publishers
09:11 And also bookstagrams
09:13 Oh
09:13 Yeah, book influencer is now a thing
09:16 Oh, wait, wait, wait
09:16 So books
09:17 I've never heard of that before
09:19 Yeah
09:19 I mean bookstagram
09:20 Yes
09:21 Wow
09:22 There are many people in Indonesia now is reviewing books for the audience
09:26 And so, yeah, the publisher is working together with them
09:29 Amazing
09:31 I mean, if you think about it
09:32 Like probably you and me, we like to post things about books, right?
09:36 True
09:36 And our colleagues here in C2Day also likes to do that
09:39 We swap books, by the way
09:41 Wow, great
09:42 We do, we do swap books
09:43 I actually borrowed a book from him
09:46 And we kind of like discuss about it
09:48 Yeah
09:49 And a very serious one as well
09:52 Nice
09:54 Yeah
09:55 So I think that is definitely a good initiative by Kumpul Baca to do this kind of thing
10:03 And especially during Ramadan
10:05 Because it's, I think an hour before that leads to Iftar
10:10 Is the moment where you kind of, when you want to work
10:16 You just cannot work
10:17 Yeah
10:18 And then all you want to do is just lay around, sleep in, or read a book
10:21 Yeah, exactly
10:22 That's why
10:23 It's the best
10:24 And I want to ask you
10:28 How does the Kumpul Baca community invite people or to get the interest of others to actually read a book or join the Ngapubulit activity?
10:40 We actually have run the online
10:46 We only use the platform of Instagram to basically spread the word
10:49 And again, working together with the publishers and books, and other communities
10:56 But on that note, how do you sustain the impact of Ngapubulit reading activities to increase public interest in reading and literacy?
11:07 Because you said that this particular activity would only be available during the Ramadan
11:15 So we need to actually sustain the initiative to actually the whole year
11:23 I think it would be very hard if we do it together
11:26 That's why we always collaborate
11:29 If we do that only by ourselves, the activity will not be fun
11:35 And we will get tired
11:37 Because it's been five years
11:39 And it's just me and four of my friends and other volunteers, right?
11:44 And the volunteers are always changing every year
11:46 So we always collaborate with other parties such as the government as well
11:53 And the foundation to help us to do the donation and to spread the word
11:59 Yeah, and I think that we owe much to our volunteers who help us to run this program
12:04 Okay, so probably the last question before we say goodbye to you
12:10 What is the book that you're currently reading?
12:12 I read many books because I cannot read just one book
12:19 You're that kind of…
12:21 I cannot watch one movie on Netflix at the same time
12:26 TV series?
12:26 Yeah, I watch many
12:28 That's why I also read many books at the same time
12:30 Amazing
12:32 I wish I have the power
12:33 I wish I have the will
12:36 To finish everything
12:39 To start is easy, right?
12:41 To finish is actually another football game
12:43 Yeah, so it doesn't have to be finished
12:46 If you don't like it, you can just change
12:49 Yeah, that's actually true
12:50 That's one advice I've been getting a lot
12:53 But you know, when you spend, what?
12:55 100,000, 200,000?
12:56 Yeah
12:57 No, please root with e-book
12:59 You will spend less than that
13:00 E-book?
13:01 Yes
13:01 Okay, that would be one of the suggestions for you to get an e-book
13:05 And this is actually…
13:06 If you're watching this, this is the sign for you to start reading
13:09 Ayu, thank you so much
13:11 Thank you so much for having me
13:12 And this is actually a very good initiative for you to share with us
13:15 Thank you
13:15 Right here in the show
13:16 And we hope that a lot more people will actually join the activities
13:20 And also grow the will to read and finish like us
13:24 One hour a day, folks
13:26 As I told you, one hour a day to read a book
13:28 Alright, folks, so we are now set for another break
13:31 But when we return, we'll have more updates from around the world
13:35 So keep it here, only on Simmons Show
13:37 Thank you so much, Ayu
13:38 Thank you, Art
13:39 Thank you so much
13:41 [Music]
