Kalo ngomongin Cirebon, pasti kamu mikirin soal Empal Gentong, kan?
Yuk, cari tau lebih lanjut soal makanan berkuah khas Cirebon yang endeus banget ini!
When talking about Cirebon, you will probably think about Empal Gentong, right?
Let's dig deeper into the story of this delicious, hearty meal and why it has become Cirebon's signature dish.
#SEALifestyle #Cirebon #Indonesia #Kuliner #Empal Gentong #Budaya #Tionghoa #Arab #Jawa
Yuk, cari tau lebih lanjut soal makanan berkuah khas Cirebon yang endeus banget ini!
When talking about Cirebon, you will probably think about Empal Gentong, right?
Let's dig deeper into the story of this delicious, hearty meal and why it has become Cirebon's signature dish.
#SEALifestyle #Cirebon #Indonesia #Kuliner #Empal Gentong #Budaya #Tionghoa #Arab #Jawa
00:00 [music]
00:02 If you hear the city of Cirebon,
00:04 your top of mind is definitely Empal Gentong.
00:06 It's not wrong, because this Cirebon-specific food
00:08 has existed since the 15th century.
00:10 Let's talk about
00:12 the origin of Empal Gentong.
00:14 [music]
00:16 It's not an exaggeration
00:18 if we say Empal Gentong reflects
00:20 the true identity of Cirebon as a coastal city
00:22 rich in cultural mixture.
00:24 The soup is like a spice,
00:26 through the similar taste of this sugar,
00:28 which is a common combination of Arab and Indian food.
00:30 Not only that,
00:32 the concept of a mixed rice or lontong soup
00:34 is also unique in Java.
00:36 Meanwhile, the topping also acculturates
00:38 the culture of Tionghoa.
00:40 Because in the old days,
00:42 the people of Indonesia
00:44 didn't use a lot of ginger.
00:46 If we look at the ingredients,
00:48 Empal Gentong is mostly
00:50 made from ginger.
00:52 This ginger is introduced by
00:54 the people of Tionghoa.
00:56 Cirebon was once a transit
00:58 of one of the famous
01:00 fishing villages,
01:02 Laksamana Cengho.
01:04 But did you know, citizens?
01:06 At the beginning of its emergence,
01:08 Empal Gentong became an Islamic media
01:10 in Cirebon by Mount Jati Sunan.
01:12 At that time,
01:14 they didn't use cows like now,
01:16 but rather used buffalo.
01:18 So they didn't use cows
01:20 because cows at that time
01:22 would be in conflict with Hinduism
01:24 because they were very worshiped
01:26 at that time.
01:28 As time went by,
01:30 when the Dutch came
01:32 to trade or
01:34 colonize the archipelago,
01:36 cows were like food
01:38 that had a high
01:40 value and prestige.
01:42 Eventually, it shifted
01:44 from those who
01:46 initially used buffalo
01:48 and buffalo ginger
01:50 shifted to cows.
01:52 The name Empal Gentong itself
01:54 was taken from the traditional
01:56 way of cooking Empal Gentong,
01:58 which means it was cooked in a pan
02:00 without seeing or gentong,
02:02 then cooked on top of charcoal.
02:04 You should know, citizens,
02:06 at the same time, Cirebon was
02:08 known as the center of
02:10 the craftsmanship of the Dutch.
02:12 Although not all Empal Gentong
02:14 of the time were cooked with
02:16 gentong without seeing,
02:18 the cooking process still had to be
02:20 done in a traditional way.
02:22 The Dutch were
02:24 known as the first
02:26 to cook Empal Gentong
02:28 in the world.
02:30 The Dutch were
02:32 known as the first
02:34 to cook Empal Gentong
02:36 in the world.
02:38 The Dutch were
02:40 known as the first