• 7 months ago
PT Intraco Penta Tbk (INTA) mencatat, pemesanan alat berat per Januari 2024 sudah mencapai Rp1,2 triliun. Perseroan pun optimis kinerja tahun ini dapat bertumbuh, dan tahun ini INTA memiliki target pertumbuhan pendapatan sekitar Rp1,3 triliun atau naik 20% dari pendapatan tahun lalu, yang sebesar Rp1,1 triliun.


00:00 [News Anchor]
00:24 [Music]
00:26 PT Intrako Penta TBK reported that heavy equipment orders per January 2024 have reached 1.2 trillion.
00:33 The company's optimism is that this year's revenue can grow.
00:37 The company's management said that so far the company has had two channels of sales financing,
00:42 namely through financing institutions and direct payments to customers.
00:45 However, direct payments certainly do not have a long tenure of only up to 12 months.
00:50 While customers need long financing, such as 24 months or 36 months of tenure.
00:56 Intagroup believes that customers will need support from financing companies.
01:00 Therefore, Intagroup initiated to increase the financing portion through institutions in the future.
01:06 Currently, Intagroup has around 30 financing companies and the company will still open opportunities for other institutions
01:14 who want to continue to transfer funds to Intagroup customers.
01:17 [Music]
