Met Office Afternoon Weather Forecast 26/02/24 - Pleasant day for many. Cold wind

  • 7 months ago
A pleasant and dry day for most. Some showers across central areas and rain just clearing the far southeast. Best of the sunshine in the west, whereas it will feel cold in the east under brisk northeasterly winds. Frosty night for many areas, with some mist and fog patches possible. – This is the Met Office UK Weather forecast for the afternoon of 26/02/24. Bringing you today’s weather forecast is Annie Shuttleworth.


00:00 Hello there, good afternoon. We've seen a bright start to the week for many areas of
00:04 the UK and we'll see some more of that sunshine through the rest of this afternoon. However,
00:08 there is some wet weather around. The rain will just be clearing the far south east of
00:12 Kent over the next few hours. We could see the odd light shower across central areas
00:17 of England, but I think most areas will stay dry and there will be some fairly long-lived
00:22 sunshine. The best of the sunshine is going to be across parts of Northern Ireland, Western
00:26 Scotland as well as parts of Western Wales and the south coast of Devon and Cornwall.
00:30 That's where we're more sheltered from this north easterly breeze. So in that sunshine
00:34 it will be feeling fairly pleasant in the west. However, in the east, exposed to that
00:38 breeze, it's going to be feeling much colder than the temperatures will suggest. So these
00:42 are the feels like temperatures, so it'll be feeling much closer to two or three degrees
00:47 across that east coast and we will see some gusty winds still continuing through the English
00:52 Channel through the rest of the afternoon. The winds will ease through this evening and
00:56 that will allow a frosty night tonight for many areas, particularly across parts of Scotland
01:00 through the first part of the evening and then that frost will become a greater risk
01:05 across parts of Wales and into southern areas of England too. We'll also see some mist and
01:09 fog developing across the far south east, so it could be a bit of a murky start for
01:14 these areas tomorrow morning. Across the north and west, it will still feel quite cold tomorrow
01:19 morning but the frost will be limited because we'll see some wet weather arriving. This
01:24 band of quite blustery rain will push eastwards through the day on Tuesday, so quite an unpleasant
01:30 driving spell across the far north west of Scotland first thing tomorrow and that wet
01:35 weather will push into southern areas of Scotland, northern England and into western areas of
01:39 Wales by lunchtime or early afternoon. Behind it though, it should brighten up to end the
01:43 day across Northern Ireland and much of Scotland but we will see some quite blustery showers
01:47 pushing in from the north and west. And ahead of this band of rain across the south and
01:51 east should stay dry through much of the day but it will be a much cloudier day than today
01:56 and because we could get off to quite a murky start, it will probably feel quite cold through
02:00 much of the day with highs of around 6 or 7 degrees. That band of rain pushes south
02:06 eastwards through Tuesday night and behind it we see some fine weather for the start
02:10 of Wednesday before some rain arrives into the north west on Wednesday but that will
02:14 bring some milder air to end the week. See you later.
