FTS 9:30 20-01: Many demands Israel to stop the genocide in Gaza before the ICJ

  • 7 months ago
FTS 9.30
*UN: children in Gaza suffer from high levels of malnutrition
*Russian Foreign Minister arrives in Caracas


00:03 In the Netherlands, the International Court of Justice
00:14 holds hearings on the legal consequences
00:17 of Israel's occupation of the West Bank, Gaza,
00:19 and East Jerusalem since 1967.
00:24 In Palestine, a United Nations report
00:26 warns of increasing risk of children's death
00:28 due to high levels of malnutrition.
00:30 And in Venezuela, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei
00:35 Lavrov arrived in Caracas on his second stop
00:37 of his Latin American tour with the aim of strengthening
00:40 relations and cooperation with the region.
00:42 Hello.
00:46 Welcome to "From the South."
00:48 I'm Luis Alberto Matos from the Lesus Studios in Havana, Cuba.
00:51 We begin with the news.
01:00 The International Court of Justice, based in The Hague
01:11 City, holds a hearing on the legal consequences
01:15 of Israel's occupation of the West Bank, Gaza,
01:17 and East Jerusalem since 1967.
01:19 More than 50 countries, including nations,
01:21 denounced in the Israeli genocide against Palestine,
01:23 such as Cuba, China, Russia, and Egypt.
01:26 And Tel Aviv allies, such as the United States,
01:28 will present arguments before the judges.
01:31 On the next day, South Africa, Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Brazil,
01:35 Bolivia, and Belize are expected to take the stand
01:37 to present their conclusions.
01:40 In this context, the South African representative
01:42 denounced that Israel is subjecting
01:43 the Palestinian population to a system of apartheid
01:46 in violation of international law.
01:47 [PAUSE]
01:50 We'll see Madon Sela, South African ambassador
01:56 to the Netherlands, condemn Israel's apartheid
01:58 against Palestinians and call for its immediate end.
02:02 We as South Africans sense, see, hear, and feel to our core
02:08 the inhumane discriminatory policies and practices
02:12 of the Israeli regime as an even more extreme form
02:16 of the apartheid.
02:17 That was institutionalized against black people
02:21 in my country, coincidentally from the year 1948,
02:27 and which lasted until 1994.
02:30 Moreover, it is clear that Israel's illegal occupation
02:34 has also been administered in breach of the prohibition
02:37 of the crime of apartheid.
02:40 It is indistinguishable from settler colonialism, which
02:44 has no place in the 21st century.
02:48 On Tuesday, United Nations report
02:50 highlighted in Palestine the death of several children
02:52 due to high levels of shalma nutrition
02:54 puts the population of the Gaza Strip on alert.
02:57 In this sense, after 20 weeks since the beginning
02:58 of the genocide perpetrated by Israel,
03:00 the report asked that the scarcity of food and drinking
03:03 water seriously affected the nutritional state of thousands
03:06 of Gaza children, victims of the siege of the Tel Aviv regime.
03:10 According to figures presented by the United Nations
03:12 Agency for Palestine and Refugees,
03:14 in the Near East, one out of every six children
03:17 under two years of age in the north of the enclave
03:20 suffers from acute malnutrition.
03:22 On the other hand, the entity also
03:23 assured that before the beginning of the conflict,
03:26 lack of weight in Gaza was uncommon.
03:28 However, with the passing of the weeks
03:30 and with the increase of operations,
03:32 it has dangerous increased.
03:34 Palestinian firefighters intervened
03:40 at the scene of an Israeli attack in Rafa
03:42 in southern Gaza Strip on Monday.
03:44 Deadly fighting broke out in Gaza on Monday
03:46 after Israel warned that it would continue its offensive
03:49 during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan,
03:51 including in the Rafa area in the far south.
03:54 Global concern has grown over the fate of 1.4 million
03:56 Palestinians who have been forced to seek refuge in Rafa
04:00 near the border with Egypt, and during shelling and severe food
04:03 shortages in overcrowded tents and makeshift shelters.
04:07 Overnight attacks and fighting in Gaza
04:09 killed more than 100 Palestinians, mostly women
04:11 and children, bringing the death toll to more than 29,000,
04:14 according to the Gaza Health Ministry,
04:16 where fighting was heaviest in Hanjouni's north of Rafa.
04:19 A Lebanon security source announced
04:27 that two Israeli attacks on the town of Gaza
04:29 Yeh near the southern city of Sidon
04:31 wounded eight people on Monday.
04:33 While the Israeli army claimed to have attacked Hezbollah
04:35 weapons storage facilities, the national news agency
04:37 assured that a vehicle had been attacked
04:39 and that ambulances had been rushed to the scene.
04:42 The Lebanese military movement, Hezbollah,
04:44 and the Israeli defense forces have
04:46 been exchanging fire almost daily across the border
04:48 since conflict broke out between Israel and Hamas
04:50 on October 7.
04:52 At least 269 people have been killed since then
04:54 on the Lebanese side.
04:55 According to information published on Monday
05:02 by the newspaper Le Monde Israel,
05:04 was definitely excluded from the African Union.
05:08 The information comes after the African Union
05:10 expelled last Tuesday from its headquarters
05:12 an Israeli delegation that intended
05:14 to participate in the 37th African Summit in Addis Ababa.
05:17 In return, it gave the spotlight to the Prime Minister
05:19 of the Palestinian Authority, Mohammed Shetaye,
05:22 who demanded sanctions against Israel for genocide.
05:25 He also called on the African Union to raise its voice
05:27 to demand the immediate cessation of Israeli aggression
05:29 specialist operations against Gaza,
05:32 where more than 29,000 people have been killed.
05:36 The African leaders condemned the Israeli offensive
05:39 as the most flagrant violation of international humanitarian
05:41 law, in the words of the chairman of the African Union
05:44 Commission, Moussa Faki Mohamed, who
05:46 accuses Israel of wanting to exterminate
05:48 the inhabitants of Gaza.
05:49 The president of Brazil, Liceo Nasrallah Aceva,
05:56 took part in the annual summit of the African Union
05:58 in Ethiopia.
05:59 There, he accused Israel of committing genocide
06:01 and compared Israel's actions to a dolphin-less campaign
06:04 to exterminate the Jews.
06:07 What is happening in the Gaza Strip
06:08 with the Palestinian people has no parallel
06:11 in other historical moments.
06:13 In fact, it existed when Hitler decided to kill the Jews.
06:18 President Lula Aceva also referred
06:19 to the indifference of the leaders of the G7 countries
06:22 and ratified a claim of his administration
06:24 in the international community that what is happening in Gaza
06:27 is genocide.
06:28 It is very funny, very funny when
06:33 I see the rich world announcing that it will stop contributing
06:36 to the humanitarian aid for the Palestinians.
06:40 I am left wondering what is the side
06:42 of this political conscience of these people
06:45 and how big is the heart of solidarity of these people, who
06:48 are not seeing that in the Gaza Strip there is no war,
06:51 there is a genocide going on.
06:53 Let's take a short break, but remember you can join us
06:55 on TikTok at @Telesreenglish, where
06:57 you will find news in different formats, news updates,
07:00 and much more.
07:03 Other stories coming up.
07:04 Stay with us.
07:08 Welcome back from the south.
07:28 Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov
07:30 arrived on Tuesday at the Bolivarian Republic
07:32 of Venezuela.
07:33 This being his second stop on his tour
07:35 around the Latin American continent.
07:37 During the visit, the Russian emissary
07:39 will hold diplomatic meetings with his Venezuelan homologue
07:42 counterpart, Ivan Hill.
07:44 President Nicolás Maduro and Executive Vice President
07:46 Dulce Rodriguez, on the eve of the visit,
07:49 Lavrov emphasized that the working agenda in the South
07:52 American country includes the development
07:55 of the strategic partnership and various joint projects
07:57 in the areas of trade, investment, and culture.
08:00 It is expected that during the talks,
08:02 they will also agree on the date of the Venezuelan president's
08:05 next trip to the Russian nation, as announced
08:08 in previous statements.
08:09 Previously, the Russian Foreign Minister
08:15 held a bilateral meeting with Cuban President Miguel
08:17 Díaz-Canel during his official visit to Havana.
08:19 The Cuban president thanked Lavrov and the Russian Federation
08:22 for the empathy shown in the face of the difficulties
08:25 the Caribbean island is experiencing.
08:27 For his part, the Russian Foreign Minister
08:29 said that during the meeting, decisions
08:31 were taken to strengthen mutual cooperation
08:33 on the economic and commercial levels.
08:35 He also announced that given the growing number of Russian
08:37 tourists in the island, the options
08:39 of direct flights between Moscow and Havana will be expanded.
08:42 Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov
08:49 stressed the importance of Cuba as a strategic partner
08:51 of Moscow in the region of Latin America and the Caribbean.
08:55 Cuba is our partner, a very important ally
08:59 in the region of Latin America and the Caribbean.
09:01 We are satisfied with the character of our relations,
09:13 of our dialogue at all levels, including
09:15 the highest levels between Parliament
09:17 and also between the respective ministries of the two countries.
09:20 Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov
09:23 said that they have maintained their interest
09:25 in increasing cooperation and investment
09:27 in the largest Antiguan island.
09:29 We have established our position to increase cooperation,
09:36 mutual investment.
09:37 Some time ago we have taken a number of decisions
09:43 that have formed the legal basis of our interaction.
09:51 And the most important in this regard
09:53 is the Russian-Cuban Commission for Scientific
09:55 and Technical Cooperation.
10:01 We have established the interest of both sides
10:03 to hold another meeting of the organization
10:08 in the coming months.
10:09 In Venezuela, Attorney General Tarek Willams
10:13 presented this month the advances
10:15 in the Brasile de Blanco case.
10:17 The Attorney General pointed out that this terrorist act
10:19 intended to end the life of President Nicolás Maduro.
10:21 SAF reported that those responsible
10:24 intended to attack the 21st Army Brigade in Tachira
10:26 and capture 482 rifles, 51 pistols
10:29 and 10 shotguns from the armed spark.
10:31 He also detailed that the evidence found
10:34 at the time of the arrest of citizen Ángelo Heredia
10:36 incriminates Rocio Sanmiguel of being involved with the case.
10:40 Another of those arrested was Guillermo Enrique Cercas Sierra
10:43 and in his home, authorities found a military operation order
10:47 where he explained the whole plan
10:49 and also mentions Rocio Sanmiguel.
10:51 The executors, according to what we have found so far,
10:59 have calculated that the weapons that they were going to capture,
11:03 according to their totally criminal plans,
11:08 consisted of 482 rifles,
11:14 100 rifles, 51 pistols and 10 shotguns.
11:20 In this case, as we reported at the time,
11:26 the detention of a true terrorist criminal
11:30 for all that is his background,
11:32 I mean Ángelo Heredia,
11:37 which has allowed to reveal who was involved with him in this plot.
11:43 In Venezuela, the president of the National Assembly, Jorge Rodríguez,
11:46 reaffirmed the willingness of the national government
11:48 to dialogue with all political sectors of the country without prejudice,
11:51 based on respect for the Constitution and the Venezuelan state.
11:55 We are not here to discriminate against any factor in the life of Venezuelans.
12:01 We are not here to reject talks with absolutely no one.
12:04 On the contrary, let them all come to look for areas of common ground.
12:08 Only one group cannot come here, the violent ones,
12:11 those who violate the Constitution,
12:14 those who do not abide by the decisions of the Supreme Court of Justice
12:18 or the National Electoral Council
12:24 or of the executive power or of the legislative power.
12:27 All the rest,
12:29 who want to run in conditions that are not in favor of the Constitution
12:37 or in conditions of confrontation,
12:40 those who want to come to confront ideas as adversaries and not as enemies,
12:44 but within the framework established by the Constitution,
12:47 will be welcomed.
12:49 In El Salvador, leaders of the Farabundo Martí Front for National Liberation
12:53 announced that they will request the nullity of the electoral process
12:56 after registering and documenting different irregularities
12:59 during the electoral and legislative elections.
13:02 According to the FMLN,
13:04 the result of the final scrutiny of the elections held on February 4th
13:07 does not reflect the national reality
13:09 and was the outcome of a series of changes to the electoral rules
13:12 to continue concentrating power.
13:14 The FMLN added that its objective is to give a voice
13:17 to the most vulnerable Salvadoran families
13:20 and to conquer more rights for the population.
13:22 Previously, the opposition parties, VAMOS and ARENA,
13:25 had also announced their interest in presenting such an appeal for nullity.
13:29 [PAUSE]
13:34 Former president of Argentina, Cristina Fernández,
13:36 estimated that a 57.4% poverty rate affecting the South American country,
13:41 according to a study by the Argentine Catholic University,
13:44 leaves the nation in a worse situation than 20 years ago.
13:47 When the index was 54%,
13:49 the Peronist leader considered the graph of the Observatory of the Social Depth
13:53 of the UCA, which reflects the highest percentage of poverty
13:57 since the historical series began in 2004,
14:00 shows something more than a massive setback.
14:03 This situation occurred especially from 2018
14:05 when the government of Mauricio Macri went into debt in dollars
14:08 by borrowing from the International Monetary Fund,
14:11 estimated by Fernández Kirchner.
14:13 The report referred to by the former president reflects
14:16 an increase in poverty of 7.9 percentage points
14:19 between December and January from 49.5 to 57.4%.
14:24 [PAUSE]
14:29 In Chile, temporary housing was provided on Monday
14:32 to families who lost all their belongings in the forest fires
14:35 that occurred during the first days of the month in Valparaíso region.
14:40 The mayor of Villa Alemana, one of the most affected communities,
14:44 declared that 107 houses were affected by the flames.
14:47 On Monday, 12 families of the place were benefited with temporary housing
14:51 until the definitive reconstruction works begin.
14:54 Regarding the rest of the victims, Toledo said that the process will be different
14:57 because they are not owners of the lots where they had built their houses.
15:01 The government proposed to deliver a temporary voucher
15:04 for the payment of rents or accommodation in a hotel.
15:07 This last one is destined in particular to pregnant women or elderly people.
15:11 [PAUSE]
15:15 We have a financial break coming up, but before we invite you to join
15:18 our WhatsApp community for our English-speaking audience,
15:21 you can scan the QR code on screen to join directly and share the link to reach more people.
15:26 We'll constantly post news coverage of Latin America and the Caribbean
15:28 as well as the rest of the world.
15:30 Stay connected and informed with Telesur.
15:32 Financial break, don't go away.
15:34 [MUSIC]
15:55 Welcome back from the south.
15:57 The Moroccan Armed Forces reported a rescue of 141 migrants aboard a boat
16:00 heading towards Spain's Canary Islands.
16:03 Among the rescued migrants, there were three minors and two women.
16:06 The rescue operation, which started on February 10th from Mauritania,
16:09 lasted more than 15 hours due to bad weather.
16:12 After the recovery of the makeshift vessel, Moroccan authorities took the migrants
16:16 to the port of Dakla, where they were handed over to the police for the necessary formalities.
16:21 [PAUSE]
16:25 The United Nations World Food Program warned that at least 25 million people
16:28 are struggling with soaring rates of hunger and malnutrition
16:31 as the crisis in Sudan sends shockwaves around the region.
16:35 The UN agency said thousands of families are being displaced
16:39 and forced across borders in Chad and South Sudan each week,
16:43 adding to already dire humanitarian situations in both countries
16:47 and creating the world's largest displacement crisis.
16:50 In South Sudan, families fleeing Sudan now make up 35 percent of those
16:54 facing catastrophic levels of hunger, despite only accounting for 3 percent of the population.
16:59 There are 18 million acutely food insecure people within the war-torn country,
17:03 and around 3.8 million Sudanese children under five years old are malnourished.
17:08 [PAUSE]
17:13 We came by bus. It took us two days to reach here.
17:16 We came from Sudan because of the war.
17:18 We came to look for a place to stay and settle.
17:21 What we need is food. The immediate support we need is to eat to be able to survive.
17:27 For Inspire World Food Program, East Africa Regional Director Michael Dunford
17:31 described the difficult conditions facing this crisis.
17:35 People are leaving Sudan, fleeing Sudan because of the war, because of the conflict,
17:41 and they're ending up here where WFP and other agencies are providing basic support.
17:47 But it's an extraordinarily challenging circumstance.
17:52 It's 40 degrees here today.
17:55 People, as you see, arrive with very little, if anything at all.
18:02 They're being registered, they're being given basic support,
18:06 and then they're being asked to move further into South Sudan.
18:11 In Turkey, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan welcomed his Azerbaijani counterpart,
18:15 Ilham Aliyev, who is making his first official visit after February 7th presidential elections.
18:20 At the presidential palace, both heads of state offer a press conference following private meetings.
18:24 For the first time last year, the total trade volume between the two countries reached 7.5 billion U.S. dollars.
18:30 President Ilham Aliyev said that Turkey is a country that nowadays has a voice all over the world.
18:36 Earlier, Aliyev and his accompanying delegation visited the Ataturk Mausoleum,
18:40 which houses the mausoleum of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, founder of the Republic of Turkey.
18:50 Switzerland's biggest carnival kicked off in the early hours of Monday,
18:54 as costume revelers lit up the dark streets of Basel with many lanterns dedicated to AI and climate change.
19:01 The three-day event, one of Europe's best-known carnivals,
19:04 transforms the city streets into a river of painted lanterns, colorful masks, and creative costumes,
19:09 flowing to the sound of pipes and drums.
19:13 Tens of thousands of people got out before dawn to watch the lantern-lit Morgue's Track procession,
19:18 in which some participants wore lanterns on their heads.
19:21 At 4 a.m. local time, the lights were turned off in Switzerland's third-biggest city,
19:25 given the Forward March order to shut it off in the local dialect of German.
19:30 Many shows the topic of climate change, although artificial intelligence, fake news,
19:34 the 150th anniversary of the Basel Zoo, the movie Barbie, and wars around the world were also on the agenda.
19:41 [Morgue's Track]
19:48 Well, soon it's going to be Morgue's Track.
19:52 This means that the light will go dark in the whole of the city,
19:57 and short before that we actually start the march by shouting "Morgue's Track, Forward March!"
20:05 And on that, the lights should go down and everyone starts with the same march.
20:10 I heard that this carnival is really famous because of the UNESCO status.
20:16 So, yeah, that's why I want to see how it's beautiful, how it's big.
20:22 Yeah, that's why I'm here.
20:26 We are from the end of this news brief.
20:28 You can find these and many other stories on our website at telescopinglish.net.
20:32 You can also join us on our social media on Facebook, Instagram, Telegram, and TikTok.
20:37 For Telescopinglish, I'm Luis Alberto Matos.
20:39 Thanks for watching.
20:41 [music]
