Palestine | August 1st marks 300th day of sustained genocide in Gaza

  • last month
Correspondent Huda Hegazi reports from the Gaza Strip on the genocidal offensive that Israel continues to carry on the enclave, which today turns 300 days of being started. teleSUR


00:00August 1st marks the 300th day of the Israeli genocide against the Gaza Strip since October 7th,
00:062023. Our correspondent in Gaza, Huda Hegazi, gives us more information in the following report.
00:12Let's see.
00:16Today marks exactly 300 days of this genocidal Israeli war here in the Gaza Strip.
00:21300 days of continuous destruction, of continuous bombings, of continuous deaths,
00:27of continuous losses, 300 days in which the people of Gaza have spent as a nightmare that
00:32has not ended until this moment. I, find myself in this moment in one of the simple examples of
00:38the massive destruction that the Israeli army has caused in all the Gaza Strip.
00:43According to several reports issued by UNICEF it has been assured that the destruction caused
00:47in the Gaza Strip has exceeded more than 50% both structures and infrastructures.
00:57We must also say that in these 300 days Israel has killed more than 40,000 Gazanis and there are
01:16still another 10,000 under the rubble. So we are considering that the total number of fatalities
01:21in this genocidal war has already exceeded 50,000 and it is assured that 69% of this total
01:27are children and women. It must also be said that this war has injured approximately 100,000 Gazans,
01:33many of them children and women, who unfortunately need to be transferred abroad.
01:37But due to the systematic Israeli policy of closing the borders,
01:40many of these wounded will not be able to go abroad for treatment and their lives are in
01:44grave danger. Also in these 300 days, more than 80% of the Gazan population has been forcibly
02:09evacuated and have had to leave their homes, move to live in other parts of the Gaza Strip
02:14and are now living in tents and refugee schools, a situation that cannot be described in words.
02:19The Gazans have had to endure the cold of winter and now the heat of summer,
02:23besides life in the tents has caused the spread of several diseases and epidemics.
02:27We are talking about hepatitis and a new virus that is spreading that causes paralysis in children
02:32and that is due to the lack of hygiene and living in tents, which is a life that even
02:36the animals could not stand. We are talking about 300 days of continuous suffering.
03:00Unfortunately, the world is still doing nothing.
03:03Also to say that in these 300 days not only Israel has killed innocent civilians but also
03:08journalists and media workers and the number of journalists who have died has already exceeded
03:13165. Therefore, today we are asking from here in the Gaza Strip to the free countries of the world
03:19and the international community to stop this genocidal Israeli war. The world must move and
03:24must see with its eyes what Israel is doing and stop it, together with the US administration,
03:29which is complicit in these systematic Israeli crimes in this area of the Gaza Strip.
