Met Office Evening Weather Forecast 19/02/24 - Dry night, cooler in the east

  • 7 months ago
A front brings some rain and wind in the west tonight but mostly clear skies. Tomorrow morning, a band of rain over Scotland and Northern Ireland moves southeast throughout the day into Wales and Northern England by midday. The southwest will be a dry day until the evening. Sunny skies follow with showers in Scotland. 19/02/24. Bringing you today’s weather forecast is Aidan McGivern.


00:00 Hello, very good evening to you. Many of us will have a spell of wet and windy weather
00:04 for a time on Tuesday before some heavy persistent rain on Wednesday. However, at the moment
00:10 we are under the influence of high pressure just to the south of the UK, which has quietened
00:14 our weather down, taking us into a largely settled night. There is a front pushing its
00:19 way eastwards across parts of Scotland, bringing some clouds, some rain and some stronger winds
00:23 for a time this evening. But then for many through the night, a largely dry picture,
00:28 perhaps some increasing cloud from the west may bring some outbreaks of drizzly rain here.
00:33 Further east though, yes there will be some high level cloud around, but perhaps some
00:36 clearer skies and as a result it may turn a little bit fresher than it has done through
00:41 some recent nights. Temperatures in the east could drop into low single figures, though
00:45 I am expecting it to stay above freezing. As we go through Tuesday morning, a fairly
00:50 wet picture across parts of Scotland and Northern Ireland as this front makes its way south
00:55 eastwards. As we go into the afternoon, that front is going to push into parts of England
00:59 and Wales, so turning wet here. All the time though, across the south east of the UK, it
01:04 should be a mostly dry day, at least during daylight hours anyway, with the rain not arriving
01:08 until the evening and overnight. Behind that front, we are going to see something a bit
01:13 clearer, so some sunnier skies, but also a scattering of showers across Scotland and
01:17 some of these could turn heavy, perhaps even thundery. Still mild for many though, particularly
01:21 ahead of the front. In the south east, highs of around 14, possibly 15 Celsius again, something
01:27 a little bit fresher trying to push in behind the front, but there won't be any major drop
01:31 in our temperatures just yet. As we look ahead towards Wednesday and our attention turns
01:36 to a system currently waiting out in the Atlantic, this is going to push towards the UK as we
01:41 go through Tuesday night into Wednesday morning and so many places likely to start Wednesday
01:46 morning on a pretty wet note. Heavy, persistent rain across pretty much the whole of the UK
01:51 and spreading to all parts as we go through the morning too. Greatest impacts likely to
01:56 be in the south west where we do have a warning because some travel disruption pretty likely
02:00 as well as some localised flooding too. But all the rain does clear away towards the east
02:05 as we go through the day, with something a bit drier developing for many in the afternoon
02:10 and we may even see some bright or perhaps even sunny spells too. There will be blustery
02:14 winds though to watch out for, especially in association with the front as it makes
02:18 its way across the country. Still mild, temperatures several degrees above average for the time
02:23 of year, again quite widely getting into double figures, most places seeing highs ranging
02:27 from around 11 to 14 or possibly 15 Celsius. There is more unsettled weather to come later
02:33 on this week and into the weekend, so do make sure you stay up to date. You can check out
02:37 our week ahead weather forecast which is available on our YouTube channel. Bye bye.
