Met Office Morning Weather Forecast 17/02/24 – Heavy rain approaching from the west

  • 7 months ago
This Saturday will start fairly cloudy with outbreaks of rain and drizzle across the west. However, heavier more persistent rain will arrive to most places in the west by the afternoon. Staying mild over the UK. – This is the Met Office UK Weather forecast for the morning of 17/02/24. Bringing you today’s weather forecast is Alex Burkill.


00:00 Very good morning to you. I hope you're able to make the most of any drier weather around
00:04 at the moment before the rain arrives later on. We do currently have a weak front across
00:10 western parts and that is bringing some cloudy drizzly outbreaks for some, but it's this
00:15 second front to the west of us that's going to push in later, bringing heavier, more persistent
00:20 rain. But as we go through this morning, some sunshine across parts of eastern England and
00:25 across northeastern parts of Scotland too, though many areas turning increasingly cloudy
00:30 as we go through the day and like I said, that cloud bringing some outbreaks of drizzly
00:34 rain. However, it's later on where we see that other system I mentioned earlier, bringing
00:38 some heavy, persistent rain initially across Northern Ireland, but then pushing into parts
00:44 of Scotland, England and Wales as we go into the afternoon. Temperatures are still above
00:48 average for the time of year. They won't be quite as high as they were earlier on in the
00:52 week, but nonetheless, we're likely to see highs of around 15, 16 Celsius towards the
00:57 south and only a few degrees lower than this further north. The heavy rain will then push
01:02 its way eastwards across the whole of the country as we go through this evening. So
01:06 in the southeast, it is going to turn increasingly wet later on. And in fact, across much of
01:11 England and Wales, there is the risk of some impacts due to the heavy rain with some travel
01:16 disruption, perhaps some spray on the roads and also some flooding in areas as well, which
01:21 is why we do have a warning in force. As we go through the night, that rain should start
01:26 to clear away towards the southeast, though there is some uncertainty as to exactly how
01:30 quickly it pushes through. So it could be a pretty wet start across parts of the southeast
01:35 in particular, first thing on Sunday morning, but some drier weather likely to follow in
01:39 behind and we are going to have some clearer skies in some places, just a scattering of
01:43 showers most likely across parts of Scotland. Staying mild though, many places holding up
01:48 in double figures as we go through the night, a little bit cooler than this further north,
01:52 but it's not going to be a particularly chilly night at all. As we go through Sunday then,
01:56 and like I said, it could be quite a wet start across particularly the east southeast, but
02:01 that rain should push away towards the southeast relatively quickly. And then for many, Sunday
02:06 actually looks like a largely fine day. I think there will be some decent bright or
02:10 sunny spells around, perhaps a bit more sunshine than this cloudier picture behind me suggests,
02:16 but also watch out for a few showers, most places avoiding these, so most places largely
02:21 dry, but yeah, just one or two showers to watch out for here or there. Temperatures
02:25 again on the mild side, similar to Saturday, so highs around 15, 16 Celsius in the south
02:31 and a little bit lower than this further north. As we look ahead to next week, and it is going
02:36 to stay mild, but after a drier start, I think we can expect some wet and windy weather,
02:41 particularly as we go through Tuesday and into Wednesday. So do stay up to date with
02:45 the forecast as we get nearer the time. You can do that by subscribing to our YouTube
02:49 channel. Bye bye.
