Maureen Davidson - Catwalk for a Cause 2024

  • 6 months ago
00:00 Hi, my name is Mo Davidson.
00:13 Got a strange tingling at my arm and down my left breast.
00:18 I thought that's a strange feeling, I've not had that feeling before.
00:23 So checked that night and I found a lump on my lymph glands.
00:32 Made an appointment and got up to read more and I knew myself it was serious because it
00:39 was on that gland.
00:42 So I was told on the 7th of May that I had breast cancer and I would need to have an
00:53 operation and possibly chemo and radiotherapy.
00:59 My consultant was really nice as at that time you could only attend yourself to be told
01:06 news like that and the breast nurses were amazing.
01:11 From then on I had an operation in September to remove the lump and the 22 lymph glands
01:20 and some of them were cancerous.
01:26 So I went on to have 6 rounds of chemo.
01:29 First 3 were not too bad, the last 3 were brutal but I kept positive the whole way through
01:37 with help from my daughters, husband, family and friends.
01:44 My motto was if I was well enough to do something I was going to do it and that's the way I
01:50 got through it all.
01:52 The hardest part of the whole journey was telling my loved ones because I knew how upset
01:59 I would be because I wasn't someone who got sick very often and I hated doing that, telling
02:06 my grandchildren and my daughters and husband.
02:10 They've been a magnificent support to me the whole way through.
02:14 I finished my chemo at the end of April and then had my 3 weeks of radiotherapy and 2
02:27 weeks after I finished my treatment my youngest daughter who's disabled had a stroke.
02:36 So I've not really had much of a recovery period at all but she's been in and out of
02:43 hospital 7 times but my friends and family, I don't know what I would do without them.
02:52 [Music]
