Take A Tour Of The New Amsterdam Vodka House In Las Vegas

  • 7 months ago
Viva La Stool | Viva La Stool
00:00 ♪♪
00:06 ♪♪
00:11 -Hello. What's up?
00:13 We're back. Another Super Bowl week.
00:16 And we're here at the New Amsterdam Vodka House.
00:18 Come on in. I'm gonna show you guys
00:20 what we got cooking this week.
00:23 Okay, welcome on in.
00:25 New Amsterdam Vodka House. Shout-out New Amsterdam Vodka
00:27 for hooking it up this week.
00:29 We got a ton of different stuff.
00:31 I'm gonna start, though, where the magic happens.
00:33 Let's go check out the master bedroom.
00:35 ♪♪
00:37 Oh, look at this.
00:39 We got Hank hanging out in the master bedroom,
00:42 having a good time.
00:44 Did I see something out of the corner of my eye?
00:46 Oh, no. Hank, why are you letting that monster
00:49 in your bathroom?
00:51 He's in there. Oh.
00:54 Max is taking a little bath, sitting by himself.
00:58 Why you give me that look?
01:00 Okay, yeah, that is true.
01:02 It's the only place to let him work.
01:04 Beautiful bathroom, beautiful master bedroom.
01:06 Hank always gets the master bedroom.
01:08 He actually is the boss of all of us.
01:11 He's Dave's boss, as well, so you can see
01:13 he's set up nicely in here.
01:15 Past Super Bowls, I used to get the master bedroom,
01:17 but Hank is actually my boss now.
01:19 He's got a big comedy show.
01:21 He's, you know, he's gotten big time for us.
01:23 That's okay. I love my boy. He always remembers.
01:25 He always remembers. Yes. All right.
01:27 Look at that. Cleaned out.
01:29 And now we come out to where the living room,
01:33 where we're taping mostly sports,
01:35 the YAK, the rundown, that's all happening from here.
01:38 Beautiful setup. High ceilings.
01:41 You love it. All the boys here doing the editing.
01:44 Looking good.
01:46 We have the kitchen where we are stocked
01:48 with New Hampshire Sam vodka.
01:50 I'm going to make myself a quick drink.
01:52 New Hampshire Sam vodka.
01:54 A little soda, a little lime.
01:57 Look at this. I'm doing a terrible job.
01:59 So beautiful kitchen, beautiful New Hampshire Sam vodka.
02:02 Cheers.
02:04 That's smooth. That's smooth.
02:07 All right. Let's go check out downstairs
02:09 where we got a bunch of cool stuff, different rooms.
02:11 Shuffleboard.
02:16 Editors, more editors.
02:18 Very cool room, very Vegas feel.
02:20 We're playing some pool later.
02:22 Here's the gym.
02:24 Who's in the gym?
02:26 Beast mode, Kyle Bauer.
02:28 Nick, this is how they always work out.
02:30 Nick just watches Kyle.
02:32 He's wall sitting.
02:34 Yeah, look at that. He's doing some wall sits.
02:36 Look at him go.
02:38 That's the kind of hijinks we get into in this house.
02:40 It's fucking crazy. These guys are crazy back there.
02:43 We got the arcade down here, which is pretty sick.
02:47 Oh, would you look at that?
02:49 We got air hockey. We have some Pac-Man.
02:52 Ms. Pac-Man. A little Papa Shot.
02:55 Great arcade room. Brandon's been here the whole time.
02:57 He still hasn't beaten the game.
02:59 Is that right, Brandon?
03:01 Okay. Thanks, Brandon.
03:04 All right. Let's keep going. Let's show you the outside.
03:06 All right. So we're going to show you maybe the best part of this house.
03:12 Pool, patio. All the guys hanging out doing some work.
03:15 Hard at work. They're actually doing absolutely nothing.
03:18 We have PFT over here on the squat rack.
03:21 Listen, you can keep in shape.
03:23 He's doing calves today.
03:25 Calf raises only today. What's up, Primal?
03:27 Yes. This is what I'm saying.
03:29 We're set up nicely here.
03:31 75, 76.
03:33 Very awesome pool back here.
03:36 An extra pool house. Nice little pool house.
03:38 I actually, too, little tip here.
03:40 Any UFC fans, you might look around and be like,
03:44 "Hey, I recognize that house." Yeah.
03:46 You can do a little detective work.
03:48 All right. Last but not least, look at this.
03:51 Oh! Did Mark Titus just dunk?
03:53 He's putting up shots on the tip of the rim out here.
03:55 Yeah. So we got a half court, pickleball court, volleyball,
04:00 little New Hampshire and Vodka goalposts so we can do some field goals.
04:04 Pretty sick house. So thank you very much to New Hampshire and Vodka, our wonderful sponsor.
04:08 Oh!
04:13 All right. All right. Straight in the shot.
04:16 There it is. There we go. Bang.
04:18 See you, everyone. Thank you.
04:20 (whooshing)
