Met Office Evening Weather Forecast 04/02/24 -Dry for most but wet in Scotland

  • 7 months ago
A mostly cloudy evening and night ahead, however a few clear spells will develop in places. Cloud will generally thickest in the north and west, especially along upslopes with a chance of light rain or drizzle here. Persistent rain, heavy in central and western Scotland will continue with snow in the far north of Scotland. Blustery for most - This is the Met Office UK Weather forecast for the evening of 04/02/24. Bringing you today’s weather forecast is Jonathan Vautrey.


00:00 Hello there, hope you're able to enjoy your weekend even if sunshine has been in fairly
00:05 short supply for many of us during Sunday. Looking at the earlier satellite image you
00:09 can see great expanses of cloud pretty much covering the entirety of the UK but you also
00:13 might just notice that the thickest of that cloud forms this sort of arc stretching into
00:18 northern areas of Scotland and the far north of Northern Ireland as well. That's all associated
00:21 with this warm front that has become very slow moving during today and will eventually
00:27 stall across western areas of Scotland in particular as we head into tomorrow. It's
00:32 already providing a reasonable amount of rainfall but that will be turning heavier as we head
00:36 into the overnight period. A yellow rain warning does come into force and runs throughout Monday
00:40 as well. Could see a touch of snow across Sutherland cave nests as that pushes into
00:44 slightly colder air ahead of it. Elsewhere for tonight though it's reasonably cloudy,
00:48 a few clearer spells around at times, a touch of drizzle particularly in western areas,
00:52 mist and murk around coastal areas as well. Some quite blustery south-westerly winds coming
00:57 in though but that is a mild direction of air so temperatures not dropping much lower
01:02 than 7-9 degrees Celsius for most of us. However in the far north of Scotland there is a touch
01:07 of frost possible as we kick off Monday morning where we hold onto that milder air just to
01:12 the north of the rain band. The rain though really will be very persistent for the Highlands,
01:17 Argyll and Bute throughout Monday, a pretty miserable day with 170mm of rain potentially
01:23 totting up by the end of the day. Some localised disruption is possible. Elsewhere continuing
01:27 to see outbreaks of rain and drizzle particularly in the west, a few clearer sunnier spells
01:32 potentially for central eastern areas but those blustery south-westerly winds really
01:36 will be continuing right throughout the day. Very gusty around coasts particularly over
01:40 higher ground areas of Northern Ireland, into the Pennines, the Lake District as well, even
01:44 central areas of Scotland. We're only seeing some gusts of 40-45mph in there. We'll take
01:50 the edge off the fewer things a touch. The lightest winds are actually across northern
01:54 areas of Scotland but here we do still hold onto that colder air so temperatures not going
01:59 to be much higher than 3-4 degrees Celsius. Elsewhere it is mild 10-11 degrees Celsius
02:05 but again those blustery winds will probably just make it feel that bit colder. It is eventually
02:10 into Monday evening where the rain will subside across areas of western Scotland as the rain
02:16 band moves its way slightly further southwards, eventually spreading into Northern Ireland
02:20 and Northern England during the second half of the night. So the south of that is going
02:24 to remain pretty cloudy, pretty blustery, again misty and murky around coastal districts.
02:30 Some slightly clearer spells moving into the far north of Scotland later on with some showers
02:34 that will allow that colder air to slowly push its way into more areas of the mainland
02:38 so again a touch of frost possible first thing in the morning here but to the south of that
02:42 rain band it's going to be another mild night. Temperatures not much lower than 10 degrees
02:46 Celsius. During Tuesday we really watch as that rain band pushes its way southwards even
02:53 further spreading in to parts of Wales, central England as we head into the latter part of
02:57 the day as well. Might even see some mountain snow for Northern Ireland across the Pennines,
03:01 the Lake District for a time as well. A touch of brightness possible in the far south east
03:06 of England but really the best of the sunshine will be filtering its way in across Scotland
03:09 as that rain eventually clears its way off. Still with some snow showers pushing in in
03:14 those northerly winds. Those winds could be very quite brisk across Shetland and Orkney
03:19 with some gales, potentially severe gales around for a time. But as that rain band pushes
03:24 its way southwards that cold northerly wind is going to arrive across Scotland, Northern
03:28 Ireland so temperatures particularly for central Scotland, Northern Ireland is the far north
03:33 of England will be lower on Tuesday compared to where we do see them on Monday. Further
03:37 towards the south we are still holding on to that mild air so 13-14 degrees Celsius
03:42 possible. Not necessarily going to feel like that when you are stuck underneath the more
03:47 extensive cloud and rain that does eventually arrive later on in the day. This band of rain
03:52 and its associated weather fronts will continue to push their way southwards as we head into
03:56 Wednesday as well so really allowing that northerly wind to start arriving across the
04:01 bulk of the UK apart from maybe the very far south later on on Wednesday. The milder air
04:07 though is still fairly close by, this next area of low pressure wanting to reintroduce
04:12 it to some of us as we head towards Thursday turning a bit more widely wet and windy, maybe
04:17 even with some snow for some of us. But we'll have further updates on all of that as we
04:22 head over the next few days so make sure you are subscribing to the YouTube channel for
04:26 all of that and we'll see you here again very soon. Bye bye.
