This Dog Is The Definition Of A Velcro Pittie

  • 8 months ago
This dog is the definition of a velcro pittie — he won't let his dad kayak, work or motorcycle without him


00:00 He's a dog after my own heart.
00:02 He's his own thrill-seeking dog.
00:07 You gonna go kayaking, Nick?
00:11 Knucklehead being a service dog, he really wants to go with me everywhere.
00:16 I enjoy watching him be happy because when we're kayaking, he's not worried about me.
00:22 The role's reversed. It's kind of healthy for me and him.
00:29 He has to have his life jacket on.
00:31 Wipeouts do happen.
00:33 He knows to swim to the shore.
00:38 He comes to me and I just pull him right back in the boat.
00:41 You can literally see he's happy.
00:51 I see that whenever he's kayaking. That reiterates why I'm glad he's with me.
00:56 When I first met Knucklehead, it was two weeks after I just lost a previous service dog.
01:00 I was riding down the road and a lady was broke down.
01:03 To help her get a tire on, she pulls a crate of puppies out of the back.
01:07 I've got PTSD from childhood trauma, military service.
01:14 I was a combat medic.
01:16 There are times when I get down and depressed and he will literally come and make me get up.
01:20 I'm in construction. He's always wanting to be right there with me.
01:25 I literally just turned around one day and he was at the ladder.
01:28 Dude, just so you know, this is not something that I taught my dog.
01:32 That's why I set your own ladder up, man. So you won't go straight one.
01:37 You're nerve-wracking, dude.
01:39 It definitely is nerve-wracking and scares the crap out of you.
01:51 I tried to make it to where he couldn't even get up the ladder and he would figure out how to get around it.
01:56 It's something that he just decided to do on his own.
01:59 So what I decided to do is just try to make it as safe as possible for him.
02:03 It is a huge trust factor between Knucklehead and I.
02:06 Whenever I was gone, he would be whining and crying.
02:09 That tore at my heart strings over and over.
02:12 That's kind of how it led into the motorcycle riding.
02:15 Well, I guess we've done it.
02:20 Here we are on our very first practice run.
02:22 This is too cool, man!
02:25 When he jumped right on there, that's when I started doing some research and figured out this is really a thing.
02:31 There's a lot of people that ride with their animals.
02:33 And then I started just trying to figure out how to do it the safest way possible.
02:47 He does not ride with me anymore.
02:50 It's definitely an emotional, spiritual journey with a dog who just wants to be there next to you, touching you the whole time.
03:03 Knucklehead is just out to make people smile.
03:06 Ultimately, that's all we've got is each other.
03:09 Luckily, I've got a service dog that wants to go with me everywhere.
03:14 Literally.
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