Rescue Pittie Wins Grandpa Over

  • last year
Rescue pittie is determined to win over his grandpa ❤️


00:00 He doesn't like when grandpa's on the phone.
00:03 Polo.
00:04 No.
00:08 Polo absolutely prefers my dad over me.
00:12 When other people come home, Polo will stand up, you know, he'll wiggle.
00:18 When my dad gets home, Polo just goes crazy.
00:22 He just cannot get to him soon enough.
00:29 Their relationship wasn't always like this.
00:31 I was visiting Alabama and we were driving by and I saw a dog just lying on the side of the road.
00:39 Molly called me and I said, "We don't need another dog. Bring the dog to the shelter or something."
00:44 My family instantly fell in love with him, but it took my dad some time.
00:52 And she loves you, okay? Anytime you want to stay here, okay?
00:59 Polo would try to get my dad's attention by misbehaving.
01:04 Counter-surfing.
01:08 Polo. Hey.
01:10 Always getting into trouble.
01:15 I kind of stayed back and watched him.
01:18 To see him around kids, we just loved him.
01:22 I said, "I'm going to get a little closer to him." And oh my God, he got closer to me.
01:26 Whatever I'm doing, he's there with me.
01:31 He doesn't like not having Grandpa's undivided attention.
01:35 My dad spoils him like crazy.
01:40 His favorite thing to do is feed Polo.
01:43 He's always sneaking him food.
01:45 They're very, I think, therapeutic to each other.
01:48 My dad will come home and have a rough day and he walks in.
01:53 You can just see everything lifts off when he sees Polo.
01:56 My dad's kind of like his comfort human.
01:59 I come in the door and all these things were going wrong.
02:07 He comes jumping all over me and licking me.
02:09 He's just always there for you, and especially for me.
02:13 I put this on you and you'll be good.
02:16 The people, they won't be infuriated by you, okay?
02:19 What do you get? Hey, mama!
02:23 Look at the thing. Thank you, mama.
02:26 I think that he needs to go out and see the world.
02:29 And then the world needs to see him, because he is such a wonderful treasure.
02:33 Off for an adventure.
02:38 I bring him wherever I can.
02:41 He goes up to everybody like it's his best friend.
02:44 Polo, you want the ice cream?
02:48 You want the ice cream?
02:50 As a family, we're lucky with him.
02:52 He's taught me so much.
02:54 The day Polo entered our family, we won the lottery.
02:58 [Music]
