• 10 months ago
AccuWeather's Bernie Rayno and Kristina Shalhoup take a look at the top story for Jan. 25.
00:00 11,000 flights have already been delayed across the country and about 1,100 cancellations so far.
00:07 Driving is not a picnic either.
00:09 Boston, New York City, Philadelphia, although Boston doesn't look too bad right now,
00:13 but certainly rain and drizzle will slow you down in Philadelphia.
00:16 St. Louis, Kansas City, dense fog,
00:19 literarchy of the fog, the rain and the drizzle.
00:21 Chicago, Detroit and Indianapolis, fog and drizzle this morning,
00:25 rain this afternoon and we have problems in the southeast because of fog and areas of rain and drizzle.
