Kemenkeu: Pemerintah Siapkan Insentif Pajak Hiburan

  • 8 months ago
Kementerian Keuangan memastikan, terus memantau pelaksanaan pajak hiburan tertentu yang diputuskan pemerintah mendapat insentif pajak. Direktur Pajak Daerah dan Retribusi Daerah Kemenkeu, Lydia Kurniawati Christyana menjelaskan, bahwa Kementerian Keuangan bersama Kementerian Dalam Negeri telah menerbitkan surat edaran kepada kepala daerah, untuk dapat menyesuaikan pajak hiburan tertentu yang diprotes banyak pengusaha.


00:00 The government's decision to give tax incentives to certain entertainment sectors
00:04 did not provide certainty for the business sector.
00:07 Businessmen and social activist Bali also said
00:11 that the certainty of regulation required by entertainment entrepreneurs
00:14 is more needed to calm the climate of entertainment businesses in the country.
00:18 The Ministry of Finance ensures that it continues to monitor the implementation of certain entertainment taxes
00:26 that the government decided to get tax incentives.
00:29 The Director of Tax and Retribution of the Ministry of Finance, Lydia Kurniawati Kristiana, explained
00:35 that the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Home Affairs have submitted a circular letter to the regional heads
00:39 to be able to adjust certain entertainment taxes that many entrepreneurs protest.
00:44 Lydia said that the circular letter from the State Command explained in detail
00:48 how the regional heads can adjust the implementation of regional regulations
00:51 or regional head regulations that have been submitted based on the Law on the Harmonization of Government Finance,
00:56 or HKPD.
00:59 The Ministry of Finance also ensured that regional heads can immediately establish
01:02 the rules for implementing the incentive grant without having to re-involve local DPRDs.
01:07 This was done to be able to immediately provide certainty for the business sector
01:11 affected by certain entertainment taxes.
01:14 Members of the association or those who own this business,
01:21 while waiting for judicial review,
01:25 regional heads can establish the conditions for the grant of reduction,
01:31 relief, or removal first.
01:35 Please, the meaning of the SE from the State Command,
01:39 as best as possible, by still maintaining the rules.
01:44 In general, the HKPD laws are claimed to have reduced the size of the entertainment sector taxes
01:48 from the highest rate of 35% to only 10%.
01:53 However, certain entertainment services such as bars, nightclubs, discos, karaoke,
01:58 and swimming pools are subject to a minimum tax rate of 40%.
02:02 From Jakarta, Arjo Patmo, IDX Channel.
02:06 (music)
02:09 (bell chimes)
