Cuan ala Produser Motor Listrik Premium Dalam Negeri

  • 2 days ago
Pengguna sepeda motor atau kendaraan roda dua, di Indonesia termasuk salah satu yang tertinggi di ASEAN. Perbandingannya mencapai skala satu unit sepeda motor per empat penduduk. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa peluang untuk sepeda motor listrik sangat terbuka luas. Hal ini terhitung strategis dari segi pasar dan bisnis industri.


00:00Thank you for joining us, Prisca, and now we're in the Kretab segment, and we're back with Prisca Sambodatu.
00:11Yes, that's right, Wiki. Right now, if I usually ride Ojek Online, I prefer to choose between electric vehicles or not.
00:19Because electric vehicles are more comfortable, in my opinion.
00:23And this time in Kretab, we're going to talk about a producer of premium electric motorcycles in the country,
00:29and it has been connected through a free conference.
00:31There is Mr. Purbaya Panca, CEO of Alfa. How are you, Mr. Purbaya?
00:35How are you, Mas? Thank you, Prisca.
00:38Thank you for joining us. We want to know more about the current premium electric motorcycle market.
00:46If Alfa is specifically for premium, or what?
00:50Okay, if we talk about Alfa, Alfa is for the beginning, we focus on the premium sector.
00:59Why do we do this? Because we feel that in the new sector, in this electric motorcycle,
01:07as one of the good market targets is to enter the premium market.
01:13Because if we talk about the premium market, this is the mobility solution,
01:18or mobility solutions can happen earlier as early adopters.
01:25And also where, if we look at the premium sector,
01:31conventional motorcycles also grow quite fast.
01:37So, if we look at the market share of conventional motorcycles in the premium segment,
01:42the proportion increases year by year.
01:45So, we feel that this is the right sector for us to start,
01:51where if we talk about this segment,
01:55we don't just talk about the functionality of the motorcycle itself,
02:00but it has become their way of life too.
02:03That's why we enter that sector,
02:06but at the same time, we also feel that it is our first step.
02:11In the future, of course, we want to enter another sector,
02:15to another segment, and with that, actually,
02:20time flies, right?
02:23So, in July, at GIAS, we actually launched our product in the medium segment,
02:32which is called Alpha Entry.
02:36If I'm not mistaken, there is also a variant of Alpha itself, which costs 11 million.
02:40If I'm not mistaken, right?
02:42That's right.
02:43So, if we look at the subsidy and others, it can be tens of millions.
02:50Okay, let's talk specifically about the premium market.
02:53What is interesting about this market segment?
02:56Because if we talk about the quantity,
02:59the demand is a bit more,
03:02and the community or the market is in the middle and below.
03:08But then you look at the premium segment,
03:12what is interesting about this segment?
03:14Besides the growth you mentioned earlier, is there any interesting growth?
03:17Yes, we see that this is a new sector,
03:23which means there are also elements of education that we have to do to the community.
03:30And we believe that in this sector, education can happen.
03:37And we also hope that as a premium motor in Indonesia,
03:44we can also be a trendsetter.
03:48And this trendsetter, in our opinion,
03:51will also give influence to other consumers
03:57that electric motorcycles can be accepted by the community
04:01and also have advantages that may be different from conventional motorcycles.
04:08So, one of them is of course related to IoT or Internet of Things,
04:15which we wrap in the context of the application from Alfa itself.
04:20That is MyAlfaApp, which is available to all Alfa consumers.
04:25And this is of course a very interesting thing in my opinion,
04:30because this cannot be found in conventional motorcycles.
04:35Because that is the advantage of electric motorcycles in general.
04:40Because there are so many features in this app
04:44that of course can facilitate and provide advantages for our consumers.
04:50That is a very important thing.
04:52Well, that's the important thing that you said is not found in conventional motorcycle producers.
04:58But compared to other electric motorcycles,
05:00the value offered by Alfa is also related to advanced technology or is there something else?
05:07More or less, if we talk about the foundation,
05:12of course it can be done.
05:14The only question left is if we compare it to our peers in electric motorcycles,
05:21does it become their focus or not?
05:24Well, for Alfa, of course this is a certain focus for us.
05:30Because we feel that this is where we can provide more education to the customer
05:35that this is what a motorist is.
05:38So we don't just focus on the performance of the motorcycle itself,
05:42but also things related to apps that will of course provide added value.
05:49And why do we feel like we're giving something more to our customers?
05:56What is the technology of the apps? What is the function?
05:59Maybe you can elaborate later, Mr. Purbaya.
06:03We will get back to you in the next segment.
06:05We are still in the segment that discusses interesting discussions,
06:08with the CEO of Alfa, Mr. Purbaya Pancayo,
06:12who is a premium electric motorcycle producer in Indonesia.
06:16Let's talk to the CEO.
06:18Sir, earlier you talked about IoT or Internet of Things as an advantage
06:24from Alfa's premium motorcycles.
06:26What examples can be used from IoT?
06:31Okay, I'll give you two short examples.
06:34One is a feature where we can share or borrow a motorcycle without a key.
06:44So if I'm at the office, the motorcycle happens to be at home,
06:48I want to borrow it from a neighbor or anyone,
06:51it can be done by me giving access to this motorcycle
06:57through my mobile phone, through my apps, to that person.
07:01And I can stop this access and I can turn it off at any time.
07:07This of course makes it easier because we don't have to tell where to find the key.
07:13But as long as everything is connected to the IoT,
07:18and the user, the borrower, also has access to the Internet,
07:23it can be done quickly.
07:25So this is practical.
07:27The second example is related to AICS,
07:31we call it Alpha Intelligent Charging System.
07:34So with this feature,
07:38our users can do charging with less power.
07:46And that's for users who may not have enough power at home,
07:56we can reduce it.
07:57So it's only 300 watts, for example.
07:59So with this 300 watts,
08:01the user of this motorcycle can do charging with lower power,
08:09and that makes it more practical for them.
08:12But this also affects the duration of the charging itself, right?
08:15Because the power is lower.
08:19Then how do you see the spread of SPKL,
08:24how far does this affect the business of Alpha itself?
08:29Yes, of course, if we talk about EVs in general,
08:36whether it's a car or a motorcycle,
08:38we're not just talking about the vehicle,
08:42but we're talking about the ecosystem.
08:45And this ecosystem is where the SPKL is important.
08:50And of course, this SPKL,
08:53if we talk about motorcycles,
08:56it can also be empowered.
08:59So the SPKL that exists now,
09:01by bringing a charger from Alpha itself,
09:04can be used for Alpha electric motorcycles.
09:06That's one.
09:07Second, we also talk about how fast it is
09:12if we talk about charging.
09:14Well, for this motorcycle,
09:16there is actually what is called slow charge,
09:19and there is also what is called fast charge.
09:21Well, for Alpha,
09:23one of the technologies that we also develop,
09:27and we have also mentioned,
09:29is the fast charge technology.
09:31So with our latest motorcycles,
09:33we can do fast charge in this way,
09:37in less than 30 minutes,
09:41the user can charge the battery up to 50%.
09:44The point is, it's very, very easy for the consumer.
09:48Now, Alpha itself has started selling since when,
09:52and so far, how many units have been sold,
09:56and what is the target of sales until the end of the year?
10:00Alpha launched its first product,
10:03which is Alpha One in August 2021,
10:07and we did the delivery in November 2021.
10:10So if we talk from November 2021 until now,
10:15the number of motorcycles that have been enjoyed by our consumers
10:19is already thousands.
10:21And if we talk about the product,
10:23the product is of course there is Alpha One,
10:26as our first outstanding product,
10:29there is Alpha Servo and also the variant,
10:32and the last one is our mid-segment product
10:36that has been sold for tens of millions.
10:40We plan to deliver it at the end of the year,
10:44and we hope it will boost our sales immediately,
10:48because that is our mid-segment.
10:50Okay. The market outside Indonesia,
10:52the news will also be expanded, right?
10:54Briefly, Mr. Purwoya.
10:56Yes, that's right.
10:57So if we look at our product,
10:59we are very happy that when we launched the Servo for example,
11:03it turned out that our product was well received
11:07in our neighboring countries, for example.
11:09So we believe that this is something that can also be enjoyed
11:13in neighboring countries,
11:14and there are already concrete steps that we have taken for that,
11:17especially in Malaysia.
11:18Sir, this means that you focus more on premium.
11:22What is the age segment like?
11:25If we talk about age,
11:27maybe the range is very large,
11:33so it's actually more in the mindset
11:35where we are more directed to early adopters.
11:37So the age can be more.
11:39Because it is still early adoption,
11:41so the range is still very wide, 20 to 50 years.
11:44Okay, I hope this technology adoption can develop
11:47for the development of the nation too
11:49and the electric vehicle industry,
11:51especially the electric motorcycle from Alfa.
11:53Then for Alfa and Tim, see you again.
11:57Thank you, Mr. Purbaya.
12:00Okay, and I think we will update first
12:02the movement of ESG at 09.28
12:06at Indonesia by Indonesian West,
12:07as you can see on the television screen.
12:11Mr. Mir, the index of joint stock prices
12:13is still moving in a positive territory
12:15with a significant increase of 0.8%.
12:18Back to 7700,
12:197742 increased to 61 points at present
12:23with the value of the exchange rate
12:24against the US dollar
12:26soaring to 15,374.
12:29Yes, Samsung based on the comparison
12:31seems to be Samsung
12:33which is currently in the top GENES track.
12:34There are BBNI, BBRI, BMRI,
12:37then there is also AMMN,
12:39Brand, LC, PTRO, ISAT, AALI,
12:41and then there is ASRI, ESATWARE,
12:46MGRO, CMNT, JTP, and ASPI.
12:49That's it, Mr. Mir,
12:50the line of stocks that become Gainers
12:52led by the financial sector again.
12:55And Mr. Mir, as it is 90 minutes,
12:57we accompany you in Power Breakfast.
12:59Yes, hopefully today's discussion
13:00will be a reference and source of information for you.
13:02Keep updating your information
13:04only on IDX Channel,
13:05your trustworthy and comprehensive investment reference.
13:07Don't forget to watch the Market Review program
13:09which will be broadcast at 10 o'clock
13:11in West Indonesia.
13:12Yes, because the affairs of the future must be ahead.
13:14I am a stock investor.
13:16I am Prisa Sombodato.
13:17I am Eike Adrian.
13:18See you.
14:05Transcription by ESO. Translation by —
