'Yellowjackets' Star Samantha Hanratty Takes Variety Behind the Scenes at the Emmy Awards

  • 9 months ago


00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 - Hello variety, I am Samantha Hanratty
00:12 and I'm getting ready for the Emmys right now.
00:14 So come and join me.
00:16 (laughing)
00:23 Let's do this.
00:24 Okay, so one of my must haves is
00:26 something my mom got me off of Amazon.
00:28 It's these like little ball dudes.
00:30 You put it in the fridge and it is literally like,
00:33 it is one of my favorite things,
00:35 especially before getting ready.
00:37 So first, balls on the face.
00:40 (laughing)
00:41 Yeah.
00:41 My personal style like is very comfort driven.
00:46 Like I like am a very sweats,
00:49 like I mean pretty much every time
00:50 that most of the people here see me,
00:52 like I'm usually in sweats or like a t-shirt.
00:56 I love wearing like my husband's t-shirts
00:58 with like tucked into my jeans as like my vibe.
01:01 For red carpets, I think it's really just like
01:05 trying to understand what it is that I'm trying to convey.
01:07 Like, am I going to feel really sexy tonight
01:10 or am I going for more of just like a very feminine vibe
01:12 or am I going for more of like
01:14 diving into more of my masculine vibe?
01:16 Like it really is just dependent on what the event is.
01:19 This is actually, not many people know this.
01:22 I snuck onto the red carpet last year.
01:24 I was not invited onto the carpet last year
01:27 because due to COVID restrictions,
01:30 they were only allowing people who were nominated.
01:33 And I may or may not have seen my opening
01:37 and was like, you know what?
01:38 My show's nominated and that door is open right there.
01:42 So I'm just going to walk through it.
01:44 And I did.
01:45 (upbeat music)
01:48 I knew I wanted to be an actor when I was two years old.
01:52 I literally told my mom, I was like,
01:54 I want to be on stage and TV.
01:55 Like I knew I was going to be an actor
01:58 really out of the womb.
01:59 I don't know if it was like I wanted attention
02:01 from being like the youngest of five girls
02:04 or just the love of entertaining.
02:07 Yeah, you can really make people feel something.
02:10 And I think like my favorite thing about acting too
02:13 is like getting to tell the stories of people
02:15 that don't always have a story told about them, you know?
02:18 And so, yeah, I mean, I love my job so much.
02:23 And I mean, I'm still doing it 20, 22 years later.
02:27 I wish there was more of a difference
02:30 between me and Misty's style.
02:31 There have been moments on set, I have shown up.
02:34 One of our cast mates, Maya, she literally goes,
02:39 oh my God, she was like,
02:40 she was like, your wardrobe looks so clean today.
02:43 And I looked at her, I said, Maya, this is my outfit.
02:46 Oh, season one, there's one, I literally told them,
02:49 they were like, if there were a couple of clothing
02:51 that like burned in the fire,
02:52 what would like you be okay with?
02:54 And one of them, I was like,
02:54 please burn this orange shirt.
02:57 It's the whole look, the shorts, the shirt, the every,
03:01 oh my God, oh my God, somebody help her.
03:05 I could not be caught wearing this,
03:07 but Misty on the other hand, look at that confidence.
03:10 She is strutting her stuff.
03:13 She's never felt better in her life.
03:15 Literally, oh my God, I can't.
03:17 When we wrap, I want my kitty sweater,
03:21 but I'd rather not have the bloody dirty versions.
03:24 I'd rather have the clean versions.
03:27 I'm wearing Dolce and Gabbana tonight,
03:29 which I am so grateful.
03:31 I love wearing Dolce and Gabbana.
03:34 I believe I wore Dolce and Gabbana
03:35 to the premiere as well, right?
03:37 I did, and it was like one of my favorite dresses ever.
03:40 It was, honestly, the premiere dress
03:41 was one of my favorite looks ever.
03:43 That was very, very me.
03:45 Hair and makeup too.
03:47 - Which one was the premiere?
03:48 - It was the premiere was the black Dolce and Gabbana,
03:51 like it was, yes, yes, yes.
03:52 And then it was like, you had did the half up and down,
03:54 you had the long hair.
03:56 Oh, it was just, once again,
03:57 like an amazing collaboration of the whole team.
04:00 Like it was so good.
04:02 Eddie added that long, beautiful hair and like that slick back
04:05 Adam did the beautiful like tie in
04:08 with the eye and the cheek.
04:09 And it just, oh, it was just gorgeous.
04:11 I've also, one of my favorite looks, Katie,
04:14 it was Versace, right?
04:16 That purple, that purple dress
04:18 is one of my favorite looks that we've done too.
04:20 Like that was, Versace just like hugs the body
04:24 and makes you feel so confident and beautiful.
04:27 - Well, one of my favorite things
04:28 that I've learned from Adam actually
04:29 is just like being able to go in,
04:31 like I now like go in and try and clear out
04:33 like my sinuses and everything
04:34 before I even start with my makeup.
04:37 And I use like, my go-to's are Osea and Illya.
04:41 Those are like, I use Osea when it comes to my skincare
04:44 and I use Illya when it comes to my makeup.
04:46 And that's like my go-to for myself.
04:49 And I, yeah, I think that's like all the tips and tricks
04:52 though of just like the contour points
04:55 and like also just like the beautiful blending.
04:58 I think more than anything,
04:59 like I just like paying attention to what Adam's doing
05:02 and always making sure that you match.
05:04 That's why we pulled this down
05:05 is so that we make sure that we match the neck
05:07 and the chest to the face.
05:08 'Cause we've all seen those girls
05:11 and I've been one of those girls.
05:13 Things like this, like honestly,
05:14 I love learning from this team.
05:17 I love learning from this group.
05:19 Like it's, it really is, like it's so fun.
05:21 And like, I mean, I trust them for a reason.
05:24 Like, look at me.
05:25 (laughs)
05:26 I'm a, look at this, look at this, look at me.
05:30 I was up for a movie in November and I did not get it.
05:35 And so like we all do in breakups, we need a change.
05:38 So I went and got like a little shag cut
05:41 and I got baby bangs.
05:43 And then I remembered that we had the Emmys coming up
05:46 and I kind of freaked out and was like, oh my God,
05:47 what did I just do before this?
05:50 And now the team, we're doing like kind of a homage
05:54 to Audrey Hepburn, which I love.
05:55 Honestly, Katie was the one who first told me,
05:57 she was like, the dresses are kind of inspired
06:00 by where your bangs are at.
06:02 And then we like showed the boys,
06:05 like this is like what the dress is,
06:07 is what we're thinking.
06:08 And now Eddie's kind of taking a, you know,
06:11 his own approach to the pictures that we had sent.
06:14 So that's kind of how it usually goes.
06:15 It's like, we send pictures
06:17 and then everybody does their own version
06:19 of like how they feel about that.
06:20 And then afterwards, I'm sure he's gonna go,
06:23 what do you think of this?
06:24 We're gonna like, you know, filter it out.
06:26 And that's, I mean, that's why it's so easy
06:29 to work with these guys, you know.
06:30 I'm about to put on my jewels.
06:32 I'm not going to, I'm going to have Katie do it.
06:35 This is Bray Jewels.
06:37 Look at this necklace.
06:39 Oh my God, this is like my princess diaries moment.
06:43 So is this also Bray?
06:45 - Yeah, it's all Bray.
06:46 - All Bray.
06:47 Ooh, I'm also wearing studs.
06:49 So yeah, so honestly, like I like very simple jewelry.
06:53 I usually like very dainty pieces,
06:55 but if it's going to be like a statement piece like this,
06:58 then it's like, this is really, I mean, it's so beautiful.
07:02 It's so stunning.
07:03 It's so perfect.
07:04 So my smell of the day is Lume, Lume, Lume.
07:09 Whole body deodorant for pits, privates and beyond.
07:13 Invisible cream, it is toasted coconut.
07:16 This is what I will be smelling like today
07:19 because I'm not the biggest perfume person.
07:23 Also we're in a hotel and I forgot to bring my perfume.
07:26 Honestly, whenever I'm getting ready,
07:27 like sometimes I'll just put like a playlist on Spotify.
07:31 It's like a happy day playlist.
07:33 It's a lot of like, I don't know, like,
07:35 I got sunshine, you know, like kind of shit.
07:39 Just like happy, like, you know,
07:41 and kind of in the background though,
07:43 because honestly, whenever we're getting ready,
07:45 we like to chat.
07:47 But if we do listen to music, it's pretty hyped music.
07:50 It's pretty, you know, Taylor Swift is the,
07:53 she's the one to go to for having a good time
07:55 before you're about to show up somewhere.
07:57 Especially if I want to feel moody,
07:58 I'll listen to like "The Man" and I'm like,
08:00 I was the man, I'd be the man, you know?
08:03 But yeah, that's me.
08:04 Before I get to an event,
08:07 I get my stomach completely twists.
08:09 I get really, I'm really overwhelmed.
08:12 I like check myself and like my phone like a million times.
08:14 I just start to get like really like, oh my God, like,
08:17 and then I, did I figure out like what I'm,
08:20 how I'm going to pose, how I'm going to do this or that?
08:22 And I know it's going to get really overwhelming.
08:24 And then the second that I actually get on the carpet,
08:26 it's like all of that just kind of goes away.
08:27 And it's like, I don't know,
08:29 it's kind of like performing, you know?
08:30 You're like so nervous beforehand
08:31 and then you just get into it and you're like, okay,
08:34 like I'm just here to do the job now.
08:37 And I'm also here, like the second I see friends.
08:40 Like Quinta is one of my favorite people to see
08:42 at events like this.
08:43 It's like every time that we see each other,
08:45 it's just, it feels so warm and feels so happy.
08:48 And I'm so excited for her.
08:50 'Cause she just, she's not just an actor.
08:52 She's this creative boss.
08:54 She's, you know, this director and she's this writer.
08:57 And she's this, she's just, she is, she's the boss.
08:59 She's the boss of the show.
09:00 She's a leader.
09:01 I remember last Emmy's, like I saw Caitlin Deaver
09:04 and Caitlin I've known since I was like 11 years old.
09:08 Like literally she was in a music video of mine
09:10 when I was 13 called "Finally a Teen."
09:13 Like, you know, we've known each other for so long.
09:15 And so when I get to see people that I know and I love
09:18 and I'm so proud of them and happy for them
09:20 and it just makes this whole thing so much easier
09:22 and you go like, oh my God, like it's not,
09:26 it's not so scary.
09:27 This is just, it's a bunch of people trying to pose
09:31 for cameras, trying to look cute.
09:32 And like, sometimes it's so funny too.
09:34 Like when you see people, like if you see me go from like,
09:37 (laughs)
09:38 like it's so goofy, like what are we doing?
09:40 You know?
09:41 So it makes it not so scary once like,
09:44 that the nerves go away after that.
09:45 Oh my gosh.
09:48 Okay, this is the look.
09:49 This is the look.
09:50 I mean, we still have got to pin in,
09:51 but you know, this is close to being the look.
09:54 I am obsessed.
09:56 I feel like a little princess right now.
09:57 (laughs)
09:58 Oh my gosh.
09:59 Look at it, look at it.
10:00 And Versace shoes.
10:04 We've got those with my tattoos, of course.
10:07 And still change up on a dress.
10:09 Ray jewels, I mean, with my, with my wedding ring as well.
10:14 I feel so beautiful.
10:17 I'm so grateful for my team.
10:19 They're the best.
10:20 Thank you so, so much Variety for joining me.
10:26 I am off to the Emmys now.
10:28 Bye.
10:28 (upbeat music)
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