• last year


00:01Is you you're in a fucking room with Lana Del Rey what the fuck is wrong with you people make some noise
00:07like that's like
00:09I'm sorry you that jaded that you think that's normal
00:15My side of the story is that I met Lana and then we made a plan to go to EJ's diner on the Upper East
00:20Side which is a very weird thing for anyone to do by the way the reason why I enjoy Hollywood
00:24It's gonna fucking live here all right
00:27That can't offend you people like that's like this is a very strange place
00:30so I come and I see Lana and
00:32She's like literally is
00:35Hollywood to me and then we have
00:36Dinner and we make music and it's funny that she said all those things because she's the only person who I feel comfortable
00:42Putting a ton of pressure on
00:45She's laughing no one else
00:47every because
00:48It's it's so I think the thing about all great artists is that there's no bit
00:53You know maybe this will embarrass you Lana, I don't think it should but she'll call me, and we've never booked a session
00:59I mean, what are you doing? She's like. I'm in my truck. I'm writing poetry
01:03In San Bernardino or something just sort of moving around like I'll come to the studio
01:07She's like no, and I was like maybe you should come we have that idea
01:10That's really good, and then hours later
01:12She'll show up and we'll talk forever, and then it'll be silly and weird
01:16And it's like weird to watch someone who the whole world does an impression of but they're just that person
01:23I'm really honored to know Lana, and I also want to say that I wrote down a few things
01:27When I met her
01:29Are the music you made really changed my life because we make so much music, and it doesn't feel like for anyone
01:37I don't know if you feel this way
01:39But it feels like it's just for us
01:40And then you kind of go back and you say well this one goes here, and then I say
01:43Oh, I really think you should release Jimmy, and you say no you're deranged and got you there asshole. You know nice one
01:51But uh, but you know I the
01:54She's just the greatest friend the greatest artist the complete honor to spend time with her
02:00When we made Norman and chemtrails and tunnel those are moments that are just the greatest in my life
02:05I hope one day people hear the long version of Lana when you do like the Tom Waits voice and talk about a miners cut
02:10Diamond because that's like the core of the weird shit that happens Lana's the greatest. I want to say that
02:18Is a big honor for me the the two people when I think of production our sound wave and George Daniel that
02:25That Daniel's Daniel. What does it matter they give me so much inspiration?
02:30And I love working with and just happy making music at this time with them
02:36My favorite writer in the world is Sam do and I think about when I'm
02:40Like gone or dead the times that him and I were in the studio
02:45Just singing things at each other will be the ones that
02:49anyone knows me knows how much I
02:52Look up to him
02:54Will really just sit with me forever
02:57Charlie you're the greatest. I'm not trying to
03:00make myself part of it at all, but
03:02It's really cool because I think we started around the same time. This is a decade award about a decade ago
03:07We co-headlined a tour we couldn't sell many tickets
03:11None and it's just cool that I'm not trying to jump on Charlie's on her own fucking shit
03:16And but it's cool that we're both still here, and I think that tour would be it would be wonderful now
03:22It couldn't happen. We've we've both gone
03:24We still so many tickets and then the companies that sell the tickets would make it so horrible to get those tickets and to and the
03:33You know well get back to that one second, so I just I want to say in the presence of Charlie that I feel
03:39with no
03:41Ownership just utter pride watching what she's done. I think she has the world at the fingertip hurt fingertips. I can't
03:47Tell you how excited I am to see what she does next because it's just gonna be wonderful. Amy's here I
03:54Love Amy she's like the greatest writer, but one thing I want to say about Amy is Amy's a great writer
03:59But she's also a brilliant artist she came on tour in my band. It was amazing to watch her every night
04:04We all know she's the greatest writer
04:07But I love the music she writes for his health does everyone in the room know Jen can hopeful
04:14Guys it's almost over. It's me then Charlie wake up a little bit
04:18Jen drove to Bakersfield to Bakersfield, California to speak to me when my
04:25The songs I wrote made no money
04:27it meant the world to me I feel like I knew I would know her forever and
04:31She's a person who demands zero praise for what she does everyone in this room knows that Jen is behind the best music year after
04:38Year after year there's so many assholes out there
04:41Jen is truly a good person and is the kind of person that I pray we all work for one day
04:45I really do this doesn't have to be dark and weird Jen loves music
04:49She loves seeing people who make music get fair deals, and I love the company
04:55I'd be fucking published by Jen if she worked out of her basement. I really don't care. She's the greatest there is
05:00The second person is Jamie O'Brien is my manager who in many ways saved my life
05:05Everyone deserves a Jerry Maguire figure you really do because there's a lot of people
05:10that really love this and then there's people that like to wield power and
05:14Money and the idea of wielding power is really like sexy to people over like
05:19Artists, it's it's it's a thing that happens, but Jamie carries gear like he feels like
05:26So thrilled to be here, and he's also so powerful in his work, and it just means the world to me and I
05:34Cherish that relationship
05:36Okay, sorry. I'm moving quick Laura and Ollie Laura sis. I met when we made if you know her make some noise
05:47One of the great mixers of our time she mixed Norman she makes chemtrails she makes tunnel
05:54She's the best
05:57I met Laura. We were making the first bleachers album. She's the only engineer. I've ever worked with she's only I
06:02Engineer ever will work with she's brilliant. I'm honored to be in the room with her every day
06:08we went to make the 75 record in London and there was a boy engineer there named Ollie and
06:14He was amazing too, and then he came and joined us now. We have this perfect triangle, and they have a romantic partnership also
06:23Really cool, it's sweet. I go home. They go home together. I think they're like the only two people who talk about like
06:30You say no
06:32Okay, I'll stop there
06:34I wrote a bunch of notes. I'd like to announce. I'm suing Universal. I'm
06:39That's a pretty good joke you fuckers
06:42What happened to you people you can leave this is the easiest event to leave
06:47Okay, what are my other notes, what'd you say oh?
06:51Well it's a bit long and there should have been food the plates
07:00Okay, I want to say that
07:04This really means the world to me and
07:09I'll leave you with these words
07:12Sorry, I just it's easier to just you know okay
07:14There's two kinds of work the kinds two kinds of love two kinds of relationships. We've all
07:20Experienced the different kinds of both working personal things that take from you and the things that give to you
07:26When I think about the music I made that led to this they're all relationships that have given me so much power
07:33so much love
07:37Allowed me to find myself allowed me to understand the harsh realities of my own limitations
07:46Allowed me to even have a partner and have a marriage, which I never thought I would have and
07:52What it makes me realize whether it's Lana
07:55Who's here or anyone I get to work with or people? I don't they're just my favorite artists this mythology of being a
08:02absolute damaged piece of shit isn't real and I think we all make our best work when we're being decent and
08:09Good to each other and to ourselves
08:13Really appreciate this and I wrote a lot of stuff about ticketing, but you've heard me say it
08:18I just hope we can have a really good. I hope we can have some fun
08:21You know it's all burned to the ground in a good way nothing matters, right?
08:25Like half you fuckers probably care more about pop crave than pitchfork nothing matters like why not just have fun
08:32We've all we get it. You know like
08:34Everyone I meet is like everyone hates me
08:36And I'm like no one I've never heard that like everyone feels so hated and no one hates you you just are fed all the shit
08:41That people hate about you and most of them are nine
08:45Or literally bots, and it's like at some point. I think we have to get together and be like it's so cooked nothing matters
08:53Nothing matters besides making great music, so I think it's a wonderful time
08:56I'm honored to be in this room, and I really really think that
09:00Lana Del Rey is
09:03God's gift
