Hamilton weaner sale Jan 8, 2024 | Stock & Land

  • 8 months ago
Bernie Grant, LMB, speaks with Stock & Land's Bryce Eishold at the first Hamilton weaner sale for 2024.
00:00 [Music plays]
00:12 Are you partnered with an RMA Network Independent Livestock and Property Agent?
00:17 [Music plays]
00:20 LMB Livestock and Land Auctioneer Bernie Grant is with me following the Hamilton Angus Deer Sale
00:26 where 3,800 cattle were yarded. Bernie, how did the sale go?
00:29 Yeah, no, sale very, very solid today. Probably a little bit above expectations.
00:35 As you said, took over 3,800 cattle yarded. Very good yarding.
00:39 The total yarding was one kilo heavier than last year, so an average 3.45 a kilo over the whole yarding.
00:46 Surprising thing to see was the demand for heavy steers.
00:49 You know, we saw brass finishers and bullock fasteners competing against the feedlots,
00:55 pushing those 380 to 500 odd kilo steers out to $3.56 I think was the top on them.
01:01 But the majority of those steers with a bit of weight were a solid 3.25 up to that 3.56.
01:07 But probably the majority of them were 3.25 to 3.30, nearly 3.40.
01:11 So that was probably a surprising thing on the day, just seeing the activity on those heavy cattle.
01:17 Once we stepped down into those 300 to 360 or 50 or 60 kilo steers, still very solid competition
01:25 from both feedlotters and people wanting to put them back out on grass.
01:29 Really didn't make any more sense per kilo than what the heavy steers made.
01:33 So we saw them make up to in the 350s, but the majority of those steers were still in the 320 to high 330s, up to 340.
01:40 So very consistent there.
01:42 Not a lot of cattle under 300 kilo, and the surprising thing was, there was no premium on them.
