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00:00 Remasters are all the buzz as of late.
00:13 Nothing like doing menial work to get the consumer's hard-earned cash.
00:17 Welcome to Mojo Plays, and today we're looking at the 10 most pointless video game remasters.
00:22 For this list, we'll be looking at games that did the bare minimum to get the remastered
00:26 subtitles and suckers like you and me to purchase the same game twice.
00:37 Before we continue, we publish content all week long.
00:40 Be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to be notified about our latest video.
00:49 Batman Return to Arkham It's hard to remaster games that already
00:58 feel modern with decent visuals and excellent gameplay.
01:02 But WB found a way to do just that with the remasters of both Batman Arkham Asylum and
01:08 Arkham City.
01:10 Return to Arkham does what a lot of remasters do, simply give the game a shiny coat of paint
01:15 with better visuals and framerates.
01:18 All these visual upgrades actually bring it up to the standard of Arkham Knight, with
01:22 small changes like the Joker's hair being a tad dark to match his look in Origins and
01:27 Knight.
01:28 All the character suits and outfits are much more detailed, down to the fibers on Batman's
01:32 suit and the baddies having rips and blood on their clothes.
01:36 Did we really need this remaster though?
01:38 While it's nice to have the improved visuals, nothing else really changed.
01:42 But at least we can play these games on modern hardware.
01:45 Now, give us a remaster of Arkham Origins.
01:55 The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim, Anniversary Edition
02:08 The game that seems to be ported to everything.
02:11 The Anniversary Edition was supposed to be the ultimate version, but when this remaster
02:15 came to modern hardware with the Xbox Series and PS5 release, it left some fans wanting
02:21 more.
02:22 On the surface, Anniversary Edition looked to be packed full of content, and it was,
02:27 just not much new content.
02:29 Included were Skyrim's three original pieces of DLC with Dawnguard, Hearthfire, and Dragonborn.
02:36 Dragonclub came back, and all 48 items came along with the addition of 26 new items.
02:42 Anniversary Edition felt like the 50th port of Skyrim we received, and it felt like a
02:47 cash grab.
02:48 But we love spending time in Skyrim, so we gladly purchased it and spent another 300
02:54 hours building a new character.
03:03 Assassin's Creed, The Ezio Collection
03:11 Let's take possibly the best three Assassin's Creed games and give them a facelift and take
03:16 a few things away in the process.
03:19 The Ezio Collection gave us Assassin's Creed II, Brotherhood, and Revelations, significantly
03:24 better visuals and a smoother running game.
03:27 This collection gave us all the DLC for each.
03:30 However, some are still locked behind the very annoying Ubisoft Club, along with some
03:34 rewards like the Bloodlines weapons and a few capes.
03:38 So if they're giving us all the great DLC, what are they taking from us?
03:42 Well, the Ezio Collection doesn't have the amazing multiplayer from Brotherhood and Revelations.
03:47 The Ezio Collection was just another way to release another Assassin's Creed game and
03:51 continue the tradition of annual releases with minimal effort.
04:03 Grand Theft Auto V
04:11 It's rather crazy to think that GTA V is 10 years old and has been on three generations
04:16 of consoles, and it's still the same game we received in 2013.
04:20 The first port of GTA V came in 2014, just one year after the initial launch, and while
04:26 giving us better visuals and some minor changes, the biggest change came with the addition
04:30 of the first-person mode.
04:32 While the PS4 and Xbox One versions were good enough for most gamers, that didn't stop
04:36 Rockstar from wanting more money from the fanbase.
04:39 In 2022, we saw the game come to yet another generation of consoles, with the PS5 and Xbox
04:45 Series, and, to no one's surprise, not much was changed.
04:49 Sure, we got three graphical options, which included 4K and 60 frames and better textures
04:54 and draw distance, but the biggest change had to come with the improved controls and
04:59 a snappier switching between characters, making it feel seamless.
05:03 Small features that in hindsight seem pointless due to most people playing GTA Online more
05:07 than the main game.
05:15 Bioshock - The Collection Yet another game that gives us a better game
05:25 overall and takes some features and modes away.
05:28 For Xbox gamers, this collection is pointless, more so than on PlayStation or Switch as all
05:33 three games in this collection are playable via backwards compatibility.
05:37 The original game had a unique enough art style that didn't feel dated and didn't
05:41 need an upgrade.
05:42 However, if you were to get this pointless collection of remasters, you would get all
05:47 the DLC from all three games to go along with shiny new graphics.
05:51 There were some weird choices of things to be cut, most of which came from Bioshock 2.
05:56 Just like most remasters, the multiplayer was cut, but I don't think anyone was really
06:00 complaining about that.
06:02 A few songs were changed out, most likely due to licensing.
06:05 The biggest feature taken out, however, is an accessibility feature.
06:09 The colorblind mode for the hacking was removed.
06:12 I think I'll skip this remaster and just play the 2007 version in all its glory.
06:24 Far Cry Classic While not as pointless as the linear port
06:31 we got in Far Cry Instincts, Classic attempts to bring the first game up to par with the
06:36 smash hit Far Cry 3.
06:44 Far Cry Classic was given better visuals, which the game desperately needed, as well
06:49 as more modern gameplay changes.
06:51 The addition of aiming down sight with iron sight weapons and new sprinting animations
06:55 made the game feel fresh.
06:57 Some of the areas were altered too with well placed walls to add cover.
07:01 All in all, this sounds like it was a great remaster, but there's one thing that made
07:05 this remaster feel pointless.
07:08 Did anyone want this?
07:09 Far Cry Classic was released when the third game was gaining a fanbase, and the way each
07:14 game felt was drastically different, even with the new additions.
07:26 God of War III Remastered Nothing is better than smashing Zeus' face
07:36 in in stunning 1080p, now is there?
07:40 God of War III Remastered suffered the graphical jump from the PS3 to the PS4 not being quite
07:45 as noticeable as the jump to the PS2 to the PS3.
07:50 The remastered version did give us some great detail in the character models and the world,
07:54 but that isn't enough for most players to embark on Kratos' last true hack and slash
07:58 adventure.
07:59 Other than your typical additions to remasters like all the DLC being included, the only
08:04 other addition is a photo mode, so we can have a Vogue Kratos with some good filters
08:09 and angles.
08:16 The Last of Us Remastered How are there only two games in the series
08:24 and five releases?
08:26 The Last of Us may be one of the kings of pointless remasters, and yet we still buy
08:31 every one of them.
08:33 The madness of the remaster blitz started less than one year after the original release
08:38 with The Last of Us Remastered, which brought the PS3 game to the PS4 with slightly enhanced
08:43 visuals and the Left Behind DLC.
08:45 The Last of Us Remastered wouldn't be the last time we see the first game get a remaster.
08:50 However, The Last of Us Part 1 wasn't pointless, as it gave the game a huge facelift with the
08:55 jump to the PS5, along with using the DualSense in interesting ways.
09:00 Even if they took away the fantastic multiplayer mode and factions.
09:03 It'll be interesting to see how the remaster of The Last of Us Part 2 will hold up.
09:07 At least they're giving us what looks to be a fun roguelike mode.
09:18 Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Campaign Remastered
09:28 When you think of Call of Duty, you probably think of the multiplayer and not so much the
09:31 single player campaigns.
09:34 Well prepare yourself for one of the most pointless remasters known to man with Call
09:38 of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Remastered.
09:40 For some reason, Activision thought players only wanted a remaster of the campaign.
09:45 It's fun and all, but let's be honest, we want to play Rust on our PS4 and Xbox Ones.
09:50 At least purchasing this gave us the classic Ghost Bundle and other goodies for Warzone.
09:56 There's one plus.
10:01 Dark Souls Remastered
10:10 Most gamers fell in love with the Dark Souls series with Dark Souls 3.
10:14 So many gamers wanted to go back and play the previous games in the series.
10:18 Luckily, FromSoft gave fans a remaster.
10:21 However, it ended up feeling just a tad pointless and a travesty for PC players.
10:26 For starters, the release of Dark Souls Remastered essentially locked the original game to the
10:31 PS3 and 360, as the PS3 version was replaced with the remaster.
10:36 As most players were jumping into the game after playing Dark Souls 3, you would think
10:40 the controls would have been upgraded to feel more like the third, but they weren't.
10:44 Other than some visual upgrades, the remaster is a carbon copy of the original game.
10:56 There are plenty of pointless remasters that didn't make the list.
11:00 I'm looking at you, Wonderful101.
11:02 Let us know in the comments which remaster you think is pointless.
11:06 We publish content all week long, be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified
11:10 about our latest video.
11:12 (upbeat music)
11:14 (upbeat music)