• 2 months ago


00:00I've been watching them all night
00:04And then you guys show up welcome to mojo plays and today
00:07We're looking at the heroes and villains on our wish list for Marvel rivals
00:12We'll also be going over which class we think they'd best be suited for and we tried to keep our list balanced across the three
00:19Also, we aren't including any leaked characters on our list. So you won't see the likes of Captain Marvel or Deadpool
00:30Quite unfortunate
00:37But before we dive into it we publish new content all week long
00:41So be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos
00:46ghost rider
00:49Even the fire of hell itself can contain me
00:55Boasting one of the coolest designs of any Marvel character ghost rider is a fan favorite
01:00Antihero in the company's roster that design would really pop in the Marvel rivals art style more importantly his hellfire
01:09Abilities are almost begging to be translated into a duelist kit
01:18They play for a profession
01:23His fire based attacks could be used for a variety of ranges as could his signature
01:28Enflamed chain, which could also be used to pull players closer
01:32And if you're wondering what his alt would be we can already envision him bursting through opponents on his iconic motorcycle
01:39Leaving a trail of flames behind him man. We just want to strike fear in the hearts of enemy teams
02:01Enhanced by an ancient deity with extreme strength and durability
02:05The juggernaut is a shoo-in for the Vanguard class
02:08The primary goal of a Vanguard is to control the space forcing opponents back and weakening their defenses
02:15And honestly, there are few Marvel characters that feel like they take up as much space as juggernaut
02:27We could see him being adept at holding the line
02:31Additionally given the many destructible environments in the game's maps
02:35It would be ridiculously fun to go charging through them a passive ability to deal extra damage to structures would be a nice bonus
02:43Plus it would just be great to see some more villains on the lineup
02:47Sticks and stones will break my bones, but tanks will never hurt me
02:53Now get out of my way vision
03:01One of the few big Avengers not already on the roster
03:05We're sure there are a lot of people who want to see vision added to the game. Well, he's known as an excellent fighter
03:12We think his range of abilities
03:14Calculating mine and personality would make him better suited for the strategist class over duelist
03:25He can change his density which could translate to extra health so he can stick around longer to aid his team
03:31The gym in his head can produce blasts
03:34But the developers could easily make those helpful to teammates and harmful to enemies
03:39We can see him being a better secondary healer than a primary one like Adam warlock or rocket either way
03:46We just want him
04:03Southern bell of the x-men rogues abilities would make for an interesting kit
04:08Sure, she can fly and has super strength the given
04:11She sapped those powers from Captain Marvel, but it's the nature of her mutant power that intrigues us
04:17Most having a character who could copy an ability from someone on the enemy team could bring a lot of strategic elements
04:23Think of it like Kirby's copy ability and super smash brothers just in a team focused hero shooter
04:29We're using it could turn the tide of a fight
04:39Regardless her being known for brawling and her mutant ability being activated through touch means she would probably be put in the duelist class
04:47But since she's so beefy and is one of the x-men's tanks
04:52Vanguard wouldn't be out of the question
05:02Ant-man and wasp
05:07Thankfully, I've got a little solution
05:12Two of the other big Avengers missing from the roster are ant-man and wasp and since they're usually paired together
05:19Anyway, we figured we'd do the same
05:22Admittedly their size changing abilities may be difficult to put into a team-based hero shooter
05:27But if regulated and scaled back they'd make for unique additions
05:47One might think the ability to grow large would put them in the Vanguard
05:51but since they're better known for shrinking that might be better suited for the strategist role and
05:56Used to get away from all the iron fist and spider-man players that constantly dive the healers
06:02Their projectiles that change the size of objects could easily be adapted to harm enemies and buff allies
06:09Maybe ant-man gets those while wasp gets her wrist blasters and the ability to fly
06:14While we already have dual strategists in cloak and dagger these founding members of the super team deserve to be included
06:32Miss Marvel
06:44We know what you're thinking why put miss Marvel in the game when we already have mr.
06:49Fantastic both are very stretchy
06:51But while he's a duelist we think Kamala Khan would make an excellent Vanguard
06:57Her kit could be better suited to increasing in size controlling space and forcing the opposing team back
07:04when she fights she usually grows in height to gain the upper hand and
07:09Increases the size of those hands to boulders knocking her enemies back and forth with ease
07:23We could see her old being similar to Jeff's flattening and stretching into a giant tarp
07:29Swallowing enemies into her mass and dealing damage for a short period
07:33She also has a minor healing factor which could translate to her having a big health bar or ability to buff herself
07:40Plus she has close relationships with spider-man and squirrel girl, and we know that would make for some fun interactions
08:05You're welcome to follow me
08:08There's no denying the man without fear would make for a strong
08:13Hand-to-hand duelist that could even rival the annoyance of Iron Fist
08:18However, there are other reasons that earn him this spot
08:21One is that he's just incredibly cool having grown more popular over the years. Thanks to Charlie Cox's live-action portrayal
08:40There are his superhuman senses which we think could translate to a move set unlike anyone else's
08:46We'd imagine he'd be able to sense opponents behind walls
08:49But we could also see the devs giving him an ability to read opponents from far away
08:55checking health or alt charges to report to his team this type of move set along with his weapon of choice a
09:02Baton that splits into two parts connected by wire that he can swing from would make him an excellent diver
09:16Silver Surfer
09:18Silver Surfer
09:26Silver Surfer has such a wide array of abilities
09:29He could almost fit into any class but where we think he'd fit best is as a strategist
09:36He already has the power to heal himself and other people or creatures
09:40He can also absorb and manipulate energy using it to different effects
09:45One being the creation of force fields which would naturally serve the support role well
09:56What would be really cool to see is how NetEase could adapt how he uses his board
10:02He could fly around aiding his teammates
10:05But it's also psychically linked to him with him able to attack and even trap others within it
10:11We're also sure his inclusion would come with an interesting background since he's usually the herald of Galacta's father
10:28Doc Ock
10:30Fighting the wrong man
10:36We know a lot of players have Green Goblin on their wish list
10:40But we're going with a different Spidey villain Doc Ock is also one of the more well-known
10:45Spider-Man rogues and one we feel would make for a great Vanguard with his four ultra powerful
10:52Extendable metal arms you can bet he'd be fantastic for clearing an area
10:58Especially since he could theoretically attack multiple enemies at once
11:10Plus depending on the range of these arms Doc Ock could yank an annoying duelist trying to keep their distance into a team fight
11:18No more of Moon Knight camping on a ledge
11:21Spamming onks and moon ring combos or of Iron Man raining down damage from the safety of the sky while everyone is distracted
11:39Since there are so many characters across the Marvel roster
11:43Let's give each class an honorable mention before we get to our final pick
11:48Cyclops his optic blast would make for another great ranged duelist
11:54Take his visor before he starts up again. No don't I surrender
12:03Cosmo this psychic pup could rifle Jeff for cutest strategist hero
12:20She's a good dog
12:25Thanos the biggest bad of the MCU would fit comfortably in Vanguard
12:42And now for our final character Nightcrawler
12:54All the characters that could be added as a Marvel Rivals duelist
12:59Nightcrawler walks the finest line of being incredibly fun to play as and
13:03Incredibly annoying to face there is so much potential here
13:08He's a gifted fencer able to deftly poke holes into any enemy
13:12He faces his prehensile tail adds to his already
13:16Acrobatic movement and speed and he'd probably be another character to run up walls
13:32Of course, it's his teleportation that makes us want him most
13:36Imagine being able to pop up behind anyone on the opposing team run them through with a sword and make a quick escape before you
13:44Can suffer any consequences?
13:46Plus Nightcrawler's design is one of the coolest in comics
13:50And since net ease has so far been wonderful at adapting the comic style. We have no doubt
13:57Nightcrawler would look spectacular
14:10Those are just our picks and Marvel has an excessive catalogue of heroes and villains
14:16Who's the character you want added to Marvel Rivals the most share your thoughts in the comments?
14:22Your kind were the good guys
14:24You killed those sugar now you get me
14:30Thanks for watching. If you enjoyed the video, there's more where that came from
