The program has gained a strong following due to its light-hearted and entertaining style, offering viewers a break from the more serious news segments. It airs on weekends and is popular for its sharp satire and fun-filled atmosphere. "Hoshyarian" is loved for providing comedy while subtly reflecting on important social issues.
00:00 ♪ Hoshiyaariya Hoshiyaariya ♪
00:02 Assalamualaikum viewers, I am Haroon Rafiq and you are watching Hoshiyaariya.
00:06 Friends, it is said that if all things in life are going according to your will,
00:11 then it is a very good thing.
00:12 But if things are not going according to your will in life,
00:16 then it is even better.
00:18 Yes, it is much better if things are not going according to your will
00:22 because it means that they are going according to God's will.
00:26 When a new person learns driving,
00:28 it happens that when a car comes in the mountains, the teacher, driver or parents say,
00:34 "Give me the car from here, you have just learned it, it is a dangerous road,
00:38 so now I will drive the car or I will drive it."
00:41 Just like that, many times in your life,
00:44 when you feel that things are coming out of your hands,
00:47 and we saw that people complain that it is very difficult,
00:50 nothing is coming out of my hands,
00:52 the conditions are coming out of my hands like sand,
00:54 then know that God is taking those conditions in His hands.
00:59 And at that time, that person is in the driving seat
01:01 and when he feels that now he should give this driving,
01:05 then things will come under your control.
01:07 So if the conditions are not going according to your will,
01:08 then they are going according to his will.
01:10 And agree to it and be grateful for it.
01:12 Come, let's start today's show with this message.
01:15 Today, we will take you to the jungle and see beautiful animals, birds,
01:19 and all those things.
01:23 What is this? - There is no beautiful animal in this.
01:25 Animals are very nice, they have held weapons.
01:28 How did you all come here?
01:31 We came like this, we took you to the jungle.
01:33 You don't know, this is our den.
01:37 We don't know. - I am telling you.
01:40 And who are you?
01:42 Your name will be heard, Dacoit Rani.
01:45 Okay, you are a dacoit? - Yes.
01:47 Sir, I know what you are going to say.
01:50 No one becomes a dacoit with his will.
01:52 Ask him.
01:53 What is your name? - Jagawar.
02:00 Jagawar, what a nice name.
02:01 But, when a child cries for his mother..
02:05 What was the Gujarati dialogue?
02:07 'When a child cries for his mother..' - 'When a child cries for his mother..'
02:08 'When a child cries for his mother..'
02:11 'When a child cries for his mother, his mother says, "Go to sleep."
02:17 "Uncle Jagawar will come."
02:19 Who is the leader in your gang?
02:22 My son, Jagawar.
02:24 Is he your son?
02:25 He is like my uncle.
02:27 I am the deputy leader of this gang.
02:30 I am General Factory 6.
02:32 General Factory 6.
02:34 Is there anyone else in this gang?
02:36 You haven't seen the most dangerous man.
02:39 Who is he? - He is..
02:41 He is really dangerous.
02:47 Let it be.
02:48 They haven't seen your guard, Naveed.
02:52 I thought he was a little dangerous.
02:55 Naveed, who is he? A guard?
02:57 Yes. - He is a big brother.
02:58 Then he is a dangerous man.
03:02 What is your specialty, sir?
03:04 Punjab, Punjab, Pindadak. - What?
03:06 Punjab, Punjab, Pindadak.
03:09 Pindadak, what?
03:12 Yes. - I am a bad man.
03:14 I am a killer.
03:18 I am a robber.
03:20 What?
03:21 A bad man is impossible.
03:25 Wait a minute, Mr. Bad Naag.
03:28 I think you neither rob nor do you do anything.
03:32 Did anyone give you mercury?
03:36 I was in need.
03:38 What happened to his voice?
03:41 Sir, Badar. - Yes.
03:43 He is competing with 600 people.
03:46 He was shot in a police competition.
03:49 With what? - With water.
03:51 Okay.
03:53 You look educated.
03:55 You are strong.
03:57 Why don't you do any work?
03:59 Sir, Badar. - Yes.
04:01 I have a lot of respect for my work.
04:03 How? - People are scared.
04:05 They salute me.
04:07 I have studied.
04:08 They don't salute you.
04:11 They are big robbers.
04:12 You haven't heard my story.
04:16 You are a big robber? - Yes.
04:18 Have you ever fought in an election?
04:19 Don't scare me. I am not scared of your guns.
04:24 You have never been in politics.
04:26 But I have robbed a lot.
04:29 You have robbed 10-12 crores.
04:31 What else? - You are a robber.
04:33 God bless you.
04:35 They robbed 10-12 crores.
04:37 What was the biggest robbery you have committed?
04:41 It was Rs. 27,000.
04:42 You are not a robber.
04:46 Have you ever got a contract for a road or government work?
04:49 No. - You are a robber.
04:51 He has only got a contract for instruments.
04:53 Okay.
04:55 People are scared of me.
04:56 Have you ever broken tiles and put them back?
05:00 No. - No.
05:02 What kind of a robber are you?
05:03 I don't know where he has done the chorus.
05:05 We don't know.
05:06 Have you ever sold railway goods?
05:12 No. - No.
05:14 What kind of a robber are you?
05:15 They are making fun of me.
05:17 Have you ever done the work I have done?
05:20 No. - You are not a robber.
05:22 How can we build roads?
05:25 You are rich people.
05:26 No. - No.
05:27 Do you have electricity?
05:28 No. - No.
05:29 Do you have gas?
05:30 No.
05:31 Do you have any facility?
05:33 No.
05:34 Are there roads? - No.
05:35 Is there a park? - No.
05:37 You are a common Pakistani.
05:38 What?
05:40 We have spent so much money.
05:44 I have spent all my youth on robbery.
05:48 Yes.
05:50 Sir, listen.
05:51 Whatever I have done till now
05:56 with the help of my stick
05:58 I have not let anyone do it.
06:02 I have not let anyone do it.
06:05 You are a crook of Pai-Pai.
06:07 You are a crook of IMF.
06:08 You are a crook of other countries.
06:10 Brother.
06:13 He has become a crook.
06:14 The biggest crook is the one who spreads his hands.
06:18 Yes.
06:19 I feel like a parrot is talking.
06:22 Do you know?
06:24 The one who is a crook. - Yes.
06:26 He has told me many times. - What?
06:28 That you should not speak. - Why?
06:29 Because if they take a gun from me
06:32 I will have to cut off his teeth.
06:34 Do you have money to buy medicines
06:39 for your illness?
06:40 No.
06:42 I have got a ticket for Rs. 600.
06:44 You are a common Pakistani.
06:47 You are not a crook.
06:48 There is no free dispenser.
06:51 Note one more thing.
06:52 You have got the license for all these weapons.
06:56 Yes.
06:57 You have the permit to carry them.
07:00 Yes.
07:01 We do not do that.
07:02 You must have the license for cars.
07:04 Yes.
07:05 You must have the documents.
07:06 Yes.
07:07 You are a common Pakistani.
07:08 Do you pay taxes?
07:11 Yes.
07:13 Who is inside the car
07:14 when you have not got the license?
07:16 Two men.
07:17 Don't move.
07:20 Mr. Haroon, this should be on the law.
07:24 No.
07:26 Don't tell me. - Yes.
07:29 Which robbers are you talking about?
07:32 Yes.
07:32 Which jungle?
07:34 The jungle of humans.
07:36 You mean, your jungle.
07:38 No.
07:38 I mean, the jungle of mountains.
07:42 Do they get electricity there?
07:44 What?
07:45 They get everything.
07:46 In the mountains?
07:47 Yes.
07:48 They get it wherever they go.
07:50 Tell me.
07:51 What do they do for six months?
07:52 They go on different planes and helicopters.
07:55 Robbers?
07:56 Yes.
07:56 Which one do you go on?
07:57 We go on wagons.
07:58 He is lying.
08:00 He does not have money.
08:01 He has a cheque.
08:02 How did a young man like you become a robber?
08:06 I did not want to become a robber.
08:08 Then why did you not become one?
08:09 I was forced.
08:10 What was the reason?
08:11 I loved a girl.
08:14 Oh.
08:14 So, you were forced to become a robber.
08:16 No, sir.
08:17 The girl I loved..
08:20 I do not love her.
08:21 Believe me. I have done a lot for you.
08:24 Today is her wedding.
08:27 Oh.
08:28 I have to take her from here.
08:30 Okay.
08:31 So, you have come here to stop the wedding procession.
08:34 The wedding procession will stop.
08:36 And the bullet will be fired.
08:37 If you love her truly, do not do this.
08:41 I am a toxic lover. Okay? I will do that.
08:43 Mr. Arun, there are bloodshed here.
08:48 I will make my aunt proud.
08:52 There is bloodshed here.
08:54 I have been raised by a big dacoit.
08:58 And he is also lonely like me.
09:00 Why?
09:00 He did not get married because of me.
09:02 Why did you not get married?
09:03 I have a long story.
09:06 Let it be.
09:07 Tell me..
09:09 It is important to tell you.
09:10 Okay. Tell me.
09:11 I do not like a man who does not listen to me.
09:15 If I wanted to, I would have made my aunt
09:19 fall at my feet.
09:22 What kind of a man do you like?
09:23 A man who is a man of his word.
09:26 Okay. And?
09:27 A man who speaks the truth.
09:29 Okay.
09:29 A man who makes a commitment once
09:32 and does not back down.
09:33 Is he educated?
09:34 He is a man of his word.
09:36 And he is a man of his word.
09:38 He is a man of his word.
09:39 He has a moustache.
09:41 He has a heart.
09:42 Okay, sit down.
09:43 Sir, greetings.
09:49 I think I have a moustache too.
09:54 Is there anyone in the gang who can do this?
09:58 Mother, I want to live in Bakhra.
10:02 Mr. Danish is a good man.
10:04 If he can do this, he will not have to rob anyone.
10:07 He will take care of everyone.
10:08 Now, I have a question.
10:10 Have you ever gone out for treatment?
10:11 No.
10:13 Do you have big helicopters?
10:15 No.
10:16 You are a common Pakistani. Come here.
10:18 I can hear the drums.
10:23 Yes.
10:24 It is time for the wedding.
10:25 Take him away.
10:26 I will get him myself.
10:27 Hide.
10:28 (Humming)
10:38 It is time for the wedding.
10:41 Who is going to get the groom?
10:43 I will.
10:44 He is wearing a turban.
10:47 Come here.
10:48 (Humming)
10:50 Hey!
10:52 (Laughing)
10:54 Come on, everyone.
10:57 (Humming)
10:59 Don't come down.
11:00 Come on.
11:01 (Humming)
11:03 Oh, no!
11:07 I will have to go to the toilet.
11:09 (Laughing)
11:11 Hey, fools!
11:13 Do you know what mistake you have made?
11:16 Take this.
11:20 (Laughing)
11:21 When will you grow up, dacoit?
11:23 I told you that I will get you a ticket to the party.
11:25 (Laughing)
11:26 You are going to the wedding of your teacher.
11:30 (Laughing)
11:31 I told you that I will get you a ticket.
11:33 Look at him.
11:36 Yes.
11:37 Two idiots have made him crazy.
11:40 Tease him.
11:41 I have never seen such a rich priest in my life.
11:44 (Laughing)
11:48 What happened?
11:50 Move ahead.
11:51 What do you mean?
11:52 Move ahead.
11:53 Yes.
11:53 Come here.
11:54 Move ahead.
11:55 We have just moved ahead.
11:56 You will hit me and move ahead.
11:59 Come on, move ahead.
12:01 Why didn't you hit me?
12:06 You said that you will hit me and move ahead.
12:07 Move ahead.
12:08 (Laughing)
12:10 Catch him.
12:12 Come on, move ahead.
12:13 (Laughing)
12:15 Did you catch him?
12:16 Yes.
12:16 He hit me.
12:18 He is in a hurry.
12:19 (Laughing)
12:20 Sir, you have given your order.
12:23 You have given your order.
12:24 Let us go.
12:25 We are already late.
12:26 We are sitting here.
12:27 We can't see the priest.
12:29 (Laughing)
12:31 Uncle, the wedding procession can't reach here today.
12:34 Why? Is there a road ahead?
12:35 (Laughing)
12:37 This is our stubbornness.
12:39 The people you are going to marry
12:41 are loved by everyone.
12:43 I love them.
12:45 I will definitely go there.
12:46 You will definitely go.
12:48 I have promised.
12:50 I am a man of my word.
12:52 (Laughing)
12:54 (Hissing)
12:56 What happened?
12:57 A bird is talking.
12:59 (Laughing)
13:00 It is not a bird. It is after you.
13:03 (Laughing)
13:05 Get ready to die for your son.
13:09 I am a man of my word.
13:11 I am a man of my word.
13:13 I will definitely go there.
13:15 Okay, uncle. We will hit you.
13:17 Why are you hitting me?
13:21 (Laughing)
13:23 We were going to the wedding procession.
13:26 We got hit in the procession.
13:28 (Laughing)
13:29 Uncle. - Oh!
13:31 Take your son and go home.
13:34 I won't.
13:36 The next day's food will be cold.
13:37 (Laughing)
13:38 Uncle, listen to me.
13:39 How will two people go and eat?
13:42 The whole procession has gone to the streets.
13:44 My car broke down.
13:46 That's why I came here.
13:47 Okay.
13:47 Uncle, you are underestimating us.
13:50 We are very brave.
13:53 We are ordinary Pakistanis.
13:54 (Laughing)
13:56 Pakistanis don't block the way of Pakistanis.
13:59 I suggest you to go.
14:01 Give him a big wedding procession.
14:02 (Laughing)
14:04 Uncle has said something very educated.
14:07 He has said a very good thing.
14:10 Make your life. What are you doing?
14:12 Give them a happy life.
14:13 I don't think that I can tolerate
14:15 that the one I love,
14:17 has been trapped by this bird.
14:19 (Laughing)
14:20 I don't think that I can tolerate
14:22 that the one I love,
14:24 has been trapped by this bird.
14:25 Uncle, I will kill you.
14:28 You can't kill me once.
14:30 You can kill me a thousand times.
14:31 Leave me.
14:32 Uncle. - Uncle.
14:33 Leave me.
14:34 Forgive me.
14:35 Uncle. - I am very late.
14:37 If you kill one son,
14:38 you will have more sons.
14:39 (Laughing)
14:40 Uncle. - Uncle.
14:42 You will be shot.
14:43 Everyone will be trapped.
14:44 (Laughing)
14:45 You can join hands and walk.
14:46 (Laughing)
14:48 Uncle, you will get 300 rupees.
14:49 You will get 7 years.
14:51 I will eat food in jail.
14:53 But I will not eat in my house.
14:54 I have cooked chicken.
14:57 (Laughing)
15:00 Uncle, you are our elder.
15:02 Talk to him.
15:03 You are our elder. - Take this.
15:05 Son, you are going to die.
15:07 Not once, but a thousand times.
15:09 Leave me.
15:09 (Laughing)
15:11 Uncle.
15:11 Uncle, come.
15:13 Chief, let me go.
15:15 I will kill you.
15:16 (Laughing)
15:17 Uncle, for God's sake.
15:19 I will die if I take 300 rupees.
15:22 Please let me go.
15:23 You are not a dacoit.
15:24 (Laughing)
15:25 But.. - You will not get 300 rupees.
15:27 Don't you have a guard shard?
15:31 No.
15:31 No big cars? - No.
15:33 You never fought elections?
15:35 No.
15:36 I will vote for you.
15:37 (Laughing)
15:39 I am going to marry a son.
15:41 Please let me go.
15:42 Uncle. - Let me go.
15:43 Uncle, your son looks like
15:45 he is only interested in you.
15:47 Uncle.
15:48 Don't do this.
15:49 I will kill you.
15:50 I was just saying.
15:51 (Laughing)
15:52 What do you want to say?
15:54 Get back.
15:55 You are not going anywhere.
15:56 (Laughing)
15:57 Uncle, we are responsible citizens.
15:59 We cannot kill anyone.
16:01 At least, you can burn his blood.
16:04 Burn?
16:06 (Laughing)
16:08 I am still alive.
16:10 (Laughing)
16:11 Why don't you burn me?
16:13 Uncle, someone is reacting.
16:14 Someone is stopping.
16:15 I am a man of my words.
16:17 Enough.
16:19 I have found my prince today.
16:23 What?
16:24 Why did you put your feet on my feet?
16:28 (Laughing)
16:31 It doesn't look good.
16:32 Dacoit, get up.
16:35 Hey.
16:36 Uncle, my aunt likes you.
16:40 From today, you are not uncle.
16:41 You are uncle.
16:43 I am a man of my words.
16:45 I have spoken my mind.
16:47 What do you want?
16:48 (Laughing)
16:51 What did you say?
16:53 Are you mad?
16:54 Let's go.
16:55 We will be late.
16:56 We will get late.
16:57 If you are late, you can do your work.
17:00 If I say no, your mother will..
17:03 (Laughing)
17:07 It's been so long.
17:08 You are being so shy.
17:10 My house is four walls.
17:14 I can't give you two meals a day.
17:16 But I can give you respect.
17:17 I wanted to tell him all this.
17:20 (Laughing)
17:21 Whatever it is, don't get so used to it.
17:24 (Gasps)
17:25 That's it.
17:25 Yes.
17:26 We will do it somewhere else.
17:28 You had promised.
17:29 I have made promises.
17:33 You are so rude.
17:35 Hit him.
17:37 (Laughing)
17:41 We will take a short break.
17:42 We will meet after the break.
17:44 As you wish.
17:46 What is this?
17:47 (Laughing)
17:48 I didn't say anything.
17:49 It's done.
17:50 (Laughing)
17:51 It's done.
17:52 I want to..
17:54 (Foreign language)
17:55 Okay.
17:57 (Music)
18:06 Welcome back, viewers.
18:07 In this segment, Irza Khan has brought a great song for us.
18:13 Wow.
18:15 She has written it.
18:16 She has composed it.
18:17 Okay.
18:18 She has played it.
18:19 Wow.
18:20 She has sung it.
18:22 She has changed the lyrics.
18:23 She has changed the lyrics.
18:25 She is their own.
18:26 You will like everything in the song.
18:28 (Laughing)
18:29 Even the musicians want me to sing it.
18:32 (Laughing)
18:33 Where is the deceased?
18:34 You can see two deceased people.
18:37 (Foreign language)
18:40 Sir, you didn't see. All of them are here.
18:42 (Laughing)
18:43 All of them are here.
18:44 You can wear it.
18:46 (Laughing)
18:47 (Applause)
18:49 You must have seen him on TV many times.
18:51 He has performed in many shows.
18:53 Yes.
18:53 He is sitting on the stage today.
18:55 Mr. Danish.
18:56 Wow.
18:58 (Applause)
18:59 I have an observation.
19:00 Yes.
19:01 He is so Danish.
19:02 He is blessed by his hair.
19:04 Really.
19:05 Yes.
19:06 I envy this.
19:07 He is getting his hair blown in the morning.
19:10 (Laughing)
19:11 I am Danish.
19:13 (Laughing)
19:15 Those who want to grow their hair well
19:17 can call themselves Danish.
19:18 You can keep it.
19:20 (Laughing)
19:21 Even sir can keep it Danish.
19:23 (Laughing)
19:25 You are so happy.
19:26 You can see how long Mr. Danish has kept it.
19:30 (Laughing)
19:31 Irza, we have a very good audience today.
19:34 (Laughing)
19:36 Let's go to the audience.
19:37 Greetings. My name is Mahnoor.
19:39 Yes.
19:39 I would like to recite a couplet.
19:41 Yes, please.
19:42 (Reciting couplet)
19:50 Wow.
19:52 (Applause)
19:53 Manan is saying.
19:54 What?
19:54 I am very disappointed.
19:56 I should not learn singing.
19:57 (Laughing)
19:58 When he is singing,
20:00 two friends are saying
20:02 that he knows a beautiful song.
20:03 He should not say it.
20:04 (Laughing)
20:06 Wow.
20:07 Next.
20:08 Greetings. My name is Bilal Ahmed.
20:10 I would like to recite a couplet.
20:12 Yes.
20:13 (Reciting couplet)
20:23 Wow.
20:25 (Reciting couplet)
20:33 Wow.
20:35 (Reciting couplet)
20:37 (Laughing)
20:38 Please recite it.
20:39 It is written.
20:40 Please recite it.
20:41 (Reciting couplet)
20:44 (Laughing)
20:45 Please recite it.
20:46 (Reciting couplet)
20:49 Yes.
20:50 No doubt.
20:51 (Reciting couplet)
20:55 Very good.
20:56 (Applause)
20:59 You did not understand the meaning of the couplet.
21:02 He is saying.
21:02 (Reciting couplet)
21:06 (Laughing)
21:07 Sir, Bilal.
21:08 (Reciting couplet)
21:09 Yes.
21:10 (Reciting couplet)
21:12 (Laughing)
21:13 Next.
21:15 Greetings, sir. I would like to recite a couplet.
21:17 Your name is not mentioned.
21:18 (Reciting couplet)
21:19 (Reciting couplet)
21:21 Wow.
21:22 It is a unique couplet.
21:23 Yes.
21:24 (Reciting couplet)
21:27 Wow.
21:28 (Reciting couplet)
21:31 Wow.
21:33 (Reciting couplet)
21:42 Wow.
21:45 (Applause)
21:46 If you have bought a jacket, buy it now.
21:48 Or you can get it fixed after five years.
21:50 (Laughing)
21:51 I will not buy a jacket.
21:52 Then?
21:52 I will wear it in the summer.
21:54 (Laughing)
21:55 What is the problem?
21:56 Why are you wearing this?
21:57 It has been three days.
21:58 You have been wearing this for three shows.
21:59 You should buy a terminator jacket.
22:00 It is very comfortable.
22:01 (Laughing)
22:02 People wear jackets to ride a bike.
22:04 You should buy a fur-stone jacket.
22:06 (Laughing)
22:07 It is a double jacket.
22:08 I have bought 20 sets.
22:09 (Laughing)
22:10 You have bought this.
22:11 Now, you have to buy this.
22:13 (Laughing)
22:17 Now, let's go to Irza Khan.
22:18 Let's see what she has brought for us.
22:20 I don't know.
22:21 What has she written?
22:22 What has she written?
22:23 Basically, this is the story of every girl.
22:26 It is a sad story.
22:27 She is stuck in a 9 to 5 circle.
22:30 She wants to get out of this corporate jungle.
22:33 Tell us.
22:34 Irza and Marhoom, spread the 'Raita' today.
22:36 (Laughing)
22:37 Mr. Arun, do we have your permission?
22:39 Yes, we do.
22:40 (Laughing)
22:41 Please sing a song. I am also sitting in front of you.
22:43 Okay.
22:43 (Laughing)
22:44 I am also sitting in front of you.
22:46 (Laughing)
22:47 (Applauding)
22:48 Irza! Irza! Irza!
22:51 Very good.
22:52 I am very happy that I didn't have to play the guitar.
22:56 I would have applauded the audience.
22:59 (Laughing)
23:00 Viewers, we have a short break.
23:01 Don't go anywhere.
23:02 We will meet after the break.
23:03 Now that you have come here,
23:05 we don't have anything to say.
23:07 Sing something.
23:07 (Laughing)
23:08 Who is asking a poet to sing something?
23:10 (Laughing)
23:12 Which poet thinks like this?
23:14 (Laughing)
23:15 (Music)
23:24 Welcome back, viewers.
23:26 We have a poet with us in the break.
23:28 He seems to be a poet from Mumbai.
23:30 He says that he is a poet.
23:32 Let's talk to him.
23:33 What is the matter?
23:35 Greetings.
23:36 Greetings.
23:37 He is a poet.
23:38 (Laughing)
23:39 I had heard that poets don't get any compensation.
23:42 But looking at his condition, I think he doesn't get any.
23:45 He didn't even get a gift.
23:46 (Laughing)
23:47 No, he gets it.
23:48 A suit for a dead person.
23:49 A charity.
23:50 (Laughing)
23:51 Poets don't have any men.
23:53 Yes.
23:54 They only have flies.
23:55 (Laughing)
23:56 And they have a duty of giving a gift to a person who has 2,500 flies.
23:59 (Laughing)
24:03 He is a driver of a car.
24:05 (Laughing)
24:06 He has a car.
24:07 (Laughing)
24:08 He called me as a poet.
24:12 He called you as a poet.
24:13 Yes, he called me as a poet.
24:14 But someone sent a bad poem.
24:16 (Laughing)
24:17 He says that he doesn't have the strength to write.
24:20 So he will kill himself.
24:21 (Laughing)
24:23 Come on, we have guests.
24:24 Yes.
24:25 And you are a poet.
24:26 Let them do an interview.
24:27 Please.
24:28 Okay.
24:28 Just a little.
24:29 Yes.
24:30 Hello, are you a poet?
24:31 (Speaking in Urdu)
24:34 (Laughing)
24:35 It's just starting.
24:36 Okay.
24:36 Hello, are you a poet?
24:38 (Speaking in Urdu)
24:39 Okay.
24:40 It's time for music.
24:41 (Laughing)
24:42 (Speaking in Urdu)
24:45 Sir, I am sorry but you don't look like a poet.
24:49 (Speaking in Urdu)
24:52 (Speaking in Urdu)
24:54 (Laughing)
24:55 (Speaking in Urdu)
24:57 (Laughing)
24:58 Don't be shy.
24:59 Our guests are respecting you.
25:01 You are too much.
25:03 And such a poet is not only famous in Kathmandu
25:05 but also in Surma.
25:06 (Laughing)
25:08 People are so ignorant.
25:09 They don't know what a great poet is.
25:11 I will tell you what.
25:12 There is no poet.
25:13 Yes.
25:13 This Sanyal has been in jail for two years.
25:15 Why?
25:16 He made fake jewellery for his wife.
25:18 (Laughing)
25:19 Then he will kill you.
25:21 (Laughing)
25:25 Listen to me. We are respecting you.
25:27 But you are making fun of us.
25:28 Sir, I am not making fun of you.
25:30 What fun?
25:31 Sir, I am a poet.
25:33 Which poet knows about fun?
25:35 (Laughing)
25:36 Sir, they are very kind people.
25:39 But don't make fun of us.
25:40 What is kindness in poetry?
25:42 Kindness is a feeling.
25:44 It is soft.
25:45 It is a work of imagination.
25:48 A person writes in imagination.
25:51 People have a lot of work.
25:52 They are very humane.
25:53 How?
25:54 If you are kind to them,
25:55 you will become a monkey for months.
25:57 (Laughing)
25:58 I will leave social welfare in my poetry.
26:01 (Laughing)
26:02 What have you written?
26:04 Poetry is everything.
26:05 I will write poetry from a poet.
26:07 Okay. Listen to him.
26:08 Mr. Haroon, you haven't said his name.
26:10 Yes. I forgot to ask your name.
26:13 Look at our guests.
26:15 They are our guests.
26:16 We haven't asked their names.
26:18 I will present the candle to the next poet.
26:21 What is your name?
26:23 (Laughing)
26:24 What is your name?
26:25 I am Nadra.
26:26 (Laughing)
26:28 What is your name?
26:29 My name is Gulfam Satt.
26:31 (Laughing)
26:32 You have come to us.
26:34 You have come to us.
26:35 You don't have to say anything.
26:37 (Laughing)
26:38 Who is asking a poet to say something?
26:40 (Laughing)
26:42 Which poet thinks like this?
26:44 (Laughing)
26:45 Don't get angry. This is a soft way.
26:48 Here you go.
26:49 I remembered a poem from the way he threw it.
26:52 If you allow me, I will..
26:54 Wow.
26:55 I will listen to the poem or should I allow you?
26:57 (Laughing)
26:59 Give me one chance.
27:00 Okay.
27:01 I was proud of my love for her.
27:05 Wow.
27:07 I kept my eyes on her.
27:10 Wow.
27:11 She said such sweet words in a blink of an eye.
27:16 I kept my words in her feet.
27:18 Wow.
27:21 Wow.
27:22 Amazing.
27:22 Go and fly. It's good that you didn't fly.
27:25 No, Mr. Haroon. You have said such sweet words.
27:28 (Laughing)
27:29 You have put so many black spots.
27:32 Why should I?
27:32 You have put a handkerchief on your hand.
27:34 I didn't hear.
27:35 Yes.
27:36 (Laughing)
27:37 Your eyes..
27:39 You will still do it.
27:40 Okay.
27:42 Sorry. I will..
27:43 What is this?
27:45 No one will be able to hold this.
27:46 Hello.
27:47 What is this?
27:48 This is the money for the 4500 rupees.
27:50 (Laughing)
27:52 Give me some.
27:53 I think you have left it at home.
27:55 (Laughing)
27:56 No.
27:57 I have to pay 3000 rupees to the committee.
27:59 No.
28:00 (Laughing)
28:01 I won't get a share.
28:01 Why?
28:02 I am worried.
28:03 (Laughing)
28:04 I will show you..
28:06 The gold of my love.
28:09 Oh! Wow!
28:10 The gold of my love.
28:12 (Laughing)
28:13 I am presenting the meaning of your eyes.
28:16 You have to take it with you.
28:17 Look at it properly.
28:19 (Laughing)
28:20 Tell me.
28:21 The first line.
28:22 When I came in front of her for the first time..
28:26 Yes.
28:27 When I came in front of her for the first time..
28:32 She spat on him.
28:35 (Laughing)
28:39 When he got the dirty water, he didn't get angry.
28:41 He said, "It was fun."
28:43 (Laughing)
28:44 He said, "I am sorry. I didn't get soap."
28:46 (Laughing)
28:47 I am sure he will have the same misrabi.
28:50 (Laughing)
28:51 When I came in front of her for the first time..
28:54 When you were born, you didn't bathe her.
28:56 (Laughing)
28:57 When I came in front of her for the first time..
29:01 She called her father inside.
29:03 (Laughing)
29:04 She found the jogger open.
29:05 Yes.
29:06 She turned it around.
29:07 (Laughing)
29:09 Yes.
29:09 She turned it around.
29:10 (Laughing)
29:11 You were with her.
29:13 No, I am sorry.
29:14 I don't do such things.
29:15 (Laughing)
29:16 When I came in front of her for the first time..
29:19 She spat on him.
29:21 (Laughing)
29:25 When I came in front of her for the first time..
29:28 I got scared of her beauty.
29:31 (Laughing)
29:32 Wow.
29:34 Wow.
29:35 She asked, "How many girls have you brought from this street?"
29:38 (Laughing)
29:39 Before I could express my love..
29:43 Wow.
29:43 ..I read the message and my dreams broke.
29:46 My heart is shattered.
29:48 Wow.
29:50 It's not shattered, it's shattered.
29:53 It's shattered.
29:54 Yes.
29:54 It's shattered.
29:56 Yes.
29:56 What will happen to my phone number, Laila?
29:58 (Laughing)
30:00 You are our guest. You are bowing.
30:02 We are respecting you.
30:04 When the girl came in front of me..
30:05 Yes.
30:06 ..she commented about me.
30:09 Okay.
30:09 I have put a pot on the floor.
30:11 Keep your brother there. It will take 10 minutes.
30:12 (Laughing)
30:14 Yes, give it to him.
30:15 This is a Badbani cap.
30:16 Wow.
30:17 Wow.
30:19 The girl is telling me..
30:20 Yes, what?
30:21 get lost.
30:21 (Laughing)
30:23 Yes.
30:23 She cut the filter on Facebook and brought the photo.
30:27 Wow.
30:28 She took the hairspray and combed it.
30:30 I brought a comb.
30:32 (Laughing)
30:33 Wow.
30:35 She must have applied the hairspray.
30:37 Wow.
30:37 I came in black and shattered.
30:41 Wow.
30:43 Do you want to hear the next line?
30:45 No, let him hear.
30:46 Okay.
30:47 I came in black and shattered.
30:51 You came in front of me like a mountain.
30:55 Wow.
30:57 It affected my heart.
30:59 What was that line?
31:00 I said, 'Go and get lost. I can't see you.'
31:04 Wow.
31:05 He said it right.
31:06 He said it right.
31:07 I came to give you a goat like a charity.
31:11 Wow.
31:13 Thank God, she didn't think of a goat.
31:15 Otherwise, the animal would have been a horse.
31:16 (Laughing)
31:17 Okay, let's hear it.
31:18 What did you say?
31:19 Don't be so arrogant, aunt.
31:24 Aunt?
31:24 Aunt.
31:26 Don't be so arrogant, aunt.
31:31 I came in black and shattered.
31:35 Wow.
31:36 She must have been very old.
31:38 Yes.
31:39 I wrote, 'You are just a dog.'
31:43 Wow.
31:44 I got scared when I saw you.
31:48 I think Mr. Agha is his match.
31:50 (Laughing)
31:51 You didn't publish any book?
31:53 No, I wrote a book on wisdom.
31:55 What?
31:56 My grandfather was a doctor.
31:58 Okay.
31:58 He was a doctor.
31:59 You got this medicine too.
32:00 (Laughing)
32:02 You wrote a book on wisdom.
32:03 Yes.
32:04 Why did you fail in love?
32:06 I read it in a book.
32:07 You wrote it in a book on wisdom?
32:09 Yes, I read it in a book on wisdom.
32:11 Are you married?
32:12 No, sir.
32:12 Why not?
32:13 I read it in a book on wisdom.
32:14 (Laughing)
32:15 I don't understand.
32:16 I asked my father, 'How did you give birth to a child?'
32:19 He said, 'In a book on wisdom.'
32:20 (Laughing)
32:26 Viewers, this was today's show.
32:27 We will meet you in the next show.
32:29 Take care.
32:30 Allah Hafiz