The program has gained a strong following due to its light-hearted and entertaining style, offering viewers a break from the more serious news segments. It airs on weekends and is popular for its sharp satire and fun-filled atmosphere. "Hoshyarian" is loved for providing comedy while subtly reflecting on important social issues.
00:00 "Wisdom, wisdom."
00:02 Greetings, viewers. I am Haroon Rafiq and you are watching 'Hoshiyaariya'.
00:05 Friends, since the time we have got some money in the treasury,
00:09 a positive mindset has come into the country.
00:12 Be it business people, or common people,
00:15 or people in the job market, whoever it is,
00:17 it seems that people are walking with a positive mindset.
00:21 But my point is that when this country was heading towards Diwali,
00:25 everyone was in a lot of depression.
00:26 At that time, there was no light.
00:29 Here, the point to understand is that
00:31 darkness is present in the universe by default.
00:35 The night lives in this waiting.
00:37 Darkness lives in the waiting that if the light is over,
00:41 I will spread.
00:43 Actually, the light has to be lit from within.
00:46 The positive mindset has to be brought from within.
00:50 It doesn't come from outside.
00:52 Outside, there is sadness, worry, sorrow, darkness.
00:55 It happens in this waiting. Look at the sun.
00:57 How it spreads light in the universe of water.
01:00 And how the moon illuminates your nights with its light.
01:04 So, it is fun when you create light from within in darkness.
01:09 And create a positive mindset.
01:11 With that, life takes you places where there is success.
01:15 Come, let's start today's show with this message.
01:18 Today, let's take you to the police station
01:20 and see what is happening there.
01:21 Sir, I have crossed the land.
01:24 Look at this and check. Everything is there.
01:27 You are crossing the land. When did I come here?
01:29 You wrote it and gave it to me.
01:32 If you make a mistake, you can correct it.
01:34 If you make a mistake, you can correct it.
01:36 Greetings. - Greetings.
01:38 Mr. Asim, we are here.
01:39 You didn't welcome us today.
01:41 I could have welcomed you. But you are busy with your work.
01:44 You can bring your clothes here for a few days.
01:48 What is your son doing in the police station?
01:51 What? - Which son?
01:55 Why are you scolding me?
01:56 He seems to be a dangerous man.
01:58 I am not an ordinary man.
02:00 I can see that. I swear, he is not an ordinary man.
02:03 Asim. - Yes, Satge.
02:06 What?
02:09 What? - Not 'what', it's love.
02:12 Tell me. I missed you.
02:16 You said you won't introduce us to the police station.
02:19 I have already done that in the park.
02:24 I was on duty here.
02:25 I am very worried today. - Why? What happened?
02:27 I am not feeling well.
02:29 Chobu is not well.
02:31 What happened to him? - He has a stone in his neck.
02:33 He has a stone in his neck. - I see.
02:35 He gives him a lot of advice. He breaks the floor of the house.
02:39 Chobu is not worried.
02:43 Mr. Asim is worried. - He is worried.
02:44 He is my life partner.
02:47 This is our marriage.
02:51 Life partner doesn't mean husband and wife.
02:54 Listen, Chobu.
02:55 You spend the whole day with him.
02:57 When you go home and sleep at night
02:59 you spend more time with your colleagues.
03:02 He is our family member.
03:04 I am his housekeeper, Harsh.
03:06 Chobu is Mr. Asim's work wife.
03:08 He is my younger brother.
03:11 Trust us, he never considered us younger.
03:14 Yes. - We considered him younger.
03:15 Sir, I am not your family member.
03:19 I mean..
03:21 Yes, I am.
03:23 Why not? - Asim, if you drink a lot of water
03:25 you will get a stone.
03:27 If Asim drinks water, Chobu will get a stone.
03:30 Yes, he got me a drink.
03:32 Mr. Jalusaan Jalal, give us a stone.
03:36 Someone hit him in the back and he is stuck in the kidney.
03:39 No, not like that.
03:41 Remember one thing.
03:42 Kidney stones are not a disease.
03:47 It happens to everyone.
03:49 It is painful.
03:50 It is not painful.
03:52 I know that most anchors are in pain.
03:56 Tell me why he is in jail.
04:00 In this society of a proud man
04:03 only one place is a jail, Mr. Badar.
04:07 It is your TV. If you speak in my real voice
04:11 I will shoot you.
04:14 It is like a film of Sultana Rai.
04:17 Why is going to jail a symbol of manliness?
04:21 When a politician goes to jail
04:23 with the help of his opponents
04:26 he understands that they are fighting
04:29 against something.
04:31 They are struggling.
04:33 These goons have made it a big deal.
04:35 Jail, my mother.
04:36 I don't know what you have given me.
04:38 I don't know what you have given me.
04:41 You don't even know what you have given me.
04:44 You are watching a film.
04:46 Do you know what the criminal says?
04:48 Jail, my father.
04:50 My mother.
04:52 Do you remember a viral video
04:56 where a boy said, 'Dad, go.'
04:58 He was abusing the police.
05:00 He was crying and saying that he is his parents.
05:03 There is a real story. There was a film on it.
05:06 He was crying in jail.
05:08 He was crying. - He said, 'Leave me.'
05:09 I don't know how you studied.
05:12 Why? - A man like you
05:14 sells tickets for the cinema.
05:16 You don't relate it to the film.
05:21 A man like you is a blackie.
05:23 He is famous for selling tickets.
05:26 Mr. Asim, you must have seen films in the cinema.
05:30 I have seen films.
05:32 The cinema in Pakistan is very good.
05:35 Yes, it is very good.
05:36 In the first phase, a new suit comes.
05:39 'Chee!'
05:41 When I get a holiday, I will go to the cinema.
05:44 Why? - It is the cinema's canteen.
05:47 You can go there.
05:48 Sir, you asked why this boy is angry.
05:50 Yes. - He said, 'There is no crime.'
05:53 Okay. - I will keep him here for a few days.
05:55 I will punish him.
05:57 He is a mischievous boy.
05:58 He is mischievous.
06:00 What does he do? - He runs away with the canteens.
06:03 Oh!
06:04 He said such a big dialogue.
06:07 I used to do this a lot when I was a kid.
06:09 I used to do it when there was no electricity.
06:11 I used to ring the bell and take a selfie.
06:12 But you are not speaking.
06:14 The way he is speaking, he looks like he will shoot the canteen.
06:18 Asim, have you ever ran away with someone's bell?
06:23 I will not run away with anyone's bell.
06:26 Oh!
06:28 By the way, how far will you run?
06:31 You are right. You are very smart.
06:36 Do you have the address of that house?
06:39 Whose? - The one whose bell you have to ring.
06:41 You should not break it so soon.
06:43 You want me to get married so soon.
06:50 I will not even demand for the things.
06:53 No, I will get rid of all the responsibilities.
06:56 Wait for a while. God will make it better.
07:00 He has never used a hammer in his childhood.
07:03 Why? - He never used a hammer.
07:07 You should catch the culprit now.
07:08 Chobbu, go and get the bell.
07:11 I will get the bell. I will check if he is the culprit.
07:15 Sir, you are a decent man.
07:18 You should not be in this mess.
07:20 Order the bell. I will ring the bell.
07:23 Sir, the world of bells looks very nice.
07:27 Oh! - If you get into such a house, it is dark.
07:31 I have spent 20 years in this world with great decency.
07:36 Then? - But this society has forced me to ring the bell.
07:40 He has ringed the bell so many times that his thumb is injured.
07:45 What do you get by ringing the bell?
07:48 If it was in my hands, I would never ring the bell.
07:51 But no. When it comes to respect, I will ring the bell.
07:58 Till now, my idea is that why did he get involved in this matter?
08:02 Why? - He has never used a bell before.
08:05 Sir, listen to me. - Yes.
08:09 40 years ago, my father was sleeping in his house.
08:14 The boy who came in front of him saw the opportunity
08:18 and rang the bell of the house and ran away.
08:21 Oh! - That day, my father told my mother..
08:25 What? - That he will definitely ring the bell
08:30 when he grows up.
08:34 (Laughs)
08:37 It means that your family is ringing the bell.
08:41 (Laughs)
08:42 We think that we are sad.
08:45 But after listening to him, I have understood that it is true.
08:47 (Laughs)
08:49 It is true. I can understand his sadness.
08:51 A man who has been ringing the bell for 40 years
08:53 has become a fool.
08:55 (Laughs)
08:57 Sir, give me the motorcycle.
09:01 Come soon. I want to go.
09:02 He has given the key to the motorcycle to this house.
09:04 Listen, the petrol pump is not working properly.
09:07 Thank you. - Come soon.
09:09 Hey!
09:10 You were supposed to say that you had given the key.
09:13 (Laughs)
09:14 I thought that Mr. Hasim's son or son-in-law had come
09:17 and he has given the key.
09:18 I thought that he had asked for the key.
09:20 Yes. - I was so confident that I thought
09:23 that my brother-in-law had come.
09:24 Sir, you have tied my motorcycle to the back.
09:27 You..
09:28 (Laughs)
09:29 How can I tie it to the back?
09:31 Sir, I have tied it to the back.
09:33 It is tied to you after seeing you.
09:35 (Laughs)
09:37 I have tied it to the back. - Okay.
09:39 I have neither the registration nor the license.
09:43 Okay. The registration is the copy.
09:45 (Laughs)
09:49 Yes.
09:50 Sir, I had a mobile phone and a wallet.
09:53 I had given Rs. 7 lakhs to him.
09:55 You had given him the wallet. - Yes.
09:56 I think he is roaming around with his wife's wallet.
09:58 There could be a place in it. - Okay.
10:00 (Laughs)
10:02 Was it in your pocket or in your neck?
10:04 (Laughs)
10:05 Sir, I was doing a bad deed and I got the money.
10:08 You are doing a good thing that you are not doing a bad deed
10:11 but doing a bad deed.
10:12 (Laughs)
10:13 No, I am not asking you to do a bad deed.
10:16 Yes. - You are doing a bad deed.
10:18 On top of that, you have given him Rs. 7 lakhs.
10:21 Sir, you are not arresting the criminal.
10:22 You are arresting the innocent.
10:24 Yes. - He is my friend.
10:26 I am not talking about him at this time. - Yes.
10:28 Asim, talk to him calmly.
10:30 Your BP will increase.
10:32 Give me the remote. - Why?
10:34 Get up. - No.
10:36 Sit here.
10:37 Sit.
10:38 Come. - Thank you.
10:40 Where is his brother?
10:41 (Laughs)
10:43 Yes. - Sir, give me my motorcycle.
10:45 I will take my wife to my in-laws.
10:47 Why were you roaming around with Rs. 7 lakhs?
10:49 I have a business on Mintgumri Road.
10:51 Then keep Rs. 7 lakhs here.
10:53 I didn't understand.
10:54 If you are from Mintgumri, then you are an foreigner.
10:57 (Laughs)
10:58 If you have a business on Mintgumri Road
11:00 then why do you sell a Viper worth Rs. 7 lakhs?
11:04 Sir, I work in the space parts.
11:05 You are a rich man. You work in the space parts.
11:07 He is Elon Musk's partner. - Yes.
11:09 I will give you two options. - Yes.
11:11 One is the space parts.
11:13 (Laughs)
11:14 And the other is that you are in a relationship with Haroon.
11:18 (Laughs)
11:19 You didn't understand. - I understood.
11:21 You work in the space parts. I am not giving you space.
11:24 (Laughs)
11:25 I have lost everything.
11:28 Write my report.
11:29 I think you were attacked because of that incident.
11:34 (Laughs)
11:35 What happened?
11:36 I was robbed in the last block. - Okay.
11:38 I lost my mobile. - Okay.
11:40 I lost my wallet. - Okay.
11:41 I lost my car's papers. - Okay.
11:43 I had Rs. 7 lakhs in my shopper. - Yes.
11:45 I had half a kilo of corns in my shopper.
11:46 What? - Yes.
11:48 (Laughs)
11:48 You lost half a kilo of corns for Rs. 7 lakhs?
11:51 (Laughs)
11:52 (Applause)
11:54 Don't worry, friends.
11:57 No one can be unfair to you.
12:01 I will teach you a lesson.
12:03 He is always like this.
12:05 (Laughs)
12:07 Write my report. I have understood.
12:09 I will write the report.
12:10 Sir, don't believe him. - Okay.
12:13 I had stopped him last week. - Okay.
12:14 He is a liar. - Okay.
12:17 I think the government pays you only for this.
12:20 You were on his side last week.
12:21 (Laughs)
12:23 I had no papers last week.
12:25 But it is unfair to die on your promise.
12:27 I don't want to be unfair to you.
12:29 I know you are being unfair. - Okay.
12:31 Get a personal bail.
12:32 I will give you a motorcycle. - Sir..
12:35 Don't you trust me? - No.
12:37 Sir, I am a businessman.
12:38 You can't keep the money you lost.
12:40 What kind of a businessman are you?
12:41 (Laughs)
12:42 Go and get it. - He is right.
12:44 Get a person from MP or MNA.
12:46 Forget it. I am on his train.
12:48 (Laughs)
12:49 Asim, check your sugar.
12:52 The police station is closed.
12:54 (Laughs)
12:55 What is your problem?
12:57 Sir, I will go and tell your wife.
13:00 Go and tell your wife. I am scared of her.
13:02 Yes.
13:03 You don't worry.
13:05 (Laughs)
13:07 Greetings, sir.
13:08 He is a bad man.
13:11 (Laughs)
13:13 Sir, Badar.
13:14 Sir, is he your son?
13:18 Yes, he is my son.
13:19 He is a bad man.
13:21 (Laughs)
13:24 Sir, I think all your children have slept on your head.
13:28 (Laughs)
13:30 Dad, I know it is difficult to see a young son in jail.
13:35 Yes. - But you should be proud.
13:37 Why? - Your son didn't come in a stolen car.
13:41 He came in a car.
13:43 (Laughs)
13:45 You are crazy. You will be jailed.
13:49 (Laughs)
13:50 You will have to pass a bail for stealing a canteen.
13:53 (Laughs)
13:54 Listen to me. He stole a canteen when he was a kid.
13:57 He told me.
13:59 He stole it. He is a bad man.
14:01 You should put an enemy here.
14:03 He won't go with the canteen.
14:05 Sir, Badar.
14:06 God has given me seven sons.
14:08 He has given them intelligence. - Yes.
14:10 He is in jail.
14:12 If the other six go in jail for stealing a canteen..
14:16 ..then it is okay.
14:18 I will cut the old age.
14:20 Dad, you are happy.
14:23 People go to jail.
14:25 People go in jail.
14:26 People get jailed.
14:28 Cut him. He is crazy.
14:30 (Laughs)
14:33 Sir, what is this?
14:35 Yes.
14:36 He is saying that people get jailed.
14:40 I don't know which jail he is going to go to.
14:42 (Laughs)
14:43 Cut him. Come on.
14:45 I will put him in jail for life.
14:47 Come on.
14:48 Hit him.
14:50 (Laughs)
14:51 He is promoting me.
14:54 (Laughs)
14:55 Let's go.
14:56 Come on.
14:58 Badar.
14:59 Come on.
15:01 There is no place in jail.
15:03 Badar.
15:04 You will beat my son.
15:07 We will put you in jail.
15:10 (Laughs)
15:11 I won't put you in jail.
15:13 Come on.
15:13 Come on.
15:15 You are in jail.
15:17 You have done a strange case.
15:19 You went to jail.
15:21 (Laughs)
15:22 I don't understand.
15:24 What is the case?
15:26 It is nothing. Do you know what the matter is?
15:28 It is a matter of mental torture.
15:33 Someone rings the bell.
15:35 You go out.
15:36 But the kids are naughty.
15:37 (Door bell rings)
15:39 (Indistinct)
15:42 (Laughs)
15:47 We will take a break.
15:50 We are enemies now.
15:53 (Laughs)
15:54 I will go to their house.
15:58 (Laughs)
15:59 There is a phrase in English.
16:02 Yes. - It is used.
16:04 From the horse's mouth.
16:05 It means..
16:06 The one with the horse's mouth.
16:07 (Laughs)
16:10 (Music)
16:13 Welcome back.
16:15 Now we will talk about 'Wow'.
16:17 Wow.
16:18 It is my favourite segment.
16:20 (Laughs)
16:21 'Wow' means words of wisdom.
16:25 The reference I want to talk about today
16:28 is very important.
16:30 Laziness.
16:32 Lazy Puna.
16:33 Yes.
16:34 (Laughs)
16:36 It is called laziness.
16:37 Yes.
16:38 In Urdu, it is called 'Kahili'.
16:41 'Kahili'.
16:42 (Laughs)
16:43 Wow.
16:43 Right from the horse's mouth.
16:45 What did he say?
16:46 I will tell you.
16:46 There is a phrase in English.
16:49 Yes. - It is used.
16:51 From the horse's mouth.
16:52 It means..
16:53 The one with the horse's mouth.
16:54 No.
16:55 (Laughs)
16:58 No.
16:58 It means..
17:00 If you want to hear a story about war
17:03 then the horse is the first in the war.
17:06 Yes.
17:06 It goes ahead before the rider.
17:08 If you want to hear a story about war
17:10 then it can be a more authentic story.
17:13 If a person tells you a story..
17:15 It is not that long.
17:16 I don't understand English.
17:18 (Laughs)
17:19 Whatever you have said, you can continue.
17:22 Regarding laziness, as he said 'Kahili'.
17:24 Yes.
17:25 'Kahili' and laziness are similar.
17:27 They can be used for each other.
17:29 But 'Kahili' is usually used for a person
17:33 who doesn't work even when the time comes.
17:36 Yes.
17:37 For example, he has come for an exam.
17:39 He thought he will study in the last month.
17:42 But he didn't study in the last month.
17:43 He thought he will study in the last 10 days.
17:45 He didn't study.
17:46 And the day of the exam, he didn't study.
17:50 Then he becomes a lazy person.
17:51 A lazy person studies in the last 10 days.
17:55 Okay.
17:56 He studies in the last month.
17:57 He studies in the last hour.
17:58 He works but he does it at the time
18:02 when there is no time left.
18:05 It is called procrastinator in English.
18:08 It is also called procrastination.
18:10 He knows that he will do it.
18:12 But he doesn't know when he will do it.
18:14 So, he does it.
18:16 Now, according to an estimate
18:19 96% of the people in the world
18:21 are lazy.
18:23 Oh.
18:24 And you see, another example of laziness is
18:28 that groceries reach your house.
18:31 You give 100-150 rupees.
18:33 Yes, sir.
18:33 But you don't go.
18:35 You know, picking up the phone
18:38 finding the number
18:39 getting the number
18:41 then talking to him
18:43 then waiting for him
18:44 opening the door
18:45 picking up the stuff
18:47 keeping it in the kitchen
18:49 opening the shopper
18:50 taking it out is a task.
18:52 Irza, lie down for a while.
18:53 Take rest.
18:54 Sir, Irza has told us all the details
18:56 but he doesn't give us money.
18:58 There is an animated film 'Wall-E'.
19:01 People become so comfortable
19:02 that their joints become so spacious.
19:05 Sir, is the film ready?
19:07 Yes, sir.
19:08 And kids read it.
19:10 That's why I teach them.
19:13 The solution to this problem
19:15 which was decided after a lot of hard work
19:18 is a very old one.
19:20 Yes. - But the solution is great.
19:21 That is a to-do list.
19:23 In today's times and even 1000 years ago
19:27 that was the to-do list.
19:28 I get anxiety from the to-do list.
19:30 There is another solution.
19:32 What is that? - Instead of a to-do list
19:34 give it the name of segmental attention.
19:36 It still seems easier than a to-do list.
19:38 It will be more difficult
19:40 if you write segmental attention.
19:42 You are right.
19:44 You are right.
19:45 This problem was found.
19:47 Why does it happen that people say
19:49 that we make a to-do list
19:50 and we get more depression and anxiety.
19:53 We came to know that everyone is making it
19:55 on their cell phones.
19:57 Everyone is making it on their computers.
19:59 Your anxiety is a great way
20:02 to get rid of your depression.
20:05 If you don't know how to write
20:07 you can start making something.
20:09 If you have to go to buy vegetables
20:11 and you don't know how to write.
20:12 You can make carrots and potatoes.
20:14 You can make it.
20:15 You can make a painter.
20:18 You can make a painter.
20:20 You can't make a painter.
20:22 The thing is that who makes a to-do list
20:24 from a lazy person?
20:26 The thing is
20:29 that people of today
20:31 have stopped giving orders to their minds.
20:35 And the mind has stopped accepting orders.
20:38 Exactly.
20:39 For example, if you make a to-do list
20:42 people make a mistake.
20:44 The mistakes were found.
20:45 The mistake was written
20:47 that you have to go and get milk in the morning.
20:49 For example.
20:50 You will write milk in the to-do list.
20:52 Yes.
20:54 Okay? - Completely.
20:55 You should write that you have to get milk in the morning.
20:59 Yes.
21:00 You should write it in the order of the order.
21:03 There will be an affirmation for you.
21:05 You will forget it in the beginning.
21:07 But if you make a to-do list
21:10 you should make a habit of ordering yourself.
21:12 So the only difference is
21:14 that you have stopped ordering your brain.
21:16 First of all, it starts ordering.
21:18 That's the first thing. - Correct.
21:19 Secondly, when tasks come together
21:22 anxiety starts. - Absolutely.
21:24 We have to beat our brains with two shoes every day.
21:28 Okay. Let's do one thing.
21:30 I know you don't want to beat it. Come here.
21:32 But I think
21:36 that the way you said that the mind orders us
21:39 the direct link is with the release of dopamine.
21:42 Yes. - For instance, if my mind
21:45 is satisfied with scrolling till 3 in the night
21:48 it is constantly releasing dopamine.
21:50 Yes, it is. Why?
21:52 The reason is that it is addicted.
21:55 Yes. - Talk more.
21:56 I swear, I feel like I am a drug addict.
21:59 You are having a conference.
22:01 We are listening to you.
22:03 When your dopamine increases
22:06 you get a patient.
22:08 Sometimes, you are active
22:12 but you meet people who are so lazy
22:14 that you automatically feel lazy.
22:16 For instance, I come home very active.
22:19 As soon as I come home
22:20 I see Mr. Agha sleeping.
22:23 I hear his snoring. - When I got out of the car
22:24 Yes. - One, two and three.
22:26 Yes. - I asked him if he was a host or a kangaroo.
22:30 Kangaroo?
22:31 Yes. - You tell me honestly
22:34 how long has it been since you had a meal?
22:35 I am not a cook. - She is a housekeeper.
22:38 Don't you cook? - I cook.
22:40 What do you do? Why did you get married?
22:43 You didn't teach her. What can I do?
22:46 I see.
22:48 This is your habit. I don't say anything to her.
22:56 Mr. Danish will come and say, 'Oh, God! Today is a universal day.'
23:00 I was asking if you are influenced by people.
23:04 Yes, people and the environment influence me.
23:09 You must be accepting that
23:11 my energy levels
23:13 are at their maximum when I am sitting in the seat.
23:17 Believe me, the minute I say
23:19 that I meet good viewers in the next show
23:21 I get drained
23:25 and I can't even talk to them.
23:27 If Mr. Umar is with me, he will understand.
23:30 When you start talking,
23:33 I feel like a commando has destroyed me.
23:36 I can't see or hear.
23:39 The first thing is to get used to giving orders.
23:43 Your mind, including mine,
23:47 is a drug-addicted mind.
23:49 It wants to get high.
23:52 Dopamine is its addiction.
23:55 It gets it from your laziness and laziness.
23:58 Give your mind orders.
23:59 'You will follow this time table.'
24:01 Then start making your to-do list.
24:03 Secondly, the anxiety and depression
24:06 of making a to-do list.
24:07 Remember that God has given a strange power in pen.
24:11 If you start making, doodling and writing
24:14 the depression will reduce. - Very nice.
24:16 The mistake in making a to-do list
24:18 is to write in an orderly manner.
24:20 'You have to get vegetables tomorrow.'
24:22 'You have to pay your bill tomorrow.'
24:25 Write it all. The last request
24:27 is to write the time ahead.
24:30 'You have to meet this person.'
24:33 Write an hour ahead.
24:34 You should know that you don't have to
24:37 give more than an hour.
24:39 And the biggest thing is
24:41 that your problem is not to start work.
24:45 Your problem is to end it. - Wow.
24:47 This was Moti.
24:49 We don't know how to end.
24:50 If you open Facebook, you don't know how to close it.
24:52 If you are talking to someone on the phone
24:54 you don't know how to end it.
24:56 If you are watching a film, you don't know how to stop it.
24:59 Learn to end things.
25:01 Learn to end the things
25:03 so you can start a better thing.
25:05 He is giving orders to his brain. - Yes.
25:07 His brain is not working.
25:09 Ladies and gentlemen, we will take a short break.
25:16 We will meet after the break.
25:17 You are here to earn money for your kids. - Yes.
25:20 Tell us what your wife told you.
25:21 She didn't say anything.
25:23 He is talking about this.
25:25 She must have said something to you.
25:28 If she had said anything, I wouldn't have said anything.
25:32 Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
25:40 We have our guards with us.
25:43 We have a bus driver with us.
25:45 Let's ask him why he has brought a bus driver.
25:47 Greetings, sir. - Greetings.
25:50 How are you, Chaukas?
25:51 I am fine. You tell me, sir.
25:53 I am fine, thank God.
25:54 Sir, I want to discuss a small issue with you.
25:57 We could have discussed it in private.
25:59 Why do you want to discuss it in public?
26:00 Sir, it is a matter of everyone's convenience.
26:02 Okay. That's why you are here.
26:04 Yes, tell me.
26:05 Why did you want to discuss it in private?
26:08 It could be a personal issue.
26:10 It could be a domestic issue.
26:12 No, sir. Why would I discuss a domestic issue with you?
26:14 Tell me. What happened? What is the issue with your wife?
26:18 Oh, God! Sir.
26:20 Yes. - Try to understand.
26:22 It is a matter of your privacy.
26:23 It is not a matter of my wife.
26:24 Okay. Tell me. What is the issue?
26:25 You know that our studio has a huge parking lot.
26:29 Yes, of course.
26:30 And all the cars come from there.
26:32 Yes. Everyone comes in a car.
26:34 And the cars drive far away as per their convenience.
26:37 I drive the car far away, especially Mr. Agha's car.
26:40 When we open the door, the car next to it knocks on the door.
26:43 Yes. Because I have a white stick in my hand.
26:46 I don't know why you hit me.
26:48 Mr. Agha, if you get down from a normal person's car
26:51 and open the door..
26:52 No, get down. First, get the car in the car.
26:54 Then, open the trunk.
26:55 Sir, what is the issue?
26:58 Sir.. What issue?
27:00 Why are you misbehaving with the progeny?
27:03 You are here to earn for your children.
27:05 Yes. - Tell me. What did your wife tell you?
27:07 She didn't say anything.
27:09 Oh, God! He is talking about this.
27:11 Did she say anything to you because of your behavior?
27:14 I don't know what to say about my wife.
27:18 Okay, tell me. What did you fight with your wife about?
27:25 She doubts me because of you.
27:28 I think you are troubling her.
27:31 She told me about parking.
27:34 Listen to her. - Sir, the issue is
27:35 you park your cars in two tracks.
27:39 Yes. - But what is the issue with my wife?
27:42 She parks it in a corner.
27:45 It is not good that she is working with you.
27:48 She doesn't work with me.
27:49 He is talking about something else.
27:52 What happens when you park your cars in a corner?
27:55 Madam, I have to do all the maintenance.
27:58 You should bring your wife along.
28:00 You have to do the maintenance.
28:01 I am the only person who understands what is written there.
28:04 First of all, I thank you.
28:07 I salute you.
28:08 You do the maintenance of our cars all day.
28:11 Yes. - What is the issue?
28:13 My body breaks at night.
28:15 She doesn't break.
28:17 You know what is the best solution?
28:20 We will park our cars in the corner.
28:23 You just have to count the number of cars.
28:28 But we have to do the maintenance
28:32 even if we park our cars together.
28:34 Yes. - I will solve your issue.
28:37 No, I won't.
28:38 You will divorce for the cars.
28:39 No, I won't.
28:41 No.
28:42 So, what is the issue? How will it work?
28:46 I have brought a driver.
28:47 He drives a bus.
28:49 He could have picked you up from home
28:51 and dropped you back.
28:52 What else do we want?
28:54 But I have a problem.
28:56 What is the issue?
28:58 Oh, no!
28:59 He can create an issue.
29:02 He drives a bus.
29:04 Is he your brother-in-law?
29:06 He will create an issue now.
29:08 I am fine with the bus. I won't become a brother-in-law.
29:11 But the issue is that
29:13 they all live in different places.
29:15 So, how will they all get together
29:18 and how will they drop?
29:19 You have asked a good question.
29:22 How will they get together
29:23 and how will they drop?
29:25 That is my issue. - Okay.
29:26 Now I understand. - What?
29:28 The issue is that
29:29 he has created a fight in his house.
29:31 I remember his issue.
29:33 He will divorce us.
29:38 I have a small suggestion for you all.
29:41 What? - First of all,
29:43 I will give you prospectus for travel.
29:45 You have to study that.
29:47 What?
29:48 We will take admission in his bus.
29:50 I don't know.
29:51 Actually, I don't have any rules
29:53 for giving a band and getting up.
29:54 It will be like in an aeroplane.
29:56 Please fasten your seat belt. Thank you.
30:00 You have travelled a lot. We have also travelled.
30:01 One of the air hostesses says
30:03 to fasten your seat belt
30:05 because thank you.
30:07 I have not seen it.
30:10 Thank you.
30:11 Who said that? - No, it is not like that.
30:13 She does not say that.
30:14 Please fasten your seat belt. Thank you.
30:16 She says that, right? - No, she doesn't say that.
30:18 She is a pilot.
30:19 Yes.
30:21 She says that. - Your Highness,
30:22 you are a pilot.
30:23 You fasten your seat belt
30:26 because we are about to land in a while.
30:30 And as soon as we land,
30:32 you will..
30:34 You will..
30:35 And the bus driver will say
30:40 'Welcome to my bus.'
30:43 I will sit on a condition in this bus.
30:46 What is that? - If this driver
30:48 starts with 'Welcome to the journey of intelligence.'
30:52 I have a small question. - Yes.
30:54 Do you have any standard or not?
30:56 Mr. Haroon, I have no objection.
30:59 But my house is very far.
31:01 I don't think I can drop everyone.
31:04 Even he will be worried.
31:05 Tell me, will you take a ride from Kala Shah Kaku?
31:08 No, I am not from Kala Shah Kaku.
31:09 Then from where? - Tupsadi.
31:11 Will you take a ride from Tupsadi?
31:12 Ms. Irza, I am a poor man.
31:14 Will you listen to me? - Yes.
31:16 You have to come to Thokar.
31:17 Okay, I will come. - I will drop you there.
31:19 I have another condition. - What?
31:21 You must have food and drink on the way.
31:25 You are a condition.
31:26 If I say yes to you,
31:28 where will you stay?
31:31 Me? - Yes.
31:32 I will stay in Harbanspura. You drop me there.
31:34 I will help the poor. - I will.
31:37 Harbanspura is not far from Gujranwala.
31:40 I will drop you at Thokar.
31:43 You are taking me to Thokar. What is your intention?
31:46 Okay, do this much. - Okay.
31:49 Okay, I will enjoy the train.
31:51 Where will you drop me? - Jiya Bagga.
31:53 You have to help the poor. - What?
31:56 You have to drop me at Jiya Bagga.
31:59 You will not help the poor.
32:02 You are a poor man.
32:05 You are our guest.
32:06 You will help him. - Yes.
32:07 You will save his house.
32:09 How will I save my house?
32:11 If you get angry, I will do this.
32:14 Okay, I will drop you at Thokar. No problem.
32:18 But I have a condition.
32:19 When the train will start, you have to go in a hurry.
32:23 I will help the poor.
32:25 I will tune my voice.
32:28 Which model is your bus?
32:30 86.
32:32 You have a 86 car. - Yes.
32:34 You know how to drive.
32:36 But in 1986, AC was not working.
32:40 I will help the poor. - What?
32:43 The car has no windows. Get windows. I will get AC.
32:46 This was today's show. We will meet in the next show.
32:53 Take care. Goodbye.