• 2 years ago
The program has gained a strong following due to its light-hearted and entertaining style, offering viewers a break from the more serious news segments. It airs on weekends and is popular for its sharp satire and fun-filled atmosphere. "Hoshyarian" is loved for providing comedy while subtly reflecting on important social issues.

00:00 "Hoshiyaariyaan, Hoshiyaariyaan"
00:02 Hello viewers, I am Haroon Rafiq and you are watching Hoshiyaariyaan.
00:05 Friends, every killer does not have a gun, a knife or poison.
00:10 If you weigh less, you might get the money from your client
00:15 with which he could buy medicine for his old mother.
00:18 You are the killer of that person.
00:19 If you mix poison in any medicine and sell it in the market,
00:25 then the people who are dying because of it, you are the killer of that person.
00:27 If you mix poison in milk, then the youth who gets hospitalized
00:33 because of drinking milk, you are the killer of that person.
00:34 Don't think that if you hate those people in the world
00:37 who kill people with guns, knives and poison,
00:41 then you should also look at your hands.
00:43 If you don't give way to anyone,
00:45 then he might have to reach such a place or save someone's life
00:49 or he might be going to save his own life.
00:51 You were the killer of that person and you didn't even realize that you went home.
00:54 Always try that when you spend your life,
00:56 then keep looking at your hands to see if you have got someone's blood on your hands.
01:01 Because until you remember that every killer has a gun in his hand,
01:05 you won't realize this.
01:07 We need to realize this.
01:09 Let's start today's show with this message.
01:12 Today we will take you to jail.
01:15 It's been a long time since we went to jail.
01:16 - Let's see... - Complete the case.
01:19 - Complete the case. - Complete the case.
01:23 At least I have understood what crime you all have been charged with.
01:26 - What do you mean? - Complete the case.
01:29 Tell them that their demands cannot be fulfilled.
01:32 Why can't their demands be fulfilled?
01:34 All their demands are illegal. They cannot be fulfilled.
01:37 They have kept us like animals in jail.
01:39 - Okay. - Believe me.
01:41 It's cold. We need two blankets.
01:43 - Arrange for their heating. - What?
01:44 What arrangement?
01:48 I am doing a poker game here.
01:50 You write a column in jail for Anak.
01:55 Sir, can a person come to jail like this?
01:58 Why don't you talk inside?
01:59 You are a big mouth. Where do you hide?
02:02 He gets trapped like this.
02:04 You are smart.
02:05 I hope he doesn't get hanged.
02:09 I hope you don't get a moustache.
02:12 I want to hear your story.
02:14 Tell me, I am realizing after seeing you.
02:17 What happened? Why do you have such long hair?
02:20 Sir, I don't get a canteen.
02:23 - What did you do? - You are seeing my hair from far.
02:27 When did you cut your arm?
02:29 Enemies have big eyes.
02:32 And they have big eyes.
02:34 - Hit him, Deputy. - Give me the signal.
02:36 - Sorry, sir. - Do it again.
02:38 Hit him, Deputy.
02:44 - Mr. Anand. - Yes.
02:46 The enemy is sitting on the bridge.
02:48 But when the enemy started to poison himself...
02:52 Believe me, I was in a very difficult situation.
02:54 I even joined his hands.
02:57 I told him that God's wrath will fall on him.
03:01 You have washed your hands after me.
03:04 He is washing his hands.
03:07 I even greeted him that you are a fatso.
03:10 I even touched his knees.
03:13 - Do you know the reason for this? - Yes.
03:16 We celebrate the night every day and earn 400-500 rupees.
03:20 - This is a very good puppet show. - Very good.
03:23 - We do it. - But...
03:24 - His name is Patek Khan. - Okay.
03:26 His name is Uncle Khan.
03:28 After all this, he said no.
03:32 He said that he will be your uncle.
03:35 - Oh, so did he cut his arm? - No, I will let him cut it.
03:38 I will cut the back.
03:42 He even celebrated that he will be his uncle.
03:46 If you give 1000 rupees, he will give you a bigger leg.
03:48 I will not give you 1000 rupees.
03:52 Why were you doing this drama?
03:53 I am released from jail. I don't do such things.
03:56 - Our demands... - Be fulfilled.
03:58 - Our demands... - Be fulfilled.
04:00 - Our demands... - Be fulfilled.
04:01 - Our demands... - Be fulfilled.
04:03 One second.
04:04 What are your demands?
04:06 Sir, I am doing a protest here.
04:08 - I don't get good food. - I don't get good food.
04:09 - Sir, no... - This is why they make us work.
04:12 Mr. Varun, no soap or shampoo here.
04:14 - You are a bad man. - What?
04:16 Listen to me. You have imprisoned him.
04:19 - Yes. - So, he is being punished.
04:21 - Yes. - He is being punished for eating dirty food
04:23 for getting beaten up, for sleeping on a dirty bed.
04:26 This is not his punishment. The punishment you have given him
04:29 for imprisonment, the bigger punishment is that
04:31 there is no barrack for three people.
04:32 I think this is for one person.
04:34 - Yes. - In which you have locked up
04:35 - one, two, three, four, five people. - Tell me.
04:37 I will give you 50 rupees.
04:39 But if he stays alone, he will not become lonely.
04:41 It is a torture to stay alone.
04:43 - One of the most severe punishments in the world is... - Solitary.
04:46 Solitary confinement.
04:47 - Yes. - You don't see the sun.
04:49 You don't know about the night or the day.
04:51 And this feeling that you don't know about the day and night
04:54 people must have experienced in hospitals.
04:57 - Yes. - That you don't know about the day and night.
04:59 This is a very bad feeling.
05:00 - Our friend Tara was punished for this. - Yes.
05:03 She was locked up in a barrack and she was eating.
05:05 She ate a lot on the third day.
05:08 Give him a big hand.
05:10 - Give him a big hand. - Silence.
05:12 I don't want to hear a word.
05:13 My sister is doing it again.
05:15 Do it.
05:17 I am going.
05:19 I am her husband.
05:22 - Bakshu. - Yes, ma'am.
05:25 - Come quickly. - Yes.
05:27 Look, our leader.
05:28 Don't worry about all this.
05:30 Tell me whatever you want to eat.
05:32 I will cook it for you.
05:34 - He is such a soft hearted man. - Yes.
05:36 Sir, he can go home happily.
05:39 - Because he is a fool. - What?
05:42 He has finished the story.
05:44 I went to my enemy's house.
05:46 And I..
05:48 I don't know why I stepped on his feet.
05:50 After that I..
05:53 I started doing this.
05:55 Then he took revenge.
05:57 He said that he will cut my legs.
05:59 Then what happened? Did he cut them?
06:00 I don't know. He is a fool.
06:03 But I am thinking of cutting both your legs.
06:07 Why?
06:08 I don't like such cuts.
06:11 I have a question, Mr. Haroon.
06:14 We are talking about the jail.
06:16 There are all the basic necessities of life.
06:19 It should be there.
06:20 But if the system is so good there
06:23 then how will people improve?
06:25 They will feel good that
06:26 if the life is so bad outside
06:28 then it is better to stay in the jail.
06:30 Will they commit crimes?
06:31 Maybe they feel like going out
06:33 and committing crimes.
06:34 Look, a person never improves in jail.
06:39 A person improves in correctional facilities.
06:42 Yes.
06:43 The world has started making correctional facilities.
06:46 Do you know that our prison system
06:48 was created when there was a revolt against the British.
06:52 Okay.
06:53 The prison system that they made
06:56 was not made so that people would obey the law.
07:00 Okay.
07:00 They were not made to go home as good people.
07:03 They were made to be snubbed so much
07:07 that they wouldn't dare to raise their heads.
07:09 The British had created all these things.
07:11 And till date, the same rules are being followed.
07:13 The same things are being followed.
07:14 The same oppression is being followed.
07:16 And the biggest issue that I want to make a request to
07:20 is that just like the body is sick,
07:23 like there is a fever, like there is cancer,
07:26 similarly, there are mental illnesses too.
07:29 Absolutely.
07:29 There are many prisoners of ours
07:32 who have mental illnesses
07:34 and they are made to suffer more.
07:37 And they are told that they are doing it on purpose.
07:39 In any prison,
07:41 there is no mental treatment facility.
07:44 And the most vulnerable people are those
07:47 who are in our prisons.
07:48 God, in every prison,
07:50 at least one visit a month,
07:52 keep a doctor who can tell you
07:55 that he needs treatment.
07:56 He has the same mental illness
07:58 as the body is sick.
08:00 Mr. Arun, I have a mental illness too.
08:03 What happened?
08:03 I was in my father's room at night.
08:06 Sir, I am not the only patient.
08:08 I have a mental illness too.
08:09 How?
08:10 I am called father.
08:11 He calls me uncle.
08:13 Why are you saying this?
08:16 I committed a murder out of helplessness.
08:21 Why did you kill?
08:22 It was my sister's wedding.
08:24 A rat came out of the house.
08:25 He killed it.
08:26 And that rat was his brother.
08:27 Mr. Arun, do you know why his brother was a rat?
08:32 Why?
08:32 He had a relationship with his own people.
08:35 The rat was following him before he died.
08:37 Why?
08:38 He says, if you want to kill, kill with me.
08:40 He is sick, he loved me.
08:42 How much punishment did you get?
08:44 He didn't deserve punishment.
08:46 Then how did you get it?
08:47 The police found his dead body
08:48 in the garbage dump.
08:50 He is a fool.
08:52 I told him that I will give him medicine.
08:54 Your brother will eat at home
08:56 and die outside.
08:57 Then the judge put him in jail
09:04 and sentenced him to 14 years in prison.
09:07 Oh!
09:08 Then what happened to your sister?
09:11 She was avenged.
09:12 The rat shot her and ran after her.
09:14 Whatever he says, it's a true story.
09:18 But when I go out, I will take revenge from the enemy.
09:23 You can take revenge.
09:26 You are alive.
09:27 You are not dead.
09:33 He is from the circus.
09:35 Mr. Arun, I was also a big threat.
09:39 I raised my head in front of the enemy.
09:42 I said, give me my land back.
09:46 He said, we will not give it to you.
09:48 So he took it off.
09:49 No, I kept it inside.
09:52 Whenever you are released from here,
09:56 you have to do the same thing outside.
09:58 Listen to me, I am doing the Pokhara Tal.
10:01 Yes.
10:02 Give me something to eat.
10:04 Come here. Sit here and eat.
10:06 Who will do the Pokhara Tal?
10:08 I will get food for you.
10:09 Wow! He is a good man.
10:11 He is a very kind man.
10:12 If he didn't come, we would have been in jail.
10:14 Okay, no need for the Pokhara Tal.
10:16 I will get some special food for you.
10:18 Yes.
10:19 If your legs are not cut, then hold it.
10:22 One minute.
10:25 Take this.
10:32 How many rotis?
10:33 Oh, it's just water.
10:38 It's not rotis, it's juice.
10:40 He will get a straw.
10:43 Listen, the lentil is empty.
10:46 It's sitting somewhere.
10:48 Okay, it's not even tempered.
10:51 It's not even cooked.
10:53 You are talking about the cook, it's not even cooked.
10:57 I think the water he put inside.. - Yes.
11:01 ..is too much.
11:02 I am with you, you can do the Pokhara Tal.
11:05 Is this food that you are giving him?
11:07 No, no.
11:08 Look, it's not even cooked.
11:10 I think I will cook it.
11:12 I am not that good.
11:15 Otherwise, I would have cooked a lot of food for you.
11:18 Hey!
11:19 What happened? - Hey!
11:20 Don't you dare to say my name in front of me.
11:23 He was in jail for a reason.
11:24 What? - He was a drunkard.
11:26 He would have killed him.
11:27 Hey, Chalo.
11:29 I am here to meet you.
11:31 Thank God, my wife thought of me.
11:33 Sorry. - It's either you or you.
11:35 Sorry. - I wanted to meet you.
11:36 "Hug me."
11:38 Yes, yes, absolutely.
11:39 I am coming. - Yes, yes.
11:41 "Whether this beautiful night"
11:48 "will ever come again."
11:53 "Maybe in this life"
11:57 "we will never meet."
12:02 God willing.
12:03 Mr. Arun, he didn't tell us that he is getting married to Neha.
12:06 Don't pay attention to what he is saying.
12:09 Tell me, how is my son, Titu?
12:12 What is your son's name?
12:14 Titu.
12:15 Till the time you were at home
12:17 Titu would be misbehaving and creating a ruckus.
12:20 He wouldn't go to school.
12:22 But since you have gone, he has started taking A*s.
12:25 Oh. - That's good.
12:27 And my daughter, how is Sweety?
12:31 Till the time you were at home, I couldn't find a match for Sweety.
12:33 But since you have gone, I have found a match for her in a big family.
12:37 Find a few more.
12:39 She won't come out.
12:41 How is mother?
12:42 Till the time you were at home, she would be in bed.
12:45 But since you have gone, her BP, sugar, everything is fine.
12:50 Oh. - I am unlucky to have a careful husband.
12:55 Till the time you were at home, I couldn't even grow white hair.
13:00 Now look, it has turned black.
13:01 I was saying, till the time you were at home, I couldn't grow a husband.
13:05 We are not getting the right food, the day we are in jail.
13:12 Let's go, brother.
13:14 We get a bed in the morning, the day we are in jail.
13:17 The day we are in jail, we don't get a pillow.
13:21 Take him away.
13:25 Hurry up, we have to shoot a film.
13:28 Do you know, when you were at home, petrol was so expensive.
13:32 We used to drink it.
13:34 Now it has become so cheap, since you are here.
13:36 There is no problem in the neighborhood.
13:38 If you have a problem, you can go to jail.
13:40 Do you remember, when you were at home, time never passed.
13:44 Since you have gone, time has passed so fast.
13:47 I wish you are happy.
13:51 If you are happy, I will be here for 15-20 years.
13:54 You are going to be in jail for two days.
14:01 I will come again. - Hello, sister.
14:03 Hello. - Let him go, he is getting late.
14:07 Start the interrogation.
14:09 You have already eaten.
14:11 Till the time you don't get good food, he will remain hungry.
14:15 Yes.
14:16 But he is not wearing a mask because of that.
14:19 He hasn't been vaccinated yet.
14:21 Mr. Arun, we eat good food when we meet.
14:26 Yes.
14:27 I am meeting someone today. - What is she bringing?
14:29 She has made a delicious dish.
14:33 Oh, wow.
14:34 Don't call her a delicious dish.
14:36 She gets hungry.
14:37 Sir, I am meeting someone today. - Okay.
14:39 I have made a delicious meal for my brother.
14:43 Okay. - It has a little bit of desi ghee.
14:46 Wow.
14:47 He has brought a delicious dish for me.
14:49 Don't do that. You had minced meat.
14:52 Now, you are having a dish.
14:53 No, it's not. - It's unfair.
14:55 You are poor. You have a lot of minced meat.
14:57 Why are you bringing desi ghee?
14:59 I have noted that too.
15:02 Yes.
15:03 It's a little bit of desi ghee.
15:04 By the way, Mr. Leader, you look like Phoolan Devi.
15:08 Get ready. I am getting late.
15:11 I have to take a bath.
15:12 Now, I also feel like eating minced meat.
15:14 Get me something from Danish's head.
15:18 I am meeting someone today.
15:19 Why are you telling me?
15:20 I didn't tell you about the dish.
15:23 Okay, what is the dish?
15:24 It must be a dish of korma.
15:25 No, sir. We don't have korma at home.
15:28 Okay.
15:29 We have bought it from the market.
15:30 Don't do that.
15:32 Stop it.
15:34 What do you like to eat?
15:36 I like grilled fish.
15:38 He eats fish when he is angry.
15:44 Grilled fish?
15:46 Yes. - You are a great grill fish.
15:48 Oh!
15:49 He fainted after hearing grilled fish.
15:52 Hey!
15:53 Hey!
15:54 Call an ambulance.
15:55 Call a doctor.
15:56 Doctor!
15:57 Get a doctor.
15:58 Doctor!
15:59 Get a good doctor.
16:00 This is not a human's job.
16:02 Get me something quickly.
16:04 Whenever a person faints,
16:07 do you know what to do?
16:09 Cut him into pieces.
16:10 No.
16:10 Raise his legs.
16:12 Yes.
16:13 Raise his legs.
16:15 This is not done. This is how you raise them.
16:17 Because of blood circulation.
16:18 Yes.
16:19 Because of blood circulation.
16:20 If you cut his brain..
16:22 Come on.
16:22 This? - Yes.
16:24 You should burn his brain.
16:26 Come, doctor.
16:27 Come.
16:28 Come, doctor. Please.
16:31 Look..
16:31 I am not looking.
16:33 Doctor, he is unconscious.
16:35 Yes.
16:35 Look, they are dangerous people.
16:37 If something happens to me,
16:39 who is responsible?
16:40 We will get another doctor.
16:42 If you don't have an option, let me go.
16:45 No.
16:47 Doctor, he will die.
16:49 Yes.
16:50 Come. - They are dangerous.
16:51 No. - They are good people.
16:53 Hey!
16:54 Doctor!
16:55 He is shivering.
16:56 Doctor, come inside.
16:59 Turn the knife.
17:00 Come.
17:01 Come.
17:02 He shouldn't get up.
17:03 I will go inside with you.
17:06 No.
17:06 Come.
17:08 Come.
17:08 One minute.
17:09 No.
17:10 Hey!
17:12 Doctor, come inside.
17:14 Doctor, come inside.
17:16 The patient is dying.
17:17 Check him.
17:18 He is suffering from Dorphits.
17:20 Oh, God!
17:25 One second.
17:27 Look, slowly.
17:28 What happened?
17:32 Nothing.
17:33 Doctor, please hurry up.
17:34 Look, who is with him?
17:36 We are all with him, doctor.
17:38 I am with him.
17:39 I am also with him.
17:40 I have a glucose drip.
17:42 Okay.
17:42 Go to my clinic.
17:44 Okay. - I have a glucose drip.
17:45 Okay. - Tell them to give me the medicines.
17:47 Okay.
17:47 Get a bottle of water.
17:49 Hurry up. - Hurry up.
17:50 Hurry up.
17:51 Doctor, what should I get for you?
17:53 Sir, get a gurney.
17:54 Take him to the hospital.
17:55 Yes.
17:56 Jai, get what he is saying.
17:57 Come.
17:58 Get a gurney.
18:02 Go and get it.
18:02 Is it a gurney?
18:04 Get a wheelchair.
18:06 Get a wheelchair.
18:07 How will we make him sit on a wheelchair?
18:10 Get a gurney.
18:11 What is a gurney?
18:12 Stretcher.
18:13 Yes, stretcher.
18:14 They don't get it in football matches.
18:16 Okay.
18:17 I forgot it out of fear.
18:18 Doctor, he will be fine, right?
18:20 His health is telling me that he is not a prisoner.
18:22 He is a jailer's son.
18:24 Okay. Go and find out.
18:26 They have been gone for a long time.
18:28 Why didn't they bring the things back?
18:29 Who went to get the things?
18:31 The prisoner went.
18:32 Then why didn't you go with him?
18:33 I went to protect the doctor.
18:35 Then why didn't you go there?
18:36 I went to protect you.
18:38 What are you saying? Hurry up.
18:40 He ran away.
18:41 Hurry up.
18:42 He went dancing.
18:43 Hurry up.
18:44 He is a dancer.
18:49 And he is like this.
18:51 Mr. Karun, are you laughing?
18:56 Yes, I am laughing.
18:57 If he doesn't regain consciousness within 30 seconds..
19:00 Yes.
19:01 ..then his life can be in danger.
19:02 Oh! Then do something.
19:03 If he regains consciousness, then my life is in danger.
19:05 I guarantee you that there are many good people.
19:08 Please bring him back to consciousness.
19:09 Oh, God!
19:11 Oh, God!
19:13 I will have to try.
19:14 He has regained consciousness. Thank God.
19:21 Thank God.
19:22 Yes, he is safe.
19:23 Where did they all go?
19:24 They all ran away.
19:25 You went into a coma.
19:26 No, actually.. - They danced?
19:27 Yes.
19:28 What happened to them?
19:30 Actually, there is a dish.
19:31 If you take its name in front of them..
19:33 Okay. - ..then they go into a coma like this.
19:35 Oh!
19:36 It often happens that..
19:37 ..thank God, they regained consciousness quickly.
19:39 Yes. - I had left the clinic in a good condition.
19:42 [LAUGHTER]
19:44 Viewers, there is a small break.
19:48 Don't go anywhere. We will meet after the break.
19:50 He said, "You have been arguing for an hour and a half."
19:53 "Listen to me."
19:54 He said, "Didn't you get the case day before yesterday?"
19:56 [LAUGHTER]
19:58 He said, "Don't be so angry."
20:00 "What is it?"
20:00 He said, "My mind is in a mess."
20:02 [LAUGHTER]
20:08 Welcome back, viewers.
20:09 Before I go to Izza..
20:11 ..let me introduce Dr. Tahir Shaheer.
20:13 He is always with us on the show.
20:15 But today, we have a very special guest.
20:19 He is an American lawyer.
20:22 But he is a Pakistani and a poet.
20:23 Wow!
20:24 He has published many books on poetry.
20:28 He has also been awarded many awards for his poetry.
20:32 Wow!
20:34 He has also been awarded the Sahita Award..
20:37 ..which is a pride of performance.
20:40 Wow!
20:41 Very nice.
20:42 [APPLAUSE]
20:44 His name is Rehana Qamar.
20:47 Greetings.
20:48 Greetings.
20:49 Thank you very much for joining us today.
20:51 Thank you.
20:52 We will listen to poetry and talk to you.
20:55 Our audience is waiting. Let's go to them.
20:57 Come on.
20:58 Greetings.
20:59 Greetings.
21:00 My name is Naheed Kausar.
21:02 Yes.
21:02 My children and I watch your show with great interest.
21:06 Thank you.
21:06 I am often depressed.
21:08 So, they tell me to be careful.
21:11 Wow!
21:12 So that I can get rid of my stress.
21:13 Thank you very much.
21:14 It has been one and a half years since my husband passed away.
21:16 He used to watch your show with great interest..
21:19 ..since the time you started.
21:21 God has..
21:22 He had already predicted that you will be successful.
21:28 Thank you very much.
21:29 Wow!
21:30 God has given you this.
21:31 We are very happy.
21:32 Congratulations to your team.
21:34 Thank you.
21:35 May God give you more success.
21:38 Amen. Thank you very much.
21:39 I will end my speech with a poem.
21:42 Yes, sure.
21:43 The one who has left has given a gift of love.
21:46 Aha.
21:46 Now life is just a wait.
21:49 Wow!
21:50 Wow!
21:51 Very good.
21:53 Very good.
21:54 Thank you very much.
21:55 Thank you very much.
21:57 May God elevate their ranks.
21:59 And may God give you patience and courage.
22:01 Amen.
22:01 We are doing what we can.
22:03 May God keep you all happy. Thank you very much.
22:06 Next.
22:07 Greetings. Yusuf Gotti from Faisalabad.
22:09 Sir, I have a question.
22:10 If there were old comedians..
22:13 ..who would you make a part of your team?
22:17 Wow! What a great option you have given.
22:20 Wow!
22:20 Munawwar Zarif.
22:22 Wow!
22:23 Umar Sharif.
22:25 Wow!
22:25 Amanullah Khan.
22:27 Wow!
22:28 Muin Akhtar.
22:29 Wow!
22:30 Now you ask who would you remove?
22:32 Come here. - Who would you remove?
22:33 You must be thinking that I would remove Amanat.
22:35 No, Goga.
22:36 No.
22:36 Goga doesn't have a beard. He is a man with a beard.
22:39 I am straightening my hand.
22:41 No.
22:42 Not to straighten your hand.
22:44 You must be thinking that I would remove Amanat.
22:47 Believe me, it's not true.
22:49 If I had brought such big names..
22:50 ..they would have been Niman and Nihal.
22:52 Sir, whatever we are doing today is because of them.
22:56 Wow!
22:57 Wow!
22:57 They were our inspiration.
22:59 It's good that you kept Mr. Agha and Mr. Salim in the show for a long time.
23:03 Because after some time we would have been thinking.
23:05 It's not like that.
23:08 Okay.
23:09 They have to take two females with them.
23:11 Yes, next.
23:15 Greetings. - Greetings.
23:16 My name is Asif Javed Thomas. - Okay.
23:18 I watch your show 'Hoshiyaariyan' with great interest.
23:21 I am missing my son Arun Asif and my wife a lot on the set.
23:26 Wow!
23:27 I am a big fan of yours.
23:28 Thank you very much.
23:29 They are at home.
23:31 So, let them fulfill their interest.
23:33 You can sit at home.
23:34 No, I was just checking..
23:36 My son is still young.
23:38 I just wanted to check if the show is good or not.
23:40 The show is good if you cut your nose.
23:44 He was arguing with the judge for an hour and a half.
23:51 After hearing everything, he said..
23:53 ..didn't you finish the case the day before yesterday?
23:56 We don't shave our heads.
23:58 He said, 'What is this?'
23:59 I said, 'My brain is watering.'
24:00 He is not even shaving his head.
24:05 How much will he shave?
24:06 He was shaving his face.
24:10 I asked, 'What happened?'
24:11 He said, 'My face is watering.'
24:13 Yes, next.
24:17 Greetings. - Greetings.
24:18 My name is Maria.
24:18 My question is..
24:19 ..I sang a song in the show last time.
24:22 We have a small house.
24:24 I have a husband.
24:26 I have two kids.
24:27 We play by the river.
24:28 This is fine as far as imagination is concerned.
24:30 If you are in a pickle, what else can you do?
24:33 Yes.
24:33 I think his real life depiction would be..
24:35 ..that he has a big house.
24:37 He has 12 kids.
24:39 And he doesn't trouble his mother.
24:41 Okay, so the man should be such..
24:43 ..that his kids don't trouble his mother.
24:45 He should have a big house.
24:47 He should be a rich man.
24:48 He should have a house on the lake side.
24:50 So, is he blind?
24:52 No.
24:52 He should have a house on the lake side.
24:54 He should have a rich man's house on the lake side.
24:56 Mr. Haroon, I think that no matter what..
25:01 ..whether it's your husband or your husband..
25:03 Like my husband?
25:04 No, no.
25:05 No, I said, he should have a house on the lake side.
25:06 He has options.
25:07 The thing is that he should be so rich..
25:10 ..that he doesn't waste money.
25:13 You are here, so don't get married.
25:16 Yes, next.
25:18 Greetings, sir.
25:19 Greetings.
25:20 Sir, my name is Hasan Majok.
25:22 And I will present a song.
25:23 Wow. - Go ahead.
25:25 "Learn the art of forgetting."
25:38 "If you are leaving, erase all the marks."
25:52 "Even if it's a ritual."
25:57 "Turn around and look at me."
26:08 Wow.
26:09 "Keep playing the instruments."
26:19 Wow.
26:21 Wow.
26:22 Yes, next.
26:24 My name is Obeid Mohras.
26:25 I want to present a poem to you.
26:27 Go ahead.
26:28 And there is a Punjabi poem after that.
26:30 After that?
26:31 After that..
26:32 After that, the food will be served.
26:35 Go ahead.
26:38 After a poem, you have to take the guard outside.
26:41 Go ahead.
26:43 Your way of talking is very amazing.
26:46 Thank you.
26:47 And sometimes, there are some things that..
26:52 If we talk about it in general, it's a little bit..
26:56 And someone might feel bad.
26:58 But someone has said it well.
27:01 That the magic of voice or the charm of tone.
27:03 Yes.
27:04 That it doesn't sound bad.
27:06 Wow. Thank you.
27:07 And there is a Punjabi poem.
27:09 Go ahead.
27:10 "When you meet, you know that love is not old."
27:13 "When you meet, you know that night is not going to be early."
27:17 Wow.
27:18 "When you meet, you know that year is not going to be early."
27:22 "When you meet, you know that breath is not going to be early."
27:26 "When you meet, you know that love is not going to be old."
27:30 Wow.
27:31 Very nice.
27:32 Thank you.
27:33 I would like to add a little bit to his poetry.
27:35 Yes.
27:36 In this way.
27:37 Yes.
27:38 "When you meet, you know that I wake up at night."
27:41 Yes.
27:42 "I can't stop the rain of sorrows in my eyes."
27:45 "Oh, oh, oh, oh."
27:46 "Oh, oh, oh, oh."
27:48 "Oh, oh, oh, oh."
27:50 You did it quickly. Otherwise, he would have done it.
27:52 Viewers, you have a small break.
27:57 Don't go anywhere. We will meet after the break.
27:59 And the romantic poem..
28:01 Yes.
28:02 "The world wanted to give me a waist but.."
28:05 "The world wanted to give me a waist but.."
28:09 "The heart was on one side and the other side was.."
28:11 "The heart was on one side and the other side was.."
28:12 Wow.
28:13 Wow.
28:15 Welcome back, viewers.
28:19 Now, I would like to..
28:20 We have two famous poets with us.
28:23 Absolutely.
28:24 And one of them is me and the other is Mr. Rehana.
28:28 What?
28:28 So, we will..
28:30 Mr. Tahir Shaheer has brought your food.
28:32 Please give us something.
28:34 Chandeshah, I respect the one whom I love.
28:39 Wow.
28:41 I respect the one whom I love.
28:45 I limit my friendship and enmity to both.
28:48 Wow.
28:49 Wow.
28:51 I had a relationship with him.
28:56 Wow.
28:57 Now, I reject this world.
29:00 Wow.
29:02 Very nice.
29:03 I have a few more poems.
29:05 I used to dream and see.
29:08 I used to dream and see.
29:11 I used to dream and see.
29:13 Wow.
29:15 I used to cry in front of my mother's picture.
29:19 I used to cry in front of my mother's picture.
29:22 I used to see my mother's eyes.
29:24 Wow.
29:26 Mr. Arun, can I make a request?
29:30 Of course.
29:32 If she asks for money, you can see.
29:34 No, I just asked you.
29:36 No, she has to give first and then you can ask for money.
29:41 Ms. Rehana, I want you to recite a romantic poem.
29:45 Because when I read poems of women,
29:49 I feel that they are afraid to write their romantic emotions.
29:53 Or they think that their society will judge them.
29:55 Society with mental knowledge.
29:57 You are right. Listen to this.
29:58 Hello.
30:00 Yes, please.
30:02 I was the star on your path, my king.
30:06 Wow.
30:07 Again.
30:08 I was the star on your path, my king.
30:13 Those were the days when I was your princess.
30:16 Wow.
30:19 Those were the days.
30:21 It is also true that you have killed me.
30:25 Yes.
30:26 It is also true that I love you more than my life.
30:29 Wow.
30:31 Very nice.
30:33 The whole world knows that you are not mine.
30:36 The whole world knows that you are not mine.
30:39 The whole world knows that I was yours.
30:42 Wow.
30:45 Very nice.
30:46 When was the pain? It was my passion in your heart.
30:49 When was the pain? It was my passion in your heart.
30:52 When were the tears? They flowed from your eyes.
30:55 Wow.
30:58 Very nice.
31:00 And the romantic poem..
31:03 The world wanted to give me a waist but..
31:06 The world wanted to give me a waist but..
31:10 The heart was on the other side and I was on the other side.
31:13 Wow.
31:17 I was on the other side.
31:18 How beautiful.
31:19 And I wish you..
31:21 I am going to leave this world after 100 years.
31:24 All were rich and intelligent.
31:26 Wow.
31:28 Listen to me. - Yes.
31:29 You will just keep talking.
31:32 I will get her married to a rich boy.
31:34 Yes. - You will have to surrender.
31:37 Doctor, what have you brought today?
31:43 In the last show, the poem I was reciting..
31:46 I thought of expanding it further.
31:49 Extended version.
31:50 Extended version. Which poem was it?
31:52 It was..
31:52 It is the first day of the boss's ears..
31:54 ..whose profession is to be..
31:56 ..to be such a fool in every office.
31:59 Wow.
32:00 Absolutely.
32:02 A place where a person cannot live without being welcomed.
32:06 Wow.
32:07 A woman can be a burden on a man.
32:10 Yes.
32:11 Even if she weighs 10-15 kgs more..
32:14 Yes.
32:15 ..you still say that she looks smarter in these clothes.
32:17 Yes.
32:19 Even if she goes to the parlour and spends a lot of money..
32:22 No, she gets ready here.
32:24 ..you still praise her or she can get beaten up.
32:28 It is not written about me. - Okay.
32:30 It is written about Malaika.
32:32 Doctor, tell the truth.
32:34 I am not writing about sisters.
32:36 He has said that he never writes poetry about you.
32:42 Yes, he writes in paper.
32:43 Yes, doctor.
32:44 A widow can read.
32:47 And along with that, her family..
32:49 Yes.
32:49 ..her wife's family..
32:50 ..along with that, her family also has to say..
32:53 Yes.
32:54 ..that you live in your house with respect.
32:56 That's strange.
32:58 And even if she is a poison..
33:00 Yes.
33:01 ..but she is sweet.
33:02 Yes.
33:03 This is the summary of a good understanding.
33:06 Yes.
33:07 And you suffer the pain of the arrows of taunts.
33:10 Yes.
33:11 And the one who gets to do more is a liar.
33:13 Yes.
33:15 Doctor, I don't know poetry.
33:18 Otherwise, I am not getting humiliated.
33:20 Okay, it is time for music.
33:23 No.
33:24 No. - No.
33:25 One day, this music will be played.
33:29 Okay?
33:30 Mr. Arun, this is not possible.
33:32 I will get traumatized.
33:33 Please, stop. - It is possible.
33:34 Thank God, you found a singer like me.
33:36 Yes.
33:36 And see what happens here.
33:38 Yes, otherwise he would have been beaten.
33:42 I have heard that you have started singing your own..
33:46 ..purely homemade song.
33:48 Yes, my film's song.
33:49 Your own song?
33:50 Yes, my film's song.
33:51 Okay.
33:52 That means, he slapped you and you came back to your mother.
33:54 Yes.
33:55 Sir, we used to watch our own film.
33:58 Why?
33:59 I asked him why.
33:59 He said, 'See, my songs are also played in my own film.'
34:03 Viewers, this was today's show.
34:09 We will meet you in the next show.
34:11 Take care of yourselves.
34:12 Goodbye.