Panayam kay DILG Usec. Margarita Gutierrez

  • last year
Panayam kay DILG Usec. Margarita Gutierrez
00:00 We'll ask for an update from DILG.
00:02 Good afternoon, Chi, and you're looking great.
00:05 You as well.
00:07 In addition to the celebration of Christmas and New Year,
00:10 more than 64,000 police officers were deployed
00:14 to various transportation hubs and convergence areas
00:18 throughout the country to ensure the safety of the residents
00:23 during the celebration of Christmas and New Year.
00:26 According to PNP Chief General Benjamin Acordo Jr.,
00:30 aside from the police,
00:32 force multipliers also sent various government agencies
00:38 along with local governments
00:40 such as barangay tanod and traffic personnel.
00:43 General Acordo said that the strict security measures
00:48 they are implementing will remain until the celebration of Christmas
00:54 and New Year is over.
00:56 General Acordo ordered all PNP commanders
01:01 to implement the security measures
01:04 that are included in their jurisdiction or areas of responsibility.
01:09 These include patrolling,
01:11 implementing random checkpoints,
01:14 and setting up police assistant desks
01:17 to ensure the speedy response of the police in an emergency.
01:23 Okay, Yusek Marge, there are also several incidents of fire.
01:28 What is the DILG's response to this?
01:31 Yes, Chi.
01:32 The DILG encouraged the public to know
01:35 the emergency contact numbers of nearby fire stations
01:39 in their communities
01:41 so that they can easily ask for help during the fire season,
01:45 especially during Christmas.
01:47 Aside from the Christmas decorations,
01:50 authorities also recommended the use of firecrackers
01:54 as another primary source of fire incidents.
01:58 The DILG's Secretary Benjer Avalos
02:02 urged all local governments to issue ordinances
02:07 in their areas that prohibit the use of firecrackers
02:11 and to prioritize the implementation of community fireworks displays.
02:15 According to the Secret Service,
02:17 this call will greatly help reduce the number of accidents
02:23 and the unforeseen consequences of fire.
02:28 In another conversation, Yusek,
02:30 the DILG and a pharmaceutical firm had an MOU.
02:33 What are the details of this?
02:35 You're right, Chi.
02:36 More than one million Filipinos have chronic kidney disease
02:40 that can be affected by the Act Now or Addressing Complications Today.
02:45 This was signed by the DILG and the multinational pharmaceutical firm AstraZeneca
02:52 in a Memorandum of Understanding or MOU
02:56 that will be implemented in the Act Now program in 12 provinces.
03:02 The purpose of the Act Now program
03:05 is to combat complications in the heart and kidney
03:09 that are caused by diabetes, high blood pressure,
03:12 and to expand knowledge on chronic kidney disease.
03:16 Under the MOU,
03:19 each of the 12 provinces will receive a urine-albumin-creatinine ratio test machine
03:28 that is an important ingredient in the detection and prevention of CKD.
03:34 DILG Secretary Benjer Abalos also urged LGUs
03:38 to prioritize early detection and prevention of chronic kidney diseases in their areas.
03:46 Well, we have a lot of people who can help with this, Yusek March.
03:49 And because of that, thank you for the update.
03:51 You're welcome, Chi.
