国盟再放话接管中央 赢下甘马挽就能直通布城?

  • last year
八点最热报 | 登嘉楼甘马挽国席补选,国盟派出的登州大臣阿末三苏里,以3万7220张多数票狂胜,到底对安华和团结政府传达了怎样的政治信号呢?是否真的像国盟领袖所说的,他们已经拿到打开通往布城大门的钥匙了?(主播:梁宝仪)
00:00 Before watching the video, let me remind you that there is more content on the Hotline.
00:04 The Democratic National Assembly's presidential candidate, Amos Ansuli,
00:09 won the election with a majority of 37,000 votes.
00:12 What kind of political signal did he send to the Anhua and Tuanjie governments?
00:16 Is it really like what the leaders of the National Alliance said,
00:19 they have already got the key to the gate of the city?
00:22 In a Malaysian election, the winner of the majority-voting candidate's nomination,
00:27 it is really possible to play the story of Ali Baba and the 40 robbers opening the sesame.
00:33 If you read "open sesame", will the gate of the city be opened for them?
00:37 Let's not talk about the "Gamawan" winning the election,
00:40 is it equivalent to the curse of "the National Alliance got the sesame"?
00:44 But the National Assembly and the West Alliance jointly took office in this Malay area,
00:48 the number of votes of the candidates in the National Assembly did not increase compared to the last election,
00:51 but fell in contrast.
00:52 It does show that in the year of Anhua's coming to power,
00:55 the front line has tried to please the Malaysian people,
00:57 but the Malaysian people still don't buy the account.
01:00 However, with the support of more Malaysian voters,
01:02 will the National Assembly be able to govern the central government?
01:05 Political scholar Pan Yongqiang and the Vice Professor of Political Science, Shazza,
01:09 at the International Islamic University,
01:11 all think that the so-called "passing the election"
01:14 has made them open the gate of the city,
01:18 but it is just a speech to encourage the party members and supporters to be calm.
01:22 Can the National Assembly really get the key to the gate of the city?
01:25 It will be revealed until the next election.
01:29 Although the National Assembly and the West Alliance joined forces,
01:33 the candidate for the National Assembly, Afandi,
01:35 was defeated by more than 30,000 votes.
01:37 Political scholar Pan Yongqiang said
01:39 that the United Government has been actively pleasing the Malaysian voters for a year,
01:43 but the results of the election proved that
01:45 the efforts of the Anhua government did not get the same return,
01:48 but rather expanded the loss of votes.
01:50 The candidates of the United Government led by Anhua
01:53 lost the election by a greater margin.
01:56 This means that in the past year,
01:58 the Anhua United Government has not only not
02:01 regained the recognition of Malaysian voters,
02:05 but also expanded the loss of votes,
02:07 especially in the Xinjiang area of ​​Malaysia,
02:11 such as the East Coast.
02:12 So for Anhua, of course, this is a story worth being happy about.
02:15 Because in the past year,
02:17 although it has tried to please or comfort Malaysian voters
02:20 on many issues of religious groups,
02:24 the effect is obviously not obvious.
02:27 But for the leader of the National Assembly,
02:29 the victory has opened the way for the party to the gate of the city.
02:32 Professor Sazza of the International Islamic University of Political Science,
02:35 Pan Yongqiang, believes that
02:36 this is just a speech to encourage the party members and supporters to be confident.
02:39 In the political arena of the election,
02:40 it is impossible to get power immediately just because of a victory in the election.
02:43 The key to the gate of the city of the National Assembly
02:45 is to wait for the next general election as soon as possible.
02:47 Not for this term.
02:48 For this term, there is really a lot of talk, a lot of noise.
02:52 But honestly, the chances of PN getting to Putrajaya
02:56 is getting slimmer and slimmer by the day.
02:59 But perhaps, like I said, this could be a signal
03:02 that PN still has their strong support base
03:05 and it's possible for them to win for GE16.
03:10 And who knows, maybe if they can form a post-election coalition then,
03:14 perhaps they could be in Putrajaya again.
03:16 But definitely not now.
03:18 This is a speech to encourage the party members and supporters to be confident.
03:24 The Kuwaiti party, because it still has no way to gain non-Muslim support,
03:29 and there is not much support in East Asia,
03:33 so in Malaysia, this multiverse society,
03:36 it needs to govern, it still needs to have different ethnic groups
03:40 or support from East and West Asia across the region.
03:43 At present, if the alliance between the West and the United Front is stable,
03:50 of course, the Islamic Republic of China cannot be able to
03:54 cross the threshold of entering the "fog city"
03:57 just because of a victory in the election.
03:59 For the Kuwaiti party, the victory in the election of Gamawan
04:05 was a devastating victory.
04:07 The first party secretary of the party, Daji Yudin, described
04:09 that the election of Gamawan was a "concordance vote" for the government.
04:12 The poor performance of the new alliance is a proof that the people
04:15 refuse to unite the government, which is strong and beneficial.
04:18 However, the chairman of the state government and Deputy Prime Minister Mujahid
04:21 refuted the election after the event in Bucheng today.
04:24 He said that Gamawan is just a country.
04:27 The election result can only reflect the public opinion of Gamawan.
04:30 He believes that the Islamic Party has taken the vote of Gamawan's 140,000 voters
04:35 as a "concordance vote" for the people.
04:37 It is basically doing a daydream.
04:39 It is basically doing a daydream.
04:41 "The final decision of the Islamic Party is the decision of the people."
04:44 "The final decision of the Islamic Party is the decision of the people."
04:46 "The final decision of the Islamic Party is the decision of the people."
04:48 "The final decision of the Islamic Party is the decision of the people."
