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八点最热报 | 6州选举中出战108席,却只是保住19席的最大输家巫统,陆续传出要党主席阿末扎希下台的声音。希盟本来希望借助巫统的力量来吸引马来票,但最后不只流失更多马来支持,连一些议席也要靠希盟的支持才能过关。(主播:萧慧敏)


00:00 Before watching the video, I remind you that there is more content on the Hotpoint website.
00:04 108 seats were taken in the six-week election, but only the largest number of seats, 19, was kept.
00:09 The majority of the seats were for the Uyghurs, which repeatedly spread the voice of President Amjad Shaheed.
00:15 Xi wanted to attract votes from the Malay people with the help of the Uyghurs,
00:18 but in the end, not only did he lose more Malay support,
00:21 but some seats were also passed by Xi's support.
00:25 Political scientist Huang Jinfa believes that if Amjad Shaheed still leads the Uyghurs,
00:30 and the Uyghurs can't improve their competitiveness,
00:32 then the Uyghurs will become like Mahua in the past,
00:36 and in the end, they will rely on Xi's votes to pass.
00:39 If it goes on for a long time, it will only drag down Xi.
00:42 The political scientist Azmi Hasan also pointed out that
00:45 the most beautiful battle the Uyghurs fought in this election was in Sri Lanka.
00:49 Although the Uyghurs were defeated by a few foreign states,
00:52 overall, the results were quite good in the fierce green tide.
00:58 Especially the leader of Senzhou,
01:00 the second son of the Uyghur, Moha Shan,
01:02 defended his seat with more than 10,000 votes.
01:05 Therefore, he believes that the Uyghurs in Senzhou performed better than other states,
01:09 because the leader is the more innocent Moha Shan.
01:14 It's time for the Uyghurs to seriously consider replacing the leader.
01:19 Wang Jingfang also believes that Anhua may not need to cut the ties immediately,
01:23 but Anhua needs to express to the Uyghurs of all parties and ethnic groups
01:27 that what it needs is the Uyghurs, not a leader of one sect.
01:31 At the same time, the West also needs to help the Uyghurs improve their competitiveness.
01:35 This can be done by opening local elections
01:37 or by not restricting the number of Uyghur pre-election elections,
01:40 and restore the morale and vitality of the Uyghur grassroots.
01:43 Professor Shazza, a Vice Professor of Political Science at the International Islamic University,
01:46 believes that after the defeat of the 509 election,
01:49 the Uyghur should be reformed,
01:51 and the leadership must be replaced.
01:54 But until the 6th state election, the Uyghur was still the old Uyghur,
01:58 and it was not visible.
02:00 This is why the Malays still abandon the Uyghur.
02:05 A lot of people are asking for a different Amno, a changed Amno.
02:09 We thought that following last year's election, they would do that,
02:13 but we are not seeing that.
02:15 We are not seeing a different Amno.
02:16 It's just the same old Amno.
02:18 What we have repeatedly mentioned in the West,
02:21 what we have scolded the most in the West,
02:24 is the assassination of the Vice Prime Minister of the United Nations.
02:27 So this is what Anhua needs to deal with.
02:29 Huang Qinfa, a political scholar at the International Islamic University,
02:31 said that the Vice Prime Minister and President Amjad Jassi
02:34 have been the sword and the bullet of the United Nations,
02:36 and they provide the bullets to let the United Nations attack the United Nations.
02:38 If Prime Minister Anhua does not deal with this,
02:40 not only will the Uyghur not be able to regain power,
02:43 but the next generation will also be dragged down by the West.
02:45 Asmi Hassan, a political scholar at the International Islamic University,
02:47 also believes that it is time for the Uyghur to change their leadership.
02:50 The reason why the Uyghur can fight a beautiful battle in the Somaliland
02:53 is because the leader is Mohammed Hassan.
02:56 Perhaps Mohammed Hassan is a better candidate for the leadership.
02:59 Amno Negus Milan and also Amno Selangor especially,
03:03 they are both neighbours.
03:04 The constituency are basically the same.
03:06 The Malay voters basically have the same composition,
03:09 but so different.
03:11 Is it because of Mohammed Hassan,
03:13 which is considered very clean?
03:15 That needs to be pondered,
03:17 not only by Amno,
03:19 but also by Prime Minister Anhua Ibrahim.
03:22 Political scholars interviewed mentioned that
03:24 if the West still needs to rely on the Uyghur to win the Malaysian election,
03:27 the Uyghur must be strengthened.
03:29 Otherwise, in the end,
03:30 it will be like the former Mahua in the national politics,
03:32 now can only rely on the West to survive by the non-Malay vote.
03:36 Today's Uyghur becomes yesterday's Mahua.
03:39 The reason why Mahua can't attract Chinese support
03:42 is because it relies on the solidarity of the Uyghur to survive.
03:47 So today, the card that the National Alliance is going to play is that
03:51 the survival of the Uyghur today depends on the solidarity of the West.
03:56 This problem cannot be solved in the short term,
03:59 including the previous election.
04:02 So the problem is that we need to make Amno more prominent
04:07 so that they can attract the Malay votes.
04:09 Because the alternative is PAS,
04:11 which is not that rosy for the Pakatan Harapan supporters.
04:16 Although the Uyghur still can't win too many votes for the West,
04:19 political scholar Pan Yongqiang believes that
04:21 the West still needs the Uyghur.
04:23 Because for the West and Anhua,
04:25 they need a more prominent Malay nationalist party to join the UN.
04:29 Otherwise, there will be a strong Action Party
04:32 and some forces from the East Malaysia cross-ethnic political parties.
04:34 The multi-coloured party will be too strong to resist the National Alliance.
04:38 The government's multi-coloured party is too strong.
04:42 When it faces the National Alliance,
04:45 it can't resist the demands of Malay nationalism.
04:49 So it obviously needs the power of the Uyghur.
04:53 The Uyghur is a mild Malay nationalist party.
04:56 It still has a role in the government.
05:00 It can form a multi-coloured party to stabilize the Anhua government.
05:05 Political scholar Pan Yongqiang believes that
05:11 even if the Uyghur still can't win the votes for the West,
05:15 if the leaders of the Uyghur have new faces,
05:18 or if the traditional politicians can give way
05:21 to the middle class,
05:25 and if they can adapt to the mild Islamism and Malay nationalism,
05:30 the Uyghur can still adjust their image.
05:33 Although they can't go back to the past,
05:37 they can still gain 20% to 30% support in Malay politics.
05:42 The Uyghur can still be a key force.
05:46 Let's continue to watch today's "Stories of the Century".
05:50 See you next time.
05:53 Thanks for watching!
06:00 Next episode preview
