Relationship Tips: Harsh Truths About Modern Dating (Real Struggles)

  • last year
Do you struggle with your dating life? Modern dating is often tough due to factors like technology-driven superficiality, the paradox of choice, hookup culture, communication issues, busy lifestyles, high expectations, ghosting, and undefined relationships. Here are a few harsh truths about modern dating.
00:00 - Hey, Psych2Goers, and welcome back to another video.
00:02 Before we start, we'd like to give you a huge thanks
00:05 for all of the love and support that you've given us.
00:07 Psych2Go's mission is to make psychology
00:09 more accessible to everyone, and you help us do that.
00:11 Now, let's continue.
00:13 Have you ever felt like modern dating
00:14 is a never-ending game of cat and mouse?
00:16 It's the third night in a row
00:18 you've spent sitting in front of your laptop,
00:20 scrolling through endless dating profiles,
00:22 but so far, nothing has clicked.
00:24 (sighs)
00:25 You're not alone.
00:26 Many are feeling lost in the world of modern dating
00:28 right alongside you.
00:30 In today's digital age,
00:31 dating has undergone a major transformation,
00:34 and with these changes come some harsh truths.
00:37 Here are three harsh truths about modern dating.
00:40 Connection doesn't exist.
00:43 You've swiped through countless profiles
00:45 trying to find someone who catches your eye,
00:47 but more often than not,
00:48 you find yourself judging people
00:49 based solely on their looks
00:50 or a few brief lines in their bio.
00:52 Is this really worth it?
00:54 Is it possible to find a meaningful connection
00:56 in such a superficial landscape?
00:59 Online dating can sometimes lead to a shopping mentality
01:02 where people are too picky
01:04 and constantly looking for the next best thing.
01:06 Dr. Helen Fisher, an expert in relationships,
01:09 points out that this happens
01:10 because online dating is so easy and convenient.
01:13 People often prioritize physical appearance
01:16 rather than personality and compatibility,
01:18 which leads to missing good matches.
01:20 By prioritizing meaningful connections
01:22 over superficial qualities,
01:24 finding a compatible partner becomes more likely.
01:27 Best of luck on your search.
01:29 Halloween day.
01:31 Have you ever been ghosted by someone you really liked?
01:34 You thought things were going well with your crush,
01:37 but suddenly they stopped responding to your messages.
01:40 You were left wondering what happened,
01:42 why they would just disappear without any explanation.
01:45 You start to wonder if there was something wrong with you
01:48 or if you said something that had turned your crush off.
01:50 Days turn into weeks,
01:54 and you couldn't shake the feeling of rejection.
01:57 It's hard not to take it personally,
01:58 but ghosting, unfortunately,
02:00 has become a very common occurrence in modern dating.
02:02 It can have some serious negative effects
02:04 on your emotional wellbeing.
02:06 According to a study by the University of Texas,
02:08 people who have been ghosted
02:09 report higher levels of anxiety, depression, and distress
02:13 than those who receive a clear rejection.
02:15 Dr. Janice Villar, a clinical psychologist,
02:18 explains that being ghosted
02:19 can even trigger the same parts of the brain
02:21 as physical pain.
02:23 It's really important to be aware of the potential harm
02:25 that ghosting can cause
02:27 and approach dating with empathy and respect towards others.
02:31 By being open and honest in communication,
02:33 you can create a more positive dating culture
02:35 and foster healthier relationships.
02:37 Trending insecurities.
02:39 Your social media feed is ripe with post after post
02:42 of happy couples and romantic gestures.
02:45 A knot forms in your stomach
02:46 as you compare your own relationship
02:48 to the seemingly perfect ones on your screen.
02:50 Doubts creep in as you wonder
02:52 if you're doing something wrong
02:53 or if your partner really loves you
02:55 as much as those other couples seem to love each other.
02:58 It's not uncommon to feel a little envious
03:00 when scrolling through social media
03:01 and seeing other people's happy relationships and milestones.
03:05 In fact, a study by the Pew Research Center
03:07 found that over 60% of social media users
03:10 have experienced this kind of envy.
03:12 However, social media is not always
03:14 an accurate reflection of reality.
03:16 So it's okay to take a break if you're feeling overwhelmed
03:19 and focus on your own journey
03:20 instead of comparing yourself to others
03:22 as everyone's path is different.
03:25 Despite the challenges of modern dating,
03:27 remember that there are still people out there
03:29 searching for genuine connections like you.
03:32 Staying true to yourself and your values is key
03:34 in finding someone who truly appreciates and accepts you.
03:37 So don't lose hope and be open to honest communication
03:39 with potential partners
03:40 about what you're looking for in a relationship.
03:43 We genuinely care about your thoughts and experiences
03:46 so feel free to share them with us in the comments below.
03:48 And if you found this video helpful,
03:50 don't hesitate to share it with your loved ones.
03:52 Your support means the world to us.
03:54 Until next time, take care of yourself
03:56 and keep an open heart.
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