Best Online Dating Tips for Women | How To Make Online Dating Work

  • 9 months ago
This video explains how to succeed in online dating as a woman and stop feeling frustrated with your results.
00:00 This is Bern and if you're a woman who's tired or confused or disappointed at this online
00:06 dating thing, you want to stick around because in my episode today, I'm going to be sharing
00:10 with you my five top tips as a woman to succeed doing online dating.
00:16 Hello, this is Bern.
00:21 Welcome to
00:24 Today is another edition of Ask Bern where any of you beautiful women get to ask me a
00:27 question on love, intimacy/sex, understanding men and I get to create a video with an answer
00:34 just for you.
00:35 Today's question comes from one of my viewers.
00:37 Her username is FullPinkLips01 and her question is, "What are your thoughts on online dating?"
00:42 So I thought, FullPinkLips01, instead of just giving a generic basic answer about my thoughts
00:46 on online dating, something more powerful for you and for any other woman who's online
00:51 dating who's thinking about this is to give you my five top strategies to succeed as a
00:55 woman doing online dating.
00:56 The first one is pretty simple and it's make online dating your complementary strategy
01:01 versus your core strategy.
01:02 Here's what I mean.
01:03 A lot of women live under the illusion that they have no time to connect with men in the
01:06 real world and that the only way they can connect with guys is online dating.
01:10 So if that's your thought pattern, you're going to put a lot more pressure in making
01:14 this work and if you get a week or a couple of weeks where you get contact from guys that
01:18 are not your type, where you think these guys are losers or wasting your time, you're going
01:22 to be very frustrated.
01:24 So be very aware of many, many, many ways in your life to connect with men everywhere
01:30 you go, the coffee shop, the gym, yoga class, in line as you're picking up your tickets
01:35 for your concert, going out with friends.
01:38 So there's many ways for you to connect with guys.
01:40 I need for you to start connecting with guys outside of just the online world so that the
01:45 online world becomes like the gravy, like it's just icing on the cake where you get
01:50 five more guys who want to connect with you, but those are not the only five guys that
01:53 you are connecting with in your life.
01:55 Does that make sense?
01:56 Number two is pretty simple, but you'd be surprised how many women get this wrong, is
02:01 get the best possible picture of you.
02:05 And I don't mean the picture where you cut off your friend that you're hugging and basically
02:09 has some light on the background and is basic super low quality.
02:13 I mean, if you can't afford to have somebody take professional pictures of you at the moment
02:17 or you don't want to do that, by the way, if you're going to do that, do it outside
02:20 and do it in a studio, do it outside.
02:22 But if not, get a friend with a regular camera, rent a camera or get an iPhone six who has
02:28 a pretty good camera and have them take pictures of you, just you.
02:33 Okay, great setting, big smile, shoulder to head, something where your personality shines.
02:39 And here's the key for a great picture.
02:41 Besides having a good quality picture, meaning not pixelated, not dark, I want for your energy
02:49 to be pretty high.
02:50 So do something fun before you take the picture.
02:52 Dance, move, laugh.
02:54 And in the moment of feeling this great emotions, get a picture taken.
02:58 Okay, third point.
03:01 When you write your profile, paint a picture.
03:03 Don't just write this description of I'm a passionate person.
03:06 If you're a passionate person, paint a picture with words of how you're passionate.
03:10 What things do you like?
03:11 What are you passionate about?
03:12 Why are you passionate about them?
03:14 Instead of saying, I am super honest, paint a picture of how you're honest.
03:20 Let the guy know, basically the guys who are going to be reading this, the kind of person
03:24 that you are by being willing to share more details versus big themes.
03:31 It's better for you to share two details that are very accurate about who you are than saying,
03:34 I love music.
03:35 Well, what kind of music do you like?
03:37 Who's your favorite artist?
03:38 Why do you like him?
03:40 Make sure I'd rather for somebody to look at your profile and say, I hate this woman.
03:44 I don't want to connect that for somebody, but everyone to look at it and it's like wishy
03:48 washy.
03:49 Like I don't get a sense of who she is because she's basically, it's like elevator music
03:53 in a profile.
03:54 Don't be, don't write an elevator music profile, write a profile that puts out your heart and
03:58 be descriptive.
04:00 Number four, incredibly important.
04:03 And I think if you were to understand, just get this one, then your life online dating
04:07 is going to be so much more successful.
04:09 And that is that 90 10 rule.
04:12 And here's my 90 10 rule for you.
04:14 90% of the stuff you're going to get online is absolutely concentrated, pure crap.
04:19 Meaning guys who are just want to have sex with you or guys who are absolute losers.
04:22 So guys who never have seen themselves in a mirror and have the audacity to want to
04:27 contact you, you have to give it for them.
04:28 They have so much confidence and you like, and you're thinking to yourself, have you
04:32 looked at yourself?
04:33 There's no way we'd ever connect with you, but here they are connecting with you.
04:35 Right?
04:36 And the majority of people who connect with you will be in this bucket of absolute crap
04:41 in terms of resonance with you.
04:43 Not that the guys are crap themselves, it's just that the resonance is not there for you.
04:46 10% of the guys are going to be great.
04:48 So for you to succeed in online dating, you have to be willing.
04:51 The price to pay for online dating is you have to be willing to shift through a pile
04:55 of stuff that's not good for you or connected or resonant with you to get to the quality
05:00 guys who you want to connect with.
05:02 If you're not willing to pay that price, don't even go in there.
05:04 Like if you go in there and say, well, I've gotten so many emails from guys who are not
05:07 my type.
05:08 That's what's supposed to happen when you do online dating.
05:10 Guess what?
05:11 That's what happens.
05:12 But if you stick around and you do this with grace and you do this with patience, you will
05:19 get to guys who are great quality.
05:20 You just have to be willing to go through the ones who are not.
05:23 And I don't mean you don't have to respond to them or anything, but you just have to
05:26 be willing to stand the test of patience.
05:30 The last one is very, very important.
05:32 Just as powerful as this one.
05:34 And again, so many women, I've seen the majority of women either do this thing where they are
05:39 getting disappointed because it's not happening fast enough or they are creating emotional
05:46 soap operas, unending number of emails and connections and you get with a guy that they've
05:53 never met.
05:54 So my biggest advice would be if you're already in there, if you're already connecting with
05:58 guys, take it offline as soon as possible.
06:01 Okay.
06:02 Choose a safe place to connect, but don't spend endless email interchanges connecting
06:08 and getting to know someone before you see them.
06:11 I mean, before you meet them in person, before you get a chance to hear their voice, sometimes
06:15 just one look at them, you and them in their eyes makes you know that they're not your
06:20 guy, you know, because you don't really feel it or they have this creepy energy and here
06:24 you are, you've spent like all this months corresponding to a guy who's not your guy.
06:29 So take it offline as soon as possible.
06:31 A real relationship takes that human connection.
06:35 You will get more from one coffee with a guy than you will get in months and months of
06:41 this fictitious relationship you're creating online.
06:44 So those are my first tips, best tips for you.
06:46 If this is powerful, you find this helpful, I invite you to do three things.
06:50 Number one, click like on this video right now.
06:52 Number two, subscribe to my channel.
06:53 Number three, most important of all, if you do nothing else, there's going to be a button
06:57 that appears right here in your screen that allows you to connect with me on a webinar
07:05 that I'm going to be sharing a three-step proven blueprint that I've taken thousands
07:10 of women already through to find your soulmate in nine days or less.
07:14 Very, very powerful stuff and it's free.
07:16 And finally, if you have any questions for me, post a comment on this video.
07:20 Let me know what your take is on this.
07:22 Any questions, I mean, I'll be happy to either respond personally or even better, create
07:25 a video like this one just for you.
07:27 Thank you so much and as always, I challenge you to live a fully conscious life.
07:31 [Music]
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